Save Form Before Entering A Linked Form

Jan 27, 2005

This is the code that runs when a button on form 1 is pressed to open form 2(form 2 is called Replacement Unit):

Private Sub Command80_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command80_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Replacement Unit"

stLinkCriteria = "[Repair No]=" & Me![REPAIR No]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command80_Click

End Sub

I want to save the changes to [form 1] before [Replacement Unit] opens. What and where do I enter code? Sorry, only just started to learn VB. (Using Acc97). Any help would be great! :)

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Update / Refresh A Form Upon Entering Data In A Popup Box / Form

May 24, 2005

I apologize if this has probably been asked countless times; however, in my search of this forum I could not find something that seemed to work for something so simple.


I have 2 forms. The first form is my main form and the second form is my "popup" form. Both of these forms access the same table. In my main form I have it so people can not enter in a ID so it reduces accidental data entry. Therefore, I created a "popup" box that allows ID entry.

Everything works great except when I close out of the popup form, the newly entered data is not available unless I close the main form and reopen.

Million Dollar Question:

How do I refresh or requery (dunno the correct term usage here) the main form to reflect the addition I made in my popup form. I would like the refresh event to happen when I click the close button on my popup form.


Again, I know this is probably simple, but I cannot find it anywhere or most likely I am blind :cool:

Thank You

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Prevent Form From Displaying New Record And Save It When Form Requery Or Close

Aug 26, 2014

I have a split form that's like a list of pending tasks. The data source is a linked SharePoint 2013 list where users submit requests. The user takes the information from each record and performs an action. When it is done, the user presses a button and the task status changes from "Pending" to "Processed". The form record source is based on a query that finds only records with a status of "Pending" so when the user changes the status of the task, it is removed from the list. It works fine except when there is only one task left in the work list. If the user processes the last task, the form refreshes and it goes to a new empty record and I get an error message that says I must enter a value into one of the required fields. I tried making the field non-required but it just creates an empty record in the table.

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Forms :: Way To Continue To Blank Form After Entering Information Into Previous Blank Form?

Mar 25, 2013

When entering information into a blank form, I would like to be able to continue entering information to another additional blank form after my last entry. Is there a way to continue to a blank form after entering information into the previous blank form? I would just like to continue without having to close the entire form and then reopening another form.

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Entering Data Into A Form

Jan 24, 2005

I have a form with a sub-form


Purchase Order with main details on (Po Number, Supplier etc)
with a sub form carrying the line items to be ordered.

Table PO
Form PO

When entering main order details into Form PO, why do the fields in the related table(Table PO) immediately get populated when the the focus gets transfered to the sub-form (Form POSUB). with users quiting the database illegally (not by the cancel records button) the result is unwanted records in the Table PO.

What I want to do is complete the input fields in the main and sub forms without any records being commited to the tables until the "Save Record" button is pressed.


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Entering Data In A Form

Jul 4, 2005

I've been working on a database (attached) for a health trust. I think the relationships are right but I'm having a problem entering data. The subform shows the correct data but I can't figure out how to enter data using a form.

Can someone point me to a tutorial - I have searched the forums - honest!!

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Entering Information Into Form.

Mar 17, 2006

I have couple of forms where...The users enters a name of the river where he/she was fishing in, I also have an option where the user can browse for previous entered rivers.I am wondering how this works, how do I let the information entered go automatically into the browse section and how can I prevent from duplicates will appear in the browse for previous entered rivers. thanxp.s is this something that I will work with in the table it self or can I change this in the form ???

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Entering Multiple Data In A Form

Aug 8, 2006

I've designed a form to enter several items at the same time, eg, I want to enter aeveral company names on one form. The trouble is that when I enter data into one box, it appears in all the other boxes with the same field names, not allowing multiple data, is there a way around this?

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Entering Values From A Form To A Table

Feb 27, 2005

Hi Guyz!! How u doing???!!!

I am new to VBA, and i need some help in my system..... basically i am creating a appointments Form, and in this i have some txt fields and a listbox which contains the available times ... What i want my form to do is that as the user enters the values in the form and the time selected, as clicking the "set Appointment" button it should add the values to the table.

I have included a word document of my form: Just as some help... Could you guyz help me with the coding... I am not at all good at coding! Thanx alot guys.. I really appreciate your help!!

