Search Date Range By Month In Combo Box Within A Form?

May 25, 2012

I'm trying to create a combo list box in a form that has all 12 months (January, February......etc,) listed in rows, and depending on the selection will bring up only that particular month within a range of dates from a table. I don't want it to look at the day or the year, but only the month.

Example: I select January from the drop down list in my combo box and my form will display all records with dates that are in January regardless of month or year.

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Make A Form Which Search Between Beginning And End Date Range

Jul 11, 2015

I have created a database based off of 1 table that holds all of my data. I need to create a form that queries off of the following columns from my table.

Acceptance Date

Sales Rep Name
Sales Region

I want to make a form which searches between a beginning and end date range, Sales Rep Name & Sales Region that can be pulled from these 3 queried selections all from the same form.

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Date Range By Month Number

Mar 7, 2006

I am trying to make a query that finds all records by the "Month Number" and have problems.

What I did:
I got month numbers like I wanted but when I typed in the criteria below, I got February thru December Records, but when I search on anything "up to" 9 it works fine.

I want:
Between{month1] and [month2]
Month1= 9 (example)
Month2= 12 (example)
Need results to be from the requested months but any year

I have to imagine it's how the date is converted to an integer, but not sure.

Any help would be great!

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WorkUnit Totals By Month Via Date Range

Jun 19, 2007

Below is the code I have for a query that shows me the number of WorkUnits via a date range that is put in via calendars. This works great. It gives me one total for the date range. What I would like to be able to do is see the WorkUnit totals by month via a date range. If I put in the date range: Jan 1-April 30 I would like to get four WorkUnit totals instead of one. I would like to see the WorkUnit totals for each month. Can anyone assist with this? I asked a similar question like this yesterday but he SQL for this code is different and I have not been able to figure out how to apply yesterday's answer to this one. I have tried everything I can think of to no avail.

SELECT 'Total Work Units' AS FaultCategory, Count([WorkUnit]) AS [WU Totals]
FROM [Select Distinct [WorkUnit]
FROM WorkUnitsFaultsMainTBL
WHERE BuildID IN ("G004","E818","N005","F813","D024","C879") AND
PossibleCause NOT IN ("Out of Stock") AND
[TodaysDate] BETWEEN [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM]![StartDateTxt] AND
[Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM]![EndDateTxt]]. AS vTbl;

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Date Range Search Problem

Mar 2, 2005

Scenario: The code below allows me to enter a date range in an unbound form which then opens another form based on the date range. If I enter only one of the dates (the beginning or the end) and not the other. I have a message box display asking for the other date to be entered.

Problem: The message box displays correctly but the secondary form still opens because my open form code is separate from the verify dates code. I can see the problem but I can't think how to fix it.

Desired Results: After the message box appears and I click OK on the message. I want the secondary form not to open at all.

***********CODE SNIPPIT************

'Build the wherecondition to use in the OpenObject method.
If Not IsNull(txtTxPrID) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND TxPrID = " & txtTxPrID
End If

If Not IsNull(txtSSN) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND SSN Like " & "'*" & txtSSN & "*'"
End If

If Not IsNull(txtAddDateBegin) And Not IsNull(txtAddDateEnd) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND AddDate between #" & txtAddDateBegin & "# and #" & txtAddDateEnd & "#"
MsgBox "Please enter both dates", vbInformation, "Incomplete Search Criteria"
End If

'Open Form based on the contents of strSQL.
stDocName = "empfrmTaxPayerInfo"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , strSQL

***********END CODE SNIPPIT************

Thanks in advance

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Date - Search Only By Month

Sep 13, 2004

I have several date type fields. What I need to do is run a query that shows the MONTH as specified in the parameter, regardless of the day and year.

any thoughts

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Forms :: Date Range In Dynamic Search

Jun 18, 2015

I have utilised the code on John Big Booty's thread titled Dynamically search multiple fields (Thread #188663) to create a dynamic search feature

It works great however I would like to incorporate a date range filter into the results displayed in the ListBox.

