Scan Continous Form For Update

Feb 18, 2005

Where do I put code to run over an entire continuus form. I have a yes/no on each record and it is controlled by an if statement. If I click on every single record it will run the code. I need it to check all the records in the subform. I have tried OnLoad, OnOpen, OnCurrent, OnTimer. None have worked. Any help???

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Continous Form

Mar 25, 2005

Hi all,

I m new to access.I have a subform that is bind to a datatabel.I have provided buuton add and undo record to the user.

On the click of the add button i have written this code.

On Error GoTo Err_cmdAdd_Click

' Save any existing changes
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
' Add record, go to it
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdAdd_Click

but if i clicks on it it says that acsaverecord method is not avialable now.In my other form its working fine.

I have another question also.How can i force the user checks in a continous form??Suppose if user enters value in the first textbox and closes it it saves it into the database but i want user to fill all the on which event i can apply these checks??

Thanks a lot

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Continous Form Help

Mar 29, 2005

hi all,

i have a continous form as a subform.I want users to edit this only if there is a particular value in a one textbox..say if textbox has value "A" user can edit it else he is not allowed to edit it.

so if i write code on the page load whenever it finds a value A it makes all the rows in the form editable but i only want those rows to be editable which have value "A".

Is there any way by which i can dynamically access the row ids in the continous forms.I am new to access though i have code in asp and so just thinking if there is something similar in access also.

thanks a lot

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Help With A Continous Form

Dec 6, 2006

Hi All
I posted this earlier but don't think I explained it that well, so here goes.

I have a main form which displays a site name, city, post code.
I have 6 tabbed subforms which display a full record set of site name, address, contacts and telephone numbers for a client, site and other related data such as visits to sites and contract agreements.

I would like the main form to have a scrollable list of all the sites entered which will change the subforms to show the relevant detail for the first site in the list on the main form.

It works fine as a single form, I can use the record selector to find a site and all the relevant details change as expected.

I cannot change the main form to continuous as I get a message telling me I cant have this due to the subforms.

Is there a solution to this?

I'm fairly new to Access but can work my way through most things.
I'm using Access 2000.



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Continous Form Problem

Apr 7, 2006

Hello the world

I have problem which has me stumped
what i have is a from where I need to add a location -fine not too much of problem
, I have a table of my most used locations (Based in the UK ) and I need to monitor these quite regularly so for my top venues I have in a table (makes sense), however sometimes I have an unknow location, and I will only use this location once,, now I don't want to add these locations to my main table of about 100-200 venues, so what i can up with is other venue option which allowed the user to overtype my venue box with whatever they wanted, my problem is that when i list more than 1 venue and one of the locations is not on the list, it enables all of the fields to be edited , I know its recordsets but cannot get my 'ead round this - to expand a bit

If its one venue then no problem, if its 2 venues then I have a linked table opening up tied to the main record as the index (usul stuff) and the table autonumbers happly ,i need somehow to get the line to lock just that 1 record not all of the record in the table for the main refernce - have i made any sense or am I losing it (its midnight here)

Any pointers greatly appicated:confused:

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Filter In Continous Form

Feb 9, 2005


I have Continous form, in Form header I have Combo Box. I want to select in Combo Box record and filter by this record contonous form.

Please, help me.

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Continous Form Workround?

Jun 16, 2006

Having realised that unbound controls on a continous form all 'work together' -

I have decided to use a secondary form which allows the user to enter additional data for the current record on the main form. A command button press invokes the secondary form and using a filter is able to allow new data entry for the record / amend existing.

However, if the record is new - when the secondary form is closed and focus returns to the primary form - the read only controls that display the data entered, do not update to reflect the data entered. Yet, if the record is amended - the amendments are updated immediately on the primary form...!Why is this ... ??? I have tried forcing a refresh of the individual read only control concerned but to no avail.... Any ideas comments greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Continous Form Not Updating Text Box

Mar 2, 2005


I have a continuous sub form linked to a main form.

The fields on the subform are:

Part Number

I also have a total price field for each record the control source for this is
=[Quantity]*[Unit Price].

I then have a text field to calculate the order total in the form footer control source is
=Sum([Total Price]).

The problem that I have is if I change the quantity in record 1, the text field to calculate the order total does not update until I tab onto record 2.

Have searched far and wide for the answer and have tried all manner of me.[mytextboxname].requery to no avail - help!



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Record Numbers In Continous Form

Aug 19, 2005


How can I make Records numbers in Continous form?

For Example, in Continous Form I have 10 records, the numbers are from 1 to 10. Then I make filter and see only 4 records. I need to see from 1 to 4.

Any ideas?

Thank You in advance.

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Conditional Formating On Continous Form

Sep 24, 2004


I am trying to change the color to display when the order
close to red.whilst leaving the open records as default.
Iam attempting this on a continous form.
Currently operating access 2000

Many thanks


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Continous Form With Bound / Unbound Controls?

