Search Form - Trouble With The Procedure

May 6, 2005

I'm trying to use code from a project that came with an Access book. However, I can't get it to execute, because I can't get it to compile.

Could someone PLEASE help me out?

Private Sub Search_Click()
gstrWherePhys = ""
If Not IsNothing(Me!LastName) Then
gstrWherePhys = "[LastName] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!LastName
If Right$(Me!LastName, 1) = "*" Then
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & Chr$(34)
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & "*" & Chr$(34)
End If
End If
If Not IsNothing(Me!FirstName) Then
If IsNothing(gstrWherePhys) Then
gstrWherePhys = "[FirstName] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!FirstName
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & " AND [FirstName] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!FirstName
End If
If Right$(Me!FirstName, 1) = "*" Then
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & Chr$(34)
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & "*" & Chr$(34)
End If
End If

If Not IsNothing(Me!City) Then
If IsNothing(gstrWherePhys) Then
gstrWherePhys = "[City] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!City
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & " AND [City] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!City
End If
If Right$(Me!City, 1) = "*" Then
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & Chr$(34)
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & "*" & Chr$(34)
End If
End If

If Not IsNothing(Me!Facility) Then
If IsNothing(gstrWhereCust) Then
gstrWherePhys = "[Facility] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!State
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & " AND [Facility] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!State
End If
If Right$(Me!Facility, 1) = "*" Then
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & Chr$(34)
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & "*" & Chr$(34)
End If
End If

If Not IsNothing(Me!State) Then
If IsNothing(gstrWherePhys) Then
gstrWherePhys = "[State] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!State
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & " AND [State] Like " & Chr$(34) & Me!State
End If
If Right$(Me!State, 1) = "*" Then
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & Chr$(34)
gstrWherePhys = gstrWherePhys & "*" & Chr$(34)
End If
End If

If IsNothing(gstrWhereCust) Then
MsgBox "No criteria specified."
Exit Sub
End If

Me.Visible = False
DoCmd.Hourglass True
If IsLoaded("PhysicianDB")
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , gstrWherePhys
If Forms!PhysicianDB.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "No Customers meet your criteria"
Me.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If

DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="PhysicianDB", WhereCondition:=gstrWherePhys, _
If Forms!PhysicianDB.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "No Customers meet your criteria"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PhysicianDB"
Me.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.Hourglass False
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name

End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Procedure Declaration Does Not Match Description Of Event Or Procedure

Jul 31, 2014

I have just made a change to one of the forms by adding a button (by copying the only other button on the form) to cancel any changes and close the form. However, as soon as I added it I started getting the error message in the title. Please attachment LA Err1 for the full message. I also changed the caption on the other button on the form from "Close Form" to "Save && Close Form" this button is now giving the same error.

I have Compacted and repaired the DB on several occasions to no avail. I have deleted the procedures from the module and recreated them using the properties window - still get the error. I have deleted the buttons from the form and recreated the both via the object wizard and without it. Nothing I have tried has made any effect.

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Call Procedure On A Different Form

Aug 30, 2006


Is it possible to call a procedure that exists in one form on another form please?


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SQL Stored Procedure And A Form Recordset

Dec 19, 2005

Hi All

Im having some Major issues with this problem, i only hope someone can help me!!

Firstly, let me set the scene. I have 1 Form, And 1 Subform within that form. The form gets the Main Data, the SubForm gets all the Related Data (in this case, its all the Items Of Equipment this client has) and then lists them in the subform. So it could return 1, or it could return 20 records.

What we want from this is to be able to record what the client thought of the piece of equipment, so there is a Option Group on the SubForm, which allows the user to choose 1 of 6 options saying whether it was useful or not and things.

BUT here lies the problem, if the SubForm has returned 20 records, i change the OptionGroup on record one, and every other 19 records become the same. if i change Record 2, record 1 and 3 to 19 are the same.

I want to be able to have a seperate choice for each record returned, but tis not working!!

The subform is populated by calling a SQL SP, i cant set the form to link directly to a view or SP because access doesnt allow me, by saying the recordset is not updatable!

