Save Operation Failed Error After Decompile

Oct 31, 2007

I'm beginning to lose the will to live over this one. I've been merrily developing a large application (ADP) in Access 2000 and 2003 over the past 5 years. The size of the ADP is now around 30MB and it contains the following quantities of objects:

23 modules
424 forms (409 with modules)
296 reports (284 with modules)

My problem is that whenever I use the decompile switch and then recompile I get the dreaded "The Save Operation Failed" message on saving the code and the whole ADP is then rendered corrupt. My only option is to create a new ADP and import each object type (Modules first, then forms then reports) separately, compiling as I go. This seems to work OK but when I open a file I've been working on in Access 2000 on an Access 2003 PC it seems to decompile it by itself and then won't compact/save. Does anyone have any ideas about this? I've searched Google and can't come up with any reasonable suggestions.

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Save Operation Failed

Feb 24, 2006

anyone know of a reason for this error: "The save operation failed"? I attempted to edit some code and tried to save but got this error. Also been getting some out of memory errors. Not sure why though. Thanks

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ODBC-call Failed, Error 3146

Oct 14, 2004

I have an ODBC connection to our company's data that uses Macola. I can enter criteria in the fields in Access to filter that data, but when I try to put a parameter query in such as [Enter order number:] I always get an "ODBC-call failed" message, error# 3146. Can I even solve this problem, or am I just not going to be able to actively change the criteria unless through a pivot chart or table, or by hand? Can anyone help? Thanks.

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Operation Must Be Updateable Query Error?

Mar 9, 2006

Can someone tell me why this query is causing this error? I don't understand it:


thank you

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ERROR: Operation Must Use An Updateable Query.

Mar 25, 2007

asp code:
Code:<%Set Con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Con.Open "db"dim username, password, mailusername = Request.form("username")password = Request.form("password")mail = Request.form("mail")sql= "INSERT INTO users(username) values('" & username & "')"Con.Execute sqlCon.closeset Con = nothing%>

Code:Error Type:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query./site/content/register_act.asp, line 13

It's says it has something to do with permissions...

I set writing & reading permissions for the db and the directory that contains it through
contorl panel->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services

I have no "security tab" when I rightclick->properties the db file or it's directory even though the file system is NTFS

in spite all these when I rightclick->properties the directory that contains the db I see a "read only" square marked in the general tab-attributes, when I try to unmark it seems to be unmarked but when I rightclick->properties again it's marked again...

what should I do?

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Error 2001: You Canceled The Previous Operation

Feb 26, 2008

Code:Private Sub iProduct_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If DCount("*", "Products", "Product = " & Me.iProduct) > 0 Then MsgBox ("Code Executed Successfully") End IfEnd Sub

I keep getting the error 2001: you canceled the previous operation and I don't know why.

'Products' is the table name, 'Product' is the field name and 'iProduct' is the name of the comboBox on the form.

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Run-Time Error '2001':You Cancelled The Previous Operation.

Jul 27, 2005

I don't know why this error message appear.
this message appear when I a lookup function is run.
The code statement that genrate this error for me is:

CName = DLookup("Name", "VisCardHolders", "Indx=" & CIndx)

Dim CIndx as long

The VisCardholders is a recordset consists of two fields:

One of the exist records in the [VisCardholders] is
Name: James Southern

.I tried to find the reason of this error but unfortuantelly, I found nothing.
Please tell me.

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Run Time Error '2001' You Canceled The Previous Operation

May 19, 2006

I have the following code:

Private Sub PLPREMCAL_Click()

Dim ColumnNumber As Integer

ColumnNumber = [NoWorkingDirectors] + [NoManualEmployees] + [NoPriciples]

If [LOI] = "2.6m" Then
PLPremium = DLookup("[" & ColumnNumber & "Emp]", "2_6m", "[Business]=Forms![Form1]![Business]")

ElseIf [LOI] = "3.9m" Then
PLPremium = DLookup("[" & ColumnNumber & "Emp]", "3_9m", "[Business]=Forms![Form1]![Business]")

ElseIf [LOI] = "6.5m" Then
PLPremium = DLookup("[" & ColumnNumber & "Emp]", "6_5m", "[Business]=Forms![Form1]![Business]")

ElseIf [LOI] = "10m" Then
PLPremium = DLookup("[" & ColumnNumber & "Emp]", "10m", "[Business]=Forms![Form1]![Business]")
End If

End Sub

LOI is coming from a Combobox on my form. When I change the LOI I want the PLPremium value on my form to up tho the value in that table.

It's so frustrating - I keep getting this run time error

Would REALLY appreciate any help.

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Runtime Error 2001- You Cancelled The Previous Operation

May 28, 2006

The code below is from a form named frmWorkorderComplete I use to append the tblWorkordersComplete table with data from the fields in the table tblWorkOrders. I'm trying to prevent duplicate entries in the tblWorkOrdersComplete table. To do this, I create a unique identifier for each record to be appended by combining the "ordered", "company", and "salescategory" into a string which is inserted into the "wonmbr" primary key field of the tblWorkorderComplete.