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Auto Entering Date Into A Form

Apr 9, 2005

basically, i have an invoice form, and on this I need to add InvoiceDate to it. Now, on the form, I have =Date(), but this changes every time i open the form, so it dosnt actually record the date. I have to manually type the date in to the form, which is not very good usibility practice. Can anyone help? Ive tried searchin, but I couldnt fin much relevent stuff. CHeers

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Populate Form By Entering Data

Jan 23, 2006

I have a form with two fields, EMPLNO and SURNAME.

By entering the employee number in EMPLNO or by entering the name in SURNAME I wish to get the correct record onto the form.

This is probably covered in the archive, but I'm not sure what to look for.

Any suggestions.

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Users Entering A New Record Through A Form?

Mar 17, 2006

Hello! :rolleyes:

Just need a little extra help :(

I have set up a form for the user to fill in a new record and used a command button for it to save. This all works ok.

The problem I have is when the form is opened, a record is shown in each of the fields as opposed to a blank one. The user can still enter data but they need to delete the stuff that is already in the box.

The user then, will have to press the little star at the bottom.

I have tried going into to design view, and typing in "Unbound" but it came up with #name? ...

can anyone help me ?

Shellie x

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How To Clear Info After Entering On Form

Apr 27, 2006

After informations is entered and a button is clicked to submit the information I can use the back/up arrows and page up to see what was entered even though the form is cleared. Is there something in the properties of the button that is clicked to submit that will make it impossible to see the prior users data.

It is personal information that people do not want others to see but is a public sign in computer.



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Question About Entering Code IN Form

Dec 1, 2006

I found this nice fix for the Access Mouse Wheel issue that many people don’t see to like.

I just can’t figure out how to enter the code into the forms module. I’m not real good with VBA – would I enter this code as some type of event procedure or should I just open up the code editor and insert it some way from there? Thanks for any help.

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Date Format When Entering From ASP Form

Dec 13, 2004


I am about to put my head through a wall. Perhaps you can help (not with the head through the wall - I can do that on my own). I have an ASP form that updates an Access database. Everything works except for one line of code. This one line is a concatenation statement that assembles month+day+year and updates a date field in the database. I know Access is particular about its date formatting, but I thought I had it right. Can someone help? This is the line of code:

rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Vacated") = "#" & Request.Form("VacMo"&rsUpdateEntry("Number")) & "/" & Request.Form("VacDay"&rsUpdateEntry("Number")) & "/" & Request.Form("VacYr"&rsUpdateEntry("Number")) & "#"

It should result in my date in #MM/DD/YYYY# format. I have tried all kinds of combinations of formatting and can't come up with the right one. I get the same "Type mismatch" error every time. I would love it if someone could shed some light on this one.

Thank you,


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Entering Timestamp/Date Via Web Form

Mar 27, 2007

I'm very new to Access and this may be a REALLY simple question but ...

I have an Access 2000 db on a web-based server and a website form that inserts a record. Everything works properly but I now need to insert the date each time a record is entered. These records will not change or be updated once entered. I think there must be a way to have a hidden field in the web form which submits = Date() or whatever the right code would be.

The field I'm sending the date to is called "dateOfEntry" . Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Entering New Records In The Form?

Jun 26, 2015

I've created simple data base with 2 connected table with relationship one to many, then I have built the querry based on those 2 table and then I have done the form based on this querry, so there are fields from those 2 tables in the form.

When I try to fill in the fields with information I get error message:

"You can not add record (records); missing foreign key in the table"

When I checked relationship property window everything seems to be ok.

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General :: Entering Data Into A Form

Feb 25, 2015

I have a form into which I scan a serial number in one of its text boxes, I can then select search and am presented with a report relating to that serial number. All simple so far. Now for the dilemma... The barcode I scan consists of 15 characters like so, 53423PP98765432, numbers-PP-numbers.. the problem I have is that I only need the numbers after the PP's, in other words the last 8 digits. My question is, is there something I could do to make the text box omit the first 7 characters automatically, leaving me with the 8 I need, instead of me having to curser into the middle and manually delete the first 7 characters. I only need the last 8 because of the link with another database that only uses the last 8 digits.

Also, on the device I scan, there are 2 other barcodes, above and below the one I need to scan. If I scan one of the others by mistake, I have to highlight and delete the results to try and scan the middle barcode. The other barcodes also have a different length to the one I need. So is it possible to write some code that says, ok, you have scanned a barcode with 10 or 12 digits, we don't want either of those, so deletes it for me to try again, but then recognizes the 15 digit barcode and auto deletes the first 7 characters as mentioned above.

