Search (While Typing) In A ComboBox?

Dec 5, 2014

My goal is during typing in combobox to can search by keyword in the combobox it self.

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Combobox Search

Jul 13, 2005

I've seen comboboxes before that by typing the first letter of the word your looking for it will go to the first word matching that letter, but then by typing that letter again it will go to the next word starting with that letter:
Such as in a "Choose Your State" box by typing "M" it selects Massachusetts then by typing m again it selects Maryland, the third time it selects Maine... and so on. I would like to add this to a cbobox on a form but havent had any luck. I have searched the forum but didnt find anything pertaining to this. Any help or suggestions on where to get this info is greatly appreciated.


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Combobox Search

Jun 29, 2005

I know there are threads on this issue but I have searched and can't find them. I'm not coming up with the right search string so I apologize for asking something I know I should be able to find. I;m trying to find the code for typing the first few letters of a word-Name, city, etc in a combobox and have combobox bring up with those letters. Can someone tell me code or suggest the correct search string to search the forum?

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ComboBox Search Not Working

Dec 31, 2004

I have a database of daily reports.
There are three shifts per day. 0800-1600, 1600-2400, and 2400-0800.
I ran the combobox wizard and asked it to "find a record based on the value I selected in my combo box."
I chose (and I know these are misnamed fields) field 3 which is the date field and field 2 which is the shift field.
Then I tested the combo box.
I click on the down arrow of the combo box the date and shift is displayed. For some reason tho when I select a date/shift, eg. 12/12/2004 | 1600-2400 the right record pops up as far as the date is concerned but the 2400-0800 shift record comes up. I select 11/25/2004 | 0800-1600 and again the right date but the same 2400-0800 record is displayed. Why is the right date but the wrong shift being displayed?


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Form With Combobox To Search Record

Mar 4, 2005


I am trying to build a form that allows the user to INPUT stock as it arrives. This is simple with a product form that shows all the products in the table. I just go to the quantity field and change it.

But, I want to create a 'search' function in the field. I want to allow the user to type in the Product number. Then the Product name, Product Price and Quantity is AUTOMATICALLY displayed.

The user can then change this value (items in stock).

Thats pretty much the jisst of what I wanna do.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

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Entering Data Using ComboBox For Search.

Nov 17, 2006


Below is the main data entry form of my application. We disrtibute a product called MC Cloth to Shops to display. After a month we visit again and take stock of products sold, replenish and the shop pays for the products sold.
the Database keeps a record of the shop, products displayed, refilled, sold and respective payments.

The dtabase and the form is loaded in Handheld (PDAs) by the sales people who enter data during the visit and then synchronise with a master on return

I need to sum up values in one field for example MC Refill from the first record till the new record and show it in another field, for example MC Refill Total

Another Forum answer to my question about summing up values in one field to be used as default in a second field showed that a search needs to be done based on base field (in this case NAME of customer).

However since I use a COMBO BOX to enter this NAME field values and then select it from a pull down list to create new records, I have this value ONLY in the very first Record. All subsequent records have all other values where as the NAME value remain empty.


This makes the search function impossible based on the NAME value.
As a solution I would like to AUTOMATICALLY copy the NAME value to a second field (for example CUST_ID) during creation of each NEW RECORD so that I can then base my search on this field instead of the Name field (with empty values)

Currently I have the code below which works correctly for entering NEW Data and for recalling by Pull Down .
(I have tried a mehod which entered the values for
all records but this clutter up the Pull down with SAME
Name for repeated records making the PULL DOWN unusable.)

I have tried to copy the Name value to Cust_ID value for each new record but the code gives an error.


Private Sub Name_Combo_AfterUpdate()
' This procedure tries to find the matching product's record.
' If the matching record is found, the procedure goes to it.
' If the record isn't found, the focus stays on the current record.