I hope all that makes sense!!

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Create A Form And Procedure Within That Particular Form

Oct 10, 2013

Is it possible to create a form and vb procedure within that particular form (ie. an OnClose event)?


Function CreateForm()
Dim Form as Form
set Form = CreateForm
frm.Caption = "MyNewForm"
frm.Recordsource = "Stuff"
'Do other stuff to form, save and close, open form again
[Forms]![MyNewForm].OnClose = 'insert sub and/or call to procedure (if possible, haven't been successful yet)
End Function

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Procedure Behaves On Main Form, But Not On The SubForm

Jul 25, 2005

I have a form with a subform and on the form and also on the subform, I have three comboboxes or txtboxes and in the OnExit event I have a little procedure which makes sure that each have been filled in or it asks if you want to cancell and if yes, it setfocus on the cmdCancell and then I can canells the records, and the procedure looks like this:
Me!QCTypes_Label.ForeColor = 0 'Change Label Color to Black
Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
If Len(Nz(Me.QCTypes, "")) = 0 Then 'If QC Type is Blank
Response = MsgBox("No QC Type Was Entered," & vbCrLf & "Do You Want to Cancel QCA.", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "No?")
If Response = vbYes Then
Me.cmdCancell.SetFocus 'SetFocus on cmdCancell
Exit Sub 'Exit Immediately
Me!QCTypes_Label.ForeColor = 33023 'Change Label Color to Orange
Cancel = True 'Re-Enter QC Type, same field
End If
End If
Now the main form works great, but the subform acts strange, when I select YES, instead of cancelling and closing like the main form, this one does each procedure for each of the other two procedures. Why does it work right on the main and not on the subform? Thank you in advance for any assistnace rendered. :eek:

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How To Call A Procedure From A Subform In Main Form

May 10, 2006

I have a sub form which has the Save Button. In case the user keys in the details in the sub form, but then directly clicks the Payment command button of the main form, I want to call the Save button in the sub form if the form is dirty, and do the save, otherwise, proceed with the payment command button.

Every time I try to call the save procedure from the main form's Payment button, I get this error that "object does not support this property or method"

I am calling the save button's code in the subform as

forms.MainForm.SubForm.Save Producedure

Exact Code is : Forms.newpatients.InvoiceHeader.Command7_Click

How do I call this command7_click, which resides in the sub form, in the main form, and invoke it only if the data in the sub form has changed.

Please help.


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Event Procedure On Control In A Continuous Form

Jun 29, 2006

Hi All,

I created an Event Procedure on the After Update event for a control in a continuous form. Basically, if certain conditions are met, I want it to disable another control. It works perfectly, except it is disabling the controls for all the records instead of just that record.

Does anyone know how to get it to just update that record? I've been researching and cannot figure it out!

Thanks in advance for any and all help :)


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General :: Passing Subform As A Form To Procedure

May 3, 2013

if you are in a subform, can you pass the subform as a form to a procedure.


msgbox( 'shows the form name correctly, but then
call somefunc(me) doesn't seem to work.

I get a type mismatch in

function somefunc(frm as form)


function somefunc(frm as object)
msgbox typename(frm) 'returns "Controls"
end function

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Form Trouble

Aug 23, 2006

Hi All, Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)

Okay Im trying to create a form with a text box that has a Date/Time format applied to it. I also want it to default to TBD (to be determined) but it wont allow me to have text as default because of the date format. So I have a label floating overtop of it with TBD as the caption. So i want to write code that will show the Label in the form until you click on it, then it will show the text box underneath, hiding the label, and the user can input a date. I also am trying to figure how to have TBD be visible again if the user deletes the date in the text. this is what i have so far and some of it is working...thanks to anyone who can help

With CurrentForm


If .Name = "SYS_HOPCoverPage" Then
If !PlannedInService.Value = Null Then
!PlannedLabel.Visible = True
!PlannedInService.TabStop = False
!PlannedInService.Value = Not Null
!PlannedLabel.Visible = False
!PlannedInService.TabStop = True
End If
End If
End With

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Form Trouble......

