Security Falling At The Final Hurdle!

Jun 28, 2005

Hi, I have implemented security using a workgroup file as I have done so in the past and everything seemed to go ok except that I can still access my DB without logging in to it?

Obviously this hints that I have left some permissions on the "Admin" user somewhere but i've poured over it for the best part of an hour now and I can't find where it is. Here is my checklist, can anyone else add anything that I need to try?

All "Users" group permissions are disabled
All "Admins" group permissions are enabled

User "TKnight" belongs to groups "Users" and "Admins"
User "admin" belongs to group "Users"

I have checked all the objects ownerships and they all say "TKnight"

Now here's the bit I don't get. If I log in as user "Admin" with the password I specified using a shortcut pointing to the .mdw file I get the message "You do not have the necessary permissions etc..."
But if I try to open the DB without using the shortcut it lets me in fine and when I check the account it says i'm logged in as "Admin"
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening...

Many thanks,


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Access 2003 / Generate Auto-number For Falling Under Two Different Categories?

Jun 8, 2012

I am creating a database relates to hospital medical equipment using Access 2003. Using VBA code, I want to generate an AutoNumber for each Equipment falling under different Equipment and different Hospital.

Ex: DGG-ECG-001
WBH-XRY-002 and so on.....

Where DGG & WBH are Hospital Codes (PK in tblHospitalCodes) ; ECG & XRY are Equipment Codes (PK in tblEquipmentCodes) ; last 3 digit denotes the AutoNumber.Both the Hospital & the Equipment select using combo box then generates the AutoNumber Using command Button.

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Need A Bit Of Help With The Final Details

Jul 6, 2005

I am almost finished this project. :p There are just a few things left that I would like to do and I need some help.

1. Add an email notification when data on the form has been edited
2. Filter the form for only OPEN orders, status not equal to 6 or 7
3. When an order is closed (status field) I would like to default the "Date Closed" to today, but allow the user to edit the date if need be.
4. Once the status is closed and the date closed is entered, ask the user if they would like to create a followup order.

I have most of #4 done. I added code on the After Update event on the Status field to set the Date Closed to today and then disable the control, then ask if they would like to create the followup order. The users would like to be able to modify the date closed if they don't happen to do the entry until the next day. I have tried adding my code to the After Update of the date (which is updated with a pop up calendar), but once I select the date from the calendar, the focus stays on the date and the user is not prompted to create the followup order.

Any help you can offer would be wonderful


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Default Value For Final User

Jul 19, 2006

Hi I have tried to look, but have not find the solution:confused:

I have a form wich I need in certain fields to have a default value, and this needs to be changed from the final user, I was thinking about taking the data from the previous input, the final user will use the control panel were there is a "push button" to open the form in add mode.
Can I get some help:D

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Backup And Restore For Final User

Aug 23, 2006

Hi I have had a look on the forum but cannot find what I am looking for!!
I need to back up all the contents of the tables of a database in a certain folder and then restore it. The reason for all this is to be able to update the database with new features so that the final user can receive the update and restore the data.
How can I achieve this???

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Display Problems With Final Access

Aug 26, 2006

I made my Access program and it looks great on my computer.
Why does it look all missed aligned and wacky on other computers ?
These computers are not on a network...
I burned the access program to a cd and then loaded it on their
machines...we all have access 2003


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Access 12 Beta1 And 2007 Final

Dec 8, 2006

I have a problem in making reports in access 2007 final.
I can't add related fields into my report.

I found this page here: able+in+related+tables&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1

That says: If you have set the form or report's Record Source property to a saved query, the Field List pane displays only the Fields available for this view section (there is no Show all tables option at the bottom of the Field List pane). To edit the record source, right-click any one of the fields, and then click Edit Record Source.

What does that mean????

Here are my screenshots with the same database:
Office beta 1 report making in design view

Office 2007 final report making in design view

Note the "fields available in related tables" where is it in final version!!!

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Queries :: Pulling TOP DISTINCT Rows In Final Query

Jun 7, 2013

I've got two nested queries. One finds the oldest inspections from an import table, the second compares that query to the main table again and pulls all 'expired' inspections for each Service Order in the first.