Dim Criteria As String ' This is the argument to the FindFirst method.
Dim MyRS As Recordset ' Recordset used to search.
Dim ComboName As String ' The name of the company to search for.
Const IDYES = 6

Set MyRS = Me.RecordsetClone
' Build the criteria.
ComboName = Chr$(34) & Screen.ActiveControl & Chr$(34)
Criteria = "[Name]=" & ComboName
' Perform the search.

MyRS.FindLast Criteria
If MyRS.NoMatch Then

Response = MsgBox("Could not find the Supplier Name: " & ComboName & " Do you wish to register a New Supplier: " & ComboName & " in this Database?", 4 + 48)
If Response = IDYES Then
MyRS.AddNew ' Create new record.
MyRS("Name") = Screen.ActiveControl
MyRS.Update ' Save changes.
MyRS.Move 0, MyRS.LastModified ' Go to new record
Me.Bookmark = MyRS.Bookmark ' Go to new record
GoTo Endsub
End If
MyRS.AddNew ' Create new record.
MyRS("Name") = Screen.ActiveControl
MyRS("Cust_ID") = MyRS("Name")
MyRS.Update ' Save changes.
MyRS.Move 0, MyRS.LastModified ' Go to new record
Me.Bookmark = MyRS.Bookmark ' Go to new record

'Me.Bookmark = MyRS.Bookmark

Dim recNo As Long

' for this to work there cannot be any RecordNumber with a value of 0
' it finds the highest record number for the name in the combo box
' and returns 0 and exits if no record found.
recNo = Nz(DMax("[RecordNum]", "Miracle_Cloth_Main", "[Cust_ID]='" & Me.Cust_ID & "'"), 0)
Debug.Print "RecordNo: " & recNo & " and Name: '" & Me.Name_Combo & "'"
If recNo = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.FindRecord "'" & recNo & "'", acAnywhere, , acSearchAll, , acCurrent

End If

End Sub

The question is is there an easier way to
achieve the summing function ?

Any help is greatly appreciated as always.


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What Happens When A Combobox Search Has Multiple Results

Jan 22, 2007

When you put a combo box to search the values in a form what happens if there are more than one (in my case) name that matches the criteria. ie: if you search for Smith and there are 10 people with the surname of Smith it brings up the first record. is there a way of doing adding a "search again' function so you can look for another Smith?

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Form Search Combobox - Not In List Message

Jan 24, 2007

When you use a combobox to search values in the form - and someone searches for a value that isn't there - the form just defaults to the first entry. Is there a way of putting a message box that says "This is a new patient" (or something like that). The NotInList event doesn't work - any ideas??

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Forms :: Advanced Search (MultiField) - Add Combobox?

Nov 21, 2013

I created Advanced search (Multi- Field) form and its work perfect but I want to add a combo box for search [Date Removed] and the options is "Active" and "Inactive".

my table include:
[Date Installed]
[Installed by]
[Date Removed]

The users may not enter [Date Removed] which mean its Null ( also which mean in my project company / Combo box its "Active" ).

In another hand, if users enter [Date Removed] which mean it's not Null ( also which mean in my project company / Combo box its "Inactive").

In short, if user chose "Active" it will search for nulls/empty column in [Date Removed]
if user chose "Inactive" it will search for filled column in [Date Removed]

The code is attached:-

Private Function BuildFilter() As Variant
Dim varWhere As Variant
Dim tmp As String
tmp = """"
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#"

[Code] .....

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Combobox Search Defaulting To Primary Key Rather Than Selection?

May 3, 2013

I have generated a combobox search for my form and I am able to select names that are different and the information is generated on the form. However, when I have two names that have the same last name my selection will default to the primary key instead of the name I selected in the combobox. Here is the code I am using:

Here is my RowSource: SELECT [Client Info].CltLname, [Client Info].CltFname, [Client Info].DOB, [Client Info].[Last 4 SSN] FROM [Client Info] ORDER BY [Client Info].CltLname, [Client Info].CltFname;

I have run a query to sort by CltLname and then by CltFname

Private Sub cboClientSearch_AfterUpdate()
'Moves to Customer Name text box and
'finds the record of whatever name is selected in the combo box
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!cboClientSearch
'Set value of combo box equal to an empty string
Me!cboClientSearch.Value = ""
End Sub

how to get the combobox to display what I have selected instead of defaulting to the earliest primary key associated with the same last name?

