Scope & Limitations Of MS Access And SQL Server

Apr 24, 2008

Hello everybody

My office gave me assignment to find out the scope & limitations of the two Microsoft database applications - MS Access and MS SQL Server. After the findings, we have to chose the more appropriate database for our new project, which will have a humble start but may grow big in a year or two.

I will apreciate the info in facts & figures (not only in general).

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ASP And Access Limitations

Oct 28, 2006


My website keeps going down. We run an Access database with ASP coding. I have been told that the problem is from Access having limitations. I read in another posting here that there is a limit of 255 concurrent users, something that we would reach.

I want to know what is the best way forward. Would I need to upgrade to MS sequel? Could I switch to MYSQL? What is the best option and how would I go about doing it? Any other tips or pointers would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Anyone Have A Guess As Access 12 Size Limitations?

Apr 21, 2006

I've got a database that is about to blowup with Access' 2GB limit. Just wondering if I should wait for Access 12.

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Access 2000 Limitations Question

Feb 13, 2005

Hello All,

I just had a couple quick questions. My first question is access limited
to a certain amount of records per table, or limited on how big (disk space wise)
a database can be. The reason why I asked was I think I read access 97 had a
limitation on the db could be no more then 2 gigs, or so many records per table, or both.


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MS Access Multi-user Limitations

Sep 25, 2006

We are planning a database application for a client that will need to be accessed remotely by their consultants. We will initially host this application on one of our servers for a few months, and then the client will take it over and host it. The problem we are facing is that this client wants to use ms access as the database, and doesnt want the interface to be web based. The plan was to use data access pages, and let their consultants use a remote desktop connection to access these pages. I don't use access, but I was under the impression that access couldn't really support multiple users hitting the database in this format. Is this correct?


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Limitations Of Using Access With Multiple Users On Intranet

Mar 24, 2006


I would like to use an Access database over an Intranet. What are the limitations of doing this? I want multiple individuals to be able to open forms and enter data. I would also want others to be able to run queries and reports on the database. Would I need to upsize to an Oracle database to run with multiple users? Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

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Query Containing Iif Statement - Scope Issue

Feb 15, 2008

I've come across an issue today that I didn't think was possible in Access or it's possible I've not met these conditions before..

A field containing an if statement in a query is brought into another query. The iif statement then appears to be working within the top query as well, when I am just expecting to display the results of the initial query.

I've struggled to describe this clearly, this is my best attempt so far.

For example

I have a query (Q1) returning 3 rows, the first field is a unique field, the second field is an optional field, the third field is an if statement. eg iif [field 2] is null Then "default" Else [field 2]

Output should be 3 rows: Default value = "No response"

Field 1___________Field 2__________Field 3

2_______________________________No response

I am then joining Q1 to a table (T1) with 6 rows and one field, the unique field.

I want all 6 from T1 and matching rows from Q1.

I am expecting to see this result.

T1.Field 1_________Q1.Field 2_______Q1.Field 3

2_______________________________No response

However, I am getting

T1.Field 1_________Q1.Field 2_______Q1.Field 3

2_______________________________No response
3_______________________________No response
5_______________________________No response
6_______________________________No response

You can see that Q1.Field 3 is now returning a default value for the rows that aren't actually in Q1.

The iif statement is working on the larger dataset when I want, expected it to only work within Q1.

Phew, I hope someone can make sense of that and secondly help me out.

Is it supposed to work like this? (I don't think so)
How do I stop it working like this? - I have made the result of Q1 into a table and linked that to T1, giving me the right answer. However, I just can't believe this is correct as it would stop you using a query within a query.

Thanks in Advance.

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General :: Duplicate Declaration In Current Scope?

Jul 6, 2012

I am getting a duplicate declaration in current scope error. How do I fix it.

Sub SetupTargetDate()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim dtTime As Date
Dim dtTemp As Date
If IsNull(Me.Date) Then Exit Sub
If IsNull(Me.Time_Received) Then Exit Sub


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Crosstab Limitations

Oct 6, 2005

Does anyone know what the maximum rows & columns are for a crosstab query as I cannot find them anywhere?