Therefore the results would be dynamically filtered only if they meet the required date range.

The Date range data is on the form in a txtdatefrom and txtdateto textbox.

I have tried to adding a the ReleaseDate field with the following criteria to the query:

Between [forms]![frmSearch]![txtdatefrom] And [Forms]![frmSearch]![txtdateto]

however this has no impact at all.

How would I incorporate this date range into the query or VB Code?

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Forms :: Subform - Date Range Search

Jun 13, 2015

I have a form with a subform which searches the database using multiple criteria using Text Boxes and a search button. One of which is a date range which is entered into 2 text boxes(SDTxt and EDTxt). At first glance the code works. If I enter 03/05/2015 in SDText and say 24/05/2015 in EDTxt and hit the search button(SearchBtn) the correct records are shown in the subform (Office Subform). But if I enter 05/06/2015 in SDTxt and 13/06/2015 into EDTxt not only does it show the records between the 2 dates but also all records from May. I have put on a cut down version of the code which just shows the date range search.

Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
Dim strWhere As Strin
If IsDate(.SDTxt.Value) And IsDate(.EDTxt.Value) Then
strWhere = strWhere & _


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Queries :: Date Range Search Of Multiple Fields

Nov 24, 2013

I am building Access (2013) database for 100+ employees to keep track of their expiry dates of visa/passport/work permits, for that to work I need to be able to search between date range to generate a report to work on. please check out the image attached as it will explain better where I am stuck, with current settings access keeps giving me empty query table as I think it searches for exact same result in all 3 fields at the same time. But I want it to search between all 3 fields and display if any of the 3 fields falls into that range.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Check For Start Date In Date Range Only Combo Box Value

Jan 22, 2014

I have some code that filters job raised I have 2 text box's txtdatestart and txtenddate after entering. date range between the too text boxs it shows me all job raised with in the period.i have entered what I would like is filter it again by client field using combo box cboclient so if the user enter's client name in cboclient combo box and date range in txtdatestart and txtenddate it will only show jobs raised with in the date range of the client enter in the combo box but if the combo box is empty show.


Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Remove the single quote from start of this line once you have it working.
Dim strReport As String
Dim strDateField As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngView As Long
Const strcJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#" 'Do NOT change it to match your local settings.


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Forms :: Using Dcount With Combo Box And Date Range?

Jun 13, 2014

I would like to have a text box display the number of records for a selected title that fall within a selected date range. Been looking around for a while and have this so far;

=DCount("Discussion_Title","Discussions","[Discussion_Title]='" & [cboType] & "' And [Discussion_Date] = Between ([txtStartDate] And [txtEndDate])'")

I get an #Error message. I just threw that together because it describes what I want, but I know there are syntax problems.

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Searching For Value Range On A Custom Search Form

Jun 9, 2014

I built a custom search form that uses unbound text boxes to set the criteria for a query. For example, I have an unbound text box, LastName on my search form. Then in the query, I set the criteria to Like "*"&[Forms]![SearchForm]![LastName]&"*". This returns all records if the text box is left blank or returns those records that match the text box if it isn't.

I would like to do the same thing but instead of searching a text field, I want to search a number field. And I want to search for a range of values aka >10 instead of just a single value. I still need the query to return all records if the text box is left blank.

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One Query To Return Either Records Within "Date Range" Or "12-Month Rolling"

May 25, 2005

I have a query that selects usage records from a table where a data field falls within a rolling 12-month period that ends on a month and year selected by the user on a form.

PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmReport]![cboMonth] Short, [Forms]![frmReport]![txtYear] Long;
SELECT UsageID, dtUsage, dblUsage
FROM tblUsage
WHERE (((DateDiff("m",[dtUsage],DateSerial([Forms]![frmReport]![txtYear],[Forms]![frmReport]![cboMonth],1))) Between 0 And 11));

I also have a query that pulls data between two dates that the user specifies using two textboxes on a form.

