Saving Access Reports Into Multiple PDF / Error 3014?

Oct 2, 2015

I'm running into a Run time error 3014 Cannot Open Any More Tables

I have a report in Access and I am using the below VBA to save the file by the content of the "File" column in the DOC_AP_MASTER table. It works wonderfully for about 60-120 (it ranges and I don't know why) but then I get the lovely error above.

My report closes after each save... what tables am I opening without knowing?

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyFileName As String
Dim mypath As String
Dim temp As String
mypath = "C:Testing"


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Error 3014 - Cannot Open Any More Tables

Feb 23, 2006

Can anyone provide assistance with the above error? It comes up when I try to open a report from my form. The form has 15 tabs and approximately 5 subforms on each tab, which I suspect is causing the problem.

I have found some help on the web, but I am not sure how to use it... ...Item number one describes my situation exactly, but I don't know where to set the "record source on click" for each tab. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Margin Error When Printing Reports In Access 2007

Apr 25, 2012

I am receiving the following error when printing different reports to several different printers in Access 2007: "The section width is greater than the page width, and there are no items in the additional space, so some pages may be blank. For example, the report width may be wider than the page width." According to my co-workers this issue began immediately following the upgrade to version 2007 from 2003.

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Reports :: Multiple Filters In Access Report Using Vba

Jul 28, 2015

I am trying to link 2 reports so that when a user selects a field in the 1st report it will only return records specific to the filters. I have used the following code via a field in a report to return records in a seperarte report using 1 filter "BudgetPool". What I need to do is add a second filter "ContratorType" to the code to allow the second report to refine the records.

Private Sub BudgetPool_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Budget Expenditure by Pool per Project Type", acViewReport, , "BudgetPool=" & Me.BudgetPool
End Sub

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Reports :: Export To PDF Without Saving?

Mar 8, 2014

I have some code below that exports a report to PDF.

It works fine, I just want to know if it's possible to export the PDF without saving it? I can't seem to find anything on my search about it.

'Open Report From Query
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_BLT_PrintReport", acViewPreview, Me.Filter
'Output Form to PDF
Dim strUserName As String, strPath As String
strUserName = Environ("username")
strPath = "C:Users" & strUserName & "DocumentsPoliceReport.pdf"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rpt_BLT_PrintReport", acFormatPDF, strPath, True

'Close Report
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rpt_BLT_PrintReport"

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Multiple Users Trying To Access Reports With Append Queries ::Please Help::

May 12, 2005


I have a dilema on my hands as I can't seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this. I created a database to handle all of our letters for my department in the company. The problem I am having is that we have 26 people who could possible access the database at the same time. The letters are created using a form. (not a problem with multi-users) When someone wants to print the letter the do a search either by "Letter Date", "Provider Name", "Provider Number", or "Group Name". I set it up so either one of these search queries append data into one table called "Letter Report Information" all 38 letters get there data from this 1 table. The problem I am having is that if John and Mary try to pull different/same letters at the same time or while one is viewing their letters the data is getting pushed onto the others Letter.


Mary goes to print her Welcome letter
John also goes to print his Denial letter at the same time

When John's letters show up.. the Denial letter shows up with his data, but also with Mary's Welcome letter data.

What can I do or what kind of query can i use to avoid this problem as it is becoming a very prominent issue? ::Please Help::


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Reports :: Saving Report To A Map In Macro

Oct 3, 2013

What I want to do is save a daily report to a map source, each day the map name changes so for today the map name is "Report2013-10-03", and tomorrow the map name will be "Report2013-10-04".

Is this possible? is there some function like save(Report%s) where %s = date() ?

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Reports :: Access Report Chart Across Multiple Group Levels

Jan 22, 2015

I know how to create a chart in an access report, put it in the group header or footer and link it such that the the grouping filters the chart.

My VP wants me to create a chart that compares each invididual providers episiotomy rate (something that is done to pregnant women during delivery) to the overall divisional rate on a monthly basis.

I know how to do this with 2 charts, ie 2 different group levels. One chart goes in the date grouping level (the overall rate) and another goes in the provider grouping level (the individual provide rate).

is there a way to have this in one graph in an access report?

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Saving Multiple Records At Once

Oct 13, 2011

I am managing a database for an academic project that requires a large amount of data-entry. In particular, there are several times when there are hundreds of identical records that must be entered. I would like to design a form that has a quantity box, so that if the person entering the data had to enter 320 identical records, they could just enter 320 in the quantity box, and then enter the rest of the data, and press the save button and then 320 identical (except for the Primary Key) records will be saved at the same time.