The following code is used in the subroutine to check if a particular wonmbr has already been appended. However, I keep receiveing the error: "Runtime Error 2001- You cancelled the previous operation" EVERYTHING else in this sub routine works fine when I remove the offending code:

If DCount("[wonmbr]", "tblWorkorderComplete", "[wonmbr] = str_wonmbr") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Workorder Already Appended!"
Exit Sub

Private Sub Archive_Click()

' declare variables
Dim Variable1 As String
Dim Variable2 As String
Dim Variable3 As Date
Dim Variable4 As Date
Dim Variable5 As Date
Dim Variable6 As Date
Dim Variable7 As Date
Dim str_wonmbr As String
Dim strI As String
Dim strS As String
Dim strSQL As String

Variable1 = [company]
Variable2 = [salecategory]
Variable3 = [ordered]
Variable4 = [filled]
Variable5 = [billed]
Variable6 = [shipped]
Variable7 = [received]

' Create the unique identifier
str_wonmbr = Format([ordered], "yyyy-mm-dd") & "-" & [company] & "-" & [salescategory]

If DCount("[wonmbr]", "tblWorkorderComplete", "[wonmbr] = str_wonmbr") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Workorder Already Archived!"
Exit Sub

' build SQL string
strI = "INSERT INTO tblWorkordersComplete (wonmbr, company, salescategory, ordered ) "
strS = "SELECT '" & str_wonmbr & "', '" & Variable1 & "', #" & Variable3 & "#, #" & Variable4 & "#, #" & Variable5 & "#, #" & Variable6 & "#, #" & Variable7 & "#;"
strSQL = strI & strS

' run SQL code and append data
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End If
End Sub

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Tables :: Selective Operation Of DataType Mismatch Error

Aug 22, 2014

I have a table 'Project Details' to which I have recently added a new field 'Last Invoice issued'. This field is a text field with a lookup and will default to 'No' for new records being added. When the related record is updated in my 'Invoices' table, I have set up a query to change 'Last Invoice Issued' to yes. This is all working fine, but it requires all the records in 'Project Details' to contain 'No' already in order for it to work. As there are over 1000 records in 'Project Details' I made a list in Excel of the right number of no's and copied it in. Most records were fine with the exception of 127. I can edit any of the other fields from the 'Project Details' datasheet or my data entry form, but when I try to edit one of the 127, I get a DataType mismatch error. I can't understand since the records are all in one table and have exactly the same DataTypes set up for each field, why I can edit some and not others? Is there some other place where DataType can be set up that may affect some records and not others?

I have tried to copy my table to post here but when I do that, I get a 'Index or Primary Key cannot contain a Null value' error due to the (New) record having the default values already in but the primary key not being filled until I save,.

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Decompile Both Front End AND Back End?

Nov 22, 2005

Hope this isn't too silly, but I've just discovered "decompile". Instructions don't mention back ends and front ends. Do you have to run decompile on the FE and again on the BE, or is it sufficient to do it only on the FE (which has links to tables in the BE).


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"Operation Must Use An Updatable Query." Error

Oct 3, 2007

I tried to update a column in a table (tblReservedPart) from a query (qryF4101) using Update Query. Here is the code:

UPDATE tblReservedPart INNER JOIN qryF4101 ON [tblReservedPart].[PN]=[qryF4101].[PartCode] SET tblReservedPart.strProductLine = [qryF4101].[IMGLPT]
WHERE [tblReservedPart].[PN]=[qryF4101].[PartCode];

I received an error "Operation must use an updatable query." I am not updating the query. What is the error complaining?


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General :: Rightclick Menu In Explorer - Compact Or Decompile Access File

Sep 24, 2012

I am looking for a registry setting or .reg file to rightclick on an Access file and in the menu i want to compact or decompile the access file.

I know it is possible but i don't know what's the registry setting.

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Why Can't I Save Changes After An Error?

Jul 18, 2006

I previously posted this in one of the other forums, but now believe this to be of a more general nature, and am still without a satisfactory explanation or any workaround:

I'm working on a new database with Access 2003, using the 2002-2003 file format. While debugging a VBA code module in the VB editor, whenever I get a runtime error something strange happens - I stop the debugger, correct the code and attempt to save my changes, and Access displays the message "Microsoft Office Access can't save design changes or save to a new database object because another user has the file open. To save your design changes or to save to a new object, you must have exclusive access to the file." It then persists in denying me the ability to save ANYTHING until I close the VB editor, close the Access application, and then start over again. In fact, there is no other user - all other machines on the network are turned off, and no other instances of Access or the VB editor are open.