SELECT UsageID, dtUsage, dblUsage
FROM tblUsage
WHERE (((tblUsage.dtUsage) Between [Forms]![frmReport]![txtStartDate] And [Forms]![frmReport]![txtEndDate]));

On the form I have an Option Group control that sets the visible properties of the 4 controls;
12-Month Rolling
cboMonth - Month Combobox
txtYear - User entered year
Date Range
txtStartDate - User entered Start Date
txtEndDate - User entered End Date

What I was planning on doing was adding two new textboxes (txtQryStart & txtQryEnd) and depending on what option is selected, change the dates accordingly

blnDateRange = (Me.optDate = 1)
blnMonth = (Me.optDate = 2)

If blnDateRange Then
Me.txtQryStart = Me.txtStartDate
Me.txtQryEnd = Me.txtEndDate
End If

If blnMonth Then
If Me.cboMonth = 12 Then
EndMonth = 1
EndYear = Me.txtYear + 1
StartMonth = EndMonth
StartYear = Me.txtYear
EndMonth = Me.cboMonth + 1
EndYear = Me.txtYear
StartMonth = EndMonth + 1
StartYear = Me.txtYear - 1
End If
Me.txtQryStart = DateSerial(StartYear, StartMonth, 1) - 1
Me.txtQryEnd = DateSerial(EndYear, EndMonth, 1)
End If

Now I can use one query to accomplish both types of query;
SELECT UsageID, dtUsage, dblUsage
FROM tblUsage
WHERE (((tblUsage.dtUsage) Between [Forms]![frmReport]![txtQryStart] And [Forms]![frmReport]![txtQryEnd]));

This approach works. It saves me from having to duplicate the queries and some future headache if anything needs to be changed in the queries.

What I was wondering is there an better/simpler way to do this?

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Date Range Form....

Apr 11, 2005

i've got a date range form (Beginning and End Date) for reports. Well i've just been asked if there is a way to filter the date's with individual? For example, i want to run a report from 1 Jan 05 to 1 Feb 05 and I want the reports for only Joey Smith I have 4 checkboxs representing each person how would i go about doing this? Thanks in advance.

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Applying A Date Range From A Form To A Query...

Jul 13, 2005

I have a simple form where a user selects a query from a drop down list. I need to have the query apply a date range that has also been selected in the form.

Would I call to the date form fields from the query as a variable somehow?? If so, could someone show me the syntax? I am extremely new to access.


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Date Range Report Generated Through A Form ?

Aug 11, 2006

I'm trying to make a form where the final user can type in two dates (date range) and the result will generate a report on all activity between those two dates, any ideas ?


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Queries :: Using A Form To Select Date Range

Jul 1, 2014

I'm using a form to select a date range. Using the following, and entering start date of 6/1/14 and end date of 7/1/14 I would expect to pull the records with a date of 7/1/14; however it doesn't. I have to enter and end date of 7/2/14 to pull 7/1/14 records.

>=[Forms]![F_Transaction_Date_Range]![txtStartDate] And <=[Forms]![F_Transaction_Date_Range]![txtEndDate]

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Modules & VBA :: Date Range Option On Form

Jul 16, 2015

I have a form that has several drop down menus on it. I use the form to filter the database to only the options that are put into the drop down windows. I have it set up so that every window does not need to be filled in for the filter to work. Now I am trying to figure out how to put the option of a date range on my form as well. The code that I am using to make everything up to the date range work is.

Private Sub Search_Button_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Admin_CompletedPartSearch"
str_Form = "Admin_CompletedPartSearch"
str_Filter = "(1=1)"

[Code] ....

I can't figure out what I would need to do to make a date range also fit into this code but not to be required.

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Forms :: Date Range Form / Query

Dec 2, 2013

I have a form [ReportForm] with two unbound text boxes to select a date range.

[BeginOrderDate] & [EndOrderDate]

These two boxes look up a query with the following expression:

between Forms![ReportForm]![BeginOrderDate] and Forms![ReportForm]![EndOrderDate]

However in my query I have several other columns with dates [InterimOrderDate] & [PostOrderDate].

