Save Function For Adding New Records In A Form

Nov 24, 2006

Hi guys and girls,

I'm fairly new to Access and I'd appreciate some help. I've built a form with buttons to open new forms for that specific record (based on queries as all the data is held in a single table). This works fine until I try to add new records. At the moment the only way I can make this work is to add the new record, shut the original form before re-opening it and proceeding on to the other sections (via the buttons I mentioned).

If anyone could tell me how to get Access to save the record before it opens the other forms I'd really appreciate it.


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General :: Restrict Records To Update Until Save Button Is Pressed On Form

Jul 16, 2012

How to restrict the updation of a record while entering until a save button is pressed on the form ???????? is it possible without the vba ?

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Forms :: Prevent Bound Form From Updating Records Before Clicking On Save Button

Oct 31, 2014

I am working on a web database with a form which is bound to an underlying web table where the submissions occur.My challenge is that the fields on the form get submitted to the table even before the submit button is clicked regardless of whether the form was completely filled.

My request is that I want the form to only submit to the submission table only when the submit button is clicked.When I searched on the net, the only solutions I got are VBA written code but my web database cannot use VBA code.

VBA code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private blnGood As Boolean
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
blnGood = True
Call DoCmd.RunCommand(acCmdSaveRecord)
blnGood = False
End Sub


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Forms :: Make Certain User Enter Records On Subform Before Attempting To Save Main Form

Dec 4, 2014

How can I make certain my user enters records on a subform before attempting to save the main form? Right now they can completely ignore the subform before saving the record.The Main form has business address, etc. on it. the subform is bound to a join table that lists the multiple categories, subcategories and sector the business is listed in for a directory.

I already have my fields set to required at the table level in the join table, and have some existing VBA in both my subform (to update edited date) and my form (to validate empty records where a certain condition is met) but that's not the issue...

How do I focus the user to enter a record on the subform to the point where they are forced to enter something and complete the subform before the record is updated.

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Rename/Save As Function For Entire Database

Aug 24, 2006


I am running an autocompact module in Access97 which will created a 'compacted version' of my database. I then want to rename this compacted version to the name of the original database I compacted. I cannot however find a way of doing this in code.

Basically the idea is to compact every 45 minutes or so, but what my autocompact is doing is creating a compacted version under a different name, and so compacting a copy of the database, I then want to change this compacted database name to the original name and re compact every 45 mins

Can anyone help?

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Save Result Of A Calculation Or Function Into A Table

Apr 1, 2006

Hi there,

I've read through the forums on saving the results of a calculation into a field is a bad idea. I somewhat understand the reasoning for it. But I don't think such situations arise for everyone.

But I have gone with the suggestion and created an updatequery, which simply goes through and updates the calculated value into a table. Now each time the updatequery is run its asking for permission as to the fact if I'm sure I want it to be run. How do I turn this option off. And should I call this updatequery afterupdate or beforeupdate?


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Adding Records Through A Form

Aug 31, 2005

I have a number of tables all with there corresponding forms. I am needing to have a command button on the form for the user to easily add a new record. Obviously this is easy by just using the wizard but my problem is that I need the record to be added over all the tables.

This is an attendance database with tables for each month. So when a new member of staff joins and there record is added for that particular month I would like it to be added to all subsequent tables as well. Is there a way of doing this. It would also be beneficial if a similar thing could be done for deleting staff (i.e. a staff member is deleted from one table and subsequently is removed from the other tables)

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

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Adding Records Via A Form

Aug 31, 2005

I have set up an attendance database with tables for each month. Each of these tables has its corresponding form. I want to be able to add a command button onto the forms to add a new record. Obviously this is easily done using the wizard but my problem is I want it to be added over a number of tables.

For instance when a new member of staff arrives and is added to the database I want there record to be added over all the subsequent tables not just the one attached to the current form. It would also be beneficial if I could do the same for deleting staff (ie someone leaves they are deleted off the current table and all other tables)

Is there a way of doing this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Form Not Adding Records

Mar 28, 2006

Hey everyone... got a little problem, i have the followinf form/subform setup show in the screenshot below, for ages the calendar conrol there has worked fine, its control source is the date field on the left habd side.

Now however, it doesnt work, or rather it works when your editing old records, it changes the dates fine, but when you go to enter a new record in, you cannot use the calendar, it just makes the windows error sound at me. And i cant type the date in either, and i cant type into any of the other fields either, but i can edit the old ones fine....