When I create one that is too big, it just gives the message of how many columns I have rather then how many I'm allowed.

Any help would be greatly recieved.



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DLookup Limitations?

Mar 4, 2008


I have a unbound textfield which is defined as a MEMO as i need the capacity the memotype gives. When i use DLookup to retrieve text from a tablefield it seems like the DLookup function can't retrieve all the text from it. The capacity is there when i use bound relations (not using DLookup), but not with it. Does anyone know how i can get around this?

Thanks in advance :)

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Combo Limitations?

Dec 27, 2005

Can a combo box, used to auto fill fields on a form, use a memo field? My selections seem to be cutting off at the 255 character limit, eventhough the underlying table is set to memo field. Is there a work-around for this issue?

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Memo Field Limitations

Mar 26, 2005

I have a form with a memo field. This field is based on a table with a field set as a memo data type. The problem is that although the form field lets you type endlessly, it only saves 255 characters. A memo field is supposed to let you enter up to 64000 characters. Has anyone else ever had this problem, if so what was the solution?

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Nested Tables/drill Down Limitations...?

Jun 16, 2005

Hi there,

I'm using access 2000 for starters.

I have created one to many relationships for each of 10 cascading tables dependent on related records in each preceeding table and was expecting to be able to drill down into them in the standard database window prior to creating a data access form to work with.

However i have found that tables 1 through 7 are visible, but access doens't give a little "+" in the corner of table 8 to get to tables 9 and 10. i.e, i can't seem can't seem to drill down beyond table 8 to view related records in tables 9 then 10.

Does this mean that there is a limit to how far you can drill down through table relationships within access?


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Nested Tables/drill Down Limitations...?

Jun 16, 2005

Hi there,

I'm using access 2000 for starters.

I have created one to many relationships for each of 10 cascading tables dependent on related records in each preceeding table and was expecting to be able to drill down into them in the standard database window prior to creating a data form to work with.

However i have found that tables 1 through 7 are visible, but access doens't give a little "+" in the corner of table 8 to get to tables 9 and 10. i.e, i can't seem can't seem to drill down beyond table 8 to view related records in tables 9 then 10.

Does this mean that there is a limit to how far you can drill down through table relationships within access?


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Access FE SQL Server BE

Dec 5, 2007

We're currently looking at changing a couple of my more complex Access 2003 databases to Access Front End with a SQL Server Back End. This should give us better stability and reduce network traffic loads. I was looking at the Access help file on Upsizing and came across the following paragraph. On face value to a novice like me this would seem the easy option - but is it?

"Create an Access database front-end to an SQL Server database back-end so that you can create a front-end/back-end application.

This approach requires very little application modification since the code is still using the Jet database engine. "

Would anyone recommend this approach?

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SQL Server To Access

Feb 15, 2006

I am importing an Excel file into a table in SQL Server that was created by an AS400 program.

I linked this table in MS Access. The date fields from the SQL Server table are split out. DSREQM is the month and day. DSREQY is the year. When opening the table it looks like this:

215 6

I need to be able to convert this is a field to 2/15/06. However I cannot get this to work. For some reason when I execute the query it comes out as 8/02. Here is what I have:

DelDate: Format([DSREQM],"mdd") & "/" & Format([DSREQY],"y")

Any ideas?

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Access Using Jet And SQL Server With ADO

Aug 29, 2007


I am attempting to write an application, using Access2003 as the front end. The Backend May be either Jet (ie an MDB), or SQL Server.

I am trying to make it so that the same code works regardless of the back end.

My approach has been to set the forms recordset to an ADO recordset like so:

Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
'Rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer
Rs.Open strSQL, gcn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Set Me.Recordset = Rs

Anyone done this, and willing to sahre information/pitfalls.

First problem I am encountering is that Jet only seems to like .CursorLocation = adUseClient, and SQL Server only seemns to like .CursorLocation = adUseServer

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Tables :: Student Database For Daily Attendance - Column Limitations

Dec 31, 2012

I'm in the process of constructing a student database for my school which would track (in addition to detailed student information) the daily attendance of over 270 students.