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Combobox Won't Auto-search When Multiple Periods Are In Entry

Jul 27, 2005

I'm having trouble finding an entry anywhere about this, although I'm sure I'm not the first person to come across it...

When I am typing my entry into a combobox it begins to autosearch, highlighting the part of the entry that it finds that matches the beginning that I typed in (as a normal combobox does in access).

However, when the entry it finds has multiple periods in it (i.e.: S.T.A.R) it stops searching and does not highlight the remainder of the entry it moved to. I'm not sure that searching is the correct term, which may be why I can't find any information on this, but is there a way to correct this problem?

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Modules & VBA :: Continuous Form Combobox Search As You Type

Jul 28, 2014

What i want is to have a combo box on a continuous form that as you type it filters the Query it is based on using a Like *. and drops downs so the user can see the updated list after each key press? Is this possible?

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Typing In Combo Box

Feb 24, 2006

got a question, and couldn't find the answer :mad:

I have a combo box on a form, with some drop down values listed. however, when a preson clicks into the box they can type whatever they want, I don't want the combo box to do that. I don't want it to do anything at all if someone types into it. I want them to HAVE to select the value from the drop down.

Is there any way to do this?

Any help is appreciated.



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Modules & VBA :: Wildcard Search Of Combobox - Lookup Values In Table Column

Nov 19, 2014

I have a form which has a combobox called Task_Ref which looks up values in a table column.

I would like to be able to set the tickbox value of tickbox called P1 to True if the combobox contains the word "test", each entry on the combobox selection may vary such as:-

Test number 1
Yesterdays Test

As long as the word "Test" appears I would like the above to happen?

I was thinking of something along the lines of:-

If InStr(Task_Ref.Value, "Test") > 0 Then
P1.Value = True
P1.Value = False
End If
End Sub

But this hasn't worked

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How To Stop Repetative Typing

Jun 9, 2005


I am fairly new to this and have set up tables to include specific details. I need to type in a name works number etc on a person already entered. So how do I once details have been entered stop having to put them in again. I have created a form for data entry

Please explain simply

Thanks :eek:

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Combo Box - Default Typing

Nov 30, 2005

Hi all...I have a combo drop down box that has the 50 states in it. I would like the list to pop to the first state that starts with a letter typed in. For exampe, you type 'C', takes you right to CA.

Anyone now how to do this? (silly question )

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Forms :: Typing Delay In Textboxes

Dec 16, 2013

When moving to a new a record in my form, i will click on a text box and the following happens:The black line will flash much faster than normal (This will happen on any text box i click on) No text will appear while this is happening When it stops al the text that was typed in that period will appear After this 5 to 10 second text delay the text box and all other textboxes will work fine, until i move to a new record and the process starts again

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Memo Control Loses Focus When Typing

May 10, 2007

I cant seem to type after a couple of lines as the page moves to the top, i have to keep pressing shift and F2 to complete the typing. Even with Shift and F2 box im unable to click enter to go to the next line as the box closes.

So if i start typing in the pic FM2 then FM1 appears automatically. Basically i cant use the memo control like a word document for my users.

Please help.