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Reports :: Producing A Report And Then Saving As Attachment

May 29, 2013

I am building a database which produces a report which I have formatted as a letter, I know I could have done this via a mail merge etc however...

What I am wanting to achieve is when this report(letter) is run, is there a way that when it is produced from a macro button embedded in a form that this report can then be saved as a pdf attachment within the same access database attached to a client record?

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Reports :: Making And Saving A Report Template

Aug 15, 2014

I have developed an Access Database for my Co-Op work term workplace, and everything seems to be running smoothly with the exception of the report generation phase. The company I am at has a set template for all reports (Clients column always goes in a specific place on the page, and the report always contains the same categories in the same locations; things like that). The problem is that, every time I go to make a new report, I have to re-format and re-make the report. Is it possible to save a report`s format so that, when I go to make a new report, it automatically applies that format to the data being used?

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Duplicate Data Error While Saving An Edited Record

Jan 8, 2005

Having a problem when saving a record that has been edited and contains a duplicate field. Here is what I'm doing.

I have an existing record that is being viewed by the user. I have an edit button on the form that is displaying the record. When the user clicks the edit button I do the following

'User clicked on edit customer record

Private Sub CustEditRec_Click()

'Store current customer key in string so we can cross

'check if user has changed the key during edit

EditCustKey = Me.txtCustomerKey

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

'Set customer record test string so we can determine

'what the user is doing

CustomerRecStat = "edit"

' Go unlock the customer data fields for editing



'Go Unlock the customer editing buttons


'Lock the add, delete, edit buttons

CustAddRec.Enabled = False

CustEditRec.Enabled = False

CustDelRec.Enabled = False

'Go Disable the customer navagation buttons


txtCustomerKey.Visible = True

txtCustomerKey.Locked = False

txtCustomerKey.Enabled = True

'Set focus on the customer key


'disable & hide the customer key combobox

cmboCustomerKey.Locked = True

cmboCustomerKey.Enabled = False

cmboCustomerKey.Visible = False


Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_CustEditRec_Click

End Sub

The field which duplicate entries are not allowed in the table is txtCustomerKey. Now remember we are just editing a record NOT ADDING A NEW ONE.

When the user finished making the changes to the record we use the same procedure to save the changes as we when the user is adding a new it is.

'User clicked save customer record

Private Sub CustSaveRec_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_CustSaveRec_Click


'Update the table data fields with the data contained on the form

CustomerKey = Me.txtCustomerKey

CustomerCompany = Me.TxtCompanyName

CustomerFirst = Me.txtCustomerFirst

CustomerLast = Me.txtCustomerLast

CustomerAddress = Me.txtCustomerAddress

CustomerCity = Me.txtCustomerCity

CustomerProvince = Me.txtCustomerProvince

CustomerPostal = Me.txtCustomerPostal

CustomerCountry = Me.txtCustomerCountry

CustomerPhone = Me.txtCustomerPhone

CustomerFax = Me.txtCustomerFax

CustomerEmail = Me.txtCustomerEmail

CustomerWeb = Me.txtCustomerWeb

CustomerNotes = Me.txtCustomerNotes

'Save the record

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70





'Enable and unlock the customer key field

txtCustomerKey.Visible = True

txtCustomerKey.Locked = False

txtCustomerKey.Enabled = True

'Hide & disable the customer keycombo box

cmboCustomerKey.Locked = True

cmboCustomerKey.Enabled = False

cmboCustomerKey.Visible = False

'Set focus on the customer key field


'Lock the customer fields


'Enable the navigation buttons


'Lock the customer adding buttons


'Clear the record testing status

CustomerRecStat = ""



Exit Sub


'If the error generated was by a duplicate value.

'This can only be caused by the customer key as this

'is the only field which does not allow duplicate values.

'so warn the user of this duplicate value error and set

'the focus on the customer key field

If Err.Number = 3022 Then

'if user is editing a record

If CustomerRecStat = "edit" Then

'And the entered customer key has not changed

If Me.txtCustomerKey = EditCustKey Then

'Return to saving the record as the key is

'not really a duplicate

GoTo SaveCustomerRecord

End If

End If

Select Case MsgBox("This Customer ID was already located in the database. Click OK to enter a new Customer ID or Cancel to stop adding this record?", vbExclamation + vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton1, "Duplicate Customer ID")

Case vbOK


Resume Exit_CustSaveRec_Click

Case vbCancel

'Go simulate undo record click


Resume Exit_CustSaveRec_Click

End Select

End If

MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_CustSaveRec_Click

End Sub

The problem is when the user is editing a record. The database assumes the txtCustomerKey is a duplicate in the table. However we are not adding a new record so the duplicate error is false. Its just that the txtCustomerKey is the same as the record being edited. Its not DUPLICATED its the SAME.....

