Save Two Fields From Combo Box.

Jul 24, 2005


I have a Combo Box that contains two fields, the key field (StudentId) and another field (StudentName). As recommended by the Combo Box wizard, I'm hiding the key field so only the StudentName displays in the box. The wizard also allows me to save only one of those fields in my table so I chose the key field (StudentId). Problem is, I need to store both the fields in my table. How
do I store the two fields from the Combo Box in my table? I'm new to Access so I don't really know VBA that well.


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Save Only 3 Of 4 Fields

Mar 24, 2006

I have a form with 4 combo boxes. Box 1 is linked to a unique indexed field of my main table and does not allow duplicates.

Is there a way I can enter selections in the other 3 boxes and save only those 3? (these do not add data, but edit an existing row in the main table)

Experimenting, I found that if I didn't make a selection in Box 1, I could still make selections in the other 3, close (save) the form, and it would make those 3 edits in the table row belonging to the value that was in Box 1.

This is kind of what I want, except that there are many selections in Box 1, and if I select one of them and close (save) the form, I get an error message that a duplicate entry will be made?

Would a possible solution be to have Box 1 on a main form and the other 3 on a subform? If so, how do I set this up? Or is there another way to relate the other 3 boxes to Box 1, and only save the 3.

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'Save' Not Saving All Fields

Apr 27, 2006

My form gets its data from a single table. Each field on the form is linked to a field in this table.

Yesterday, running 'Docmd.Save' by clicking on a button saved the displayed data. Today, all of the fields are being saved, bar one.

I've checked that this field is still bound to the same table field and it is.
Could I have I inadvertently set some value that prevents this field being saved?

I'm at my wits end here. Any suggestions?

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Modules & VBA :: Two Fields Will Not Save

Jun 6, 2013

I have a table with lots of different fields and field types. The two memo fields will not save. I have tried Runcommand and if me.dirty. Neither seems to work.All fields are from one table and I have tried deleting the fields and repopulating them onto the form to reset defaults. The only way the two fields save is if I hit Ctrl-S.

None of the 100+ fields on this one form (yes, it is large, weird part is it fits Normalization upthrough BNSF) have the same problem. They all save fine with or without the extra code. I am using Windows 7 and Access 2010.

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Blank Fields...PLS SAVE MY LIFE

Jun 15, 2005

I have a query, its been made from 4 table, one is Employee(all employees in my company), and other 3 are from tables Light Vehicles, Heavy Vehicles and MHE. When I run query its shom me all employees. If I put in query Is Not Null or <> in Light Vehicles for expample, its turn me back all records form Light Vehicle, but not all other records. If I dont put Is Not Null or <>"", its show me all employees. What I want is just to show me employees which have at least 1 record for Light, Heavy or Forklift, but not employees which doesnt have anything for Light, Heavy or MHE.


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Forms :: Save Subform Fields To Table

Jul 1, 2013

1. I have a Main form (based on a table) with a Subform.
2. The Subform is based on a Query

I want to save the data from the Subform (Salary Field) to my Table, I dont know if VBA will be the best option.




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Forms :: Save Unbound Fields To Table

Nov 24, 2014

I have a form with a field that has formula for calculation. However, I am unable to link the field to the table since the control source is my formula.How can I that field to a table?

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Tables :: Exporting OLE Objects Fields To A Folder And Save These

Oct 25, 2013

One of my tables has a couple of OLE Object fields. This has embedded Word, Excel, and PDFs. I'd like to know if there is a way to export these to a folder. Ideally, I'd like to save them with the record id and then a dash and then the file.

The fields are Attachment1, Attachment2, and Attachment3

When I view the table for these fields, if it's a word doc all I see is "Microsoft Word Document".

I'd like to save these like this:


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Tables :: Save List Box Columns To Table Fields

Mar 31, 2015

What is the correct way to save the values in a listbox column to the fields of a table? I can use rec("field1") = Me.list16.ItemData(Varitem)and that records the bound column to field 1 but how can I save the unbound columns to other fields in the table?

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Updating DB Only When User Clicks Save (and Not When Entry Fields Are Edited)

Oct 20, 2005


I want to only save changes made to the DB row when the user clicks the Save button I created. I have some text boxes which currently are bound to different columns in the given row (ex: name, address).

Right now, changes are updated automatically when the form is closed or when focus moves to a different tab page.

Is there any simple way to do this? Currently all form input objects are bound to their respective columns (ex: name, address). Should they be bound, or should I just perform a query when the form opens to find the specified item then load the different fields into the proper text boxes.

Also, when I TAB through all my input boxes and the TAB focuses on my Tab Conrol Object the text boxes are automatically updated with the next item n the DB (next row). How can I prevent this?


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Modules & VBA :: Save Report As PDF Using Specific Fields To Create Name Of File

Jun 2, 2015

I want to create a Macro saves the report in a specific location, and uses two fields within the report to generate the name of the file. For example, "[Sales Rep Name] + [PayPeriod].pdf" and it should be saved in a predetermined folder.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Fields And Save Data To Table

Dec 16, 2013

In my UpdateForm I have 3 fields. PartNumber, Description and SerialNumber. I use 2 tables for these. My MainTable and PartsList Table.

In my PartsList table I have the list of PartNumber in Column (0) and Description in column (1).

In my MainTable I have 4 fields: TransactionID (autoNumber), PartNumber(text), Description(text) and SerialNumber (text).

Now, In my UpdateForm I want the user to just select the PartNumber with a combo box (that also show the "Description" (I created this using the combo box wizard)). But I want to auto populate the field in my "Description" text box every time the user will enter new record and will also update my MainTable with all the values they entered in my UpdateForm.