Of course i can just go into the original table that the form runs off and type new data in there, but thats not the point, i need to be able to use this form. It worked before, but i opened it today and its screwed sideways, lol

any help from anyon would be great, dragon


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Adding Records To A Table From A Form

Apr 11, 2006

I am new to Access and have the following problem. I have one table which displays Skills (memo field) a second table which displays a skill rating ( 5 choices) and a third table which list the jobs in the company. I need to compile a fourth table which lists the skills required for each job and the corresponding ratings. I would like to have a Form in which I select the job and all 560 skills are displayed in datasheet format and I can select the ones required and allocate a skill rating. The results should then be saved to the new Table.

Any ideas as to how to acheive this task.

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Adding Records To An Unbound Form

Sep 2, 2005

Hello, here is my problem:
I have a form to add records to my table. I cant bound it, because the controls are tick boxes, and they need to be "converted" into text to add them to my table.
I have a save button, so I can execute an insert statement with all the data I want to add to the table.
The problem is, once I have saved the record, I want to clear the form to add a new record, and I cannot use a docmd.gotorecord acnext as it is an unbound form.
Is there any way to clean a form without going control by control?

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Adding Records To Filtered Form.

Nov 1, 2005

Ok heres the problem, i seem to have a little bit of a mind block at the moment so help would be greratly appreciated.

Basically there are two tables involved, tblBikes (which contains all information on the bikes) and tblHires (which contains all the information about hired bikes) these are linked with a one to many relationship as each bike can be hired out many times.
I have a button on a form containing bike information which opens the hires form filtered by the bike ID of the record selected in the first form. When I add a record to the hires form i need the bikeID to be automatically input into the field.

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Adding Records To Table From Other Form

Oct 12, 2006

I have a form "release_details" having fields date, version, cksum ,comments,labels, and is link to a table,
it has a button "mai"l ,on clicking this button a new form is open which has a button "send mail" on clicking this a mail is sent and pops a message "mail sent".I need when "send mail" is click it should also save the fields of form
"release_details" to the table.

Forms!Enter_Release_details.Dirty = False

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Forms :: Why Form Adding Records On Its Own

Apr 10, 2015

I start with a table of UserIDs, names and roles (tblUserIDList). I have a simple query off that which lists them in alpha order by UserID. Next I have a simple form with a combo box which uses that query to select the User and binds the UserID field to use.

There is a button which triggers a macro which opens the 2nd form using a query which filters using that UserID. There is another point in that form in which that UserID is again used as a filter for other data. The 2nd form is a data input form. All works fine up to that point.

However, when the 2 forms are closed, for some reason the UserID is re-added to the tblUserIDList. I've never had this happen before.

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Creating A File Upload Function Where Selections Save The Document?

Sep 12, 2014

I work in a school where teachers have to archive their assessments and other documents monthly. Currently they email them to a set email address but I was wondering if it would be possible for me to make something with access whereby they can do this. I'd like to make a form where they selected their name and then attached a file, this file would then be saved in an area I would have assigned that persons name to, does this make sense? I want it to be very simple so just a name section from a dropdown then a file upload section and done.

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Queries :: Filter Records In Combo Box By Form Using In Function

Jun 15, 2013

I want to filter the records in a combo box (cboSupplier) using the In() function.

On the form I have an unbound control called "intFilter". It contains the following string: 23, 58

The SQL statement for the combo box is

SELECT SupplierID, SupplierName
FROM tblSupplier
ORDER BY SupplierName;

In the criteria for field SupplierId I want to use the In() function so that the only records returned by the combo box are those in "intFilter". I have tried

In (Forms![frmSupplierReport]![intFilter]

but this does not work.

If I put: In (23, 58) in the criteria it works, but I cannot hard code it because the string in "intFilter" will change on the fly!

How would I achieve this?

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Adding Records To Multiple Tables Using One Form

Sep 20, 2004

OK I'm totally lost again.

What I want to do is;

Use one form to add records into several tables.

I have seperated my data into seperate tables and set up one to many relationships.


Last Name
First Name
Middle Name


What i want to do is use one form to enter all this data into the different tables.

There can only be one record in tblIncident that can match multiple records in the other tables.

i.e. for each record in tblIncident, I want to be able to have the capability to have as many persons related to that incident as I need.

I was thinking about setting up a tabctl for the data that has to be entered for tblIncident and then change the property setting for it to go away and then have the next tabctl appear in it's place for entering data into the next table. The problem I am having is that apparently I can only have one table as the control source for the form.