Any help anyone? Sorry for the long post but I'm a strong believer in the more information the better when trying to solve a problem....



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Saving Multiple Listbox Selections

Aug 29, 2005


I have a simple order entry system working with a subform containing combo box where a client selects various products from a table. These are recorded in separate table which allows for subsequent updating of the orders placed.

Now I want to refine this so that the user may make multiple selections as it is a bit laborious making 'n' single selections via a combo based subform.

Only a list box allows multiple selections but I would like some guidance on how to store and be able to recall and update the selected items.

Thanks and Regards

Tony Randell

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Reports :: PDF Generating And Saving But Returns Blank File

Apr 18, 2013

PDF was generating and saving to the correct location, but when I open the PDF file ... it's blank =P am using access 2003 and acrobat standard 9


Private Sub cmdPDFByAssetNo_Click()
Dim MyFilter As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFilename As String


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Saving Multiple Values To A Single Record

Oct 22, 2005

I want to have a box with yes/no choices defining the Lessons a Student chooses. Sth like this
Because the Lessons are quite plenty and they change from time to time, I don't want to have them predefined in the Sudent table, but to have a related table containg the Lessons providing more flexibility.
My problem is how to assign the Yes/No values from the form to a single record. ANy suggestions?
A first thought is to create a List from Lessons table, with 2 columns. 1st the Lesson and 2nd the Y/N box. Every Lesson would have a value like this:
With this way the sum of the Lessons would be unique for each combination and it could be saved in a single record. But such a solution is not so practical.
Any alternatives?

Thnx in advance

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Multiple Users - Problem Saving Updates

Nov 30, 2005

How do I get access to accept changes made when there are four individuals working in the same continuous form at the same time? In addition, I noticed when a record has been deleted, the view for those viewing the database, the screen displays the word DELETE. How do I get Access to delete the record and not show the word delete?

FYI…I already split the DB and placed the front end on each desktop.

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General :: Saving Multiple Checkboxes To Table

Oct 16, 2013

I created a Microsoft Access database and access to the system must be controlled by User Access Level Control. The level of the user determines whether the user can add, edit, delete or view a certain form.

I created three tables which are linked via foreign keys: tblUsers, tblUserRoles and tblPermissions. (See the Tables attachment)

I designed the Permissions form to be user friendly by adding checkboxes on the form so that the Administrator can select whether a new user has Add, Edit, Delete or View rights. (See the User Level attachment)

To test my code I added a user as an Administrator. The problem is that when I select the Add, Edit, Delete and View checkboxes, it only saves the last checkbox to the Permissions table. The Administrator must have Add, Edit, Delete or View privileges on the Employees form, but now he only has View privileges. My code does not generate an error. (See the Incorrect attachment)

The Permissions table is suppose to save four entries(See the Correct attachment)

Here is my code.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim rstPermissions As Object
Dim dbFSManagement As Object
Set dbFSManagement = CurrentDb
Set rstPermissions = New ADODB.recordSet

[Code] .....

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General :: Saving Invoice With Multiple Lines In The Item Section

Jun 17, 2014

I want to make an invoice with products and services and totals, the thing that has me wondering is how do I save an invoice with multiple lines in the item section of the invoice. I want to be able to choose a customer and then see the list of invoices connected to that customer, and when I click the invoice to open it as it was. What would be the best way to do this?

The invoice contains:Customer info, adress, name...etc

List - multiple lines of products sold / services completed
Totals, date & time...etc
Relationship goes like this: Customer -> Invoice <- Inventory / Services

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Reports :: Pass Listbox Parameters To Pull Multiple Separate Reports

Nov 23, 2013

I have a form that the user can add Work Order numbers to a text box and pass them to a listbox to collect 1 or more values. Each of which need a separate report with the labour hours for each Work Order.

I am having issues figuring out how to get it to pass them to a query or filter the reports.

I have tried many different examples and nothing seems to work.

