Saving Different Datasheet Views

Sep 29, 2005

Hi, can someone tell me if there is a way to save several different datasheet views? I have a large database with many fields. I use forms for data entry, but to view the data I use the table datasheet (so I can see multiple records at a glance). But every time I have to manually move, freeze, and hide columns to get the view I want!! Is there a way to save several different datasheet layouts that I can access the view I want with one click? because I am tired of freezing/hiding columns every single time.

Many thanks

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Forms :: Datasheet Column Order Not Saving

Feb 8, 2014

Why Access 2010 does not save the Datasheet order?? I keep setting the order and it puts it back again

I have set the order in the design. I have set the tab index individually for each item. I says in the tab order that they are in the correct order. I reorder them in the datasheet and click on save. Nothing sets that order. It will revert it back to the order that IT wants every time.

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Creating Views In Access?

May 11, 2006

hello :)

how can i create a view in access? is it possible using any of the wizards or can i even use the sql coding feature??

is it possible to grant views to users???

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Convert Querys To Views

Nov 2, 2007

Is there a tool that converts Access querys (jet syntax) to sql views and procedures (sql server syntx)?


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Create VIEWS For Access Tables

Jan 20, 2005

Hi Pals,
Is it possible to create VIEWS for access Tables....
If its possible... How its pls ? :confused:

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Creating Views To A MS-Access Table

May 9, 2006

Hi all,

I write a program which is querying some data from a MS-Access database.
The problem here is, that the tablenames contain characters like "/" or "-" and I
do not want to change these names, because I think that the database
structure will be damaged.
To solve this problem I thought of creating a view to the table. I tried creating
this with a SQL statement, but that did not work.
Is there any other possibilty to create a view on a MS-Access table?


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Linking To SQL Server 2000 Views?

Jun 8, 2006

In Access can I link to a SQL Server view? I am currently linking to the
SQL Server tables in my database and don't have any views. But if I can link to views I could give the workgroup permissions in Access to the views, not to the primary tables. This would provide some added security from the user who bypasses my switchboard forms and goes to modify the Access tables directly.

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Removing Built In Form Views

Jan 25, 2005

I am trying to remove the built in form views from access 97. Is it possible to remove the navigational functions of the form while in view mode (ie first record, previous record, search, next record, and last record)? There is also an arrow bar that has no functionality to it placed at the left side of my forms that I would like to get rid of. Is this possible? Thanks for your help!

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Forms :: Two Split Views On The Same Form?

Jan 16, 2015

Is it possible (haven't found a way yet) to have two "split subforms" on a parent form side-by-side? When I try the multiple rows portion of the split view I created as a subform doesn't appear?

Want to have a form when I have search/filter/select record for table 1 (on the left) and table 2 (on the right) with a means in between to create a relationship which has a few parameters.

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Online Entry To DB - Views On Flat File (CSV)

Feb 13, 2007

Hi Guys,

Does anyone have any experience of writing to an Access database via Web.

Do you think it is feasible, for an online entry form, to have 'customers' input their details or wahtever, then this info is sent to some sort of flat file?CSV is it called?

Then the admin can check these, then import to DB quite easily?

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ADP Creates Views And Functions Instead Of Stored Procedures

Mar 16, 2007

Just been upsizing an Access DB. It seems to create views and functions for normal select statements and stored procedures are only created for insert or update statements.
As fas as a recent DBA told me, he said that views should be used sparingly as they are not very efficient. Is this the case?

I also don't see why you would create a function when you could use a stored procedure to so the same SELECT statement(s)?

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Forms :: Lock Out Design And Layout Views

Dec 11, 2013

I developed a database for a group and i want to be able to prevent anyone from mucking things up.

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Access Report Views A New Column The Same As A New Page?

Jun 22, 2015

I have run a query that reports the following information. I am using Access 2007

Model (Text)
Start Time (Time)
Step (1-5)

I have a report that is grouped by step and I have Force new page selected for this group. So the idea is that each page will show the models and start times for each step on separate pages.

