Search Blank Text Field

Jan 31, 2006

I can alway make a query like the following one to table and return the records:

SELECT * FROM people WHERE PhoneNo<>"";

However, it returns nothing while it should return a lot of records if I make a query like this:

SELECT * FROM people WHERE PhoneNo="";

The PhoneNo file is of text type. As I know, this field is added after the MS database has been put into use for some time.

Can anyone please explain this to me?


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Search For Dates And Where There Is A Blank Field

Sep 15, 2005

What I need to do sounds simple but I am losing my what hair I have left to do it. I have a single table where staff rotate a responsibility every 3 months or so. What I have in one field is the surname of the person currently performing the duty and another with the surname of the person who is next to take on the duty. What I need to query is those posts where a replacement has not been identified for the next say 12 weeks.

e.g. I need to have a query that finds extracts all posts where the field (surname) of the person taking on the role is blank between (date) and (date).

Thanks for any help in advance!

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Append From A Text Box To Only Blank Field In Saved Record In A Table

Mar 27, 2015

I have designed a database that has two forms as inputs to a table. The first form is a checklist and when it is completed it saves all fields except the ManagerID field. I then use the blank ManagerID, clientID and Date to pull onto a form for the manager to complete. On completion I want the ManagerID to save into the current records so they do not show up in the manager checklist forms and I then have a complete record. I have been searching online and cant seem to see how the best avenue is. I have an append query, see below

INSERT INTO ChecklistResults ( ManagerID )
SELECT ChecklistResults.ManagerID, ChecklistResults.ClientID, ChecklistResults.DateCompleted
FROM ChecklistResults
WHERE (((ChecklistResults.ClientID)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComClientNotFin]) AND ((ChecklistResults.DateCompleted)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComDateSelect]));

Private Sub CmdAppend_Click()
Dim dbsNorthwind As dao.Database
Dim rstAmend As dao.Recordset
Dim qdfAmend As dao.QueryDef


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Query Criteria With Blank And Non-blank Text Records

Mar 13, 2007

OK, I have been searching around on the fourm for over an hour now...I give up. If this is some where else, I am sorry.

I have a database of maintenance data. There are several columns that are usually filled in, some records have some columns blank. They are formated text because they hold letters and numbers (see pic).

I am using a form to query the problem. The form has text boxes the user filter down the data

The problem comes are with the results of the query. Any record that has a blank column is not retuned. I am using "Like" so that the user can enter in partial codes. I know "like" won't return "null" records.... Help!

Things I have tried:
1)IIF(form field is blank, return table field, else use like command to filter) - returns nothing!
2)Like "*" & [Forms]![Fleetwide_data_Request]![MAL_CD] & "*" returns all records without blanks (i.e. missing data)

what else can I do?


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Search For Specific Characters In A Text Field

May 25, 2005

I have a table with a large text field in it, among other fields.
What I am trying to do, in a query, is to show only the characters that are between brackets "[" and "]" for that field. And, if there is more than one pair of brackets, show only what lies between the last pair of brackets.

What I've tried so far is use InStr() functions to find these brackets and then use a Mid() function to show the enclosed text. But, it doesn't work well and it gives me a very complex query! In fact, I don't think it is a good idea to even use these functions in my query. That would probably slow it down a lot.

Can someone show me a function that I could use to do what I'm looking for? I need function names that could help me make better searches for more informations.

Thank you!

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Modules & VBA :: Search Button With Text Field

Jun 19, 2014

I'm fairly new to Access / VBA and have been trying relentlessly to get a text box / search button on my Access form to pull up a specific record. Although the null command produces the correct error msgBox, it does not show any record if I enter a correct primary key term.

Search button = SearchButton1
Search criteria = SearchText1
Primary key field = UniqueAEVRef

Private Sub SearchButton1_Click()
If IsNull(SearchField1) = False Then
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "[UniqueAEVRef]='" & SearchField1 & "'"
Me!SearchField1 = Null
If Me.Recordset.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "No record found", vbOKOnly + vbInformation,
Me!SearchField1 = Null
End If
End If
End Sub

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Queries :: Search For Certain Text In A Field And Return Value

Jan 1, 2015

I am trying to search for specific text in a field and returns its value. For instance some of string includes Sub, L2L, Temp, Model, or MTM and I would like a query to return these values if found.