I tried this codes in the after update of PartNumber combo box (properties):

Description = Partnumber.Column(1)

I tried also:


both codes unsuccessful.

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Forms :: Save Values Entered Into Unbound Text Boxes To Fields In Table

Mar 6, 2013

how can i to save the values entered into unbound text boxes to fields in table

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Choosing Fields From Combo Box To Make Fields Visible

Aug 30, 2004

I have a combo box linked to a look-up table. There are 8 fields in the look-up table but only if one of three is chosen do I want additional combo boxes to become visible. Do I put the code in the "after update" or "on change" event of the combo box and how do I express the code-

If TechniqueCombo="caudal" or "spinal" or "epidural" then

(am I close??)


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Modules & VBA :: Save As Dialog Box - Allow User To Save Copy Of Current Database At Desired Location

Feb 12, 2014

So I have this relatively simple problem: I need to create a button that once clicked will open the Save As dialog box and allow the user to save a copy of the current database where he wishes. The filename should contain todays date in DDMM format along with some pre-set text e.g. DDMM PresetText.

I am using Access 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Access Report As PDF And Save To Folder

Jan 10, 2014

I have a few selected reports on an Access 2007 database that users can run. Is there a way for users to view the report, save as a PDF and automatically save a copy to a shared drive by modules/vba coding as an On Click event procedure?

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General :: Open Save File Dialog - Select File From Text Box And Save To Selected Location

Aug 8, 2013

I need code for save dialog file ,and select the file from textbox and save it to the selected location.i have only this code and i dont know what else i can do with this because it just opens the save file dialog !

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Question Regarding 2 Fields In A Combo Box.

Mar 27, 2007


I have a combo box acting as a filter for a form which contains data from 2 seperate fields using the following SQL code:

SELECT tblData.Field1 FROM tblData GROUP BY tblData.Field1 UNION SELECT tblData.Field2 FROM tblData GROUP BY tblData.Field2;

This combo box works fine in showing the data from both fields and when I select data from Field1 it gives me the correct results in my form. However when I select data from Field2 i get no results.

I currently have the following VB code and was wondering how I would implement Field 2 into it:

If Not IsNull(Me.cboFilter1) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Field1] = """ & Me.cboFilter1 & """) AND "
End If

I think thats how I would get this working? If not, let me know please.

Many thanks.

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Combo Box With Multiple Fields

Feb 8, 2008

Have been searching all morning & can't find solution (technique must be haywire)

Have created a combo box query with 3 fields, id-code-description
Objective is to select Code from combo box and populate Description field from the value in the combo box into another table

Have tried all sorts of techniques, none of which have worked

I am sure this has been answered a million times, but I just can't find it

Any help appreciated

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Combine Fields Into Combo Box?!

May 26, 2005

hi all,

I have made a form to run reports on a database, however, I need to add a field where the end user can enter an account number and the report will find the relavent fields. The problem is that the account numbers are stored as four different fields within the database (add_char1, add_char5, add_char9, add_char13).

At the moment I am trying to use a combo box on the form to display all of the account numbers, but I have no idea how to do this, I can only get one field of account numbers (eg only entries from add_char1 displayed in the combo box). I have read several of the posts in these forums, but not really found a solution. If anyone knows of a way to display multiple fields as a single column (so that the combo box produces a list including add_char1 to add_char13), or have any other ideas then please let me know!


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Update 2 Fields With 1 Combo Box

Sep 2, 2005

Hope someone can help. What I’m trying to do is have a combo box look up values from one table and add them to another. I have used the combo box wizard to look up a value from table1 and add it to table2 but is there a way that it can lookup 2 values and add them to the second table. For instance if I had to tables like :-

First Name
Last Name

First Name
Last Name

Can a combo box lookup and update both fields for example if I have a combo looking up the first name can it also lookup the last name and add them to the corresponding fields in the second table but with the user only selecting the first name in the combo box.

I’m sorry if I don’t make much sense I’m new to access and fairly new to forums

Thanks for your help

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How Do I Create A Combo Box Of Fields

Mar 21, 2006

Hi everyone, first off, I did a search of "combo box fields" and it turned up some results but after going through them, I still didn't think it answered my question.

I want to create a combo box of fields from a table. After selecting a field, I want to choose from another cbo either "Yes" or "No" to fill out that particular field.

How do I do that? Thanks all.

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Populate 3 Fields From One Combo Box

Mar 27, 2006

I have a combo box on a form that shows 3 columbs from tblparts in the drop down, I wish to select one row from the drop down, that will enter the selected data in three fields on the form.

For example my form has three fields "part code", "Description", "cost".

Part Code = combo box
Description = Text Box
Cost = Text box

I want to select the data from the combo drop down to populate all three boxes.

Can sombody please help, as I have been stuck on this all afternoon. Cheers

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Combo Box Select With TWO Fields

Jan 28, 2005

I have a database of customers, and I'd like to be able to pull up a specific record on a form. Currently the only way I know how to do this is by ID number (the primary key). I'd like to be able to search by their last name and first name (of course we have people with the same last name), so for instance I'd like to be able to input "Smith" and then have a list of all the smiths to choose from. Is there a way to do this? Thank you!

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Combine Different Fields To One Combo Box

Mar 8, 2005

Hi Guys,

My table has three fields
all the three fields share the same lookup source table.(TblCarrier)
Is there a way i can combine (uniquely) all the three fields to a common combo box with one field to select?

any one help..


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Combo Box And Search Fields

Feb 26, 2007

I have a form that has a combo box that is used to populate data in the detail section of the form, I just added 2 text boxes to search and fill same boxes.
They both work, but
My problem is after you search using the text fields the filter that the search used stays and causes my combo box not to work unless you go into design view and delete it from the filter property.
Any thoughts on how to fix this??
Advance thanks

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