Nov 8, 2005

I'm having a bit of a problem - I built quite a complex db that works great and I'm comfortable with code and access. But, I've been working with ASP for a while now and I think it has made me a bit fogetful re: Access.

If someone can point me in the right direction conceptually it would be appreciated. My system is primarily built around scheduling and I have created tables and web forms to interact with my current access database to allow our recources to check and confirm their daily schedules online.

My problem is on the Access side. I need to build a dashboard using a form that queries the table that holds our resources status information and will display whether or not they've logged in and confirmed their schedule. As well, I need controls on this form to allow me to update their individual schedules if it has been changed. Most of this is no problem, the big problem I'm having is the display of information and form interaction... Can I use a continuous form for this?

When I try to use unbound controls such as images - hiding/unhiding images depending on a specific records value (for let's say a traffic light that shows whether a resource has confirmed their schedule) - it seems that I can't control images, checkboxes, etc. for individual records on the continous form with code as all these unbound controls defualt to the value of the first record.

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Selections In Continous Form Problem, Part II

Oct 27, 2006


I have a continuous subform that shows records from a table [not the table the parent form is based on] - a check box, a text field with text, and a blank text field for notes.

When I click on one particular of the checkboxes I see in form view, I can make the notes field/s visible. Unfortunately, that means right now that the fields for all the records become visible.
If at all possible, I would like to set this up so that only one particular text box becomes visible.

Could somebody please tell me if this can be done, and help me do it?

Thanks a lot.

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Create An Unbound Variable In A Continous Form

Aug 15, 2006

Is it possible to create an unbound variable in a continous form and then pass values or query in it.

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REFRESH Combo Boxes For Records On Continous Form

Jul 7, 2005

I have a continous form linked to a table and I have 3 combo boxes on the
form (linked to fields on the table). The combo boxes are called JOB TITLE,
SCHEDULE and SHIFT. The source for the combo boxes are queries named
respectively as LKUPJOB, LKUPSCHEDULE and LKUPSHIFT. For the three combo boxes listed abpve, the bound column is the first field of the underlying query and the column width of the first field is set to 0" (so that the second field of the query is displayed).

The way things should work is that for each record on the form, the
LKUPSCHEDULE and LKUPSHIFT queries (queries for the SCHEDULE and SHIFT combo boxes), the queries are filtered based on the bound field of the JOB TITLE combo box. The name of the bound field for the JOB TITLE combo is called Labor_Rate_ID.

Unfortunately, It seems like the value of the labor-rate_ID in the first
record (i.e. first job title combo box) determines the query list used by the
SCHEDULE and SHIFT comboboxes for all the other records on the form. That is, even though the form has lots of records displayed, the combo boxes for each record don't have a complete list to work with.

Hence, the SCHEDULE and SHIFT combo boxes for some records are showing a blank (since available otions in the combo query list don't match the value
in the table for that record.

Can anybody tell me how to get a continous form to refress the list for each
record on the form.

I also don't know whether the Requery command for a macro could work and how to use it. I think though, that this problem can't be solved by a macro.

Basically, the question is around what kind of code will let you manipulate the properties of individual controls of a form at the Record level.


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Changing A Label In One Record Of A Tabular/continous Form

Jul 28, 2006

I'm new here, mostly learning to do stuff by trial and error. I have a sneaking suspicion that I could easily search out the answer to my question if I had the right vocabulary, but I don't think I do...

Anyway, my question, hopefully you can help me with.

I've got a tabular form that has a couple of comboboxes, and then a text label:


What I'd like to do is change the label for each row based on the Combobox data...


The user changes some setting, so this happens...


That's what I want. How I'm currently doing this is having a Sub called whenever the Combo boxes are changed, to change Me.Label.Value to 3, in this example. Of course, what instead happens is I get...


Which is not what I want at all. Is there a way to change the value of the label in(for instance) the second row, without changing /all/ the labels in the continous form? I'd be really handy to know how to do that, but I just can't puzzle out a way.

If that's not possible... Any other way to get my labels to display the information? Part of the problem is that my function relies on information stored in variables in my form, and I'm not sure I can access those just from the source propery of the label... What I need, essentially, is to put in Label's value the result of MyFunc(ComboA.Value,ComboB.Value,formvariable1,for mvariable2).

Any help would be muchly appreciated!

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After Event Scan

Nov 3, 2005

By utilizing the search feature, I have discovered issues that are somewhat relative to what I need assistance with, however nothing specific. So here we go…

1.I have a table named tblManifest. Within this table is a text field named PRODUCT and a text field named ACTION (which is a YES or NO option). There are multiple records (duplicates are acceptable) stored within this table/field
2.I have a form named frmReceipts. Within this form is a text box named PRODUCT.
Here is my issue. Within frmReceipts & text box PRODUCT, the user will utilize a handeld scanner to scan a product id barcode. After the scan, I want the record to be added to a table named tblReceipts. This is I have.