Mar 23, 2005

Ok I know that I am missing something stupid but i've been staring at it for so long I can not figure out what it is.

I have a query to show run leaders in decending order and when I run the query from the query design view it works perfectly however when I open the form that is based on that query it is not sorting the runs in decending order but sorting the players by alpha name. Every other report in my program works fine except this one...BLAAAAAAH what the heck is the problem?

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Form Trouble....

Jul 13, 2007

I have 3 tables. Two of them are linked in a one to many relationship to a reference table. I am trying to create a form that populates data in the two forms that are connected to the reference table. Is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Run Stored Procedure Providing Variables From Form

Jan 15, 2015

Following concerns about someone accidentally deleting the access database we have been using to crunch performance numbers, I have successfully moved the data on to an SQL server

While the database works as it is, several of the queries are running extremely slow. I therefore decided to see if a stored procedure could run the number crunching on the server instead of passing the data back and forth all the time.

I have taken the series of queries and converted them into a stored procedure that runs too fast for me to blink while giving the same results as before.

The problem I face is that I can trigger the stored procedure from the server management studio manually while supplying the variables needed thus providing the data I need to export to excel in a table for this purpose.

What I want to do is to have a form in access supply the chosen variables (like I could before) and run the stored procedure at the click of a button as part of a series of other queries.

I have looked at pass-through queries but apparently they do not take kindly to variables unless they are hardcoded. The other solution would be to trigger it from VBA but I have not been able to find a solution I could get to work.

How to run a stored procedure on an SQL server from access while also giving it the variables it needs?

Stored procedure name: spNearMissCalculation
@SelectedDate (date format) (taken from a form field)
@SelectedVessel (nvarchar(max) format) (taken from a form field)
@SelectedVesselGroup (nvarchar(max) format) (taken from a form field)

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Forms :: Referencing Form Element In BeforeUpdate Procedure

May 28, 2014

I have an issue with a BeforeUpdate procedure that I am trying to get working. I'm using simple elements here as this is a test DB, not the real one yet.

I'm trying to get the value from a Text Box TextData into a string cString. I've used a Dim statement to declare cString - I think the problem I am having is trying to get the actual data from the form. The error I am getting is:

Run Time error '2465'

Microsoft Access cannot find the field "|1" referred to in your expression.

The code I am using is:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim cString As String
cString = [Forms!FormData!TextData]
End Sub

(I've removed some code that is either comments or working since I have to retype things!)

The line cString = [Forms!FormData!TextData] is where the debugger highlights as the error.

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Continuous Form Trouble

Apr 4, 2005

I am going to retype this as perhaps my original explanation was too wordy.

I need to display data from 2 tables in a continuous form. Sure I can do this with a query and a join, but the user needs to be able to add records to the form as well. When adding a new record, only one field need be entered (actually selected from a combo box) and the other 2 fields would auto-fill based on the selection.

Is this even possible?

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Trouble With Controls In A Form

May 10, 2006

I created lots of controls on my form, and now i cannot create anymore. I do not know what the problem is... I just get an error message that says:

"MS Office Access cannot create any more controls in your form/report. If you have deleted controls from this form/report in the past, try renaming the form/report and then add more controls to it"

I tried renaming the form already. it didnt work :confused:

I tried to create a new database (i copied all the tables, queries and forms into the new database). it didnt work.

I dont know what else to do... Please help
I would dearly appreciate any help. Thank you in advance :)

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Trouble Writing Query Value To Form

Feb 10, 2006

I have a query called VOLTEST that is not bound to the form. VOLTEST sums a field in a table from a subform. When the input is finished in the subform and control goes back to the main form, I want the total from the VOLTEST to show in a field on the form that is not a tab stop. Basically, this is just for reference.
I have tried to put =[VOLTEST]![SumOftest_value] in the control source of the field on the form but I keep getting "Name?" as the result instead of the sum total.
I can run the query in the gotfocus of the first field in the tab order after the subform and I get the correct result in a datasheet view. So, I know the query is working correctly. I just need it to show the result in field on the form.