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Forms :: Search Form With Each Field In Separate Text Boxes

Dec 8, 2014

i want to search a phone number in contact information table with column names - number, name, address, dob, gender, f-name, m-name etc and show them in a form with each field in separate text boxes in access 2010.

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Forms :: Open Blank Form Based On Value In Text Field In Main Form

Jun 6, 2013

I have one table containing name of restaurant with its address etc. Then i created another table to list out the restaurant workers names and details. Just as an example,

Restaurant name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Restaurant #

Staff Role

I have the main form that has all the restaurant details only. And i have another form containing the Staff information. Please note the two table have a relation and it works well.

Now to make it user friendly(basically easier for the lazy ones), I dragged the staff contact form on to my main form and displayed it as a datasheet(basically a sub form).

Now, my boss does not want users to add/delete on this sub form(datasheet). So,he wants me to create buttons to open new record of staff for each restaurant(new form)

My issue is with opening a new record to enter a new person to the staff list and give them a role as well in form view.The new form has

So i ran a Macro, with open form with Where condition

[Staffcontact]![Rest Name]=[Forms]![MainForm]![RestaurantName]

But, it does not work .

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Text Field With "blank Row Ability"?

Jan 5, 2007


I´m developing my first web page using visual studio. I have connected to an access db, and it works fine. But now I want a text field that can display blank rows, so that the user can identify sections in long texts.

I´m not at all used to having text fields to deal with, so this might be a simple question.

(I just realized that what I want is kind of like this field)


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Queries :: Search Form Displays Blank Table

Feb 20, 2015

I have made a search form for my company, where all the data is put simply into the tables and i have made a search form to search with the selected fields, it was working at first, but now it just displays blank table when i search.I am using ms access 2007.Here is the sql of the query::

ClientT.[Project Number],
ClientT.[Client Surname],
ClientT.[Client Name],


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Queries :: Search Not Returning Results With A Blank Entry

Oct 25, 2013

I have a switchboard which runs a google style search query to find people based on their first name, surname, date of birth or NI number on clicking the search button. It uses the following criteria in the query Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchF]![Firstname] & "*" for each of the above fields.

This works perfectly until someone inputs a record that doesn't have anything in one of the fields. ie, full name and DoB, but no NI number. When a record is entered in this way, the table stores the record but the search query cannot find it.

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Forms :: Search Text Box With Option Box As Criteria For Search

Mar 4, 2014

I am creating a a text box where the user enters a text then clicks an option from the option that is used as the criteria for the search e.g. Last Name, Phone , address then a command button wil run a query.

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Query Linked To Form, Problems With Blank Search Fields

Mar 20, 2007

I have a query linked to some combo/txt boxes on a form so the user defines which categories he/she is looking for then presses button and query comes up with relevant results. This works fine if the user inputs information that is actually there, but if they leave it blank it goes all wrong.

The statements I have in the query are as follows:


I thought the solution may be along the lines of this but it does not work:

basically i want to make it so the user does not have to enter criteria into evey box, thus if every search box is left blank it would show all records "*"

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Access Critereia Query - With Blank Fields And Search Parameters

Jul 19, 2007

Hi everyone...

I'm a high school student working on an Access project for a summer internship. I needed your assistance in writing a criteria for a select query.

Table1 has the following fields:
ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Org, Email, Status

Only "Email" is mandatory, ID is autonumber, the rest are optional.

I have to create a query that will allow users to search the table with any of the fields above. A user may search with only one field, e.g. all users where "org" = "YMCA"

Presently, I am using the similar criteria for all the fields:

Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![txt_FirstName] & "*"

The problem occurs when, for example a record exists with the following -
First_Name = Null or Blank
Last_Name = "Smith"

If you search for "Smith" in Last_Name, then the record does not show up, because First_Name in the record is blank.

How can I alter the criteria for it do search correctly?

I already tried:
Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![txt_FirstName] & "*" & ""


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Access Critereia Query - With Blank Fields And Search Parameters

Jul 19, 2007

Hi everyone...

I'm a high school student working on an Access project for a summer internship. I needed your assistance in writing a criteria for a select query.

Table1 has the following fields:
ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Org, Email, Status

Only "Email" is mandatory, ID is autonumber, the rest are optional.

I have to create a query that will allow users to search the table with any of the fields above. A user may search with only one field, e.g. all users where "org" = "YMCA"

Presently, I am using the similar criteria for all the fields:

Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![txt_FirstName] & "*"

The problem occurs when, for example a record exists with the following -
First_Name = Null or Blank
Last_Name = "Smith"

If you search for "Smith" in Last_Name, then the record does not show up, because First_Name in the record is blank.