Since the width of what I am showing is not very wide I want two columns so that when there is too much data the data will just continue in the next column rather than create a new page. This way all the information for each step will be contained on one page.

I am running into problems when there isn't enough data for a given step to fill up the entire first column. Access is placing the next data set (Step #2 for example) in the next column rather than on its own page. Does access view a new column as a new page? I thought that selecting "Force new page" for my group would force a new physical page and not just dump the next data set into the next column.

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Tables :: Connected Views Deliver Incorrect Data

Mar 26, 2014

Front end access 2010, back end SQl-server 2008 R2.I have all talbes and views connected to the server and due to incorrect results I found out, that the views from the server deliver incorrect data.Of course I refreshed the views in the access front end I even deleted them and connected them for new, but the incorrect data, even a different field sequence (!) a certain field there can be two different values: 1 and 2.

If opening the view I can only see 1, on the server the view shows 1 and 2, in the records, whatever is the value.This is not a calulated field.When checking this in a query in access I can select on value 2 (although I cannot see it!!) and I get the correct records but in the field itself the values still show as 1 !!

Same with other values in other fields. When I take the same SQL from the view in a stored procedure and execute is from access I get the correct data!!On both, view and sp I have the same permissions on the server!why views show incorrect data?

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Populate A Datasheet And Extraction Of Data From Datasheet

Sep 1, 2007


There is a requirement for
1)Populating a datasheet in a subform with a querystring which is dynamically built in VBA.This querystring is constructed based on the search criteria fields selected by the user in the main form.How can this be immplemented?

2_To click/double click a record in the datasheet,extract data and populate textfields,comboboxes with it which are in the main form.How is this achieved?Also,I can't find click events in a datasheet.

Pls let me know.

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Table Datasheet Vs Form Datasheet

Oct 4, 2004

I'm new to this.
Is there a way to make a Form Datasheet (including calculated cells) update the corresponding Table Datasheet?

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Saving A Db

Jan 6, 2006


thought I was ok at access, obvously not. Think 'briefcase' has messed with my db a bit so started using a backup with ext .BAK. Want to save whole db as another name with ordinary extension. Will only let me SAVEAS on bits of db?

Sorry, I know this is a bit simple but that's about right for me.

Many thanks in advance


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Mar 27, 2006

Hi all,
when the users are saving the form, i want to make sure they have filled in certain fields. On previous forms my code has worked, but for some reason on this form it won't, i usually put:

If tankID = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please Enter the Tank ID")
End If

Can anyone explain why it may not be working, thank you

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Name Saving When I Need ID!

Feb 15, 2007

Hi there,

I have a table which brings together a number of bits of info from other tables.

Part of the form is acting weird; The user selects an 'applicant', and a 'class'. On the form these are both combo boxes, with info coming from two tables.

Some properties of the two fields:
SELECT Classes.ClassCode, Classes.ClassName FROM Classes;
Bound Column = 1

SELECT Applicants.ApplicantCode, Applicants.ApplicantName FROM Applicants;
Bound Column = 1

Now, I want it to store the ID's of both (rather than the name). Both of these combos have the same properties; however when I look at the table, the applicants ID is being stored, but the class NAME is being stored in its field instead of ID>

Ant idea why this is happening for the class?

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Saving Value Of List Box

Apr 20, 2006

Hope someone out there can help.
I have a form (frmNewExceptionRepot) where the record source is a table (tblExceptionReport) there are a fair few controls on the form from this table and some controls that are based on queries etc

I have a cmd button - that takes the value of text boxes from a subform on this form and saves them to tblExceptionReport It also saves the record in general

This all works fine, however I am having a problem saving the value of a list box on the form (not subform) List156 to the table tblExceptionReport. The record source of the list box is a query that only ever produces one result, and its always the first row that needs to be updated to the table.

The data is displayed correctly when the form is loaded, but the value will only be saved if you click on the list box before the record is saved. I understand the theory behind this, as its a listbox an item need to be selected.
However is there a way to tell it to select the first row of this list box as the value?
I have tried various ways around this, but just can't figure it out. Should I be using a text box instread?
I had thought about basing the form on a query that contains all the information, so this list box can actually be a text box, but then it makes the recordset not updateable...which means lots more code on the save - if this is the only way round then fair enough!
Any ideas or help much appreciated!