Thanks for your help. GG

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Having Trouble Editing Data In Form

Jun 20, 2005

I have a form to edit records. When I open the form I am not able to change any of the fields until I edit a date field that has a calendar popup on the "on click" event. After that all of the fields are available for editing. Any ideas??

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ActiveX Trouble While Opeing Form

Aug 28, 2005

Hi Gents,

I copied my mdb from one pc to another. Both pc has Access 2003 ver.

But when I try to open one of the form it gives error. The error has been attached in a Jpeg file. But when the same form runs from previous pc, it runs smoothly.

Kindly let me know why this occures and what is the solution to get rid of this.

Any help would be appreciated.

With kind regards,



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Trouble Navigating Form/subform

Aug 31, 2005

I'm having a problem with a form/subform. The table I'm using includes the fields: date, personnelID, status, comments. The main form has a single field, date. The subform has the fields date, personnelID, status, comments. I have the form/subform linked using the Date field, because there are multiple instances of the same date in the table, I have to keep clicking the navigation buttons on the main form to go through all the duplicate dates to get to the next one. Is there a way I can filter the Date field on the Main form to only show one copy of each date? I had thought about creating a new table with only a date field and no duplicates, then just append all dates from the main table to this one and use it to go through the dates, however I'd rather not have to make an extra table just for this. This is basically for personnel accountability, I want to be able to select a date on the main form and display the "daily status"(present, on leave) for each person in the subform.

Even better would be if I could create a next and previous button to switch the date on the main form(I know how to do this.) but how would I get the subform to update the records to the date on the main form and keep it from going to dates that don't exist?

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Simple Form Question, But Having Trouble

Jul 11, 2006

I have a form, where the users choose a name from a pull down box and enter the date and other information. The pull down box has more than 100 names. The information such as the name, date, etc. gets stored into a table. It is fine if a certain name appears more than once on the table. I want to create some code, where if I click a button, it counts how many times each name appears in the table and outputs this information. I want the output to have the name in one column and the number of times it appears in the second column. Any ideas on how I could do this. I am very new at access and VB. I would appreciate your help. Thank you. (Basically I want to see how many times each name has filled out the form)

For example,

smith 3
doe 4
bell 8

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Help! Having Trouble Editing A Record Using A Form

Aug 17, 2006

Dear access experts,

I created form based on a query of around 7 tables, all the fields are set to
enabled and edits are allowed; however, access wont allow me to edit any of
the fields in that form! I know that the query is correct because i can flick
through the records and the fileds change.. please help:eek:

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Trouble With Button On Continuous Form

Nov 2, 2005

I have a continuous form reflecting events. The notes field is too large and so has to be it's own form. I made a button that is supposed to open the notes for the record. But it doesn't matter which record I'm on, it clicking the button always brings up the same note - it doesn't link the criteria and open only the correct record in the notes form. Is this because it's a continuos form? How can I fix this?

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General :: Stored Procedure And Parameter Pass Via Form To Generate Report

Jan 28, 2015

I have a stored procedure created in SQL SERVER 2008r2

I have a form in access adp project with combo boxes, when I click the submit button I want the values chosen to be the parameters and the stored procedure called to generate a report

Is this possible .

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Queries :: Search Form That Uses A Query To Show Results Of A Search

Aug 5, 2014

I have a search form that uses a query to show results of a search, but everytime I press search everything comes up even though I have entered search parameters, even though my search requeries every time and the search used to work before I added new records today. Also when I press the query alone on the navigation pane it asks me for the parameters and then it actually works but it won't when I use my form.

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How To Create Search Button Using Access 2007 That Can Search From Form

Jul 10, 2012

i need to create a system that can search data using i want to create search button that i will create it at form. currently i have 1 table and in that table i have 10 fields which are project_name, doc_ref_no, doc_title, volume, book_no, author, doc_status, box_barcode, filling_location, doc_availability.

i have create 2 forms, one form for user to add new record and another one is to search record. the user can search by enter project name, doc title, volume and box barcode. for project name and volume, i use combo box and for doc title and box barcode i'm using text box.

i want to create search function that can detect from user keyword and even user did not fill in all the form, the system still can search the record.

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