My problem is with product identity and specialized treatment of specific product id’s. What I need is when the user scans the product id and that particular product id is flagged as YES within the ACTION field in tblManifest, I would like for a separate wav file to be played and a comment box to flash on the screen. This will alert the user that the product requires specialized treatment. The wav is located in C:My DocumentsTest.wav. If product is flagged as NO, then no wav should be played and no comment is displayed.

I would imagine that this is possible, however beyond my basic Access skills. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Scan Documents Into Table

Sep 19, 2007

Is there anyway to scan documents and save them in an Access table? As of now we scan them and save them to a folder on the network. Then go into Access form to add them into the tables. Would like to automate this process all from Access but have know idea how to go about this. Any suggestions?

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Scan Document; Hyperlink To Record

Apr 13, 2008

We are wanting to have our entry form open; click a button that scans a document; to a pdf file; then attaches a hyperlink to that pdf to that record.

If that record was ever retrieved; we could simply double-click the hyperlink to access the pdf file.

Is this possible? Could you give us some recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Scan For An Aniversary Date Without Using Years?

Dec 29, 2005

I have a table with these 2 fields: Name and AnniversaryDate. What is the best way to write a query that will show me all the anniversaries that will fall within the next two weeks?

For instance if I have a record with these values:

Name, Anniversary
BukHix, 1/1/2003

I want the query to look at today’s date, which in this case would be 12/29/2005 go two weeks forward, which would make it 1/12/2006 and show any anniversary date that would fall between the dates.

The catch (and the part that is throwing me off) is how do I do that without explicitly naming the year? I mean I need to catch every date in that range from 1965 to Current year - 1.

Any ideas?

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Reports :: Scan Barcode To Equal Escape Command

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to add a barcode to a report of mine that I can then scan in order to escape/close that report. The reason for this is my work station will not have a keyboard. The user will simply scan a work order number, this will bring up a report on screen with work order detail. Then to get back to main screen to scan next work order I need to be able to escape/close the current report without using a keyboard.

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Modules & VBA :: Scan PDF Document From Scanner And Attach It To Field

Oct 12, 2014

I have hp scanner whose twain driver has the option to scanning in the pdf document.

Microsoft WIA 2.0 have save scanned document only to graphical format.

I want automated (on click any button control) to scan multipage document from glass source or ADF to pdf document and attach it to attachment field.

I'm found VB Module for accessing TWAIN compatible scanner but it is call twain software and scan to bmp format with assigned name of file.

Me need it also only use the pdf format .

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General :: How To Scan Product Barcode Then Interpret It Into Data

Jul 25, 2013

I'm trying to make a database for some product that have barcode, but i don't understand how to scan product barcode then interpret it into data in access,,, and how later I can look for these data by using barcode.

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Modules & VBA :: Scan Multiple Page PDF To A File And Directory Location?

Jan 20, 2015

I want to create a button on my form that when pressed will scan my multi page document (ADF) from my Epson WF-3540 and save it as a specified file name and folder.

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Forms :: Scan Barcode To Choose Item From Combo Box - Populate Textbox With Result

Jun 14, 2013

I'm working on a project that uses a barcode scanner. The user will scan a barcode which will choose an item from a combo box. The result of what it enters will populate a text box. I have that part working fine.

The next step is to get it to open a form based on the value in the textbox. The textbox will have about 7 different possible values and each one should open a different form.

The way this is supposed to work:

User approaches a machine and scans the barcode. He is presented with a form giving him options based on the type of equipment the machine is. A compressor for example would present him with a set of options for compressors (gauge readings, maintanence, etc).

I have an unbound form with two controls:


How to code this and which events to code it in. Users will be going from machine to machine and using the form over and over again so I need to somehow manage the clearing of the form to begin again with another barcode scan.

I saw another thread about a barcode scanner and one response was to program the scanner to send the barcode and then send an "Enter" press to move focus to the next control. I've looked through the documentation and haven't been able to find if that is possible. Right now it sends the number and that's it. It's a "Motion" Tablet.

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Continous Refreshing

Feb 26, 2006


I'd like to ask for your help in the following issue:

I wanted to refresh the filtering of my combo-list on a subform according to the change of a field on the main form.

With this

Private Sub supplierID_AfterUpdate()
Forms![invoices]![details1 Segédűrlap]![KombináltLista4].Requery
End Sub

it succeeded. But when I turn a page on the main form (to see records registrated in the past), the combo-list on the subform doesn't change (because Access doesn't get any after-update info - I guess).

But I'd like to use a solution that always watches the actual value of the main form displayed on the screen and so it changes the filtered list of the sub-form - combo-list according to it.

Please help if you have a good idea/solution to it.
(take care I'm beginner at Visual Basic)



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Images In Continous Forms

May 21, 2006

I would like to be able to create a continous form that different type of inage depending on values set in a given field. I have found that if I put an image field in my table and use this idea it works ok. The problem I am getting is to change the image based on the value in the given field. To make this easier to expalin. record one is a yes or no value record two is an image value that could be image one or image 2. I tried storing the images in a seperate table. Could someone help with making this work with vb code.

Thanks Paul

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