These queries are trimmed down for the essential elements of my question. I can post the full SQL if necessary.


SELECT TOP 18 ImportTemp.[SO ID], ImportTemp.[Inspection Activity],
[Activity Created]+[AddDays] AS [Due Date]
FROM [Priority List] INNER JOIN (ImportTemp INNER JOIN
queryNeededFirst ON (ImportTemp.[SO ID] = queryNeededFirst.[SO ID])
ON [Priority List].Activity = ImportTemp.[Inspection Activity]

[Code] ....

The refinement I would like to make is, rather than having to pull TOP 18 activities in the final query, just pull TOP 12 [SO ID]s and however many activities come along with them (usually 1 or 2, averages out to about 1.5 so 18 is my compromise). In theory an inspector could have two inspections due on every single property, and would only get 9 unique addresses/[SO ID]s. But I can't figure out how to do that when [SO ID] is no longer unique in the second query.

I suppose I could 'number' the rows in the subquery and add a <=12 criteria on that calculated field, but I'm leery of the processing required (that table contains ~14,000 rows, and most methods of numbering seem to want to use DCount).

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How To Judge Final Layout In Design And Form View

Nov 2, 2014

How can I see what they will finally look like while I am formatting them? All the views on offer (form/layout/design) are all displays within the the context of the access programing screens, with other windows and menus and ribbons etc. I want to see how it will look full screen. I know I can change a lot of options, change to the form as a default to open with, resave, reopen and then reverse it all but that's not really any good for doing every time you make a minor change.

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Modules & VBA :: Sorting Out Data To Be Used In Final Table - Runtime Error 3021

Nov 25, 2014

I have managed to sort out the data to be used in the final table. However, I am having trouble transferring the data from each of their own tables into the final table.

Each time I run my code I receive "run-time error 3021: No current record."

It seems that only my timestamp is being added properly, but the error pops up and highlights the first "rstInsert.Edit" of my code. I'm suspecting that my function is running too fast, such that it did not have time to read that the table has already been populated by the timestamp in the AddNew code

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstTimestamp As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstAcknowledgement As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstAgent As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

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Advice For Security & Question On Built In Access Security

Mar 26, 2007

I've read and gone though quite a few of the scrips and examples for creating logins and security and i'm getting to the stage when i need to have good understanding of the different methods.

Some of the examples whilst create a user login do not really allow for security within the database whilst the build in security wizard would appear to offer that functionality.

I am thinking that I will use the Workgroup file and that method. My question is am i able to utilise the fact that if a person 'AdamA' logs onto the database which is built into the workgroup security file. am I then able to take 'AdamA' to populate a table which records actions by a user? (I can't seem to find any thread or book reference to doing this)

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Calculate Final Date Based On Begin Date And Number Of Days

Jun 30, 2015

I need to calculate the final date based on the begin date and the number of days.

The name of the fields are: sdatainicio; diasatribuidos; sdatafim.

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Add Security To A Table If Table Is Created After Initial Security Is Set Up

Oct 26, 2011

Is it possible to do this through vba. If security is setup for all the tables and a user goes in and creates a new table, can that table have security applied to it using code?

So maybe the creator of the table has read/write privileges but everyone else only has read only.

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Help Me About SECURITY???

Jul 1, 2005

:confused: I can't access my database. I used many tools to scan my database password, and I had many results but I can't used any one.
This's my database. Can you help me?

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Aug 28, 2005


I am experimenting in creating security of a database, and elements within.

I started by creating a user account with a password. I then made a few mistakes, so wanted to delete the mdb, and start again.

However, when I now try to create a new database, or even open a pre existing database, I am asked for the user and password created in the now-deleted mdb.

Apart from the fact that it shouldn't ask for the user name and pasword created in the first database, I am sure it doesn't accept the password I intered in creating the account.

The easy solution would be to delete the file where Access stores user accounts. Where is it, and is it protected, such that I can't delete it? And even if the user name and password still exists somewhere, it should only apply to the database in which it was created, shouldn't it?


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DB Security

Nov 10, 2005

Hi all,

Just looking for a little advice on data protection. I have a split database which is accessed from the front end (forms only). All data is stored on the back end, which is hidden away from the user.