Needless to say, this is slowing my development efforts to a crawl, and I'm totally stumped by it - I never remember running into this problem in years of working with Access 97 (where I can hit errors, stop execution, make any needed corrections to code or other objects, and re-run the application, without having to exit). I'm running this on a P4 3.4 GHz box with 1 GB of RAM. Going into Tools, Options, Advanced and switching the "Default open mode" between Shared and Exclusive makes no difference.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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Save Error In Large Table

Jan 18, 2005

I have a table with 140 fields (I know, this is too many). I have a date field that intermittently will not allow data to be entered. There is a pattern to the data it will not accept, but it seems to only occur in certain records and what it will or will not allow seems different in each case. The error I get when I try to save a record is: The search key was not found in any record. I've isolated the error to the level of the table. Have tried compact/repair, removing the index on the field, deleting and recreating the field. Nothing works. Help! :confused:

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Cannot Save Record At Time Error

Jan 4, 2012

We have a database stored on a network drive used by a number of people across the organization over a Windows XP Network. I have an strange issue where some users get the error attached when trying to amend a record. However other users are able to amend the very same records. All the relevant user/windows permissions are identical. There is no security/permissions settings on the database for it to behave in this manner. The record seems to lock itself the moment you try to edit it.

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Error (no. 2501): The Save Action Was Canceled

Sep 13, 2006

Hi all,

Recently I am getting this message in a database that would allow users to add new rows to tables, even when I look into the tables themselves I can't seem to enter data

Would anyone know what could be causing this error?

Error (no. 2501): The save action was canceled



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Forms :: Update And Save Button Code Is Getting Error

Aug 24, 2014


Private Sub Save_Click()
If IsNull(cboEmpName) Then
MsgBox "Please Select Employee Name"
End If
If Me.txtNoofDaysWorked.Value = "0" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter No of Worked Days"


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Error '2118' You Must Save The Current Field Before You Run The 'Requery' Action

Oct 11, 2007

I have a Contacts form which has a Calls sub-form which itself has a Subjects sub-form. From the Contacts form the user can click a button which writes a pro-forma letter from a selection. The application then updates the Call & allows the user to select the Subject(s) from the Subjects available (drop-down menu). If the user wants to write a second letter immediately, I get the above message. If they do anything else first, they are OK.
I have tried refreshing the Contacts form & each of the others at various points in the process, explictly saving the record (caused another error) etc. without success.
Can you help?

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General :: Bound Form - Error No Current Record On Save

May 10, 2014

I have been working on a bound form that I can't seem to get working.

It records deliveries and what I am trying to achieve is after the form has been filled in the user will click a save button where the record will be added to the table and a record automatically printed via a report and emailed to the shop manager, but i keep getting the error "No Current record" no matter what way I try to do it, I have tried using to run the report. Is the best way for me to accomplish this o change it to an unbound for and run an insert query on click?

I have attached a copy of what I have been working on : DatabaseDelivery.accdb

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Forms :: Unable To Edit / Save Record - Runtime Error 2107

Apr 30, 2014

My database was working fine. Now, if I have to save or edit a record, I get a message Run time error 2107. The value you entered does not meet the validation rule defined for the field or control. I am able to enter and edit new records in the table. I did not change any validation in form. Then it goes to debug mode and highlighted this code (me.recordsource=Listsql - is highlighted)

Private Sub ListSearch_Click()
Dim dBS As Database
Dim Rst As Recordset
Dim Listsql As String
Set dBS = CurrentDb()
Listsql = "Select * from MasterData where employeeid ='" & [Forms]![MASTERFORM]![ListSearch] & "'"

[Code] ....

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General :: Access Will Not Save Picture Appropriately - Runtime Error 2450

Apr 27, 2014

I have a access program and recently I began getting this Error out of the blue . I really need to fix this error because it shuts down my entire program . When I go to save a pic like i always do and it will not recognize the "quote Main ".


Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![HousePicture] = Me.PicSave
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![ZoomValue] = Me.ZoomValue
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![GoogleZoom] = Me.GoogleZoom

Error I receive

Runtime access error 2450 ............. ? Capture2.PNG


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Modules & VBA :: Save As Dialog Box - Allow User To Save Copy Of Current Database At Desired Location

Feb 12, 2014

So I have this relatively simple problem: I need to create a button that once clicked will open the Save As dialog box and allow the user to save a copy of the current database where he wishes. The filename should contain todays date in DDMM format along with some pre-set text e.g. DDMM PresetText.

I am using Access 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Access Report As PDF And Save To Folder

Jan 10, 2014

I have a few selected reports on an Access 2007 database that users can run. Is there a way for users to view the report, save as a PDF and automatically save a copy to a shared drive by modules/vba coding as an On Click event procedure?

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ODBC Failed

Feb 9, 2006

i am using access as a front end to SQL Server 2005 and link tables via ODBC.

Today when I run a query (normally works fine) I receive an ODBC Failed message box. I have tried opening each link table connected to the query and can open fine.

can anyone suggest other reasonf or this failure?

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ODBC Failed

Mar 17, 2006

I am running a report that is built up of several backend queries.

I have identified the query that is causing the ODBC Failed message to appear, but cannot identify what is causing the problem.

I have tried to recreate the queries starting form the base query (which works fine).

Cannot anyone suggest anything?



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