So next I tried using subforms, but that isn't working either. I can't figure out how to make the subform appear in a specific place on my form, sized in specific dimensions I want where I want.

I am just starting to learn about this relationships stuff and it's kind of difficult. How do you make it where you can do this from one form? Do I need to make a query of some sort?

Any help is appreciated.

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Adding Multiple Records For A Field In A Form

Nov 18, 2004

Hi forum, I have this database with a main form and 5 subfoms. For the Address Subform, I need to add multiple addresses for each person I add. How we currently do it is enter the multiple addresses per person, one at a time. Is there an easier way to do this.

For eg: Id Last Name First Name

Then Address 1
Address 2
Address 3

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Function That Counts Records And Use That Function In A Query

Dec 11, 2013

So basically I need making a function that will count the number of records from another table/query based on a field from the current query.

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Forms :: How To Save Result Of DLookup Function (used In Unbound Text Box) In A Table

Oct 17, 2014

I have a form based on query. On form i am retrieving data from another table using DLookup in a unbound text box. So I want to save the result of DLookup function in another field/table on same form.

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Forms :: Unbound Form - Adding Records To Two Tables?

Apr 22, 2013

i have an unbound form with the following code which works as it should

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_Courses", dbOpenDynaset)
With rst
rst!DateCreated = DateCreated
rst!Originator = Originator


I also need to add other text fields from the unbound form to another table but can't seem to work out how to do it.

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Save Report As PDF - Adding Date Retrieved From Query As Part Of File Name

Nov 6, 2012

I'm trying to save a report to my Desktop as a pdf - adding a date {that I am retrieving from a query} as part of the pdf file name.

I get a
Run-time error '2501' - The OutputTo action was cancelled.
(See screenshot).

Here's the code I'm using. So far - all I've tried to do is run the function from the Visual Basic Editor.

Function SaveReport()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilename As String
'Get the ReportDate.

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Count Function Breaks Form When No Records Meet Criteria

Aug 10, 2015

I have the following code

WHERE (((T_STUDENTS.res_vrijstelling)=False) And ((T_STUDENTS.stud_year)="1") And ((T_STUDENTS.stud_coach)=forms!F_cboCOACHING!cboCOACHING))

It runs fine, untill the moment the count is 0. At that point it breaks the form. How can i tell access to deal with this? Somehow i need to replace the count result with 0 if there are no records that meet the criteria.

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Or Adding Records To Form - Find MAX Of Number Portion

Jun 28, 2013

I want whenever I'm updating or adding records to my form, the ID automatically take the value of the previous ID and increment it by 1.

The field type is text (mixed with number) - PM0000000.

I've done some research, what I understand is that I need to:

-do a lookup and
-find the MAX of the number portion.

Name of form - Payment
Name of table - Payment
Name of field - payment_id

I tried these, but to no avail...

Private Sub payment_id_Click()
payment_id = DLookup(("[payment_id]", "Payment", "[payment_id]=Forms![Payment]![payment_id]-1")payment_id + 1)
End Sub

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Adding Multiple Records To A Table Using Main Form And Not A Subform

Sep 12, 2013

I have an existing Main form that has a sub form that the user uses to enter multiple records into a works fine EXCEPT that I need to make it even easier and more intuitive and add a lot of labels. Basically the user selects items from a drop down list that adds items to a Work Order. I need to add some labels to the form to make it more descriptive for the user.

So, what I want to add multiple records using a single main form.

Is is possible to?:

1. simply turn the subform into a single main form? Can this be done by using a Command button or something similar?

2. copy all of the controls etc from the sub form into a new main form and have it all work nicely?

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Adding Function To Database

Mar 1, 2006

Any help would be really appreciated...

I have a database in the database I have products customers orders etc.

In Products table I have productid price etc. I would like to create another table and this table should consist of all product parts for example.

ProductID x uses

so all metalnumber23, stone45, plasticnumber43 will be in Parts (new table that i will create) when i am entering a productid to Product table for that productid i should be able to choose which parts from parts table that it uses.

so in the order table if i customer ordered productID x I should be able to see all the parts that ProductID needs in the parts Parts table. There will be maybe 2000 parts but ProductID x will use only 3 of them. And if I create a query lets say order from z date to y dates I should be able to see parts needed for those products ordered.
hope you guys understand and give me a head start i would really appreciete

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