Securty Night Mare

Aug 30, 2006

All or Anyone
At this time working on securing my data base. I have run the wizard and filled in all the information. And said finish. It has and now will ask me for my name and password at start up. This part works well. The problem begins when I try and add people to the user list using the Tools – Security – User and Group Accounts – on the User Tab I select New- Enter Name – Personal ID-press OK There name show up in the User Drop down box I assign them to a group and press Ok. But still no one can log in except by using my name and password. What am I doing wrong. Why can I not give access to any other user under their own name and password? HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Late-night Question Regarding Drug/disease Database

Jul 28, 2007

Thanks again for the help I've received here. Sorry if I appear a bit clueless at times; I'm a medical student, not a programmer :)

Let's say I have one table for a variety of disease: primary key field would be the disease; other fields would include fields for various symptoms, fields for various etiologies (causes), and a field for the drug of choice to treat it. Now, let's say I wanted to link this table to another table, one which records all the drugs used (the drug name field being the primary key), their mechanisms of actions, their uses, their side effects, their contraindications, etc... Now, maybe I'm misunderstanding the normalization rules, but wouldn't including the name of the drug used to treat the disease in the first table while simultaneously having a second table listing all drugs violate normalization rules? If not, is the task of relating the table as simple a matter as defining the drug name field of the disease list table as the foreign key in a relationship to the drug name field (the primary key) of the drug list table? Or is there a much simpler way to do this?

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