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Entering Values Into Field On Form

Jul 14, 2014

I have a form for entering Retirement Plan information (frmRRSP) that has tblRRSP as its recordsource. The RRSP Rate is a field with a Number datatype (in the table) and a Percent format on the form. When I enter a value on the form it originally displays the value I enter, until I press the Enter key, then it changes to "####" an enters a value of 0 in the table field.I tried entering a value directly in the table and it changes to 0 when I press Enter.I have an almost identical form and table for Vacation and it does the same thing.

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Entering Data Into Form To Diff Tables

Apr 21, 2006

Is it possible in Access to create one input form that includes fields from different tables.

I want to create a single form that dispenses input fields to separate tables, I don't see anything to make this happen. I know you can retrieve data from separate tables utilizing querys. But is it possible to input data into a single form to multiple tables ?

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Summing Values On A Form, Then Further Entering In Table

Sep 1, 2005

Hey there, Im currently making a form so users can enter project information. For this particular project, the user must choose from a variety of options, and each option has a number value assigned to it for a rating. Now at the end of this form, I want a sum of the ratings, and then entered into the table. I am using a text box for the sum of ratings, and can get the sum of ratings to work on the form, but this data is entered as a 0 in the table. If anyone could help me find a way to put the actual sum in the table, that would be excellent.. thx a lot.

If it would be any help, here are the names of text boxes that I'm adding:

Health and Safety Rating, Maintenance Rating, Equipment Rating, School Size Rating, Student Enrollment Rating, SD Priority Rating, Project Requested Previously Rating

Those ratings must be added into "Total Rating"


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Entering Data In Form And Updating A Querie

Mar 21, 2007

I apologies for this sinmple quesiotn to some of oyu, but being fairly new with Access, Im having problems when I update my form and then print our a querie, to obtain certain information, the new data is missing.

HOw can I make sure that my querie gets updated when I update my form.

Thanks you

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Tables :: Entering ID In Form And Viewing Table With Its Corresponding Name

Dec 1, 2013

I have made a table and I enter data in that table through a form. The form also include two sybchronized comboboxes. When I select a category in one combo box, corresponding items are selected in second combo box. The problem is that when I select the category in the form (with ID+Category Name), it stores only the ID in the table. How can I see the Category Name in the table (which is the control source of the form) instead of ID?

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Entering Records On A Form That Has No Navigation Buttons?

Sep 22, 2015

In the code in this tutorial shown here [URL] It says to create RentalRates with no Navigation Buttons. Then after creating the form, that has no navigation buttons, I am to create 8 records in the next step. I assume it means to create the 8 records using the form RentalRates.

Now that is confusing. Do they enter the records using the newly created RentalRecords form or enter the records on the Table Categories; which is the RentalRecords form's record source?

Now I know of one way to enter the records which is to put Navigation Buttons to yes, enter the records and then put Navigation Buttons back to no. I do not think that is what they mean. What do they mean?

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Entering Data In A Form - Update Autonumber On Two Tables?

Jul 19, 2006


My first post is on something that is troubling me. I have a Form acting as the display and entry point for data for a contact list, which is composed of two Tables as follows:

Contact - (text fields including: first name, last name, phone number home, phone number work, etc)

Industry Role - (yes/no tick boxes including: film, photographer, audio engineer, producer, reporter, etc)

The two Tables have a one to one relationship based on the URN field which is an autonumber. My problem is that when someone enters say a name, and then ticks a box, the autonumber will add two entries because it seems to see the first table then the second tables as sequential, and not the same thing. How do i go about making a form that can enter new records the same autonumber for two connected Tables?

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Forms :: Entering Data Into Related Tables Using A Form

Sep 12, 2013

I have a form within my database in which the user will enter data which will go into 2 separate tables. These 2 tables (Job and Client) are related. At the moment I have a subform in which the user enters Job information, and the main form where the user will enter client information.

The problem being is that the 2 sets of data do not associate themselves with each other, despite being related (The Client will be related to a job number. A client can have many jobs but a job can only have one client etc). It has to be done manually in the table which is not ideal as the DB will be split and rolled out to users via Access Runtime. I have been working on this DB for a while now and the problem is most likely right in front of me but I cannot see it!

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