How to modify the expression above to look up these dates as well so that when typing in a date range in the form the query will return records where the date range filters records for

[BeginOrderDate], [EndOrderDate], [InterimOrderDate] & [PostOrderDate].

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Problem With Querying Date Range In Query Form

Jan 2, 2006

I am working on a query form, in which user can enter three parameters: date range (datefrom field, and dateto field), 1st selection of category (a drop-down menu, multi-selection enhanced), 2nd selection of category (a drop-down menu, multi-selection enhanced. By clicking command button, user can choose whether the result show in query table, or in a report. It didn't work... the error has something to do with the date criteria. If I remove the date criteria, i.e. just allowing selection of two categories, it works perfectly fine.

I've checked out many postings in this forum, but it doesn't take me far... below is the code, please please help....
Note: the cmdOK is the name of the command button for presenting results from query table.
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdOK_Click_Err
Dim blnQueryExists As Boolean
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim qry As ADOX.View
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strDate As String
Dim str1MainCate As String
Dim str2MainCate As String
Dim str1MainCateCondition As String
Dim str2MainCateCondition As String
Dim strSQL As String
' Check for the existence of the stored query
blnQueryExists = False
Set cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
For Each qry In cat.Views
If qry.Name = "QryCateDateForm" Then
blnQueryExists = True
Exit For
End If
Next qry
' Create the query if it does not already exist
If blnQueryExists = False Then
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips"
cat.Views.Append "QryCateDateForm", cmd
End If
' Turn off screen updating
DoCmd.Echo False
' Close the query if it is already open
If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acQuery, "QryCateDateForm") = acObjStateOpen Then
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "QryCateDateForm"
End If
' Build criteria string for Date
strDate = "(((NewsClips.IssueDate) Between #" & datefrom & "# And #" & dateTo & "#))"
' Build criteria string for 1MainCate
For Each varItem In Me.fstMainCate.ItemsSelected
str1MainCate = str1MainCate & ",'" & Me.fstMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str1MainCate) = 0 Then
str1MainCate = "Like '*'"
str1MainCate = Right(str1MainCate, Len(str1MainCate) - 1)
str1MainCate = "IN(" & str1MainCate & ")"
End If
' Build criteria string for 2MainCate
For Each varItem In Me.SecMainCate.ItemsSelected
str2MainCate = str2MainCate & ",'" & Me.SecMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str2MainCate) = 0 Then
str2MainCate = "Like '*'"
str2MainCate = Right(str2MainCate, Len(str2MainCate) - 1)
str2MainCate = "IN(" & str2MainCate & ")"
End If
' Get 1MainCate condition
If Me.optAnd1MainCate.Value = True Then
str1MainCateCondition = " AND "
str1MainCateCondition = " OR "
End If
' Get 2MainCate condition
If Me.optAnd2MainCate.Value = True Then
str2MainCateCondition = " AND "
str2MainCateCondition = " OR "
End If
' Build SQL statement
strSQL = " SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips " & _
"WHERE NewsClips.[IssueDate] " & strDate & _
str1MainCateCondition & "NewsClips.[1CategoryMain] " & str1MainCate & _
str2MainCateCondition & "NewsClips.[2CategoryMain] " & str2MainCate & ";"
' Apply the SQL statement to the stored query
cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
Set cmd = cat.Views("QryCateDateForm").Command
cmd.CommandText = strSQL
Set cat.Views("QryCateDateForm").Command = cmd
Set cat = Nothing
' Open the Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QryCateDateForm"
' If required the dialog can be closed at this point
' DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
' Restore screen updating
DoCmd.Echo True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
& vbCrLf & "Procedure: cmdOK_Click" _
& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
& vbCrLf & "Error Description:" & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, "Error"
Resume cmdOK_Click_Exit

End Sub

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Filter Query Results By Date Range In Form

Jan 3, 2006

I have a query form that allows user to search by two criteria (in which, user can select "And" or "Or" clause for the two criteria). I also allow user to filter the results by date range. On the form, I have two command button, one will prompt the results in a query table, and the other will prompt a report.