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Reports :: Passing Date Range Parameter To Multiple Sub-reports

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to pass a date range parameter & an additional parameter (Type of Audit) to 6 subreports based off individual crosstab queries and housed on one Unbound Report ("rptFinal").I have an Unbound Form "frmDate" passing a date range and Type of Audit using [Start Date] and [End Date] to rptFinal with a button that simply opens the rptFinal as follows:

stDocName = "rptFinal"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewReport

In each Crosstab query, I have set the parameter criteria (in both the Parameter section & the query itself) to:

[Forms]![FrmDate]![Start Date] And [Forms]![FrmDate]![End Date]
and also,
[Forms]![FrmDate]![Enter Type of Audit]

On each subreports On Load Event, I have added:

Private Sub Report_Load()
Me.Filter = "[DteAuditDate] BETWEEN #" & Forms!frmDate![Start Date] & "# AND #" & Forms!frmDate![End Date] & "#"
Me.Filter = "[Type of Audit] = #" & Forms!frmDate![Enter Type of Audit] & "#"
End Sub

and I've set the Filter On Load property to: Yes..I can open frmDate, fill in the date and Type of Audit, launch the report and it runs with no error, I have 6 blank subreports in report Preview. The headers are showing up but none of the data.

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Reports :: Setting Filters - Updating On Multiple Sub Reports?

Apr 26, 2015

I have created a report which contains within it multiple sub-reports, which I use to generate a document for management meetings on a bi-weekly basis.

For each of these I have the subreports filtered to a unique number for consideration that period e.g. LIKE "88/00039" which relates to my data.

In order to change this I have to manually update each of the filter commands within the subreports but I assume there must be an easier 'catch-all' method of achieving this?

Ideally I'd be looking for a command prompt so I could enter just the number sequence e.g. "88/00040" and then enter this (via a corresponding macro or similar) to update the filter commands.

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Reports :: Open Multiple Reports With A Common Field

Mar 30, 2014

I have four forms named [Information Form], [Evidence Form], [Subject Form], and [Vehicle Form]. The Final Form is a Tabbed Form named [New Incident]. The tabbed form has four tabs, with each tab displaying one of the forms above. I also have a Print Command Button named [Print All] underneath the tabbed portion of the [New Incident] form.

Also, All of the four forms are set to data entry - yes, so that on open they will be clean and read for new record entry. I need the [Print All] button to do, just that, print everything that has or has not just been entered into the four forms, even if some are printed blank because they were not necessary for this particular report. One thin of note is that each form on the tab has a field for the "Incident Number" which will be the same for all four forms.

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Reports :: Publishing Multiple Copies Of Selected Reports

Nov 18, 2013

I am trying to add to a db I inherited. One of the end reports that is produced is a cost breakdown for each end user.As things stand, the data collates into individual reports which are then grouped into one file and saved via PDF. What I am trying to work out is whether or not I can selectively pick some of those reports to have more than one copy.

I see a form (within an existing form) that will list all of the end users for a particular scheme and, next to that, be a dropdown that will allow the db user to select how many copies of each report needs to be published. These will then collate merrily into one document to be saved to PDF.

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Reports :: Generating Multiple Reports Based On 1 Query

May 2, 2014

I have a queries that do all the calculations and dumps the output to Query X for all different types of customers. At the moment I am required to generate a report for each of the customers and send it to them, manually.

End Goal:Initiate a Macro (at a given time at a given frequency) that would run a process to generate different reports for all different types of customers using a standard report template. I am also trying to avoid having to create a report for each customer (as the customer base grows, the report count will grow) so looking at something that would look into Query X and generate # of reports depending on number of customers.

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Reports :: Print Multiple Reports To PDF In New Directory

Jan 5, 2015

Every month, I create 15 individual reports with each report filtered by two fields, let's say Dept and Exec. You change Dept and Exec via a combo box drop down based on a table, and this information is passed to the query behind the report. Now, I repeat this process for every report. I use an unbound form that gathers the "Title", which is the Dept Name +"Special Report"; report Date using "as of" [DATE], and an updated through [Second Date].

Each monthly set of reports is sent to a new directory and folder (i.e. M:MOR Reports2005January. This changes each month. Somehow, I'd like to automate this where each report prints with its name to a newly created folder in pdf format.

I have been reading prior posts and am coming up with some ideas like adding a "selected" field to the Dept/Exec table and then step through those selected records to determine which report you are running. It takes a long time to print these to pdf in a new directory every month.

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