Secured.mdw Issues

Jul 20, 2005

I built a database and then set up usergroup permissions via the user level security wizard. Unfortunately I set the "Use this as the default workgroup file" (when I had only wanted to secure the database I was working on and now all databases are affected) option when running the wizard. The database resides on a network and some of the users can access the database without logging in and others cannot open the database at all, they get a message "Access cannot locate Secured.mdw file". Something obviously got corrupted when the wizard ran. I have two objectives:

How do I save the database? One user is using the database successfully (but she does not have to log in)

How do I remove the user level security so I can start over?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Secured Tables

Jun 18, 2007

Hello All,
I have implemented Access security and it seems to be working or so I thought :(
I need to hide a few tables from users but some reports require access to the tables - which forced me to grant read access to the tables... which then lets users read the sensitive data. This is not good... How do you get around that issue? I'm confused...

(My DB is split into a FE/BE)


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No Longer Secured?

Jan 14, 2006

I created a DB program for my last job that resided on a stand alone PC. It has the Access generated user level security (so there's a "secured.mdb" file) and can only be opened via the desktop icon. In the past, when I copeid the db to a flash drive, took it home to work on it, it always said I didn't have permissions to run it unless I placed it in the right spot on my computer where I've got it set up with a secured file and the desktop to open it.

Yesterday, I noticed that I can now open it anywhere, including my laptop, and it just opens. My concern is, I don't trust the business where the program is being used to not take it and call it their own (I trust the management team, however).

ANy ideas why it no longer looks for the user level security now?

I'm running XP Pro on both machines, Access 2002 on the desktop and 2003 on the laptop.


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Compact Secured Database

Jan 31, 2008

I am trying to compact & repair a secured database. I log in exclusively as the administrator with the following shortcut property target: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11MSACCESS.EXE" f:pathnameappname.mdb /User "adminname" /Pwd "adminpwd" /wrkgrp f:pathnameappname.mdw /excl

When I run Compact & Repair, I get the following message: "Microsoft Office Access can't delete f:pathnameappname.mdb after compacting it. The compacted database has been named f:pathnamedb1.mdb."

It goes on to say that it can't delete the original database because it is read-only (even though it is not).

Can I compact a secured database manually, or does it require some sort of utility?


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Upgrading Secured Backend Database

Sep 15, 2006

Hi :)

(A2K format, but running on XP, etc)

I have used Microsoft’s Security FAQ and recommendations on this forum and build a split database; secured with one worgroup file for development and one for customers: what is the most appropriate way to upgrade the backend database content (tables mostly) (as the front-end database can just be replaced) at the customers site?

At the customer there is no development workgroup file, so no permissions to change database objects. I would really like to run sql updates from the new FE database. The solution I currently have devised to go around this problem, involves a lot of manual data moving code, to take care of referential integrity etc. However this approach has a higher risk of creating errors and also takes a lot longer time.

Is there something I have misunderstood of the Security FAQ or recommendation on this forum?


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Programmaticaly Add User To Secured Dbase

Jul 20, 2007

Can anyone help please

How do you add a user to asecured database using vb


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Access Database Secured Across Network

Nov 1, 2007


I have an Access database that needs to be secured and I have 2 problems:

1) How do I get it across a network so all users must enter their password?

2) How do I stop this from asking for a password for every database (i.e. I only want one database to require the password)?

Please keep answers simple as I am quite new to this!!

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Batch File For Opening Secured Databases

Jan 17, 2007

I'm sure most people use Windows shortcuts to open their secured databases, but I found that it didn't always work (depending on which computer I used). Editing a shortcut is pretty confusing since the command is all on one line. I decided to make a batch file to open my secured databases instead. Here's a batch file I use to open a database of mine:@ECHO OFFREM - Set variables to be used in the batch file.SET BACK=Z:BobManager Listdb_be.mdbSET FRONT=Z:BobManager Listdb_fe.mdbSET WRKGRP=Z:BobManager ListSecured.mdwSET OFFICE=C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11MSACCESS.EXEIF EXIST "%OFFICE%" GOTO PROMPTSET OFFICE=C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10MSACCESS.EXEGOTO PROMPTREM - Ask the user which end to open.:PROMPTCLSSET /P dbChoice=Do you wish to open the frontend(1) or the backend(2)? if "%dbChoice%" == "1" ( "%OFFICE%" "%FRONT%" /wrkgrp "%WRKGRP%" GOTO END)if "%dbChoice%" == "2" ( "%OFFICE%" "%BACK%" /wrkgrp "%WRKGRP%" GOTO END):ENDThis isn't the simplest batch file ever, but if you want to use this you just need to change the paths to your frontend, backend, workgroup file, and your version of Access. If Office was installed in the default location you shouldn't need to change those lines, unless you know you'll always be using the same version of Access.

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General :: Importing Objects From Secured To Clean Database

Jun 3, 2015

I have an access database that was set with security about 10 years ago.

I have now created another database in 2010 and I am importing all the objects to make a clean non secured database.

When I import tables it imports system table objects like MSysRelationships, but as it already exists it adds another MSysRelationships with a 1 on the end (MSysRelationships1).

Should I delete the original MSysRelationships and then rename the MSysRelationships1 as MSysRelationships.

There are numerous others like MSysAccessstorage, MSysACEs etc...

I am gathering that if I don't rename MSysRelationships1to MSysRelationships then the relationship data would be incorrect and the database wouldn't work correctly, but maybe I am wrong.

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Preventing Users Linking Tables To A "secured MDB"

Nov 3, 2005


I am wondering if there is a way of preventing people from linking tables with a database i have that has a security logon?

In essence they would be able to run their own database with the information in my secure mdb without first logging in !!

Is there a way of preventing this? Any pointers or guidance would be most helpful


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