The database is password protected, and both sides use a login authentication to avoid unwanted access. However, the usernames and passwords are easily retrievable by opening the database a text document.

Any ideas on how to make this more secure?



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Dec 3, 2005

I try to play Security.

After I created it, the shortcut is created on the screen.
Everytime needs to click the shortcut to login it.

But, when I go to database file, and then click it, it does not work, it will show the following message:

You do not have the necessary permissions to use the <name> object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you. (Error 3033)
You do not have the necessary permissions for the specified object. To change your permission assignments, see your system administrator or the object's creator.

So, is it ony the shortcut to login it?
if delete the shortcut uncarefully, how to do it??


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Dec 7, 2005


Problem 1:
I setup a security, stored the security file and other files in the drive D:

it works.

after I move the files to the drive C:, then it doesn't work.

Why it doesn't work?

Problem 2:
After I created security, there are acc.mdb, acc.bak, and Secured files, right.
how can I add this link:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10MSACCESS.EXE" "D:acc.mdb" /WRKGRP "D:Secured.mdw" in the target to the acc.mdb file.

Because when it doesn't work, and then I created a shortcut of the acc.mdb file, then add the above code. Then it works, it give out the prompt.

Does any method instead of this, better than this?

Please let me know, thanks.

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Dec 14, 2005

When using security login, can we logout and then login to the database without shutting down the database and re-opening.

Such as using a button to logout and then another to login.


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Jan 17, 2006

Can some one help me?

I am trying to set up a database in which the the table portion is password protected but the query section can be manipulated or updated as users see fit. Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks, S

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May 5, 2006


I have now finished my system that will run on a windows network. I now need to get the security setup so different users can access different pages.

I have set a list of users and specified what forms/tables they can access. The problem is, how does access know who is accessing the pages? For example, i have set 2 users - Dave G & Dave S - I have given Dave G access to the admin forms as he is the admin and I have given Dave S access to the general data input forms.

How is this enforced? How does access know which person is opening the forms. Unless access asks the user to login using their user name set in access, I cannot see how it can manage what users can do what.


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Security HELP!!!!!

Jul 18, 2006

I have locked down my welding data base and had some problems arise mabe someone eles has had this problem. All of the tables in other data base that are linked to the welding data base now will not allow me to utilize them I get the error message that I do not have rights too that information. Even though I have full access rights to the welding data base and can make changes at will.

Why can't I do any thing to the others? HELP!!!!!

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WID Security

Aug 18, 2006

First of all, i am pretty new to this....

We have a few access databases in a network. More and more people in our organization are using the databases so I am learning to create some user-level security.

We have access 2000.

Access links to a WIF to create user-level security.

But I think there is an easy way that anyone can get pass that.

Even if I have set all the groups and users privileges and restrictions, anyone can simply switch from one WIF to another WIF, then they would have changed all their privileges and restrictions.

Am I understanding this correctly?

If so, what can I do better secure the database.

Another question:
How can I prevent someone from simply copy/delete the access file from windows? I am afraid that someone, maybe a disgruntled employee or even myself making stupid mistakes, delete the whole access .mdb file, and I would loss everything.

I do backup the file, but even if I back it up every night, if something like this happens, i would have lost a whole day of work.

Your advice are highly appreciated.

Thank you all for your help.

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Aug 22, 2006


I followed the security wizard and everything worked fine. However, when I move the database to another computer or another folder, it prints this message:

'You don't have the necessary permission to use (path)...'

Is there anyway to avoid this please?


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Nov 22, 2006

Access security is really very confusing, thought I had conquered it but I was wrong. I have been playing with a test DB. How on earth do you reset a password for a user? I just can't see where you go to assign a new password.
Managed to clear the password but then got stuck.

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Asking For Security

Dec 12, 2006


I have a question for user-level security and workgroup.

Suppose we setup user-level security and have a workgroup with storing all username, password, and groups,
if adminstrator want to change one user permission, let's say that change the user permission from update to read permission only, then the user should only have read permission, right. However, previously, the user copied the workgroup file himself before adminstrator change his permission, if he apply to his copied workgroup file, and log in the database, he can still have update permission.

So, how do I prevent the user using his copied workgroup file for the database?

How can I solve it?


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