How can I alter the criteria for it do search correctly?

I already tried:
Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![txt_FirstName] & "*" & ""


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Modules & VBA :: Search Form Not Returning Records With Blank Fields

Nov 14, 2013

I'm creating a search form to filter out data based on certain inputs. My VBA code looks like:

Private Sub Command18_Click()
On Error GoTo errorcatch
Me.Filter = "([Experiments.Log] Like ""*" & Me.Text21 & "*"") AND ([Expdate] Like ""*" & Me.Text22 & "*"") AND ([BaseSolution] Like ""*" & Me.Text24 & "*"") AND([AddCom] Like ""*" & Me.Text25 & "*"") AND ([Test] Like ""*" & Me.Text26 & "*"") AND ([Plan] Like ""*" & Me.Text23 & "*"")"

Me.FilterOn = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Sub

However, the output does not include records where other fields are blank. I have read that I may need to use Is Null but am not sure how to.

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Forms :: Text Box Search On ID And Populate Other Text Boxes In Same Form

Nov 12, 2013

I am trying to search on EmployeeID field and populate corresponding data like EmployeeName, EmployeePay in other text boxes in the same box .

In my Unbound Form I have three unbound Text Boxes and one Command button:


In my table EMPLOYEE i have three fields

EmpID -- Autonumber
EmpName -- Text
EmpPay -- Text

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Forms :: How To Populate Bound Text Field With Text From A Unbound Text Field

Mar 22, 2014

I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName

[Event Procedure]
Private Sub imagename_Click()
Me.imagename = Me.FileName
End Sub

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General :: Search For Highlighted Text In Rich Text Box

Oct 1, 2012

Is there a way of searching a rich text box for any text which is highlighted and then deleting that text? I cannot find an answer to this anywhere..

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Forms :: Text Box Search To Populate Other Text Boxes?

May 10, 2015

I have a form with two text boxes and a button. I want to be able to type a value into the first Text box click the button and the second text box to be filled with the value which is stored in the Table.

The first Textbox is called barTxt, The second Textbox is called CustTxt The button is called SearchBtn and the Table is called BookInTable. I have been trying to use the code.


Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
DoCmd.FindRecord Me.BarTxt.Value, , True, , True
CustTxt.Value = "SELECT BookInTable.Customer FROM BookInTable " & _
" WHERE Customer = """ & Nz(Me.BarTxt) & """" & _
" ORDER BY Customer"
End Sub

This however instead of displaying the Value for customer which is stored in the BookInTable. Displays The code SELECT BookInTable.Customer FROMBookInTable " & _ " WHERE Customer = """ & Nz(Me.BarTxt) & """" & _ " ORDER BY Customer"

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General :: Showing Blank For 0 Text Value

Jan 13, 2014

I have a report that is based on a query I have made. It currently shows the values as kept in the table. It is for a MAR sheet. Here is how it looks...

Breakfast 0
Lunch 0
Teatime 2
Bedtime 1

I want it to show blank for each 0 that is shown. I have tried an Iif statement to do this but it doesn't seem to work.

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Reports :: Getting Blank In Text Box Instead Of Displaying Zero

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to display zeros in a report and at present I'm getting blank in text box where the value is zero. How do I display zero?

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Using Subform For Search Criteria And Relating One Search Field To Several Columns

Apr 21, 2015

1. I created a form with some search-fields which are related to a query. Then I added a Subform in which I put some more Search criteria (So that I can easily hide and unhide those additional searchfields). It sounds strange but is necessary ;-). Now I related those searchfields in the subform to the same query. When I run that query a window pops up that I should put in a value in all those searchfields which are in the subform. But I told Access that it should display all rows, if there is no value in those searchfields. Just as I did it with the Searchcriteria in the Main form. Do I have to do something special, when I have a query which is related to two Forms?

2. I want a searchfield to search in three different columns. Usually the value will just be found in one of those columns. As the Table I search is very long and has many searchfields and multiple of those will relate to more than one column, is there an easy way to do it in VBA? As I did it by using the "or" field when designing a query, but this seems very slow and unstable.

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Modules & VBA :: Replacing Value Of Zero To Blank Space In Text Box

Oct 4, 2013

How can I replace a '0' to a blank space and '1' to 'X' in 'Text Box' in a report ? The 'Data Type' is 'Yes/No' in the table.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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