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Find A Field Via Typing Part Of Its Characters

Aug 21, 2007


I hope you'll be able to help since I think it is going 2 B a tough one.
I'm looking for a code that will do the following:

I have a table (lets say customers) with a lot of names and instead of typing again and again the same name I would like to have a kind of an auto complete mechanism which will find the name from the table and use it to input it back to the table itself and if it isn't there then it will use the new name as an input, exp: in table customers I have the following names:
ACC, ABC, ABD, EFG .....
lets say I'm typing A then the ComboBox will show all the names that starts with A (e.g. ABC, ABD & ACC), if I will continue typing A=>B then only the names ABC & ABD will be shown then I can choose one of them or continue typing ABD which will cause only the name ABD to show up then I could use this as a name to input to the table or if I create a new name like ABDG then this one will be used.

I hope I didn't mess things up and explained myself correctly.
Thanks in advance

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Access Selects All Field Text When Typing

Oct 30, 2012

I have created a database.On opening the [Company] form opens up.After pressing the 'Add new company' button it creates a new record. when typing immediately into the 'Company Name' field, access highlights all the text whilst your typing making you delete what you have just typed.I have tried several macros and vba at various different events to try and solve including 'Gotocontrol', 'refesh'. I have even tried SelStart.

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Modules & VBA :: Hide Fields When Field Is Cleared While Typing?

Jul 13, 2015

I am working on a database. I created a list box (ListBox) that filters record for a form. This list box is controlled by another field (SearchBox) where I type search string.

The ListBox visibility is hidden when the form loads. It only becomes visible when the user starts to type in the SearchBox. The records gets filtered and when the user clicks on the selection, the form goes to the record and the ListBox becomes hidden again. All this works fine. My problem is for some technical reasons I want the ListBox to show only when there is character in the the SearchBox. When I try to type in the SearchBox the ListBox shows but when I try to clear the SearchBox with backspace the ListBox is still visible

I tried:

If me.SearchBox = Null Then
me.ListBox.Visible = False
me.ListBox.Visible = True

I also tried

If IsNull (SearchBox) Then

Still when I type backspace the ListBox remains visible.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I put this code on the current event of the SearchBox Field.

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Forms :: Caret Overlapping Text When Typing And Moving

Aug 20, 2014

I have an Access form that is tied to a recordset. When I Set Focus on 1 text box in particular, I move the caret with the keyboard arrows left-right, and the caret moves and flashes on top of the text characters, basically overlaps the character. When I then try to delete or edit the text, it moves the caret by itself to a different location in the text box and starts adding the text to that location. When I finally get the text how I want it, I set focus on another control, and it occasionally deletes random characters in the text box.

The only way I have been able to work around this is to copy and paste the current text into Notepad, edit it there, and then paste it back into the text box.

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Making Reports / Queries By Typing In Field Data?

Jan 12, 2012

I am creating a registration DB for a school. My tables are all set up and working, but what I cannot figure out how to do is to create a report such that upon opening it, a little dialogue box pops up and asks me "Term" and "Class" and then I type those things in and viola I get a class list.

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Use Auto Complete Feature When Typing Word In Middle Of Field

Feb 26, 2014

I'm working with a DB to enter orders for picking. I have an item list that I'm linking to when entering orders, and bringing in the data from the item list such as item location etc.

It's setup right now that when I type the first couple of letters into the item field it automatically brings up the matching items and if I click enter it completes the item and brings in the other fields from the item list.

Example: If I type in 'tom' I get back 'tomato', 'tomato sauce' etc. and when I choose the right one and hit enter it fills up the rest of the required info such as item location.

What I would like it to do is have the auto complete also check for middle words.

Example: when I type 'alm' it returns 'almonds', 'almond milk', but don't return 'container almonds' or 'container roasted almonds' etc.

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Forms :: Update Row-source Of Combobox Based On Value Selected On Another ComboBox?

Apr 26, 2015

I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.


Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable"
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable"
End If
End If
End Sub

But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Saving Contents Of Combobox As String, And Inputing In Another Combobox

Jan 13, 2005

How would I modify multiple comboboxes in subforms at the same time. For example.. In main form ComboboxA user selects 1992, Combobox1 in subform1 is also changed to 1992, as well as Combobox2 in subform 2.

Whats the best way to do this?

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