It is my understanding that there is a limit of 255 field names per table, so I can't use the student names as field names, nor can I really use dates as this would not quite cover even a year.

Student ID and AttendanceDate as field names is also not really a feasible strategy, as each week this would eat up 1300+ rows, so I would run out of space in that direction as well.

My question is ultimately am I better off building this in excel 2010, or is there a way of doing this in access that I have overlooked?

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Installing Access On Server

Apr 26, 2005

Hi to everyone
Im not sure which thread i should be in, but here goes :confused: i want to create a members database for members on my forum with HTML!
Ive been told to make the database with ACCESS ive played for 2 days and im now acctually getting somewhere, i would like members to interacte with it ie....add there own details to it.
How do i do this and how do i get it to my server, well i did upload a tester but no one could see it and its says they need to have MS installed or something like that :eek:

What do i do here??
Thanks for ANY help

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MS Access On A CITRIS Server ?

Sep 7, 2005

I'm trying to help someone with Access on a CITRIS Server. I'm working with them VIA email. They say they're having problems communicating with printers and would like to utilize their email with Access. Can someone fill me in on common problems using Access with CITRIS Server as far as printers or email or anything else?

To be perfectly honest, I know nothing about CITRIS servers. Is CITRIS a hardware system or computer type of is it an operating system???

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Access Projects With SQL Server

Oct 26, 2006

I need to be able to add a feature to an Access project that will select a group of records based on an area code( user will have to be able to select a desired number like 100, or 1000), mark those as selected, and create a single csv file...The area codes are stored in the SQL SERVER database...right now they just export groups of #'s based on area code to excel select the amount they want and cut and paste into a flat file for another application to use...they would like to be able to select a number from a list box or type it 100 ( which means take a 100 #'s from all different area codes) then have them automatically noted in database as being selected..and then export all selections to one csv file... should I do part of the work in the Sql Server behind the scenes..the format of the csv file also needs to be specific in that the first row is the columns separated by commas and then the data follows all text fields enclosed by qoutes..
Thanks for anyone's help ..Im very inexperienced with VB and Access

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MS Access And Sql Server Permissions

May 8, 2007

I have created an adp, and have created stored procedures for all of my forms. In the SQL Server database I have given my users permissions as db_datareader and db_datawriter, however they were unable to open any of my forms because they didn’t have execute permissions on my stored procedures. I finally had to give them permissions as db_owner so they could use my forms. Do I have to give them db_owner permissions to execute my stored procedures? I know I can go in and assign them execute permissions for my stored procedures, but there has to be a better way. Does anyone know how to give users execute permissions on stored procedures without having to give them db_owner permissions or having to grant execute permissions for each stored procedure individually?

I am still in the development phase of my project and having to assign users or groups with each stored procedure I create could really be a pain. Can someone please help me?

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SQL Server 2000 With MS Access

Nov 7, 2003

I am accessing a SQL Server 2000 database from MS Access. While I can view the tables and can add records, I cannot edit or change them. How do I get around this?

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Access / VBA / SQL Server Question:

Aug 29, 2005

I am trying to build a form to make deletes from our sql database easier for some of my coworkers.

They have a combo box that they select a patient name from, then based on that patient id, they have a second combo box that shows all appointments that patient has been to. All right so far, yes?

I want, after the first two selections are done and we have a patient and an appointment selected, to have a textbox that returns the count of the number of medical documents based on that appointment id.

I am trying to use a text box for this.
Code: "select count(appt_id) from template_audit where appt_id = " & Me.cboAppointment

I don't know what property of a text box to use to return a single sql statement into it. Anyone have any ideas?


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Migrate Access To Sql Server

Sep 26, 2005

The database that I have on MS Access has tables, queries, forms (VB code), reports and functions (VB). I could migrate the tables and queries through the Enterprise Manager. I want to have the forms and reports in html. Is there any software tool that can help me with over all migration?

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Ms Access Security On Server

Jan 15, 2006

I've create an ms access security workgroup and put .mdb and .mdw file to a folder under any acount on a server. When these files in my local machine it work properly. But when these files on server I myself cannot open .mdb file.
How to make ms access security on a server ?

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