I have highlighted in red the code currently in use to try and do this. (which works if you click on the list box before running the code.:confused:

Private Sub Command242_Click()
'save record
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'Save the current dates and informaiton to the new record
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update tblExceptionReports set
CurrentVRF = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastVRF],
CurrentLandingSlot = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastLandingSlot],
CurrentPlanComplete = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastPlanComplete],
CurrentReqtsSolWShop = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastReqSolWS]," & _
"CurrentAlignmentReview = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastAlignment],
CurrentDSBBidPictureEvent = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastDSBBigPic],
CurrentCostBenefitEvent = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastCostBenefitWShop], CurrentDSBDetailedEvent = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastDSBDetail]," & _
"CurrentITExecutiveReview = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastExecRev],
CurrentITSupplierPropIssued = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastITSuppPropIss],
CurrentSellByDate = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastSellByDate],
CurrentViabilityReport = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastViabilityReport]," & _
"CurrentProgramBoard = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![LastProgramBoard], CurrentProposedImplementation = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![frmExceptionReportStaticData]![Proposed_Implementatation_Date],
OverallRAG = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![List156],
CurrentSpendBudget = [Forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![List240]" & _
"WHERE tblExceptionReports.ExceptionReportID = [forms]![frmNEWExceptionReport]![ExceptionReportID]"

End Sub

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Saving Options?

Aug 10, 2005

I'm trying to create a database for a taxi-type service that runs on thursday, friday and saturday nights. My question is: Is there a way to save the database at the end of the night separate from the previous nights, and so that the database is empty for the next night, but reports can be viewed for all of the nights combined?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Saving Problem

May 19, 2006

Hi All,

I have a annoying problem. Since yesterday whenever i make changes to anything in my database, it doesn't ask me if i want to save the changes, it just does it automatically. It is annoying, as sometimes i am testing things, say on a query and if it doesn't work, i just go out of it and don't save the changes and have my original version.

I have another Access database and this works fine, with the pop up message asking if i want to save the changes or not.

Can anyone help, or point me in the right direction, thanks.

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Saving An MDB File As MDE

Nov 28, 2006

I seem to be having problems saving my database files (.MDB) as .MDE files.

I have a database that only contains data (tables).

A second database is used as the interface to this data (it contains forms, reports, and uses linked tables to the data database).

This secong database file is then copied and used my a few users, so that everyone is accessing the same set of data.

I am trying to save the second database as an .MDE file, but under the Tools, Database Utilities option... 'save Database as an MDE' is never highlighted as a viable option. Is there some trick (or conditions) to enable this option?

I am basically doing this so that I can distribute the MDE version of the interface so that users will have limited / no access to be able to modify the code (or get into the table?).

Thank you for any advice or directions you may be able to pass on.


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Columns Not Saving Where I Placed Them.

Jan 24, 2007


I'm new at access but getting the swing of it. It is a pretty cool toy.

I have a table that I am adding various columns of data. Once added I move the columns to where I want them to be. I am hitting the little save disk on the top toolbar but when I reopen the file the columns are not where I placed them. I'm not sure why this is happening. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Updates To DB Not Saving

Jul 2, 2007


Have a bit of an odd problem with the DB im using at work. I have 1 DB on a shared drive that is accessed by 4 of us from our desktop PC's (password protected via 1 password that we all use - no separate logins).

The problem comes that we make changes to the data, exit via an exit button that uses a save all macro (that all works fine), however when we go back into to DB there are some times that the changes made have been lost and the data has reverted back to the previous version. There doesn't seem to be any specific pattern to this, it happens at random times and to random people.

Does anyone know what may be causing this, or anyway that i can prevent it happening?

much appreciated.

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Saving Time

Jul 4, 2005

I have been tasked to create a database that will be accessed through a dial-up connection to our server.
What I want to know is which is faster
1 Using a seperate table for dropdowns or
2 Using the lookup facility of a table.

Gordon :confused:

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