Problem 1
I manage to prompt report with a date range (i.e. two unbound text boxes for start date and end date). But, I dont' manage to disable the filter if the date range is null. Below is the code for this report command button. Should I use a toggle button to make a select case?

Private Sub cmdReport_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strDocName As String
Dim str1MainCate As String
Dim str2MainCate As String
Dim str2MainCateCondition As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFilter As String
' Build criteria string for 1st ComboBox
For Each varItem In Me.fstMainCate.ItemsSelected
str1MainCate = str1MainCate & ",'" & Me.fstMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str1MainCate) = 0 Then
str1MainCate = "Like '*'"
str1MainCate = Right(str1MainCate, Len(str1MainCate) - 1)
str1MainCate = "IN(" & str1MainCate & ")"
End If
' Build criteria string for 2nd Combo Box
For Each varItem In Me.SecMainCate.ItemsSelected
str2MainCate = str2MainCate & ",'" & Me.SecMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str2MainCate) = 0 Then
str2MainCate = "Like '*'"
str2MainCate = Right(str2MainCate, Len(str2MainCate) - 1)
str2MainCate = "IN(" & str2MainCate & ")"
End If
' Get 1toggle button condition
If Me.optAnd2MainCate.Value = True Then
str2MainCateCondition = " AND "
str2MainCateCondition = " OR "
End If
' Build SQL statement
strSQL = " SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips " & _
"WHERE NewsClips.[1CategoryMain] " & str1MainCate & _
str2MainCateCondition & "NewsClips.[2CategoryMain] " & str2MainCate & ";"
' Build criteria string for Date
If Not IsNull(Me![dateTo]) Then
strDate = strDate & " NewsClips.IssueDate Between #" + Format(Me![datefrom], "mm/dd/yyyy") + "# AND #" & Format(Me![dateTo], "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"
'Format(Me.dateTo, "mm/dd/yy")
strDate = strDate & " NewsClips.IssueDate >= #" + Format(Me![datefrom], "mm/dd/yyyy") + "#"
End If
' filter string
strFilter = strDate
' Open report
strDocName = "RptCateDateQry"
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acViewDesign, , strFilter
With Reports(strDocName)
.RecordSource = strSQL
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With
DoCmd.Save acReport, strDocName
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acViewPreview
End Sub

Problem 2
I have no idea how to filter the query results by date range in the query table. Below is the code of the query table button, which do not offer the filter feature. Would really appreciate it if you can give me some advice.

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdOK_Click_Err
Dim blnQueryExists As Boolean
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim qry As ADOX.View
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strDate As String
Dim str1MainCate As String
Dim str2MainCate As String
Dim str1MainCateCondition As String
Dim str2MainCateCondition As String
Dim strSQL As String
' Check for the existence of the stored query
blnQueryExists = False
Set cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
For Each qry In cat.Views
If qry.Name = "QryCateDateForm" Then
blnQueryExists = True
Exit For
End If
Next qry
' Create the query if it does not already exist
If blnQueryExists = False Then
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips"
cat.Views.Append "QryCateDateForm", cmd
End If
' Turn off screen updating
DoCmd.Echo False
' Close the query if it is already open
If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acQuery, "QryCateDateForm") = acObjStateOpen Then
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "QryCateDateForm"
End If
' Build criteria string for Date
If Not IsNull(Me![dateTo]) Then
strDate = strDate & " NewsClips.IssueDate Between #" + Format(Me![datefrom], "mm/dd/yyyy") + "# AND #" & Format(Me![dateTo], "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"
'Format(Me.textStartDate, "mm/dd/yy")
strDate = strDate & " NewsClips.IssueDate >= #" + Format(Me![datefrom], "mm/dd/yyyy") + "#"
End If

' Build criteria string for 1MainCate
For Each varItem In Me.fstMainCate.ItemsSelected
str1MainCate = str1MainCate & ",'" & Me.fstMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str1MainCate) = 0 Then
str1MainCate = "Like '*'"
str1MainCate = Right(str1MainCate, Len(str1MainCate) - 1)
str1MainCate = "IN(" & str1MainCate & ")"
End If
' Build criteria string for 2MainCate
For Each varItem In Me.SecMainCate.ItemsSelected
str2MainCate = str2MainCate & ",'" & Me.SecMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str2MainCate) = 0 Then
str2MainCate = "Like '*'"
str2MainCate = Right(str2MainCate, Len(str2MainCate) - 1)
str2MainCate = "IN(" & str2MainCate & ")"
End If
' Get 1MainCate condition
If Me.optAnd1MainCate.Value = True Then
str1MainCateCondition = " AND "
str1MainCateCondition = " OR "
End If
' Get 2MainCate condition
If Me.optAnd2MainCate.Value = True Then
str2MainCateCondition = " AND "
str2MainCateCondition = " OR "
End If
' Build SQL statement
strSQL = " SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips " & _
"WHERE NewsClips.[1CategoryMain] " & str1MainCate & _
str2MainCateCondition & "NewsClips.[2CategoryMain] " & str2MainCate & _
str1MainCateCondition & strDate & ";"
' Apply the SQL statement to the stored query
cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
Set cmd = cat.Views("QryCateDateForm").Command
cmd.CommandText = strSQL
Set cat.Views("QryCateDateForm").Command = cmd
Set cat = Nothing
' Open the Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QryCateDateForm"

' If required the dialog can be closed at this point
' DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
' Restore screen updating
DoCmd.Echo True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
& vbCrLf & "Procedure: cmdOK_Click" _
& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
& vbCrLf & "Error Description:" & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, "Error"
Resume cmdOK_Click_Exit
End Sub

Sorry for posting this question again, as I thought it's better to make it a seperate posting, rather than a reply to my early post. Your advice will be greatly appreicated.

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Run Query Based A Date Range Pulled From A Form

Feb 4, 2008

I have form with two date text boxes. One is start date and the other is end date. I want to query a table and only pull records that the date field is between the start date and end date.

my code I am working on is:

Dim startdate2 As String
Dim enddate2 As String
Me.start_date = startdate2
Me.end_date = enddate2
Dim SQL As String

SQL = SELECT FROM 'project' WHERE Date between 'startdate2' and 'enddate2'


I am getting a error on the sql = statement, I can't seem to get the statement right.

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Form And Query To Return Records Between Certain Date Range

Oct 15, 2013

First, I am trying to get a query to return records between a certain date range. In the form I have DateFrom and DateTo unbound text boxes from which faculty select the date range. I know I have done this before, but I cant figure out how to create a field name and write the criteria for the source query in design mode!

I tried [Form]![FormName]![DateFrom]<[Form]![FormName]![DateTo] in the criteria but I can't seem to write a valid field name that doesn't alter the criteria in some way...

Second, in the same form, faculty enter the StudentID for the student they wish to get records for. How do I write the code to show a msgbox when there is no such ID in the event they enter an StudentID incorrectly.

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Query For A Month Range Based On Combobox Entry

Aug 2, 2005


I currently have a form that creates a report based on a query that takes in a start date and an end date.
What I would like to do is to create comboboxes that will let the user choose a month and year for the report.
Is there a simple way to choose an entire month in access? I've tried using the Month() function to no avail.

The SQL statement for where I select the start and end date is below:

WHERE ((([tblData].[EntryDate])
Between [Forms]![frmByRange]![BeginningDate] And [Forms]![frmByRange]![EndingDate])

Any help would be much appreciated!

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General :: Day / Month In Date Form Control Reversed After Update Of Form

Sep 11, 2014

I have a data entry form which have a date field.This field retains the existing date after the record is saved with vba after update event.

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Me.ProductionDate.DefaultValue = Chr(35) & Me.ProductionDate.Value & Chr(35)
End Sub

Almost after a year of perfect working i am facing a problem.When i save the record , in date field my date and month values are reversed if date is between 1-12.although my database stores perfectly valid date. for example if date is "10-09-2014" (dd-mm-yyyy) after saving form date field becomes "09-10-2014". but if date is "13-09-2014" The date form field retains this value .

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