Seeking Assistance

Sep 18, 2005

Hi all,
I am new here, I am never one to ask for help, but I am desperate to get some assistance and hoping someone may be able to help me. I have just basic knowledge of MS Access, but no where near the skills needed to acheive what I am needing.
To explain, I am involved with a national memorial of all the Truck drivers who have been killed on our roads. I have a database in access, (near 1000 individuals and sadly growing) but wanting to create it into a form style. I also need to add a photograph of each deceased person and a second photograph of the plaque which they are on. Years ago I saw a form which I was impressed with, it looked so professional but never had the oportunity to investigate or disect it :)

I am hoping sks who will enjoy the challenge may be able to assist me.

more about the memorial can be seen at
Thanks Dianne

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Seeking Assistance Of Access Developer For A Small Project

Mar 30, 2007

Hi all,

I've read this forum for quite a while, but just now registered and this is my first post. It's full of great information and I really appreciate all I've learned!

I'm looking to contract / hire an Access Developer for a small project. Essentially, it's taking a CSV file, importing it into Access, then exporting the data within certain parameters into an Excel spreadsheet. There are a few other small details that pertain to how the data is handled in the actual db itself, but that is the overall picture of the project. It's rather small, but is above my Access knowledge level.

My most important goal is getting the DB functional, but then taking the finished product and breaking it down to learn from it.

Please PM me if you're available to assist on this project. Have a great weekend!

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Seeking Advice

Dec 4, 2007

I read about your different topics/discussions but still have issues.
The group I work for needs to track Customs entries, compile them for payment and make reports. They used to track the entries in Excel but they wish to do this in a Form = INVOICE TRACKING, be able to query and make reports. My Access knowledge is limited but I have created two tables and the above mentioned Form

The main table= Invoice Tracking (as per the group request) as 37 fields. Starting at the 8th field, data is updated by the users on a daily basis.
The source table = XLS 1127 as 7 fields and is refreshed and updated 2-3 times weekly by a live report on the Internet.
Up to now, when I need to update the main table, I run an APPEND QUERY. Once this is done, I run a FIND DUPLICATE QUERY and I delete the duplicates manually because some of the first 7 fields will get updated this time or some other time and therefore it will create duplicates Entry Nbr in the Main table. Meanwhile the other 30 fields are populated by users with the information supplied by the invoices.
Is there a macro or an expression that could be created to avoid the Query from selecting the duplicates randomly? I have a very basic knowledge of macros and VB but would it be possible to write something that would be like In record #1, IF the field 2 or 3 is empty than look at field 9 and others and if Not Null then get the data in the duplicate record #2, merge the
information from the two records??
When the Main table will grow bigger, it will be too much time consuming to delete XXX duplicates and can cause errors.


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Seeking Help On Extracting Letters From Name

May 5, 2005

Hi all: MS Access 2003. I have two text fields family_name and given_name I need to extract 1st, 2nd & 5th letter of family_name along with 2nd & 3rd letter of given_name to form a link_key field. If either name has insufficient letters the missing letter is replaced by the numeral 2. Does anybody know how to help me acheive this please!

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Seeking Advice On Many-to-Many Relationships

Dec 3, 2004

Hello, I am working on a database of translators. Each of these translators can have multiple Source Languages, and multiple Target Languages. I understand that I must use a many-to-many relationship, but as the Language fields for both Source and Target Languages comes from one table (tblLanguages), I am having difficulty conceptualizing how I can get the table relationship to produce the desired effect; i.e. having a datasubsheet for each translator with fields for each their Source and Target languages.

My current table structure:

(name and contact data)



I thought that maybe if I create a separate LINK table for each Source and Target Language, I might get the desired effect, but this was futile, as only one datasubsheet was shown.

Any advice for a humble Access beginner would be GREATLY appreciated!!!



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Seeking Advice / Direction / Programmer

Dec 4, 2007


Does anyone know of an off the shelf application I can purchase to allow users access to my Access database over the web? I have select data I want to allow my customers access to dynamically via the web.

I am familiar with ASP however I am not at a level to develop something from the ground up.

I have access to a Windows Server, an established database and a great desire to get this done.

My vision is to have a daily upload of my back-end (for the sake of current data)to the web server for access via the ASP front end or whatever the case may be.

I am sure to all who read this you understand what I am looking for.

I will definitely entertain hiring someone to work with me on this project if need be. Best case scenario is someone has already done the work and I can just buy it...


Fen How

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Seeking Much Help With Generating A Card Number From Another Field

Jan 14, 2008

Hi guys,

I need some help here and any would be muchly apprieciated.

I am building a database for a theme park fast pass system where a customer can book themselves a place on a ride at three session times a day.

Now my problem is, that I need to generate a card number. 5555 1946 as the first 8 digits (this always stays the same) and then the last 8 digits is the customer ID number, which is in the same table. So there are 16 digits in total.

Let me give you an example:

A new customer registers and are assigned a customer ID of 1000 0001. Therefore the Card Number for that customer must be 5555 1946 1000 0001.

I have used auto number for customer ID so when a new customer signs up, there ID is 1 more that highest already in te database.

Simple question really...but how is this done?

A million marks for someone who breaks it! Hehe


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Modules & VBA :: Function That Loops Through A Set Of Fields Seeking A Non Zero Value?

Apr 17, 2014

The idea is that I have a table with products. It is joined to another table that has each products ID and then a series of fields that correspond to each month of this year (so 12 fields). These fields contain how many of each product sold in that month. However some products did not appear in inventory until a few months into the year, so they have zero's for those months in which they didn't exist yet.

What I need to do is find the first month that each product went on sale, and pass that field back to my main table to do calculations with.

First I tried to do with with a query, but I ran into a road block and realized that maybe a query wasn't best as I likely needed a loop. So I started writing a function at that point... but it is obviously non functional.

As an example, if I had a product like this:

Product: X
SalesID: 1111
Price: 9.99
Month 1: 0
Month 2: 0
Month 3: 1582
Month 4: 2790
Month 5: 4501
Month 6: 4210

Then the idea of this function would be to look at Month 1, see if it contained a zero. if it did, move to month 2. If it doesn't, then send whatever that value is to a new field in the database.

So in the new table, I would have:

Product: X
SalesID: 1111
Price: 9.99
Month 1: 1582
Month 2: 2790
Month 3: 4501
Month 4: 4210

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Seeking Help Creating Catalog Database (text Descriptions >255 Char.)

Nov 9, 2005

I am looking to create a catalog database. It is to serve as a finished product warehouse, as well as a product development tool. There are a number of fields, most of which are straight-forward.

One large problem I have is that the product descriptions are roughly 700 characters. Is there a way to have this information entered into Access and stored either in this database or elsewhere?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Seeking Advice! Populating Fields Based On Other Entries In Table

Dec 6, 2004

Last week some very altruistic folks here helped me solve a many-to-many relationships quandry, and I am hoping that there may some others out there who can help with another question.

I have a feeling this is simple, but I can't quite get my head around it, and have not been able to find it in the past forum threads, but....

I want to create a tblJobs that has information about our clients' Companies, as well as Contact. As there can be many Contacts for each Company, my current setup looks like this:

ContactID (Pkey)
Lookup_to_qryCompanies_to_Contact(shows Contact's company)

CompanyID (Pkey)
Company Name
(Client info is included as embedded table based on qryCompanies_to_Contact)

Company (from tblCompanies)
Contact (from tblContacts) (one-to-many)

In my new tblJobs, I would like to have a combo box in which I can input the company name, and then the next field will have another combo containing ONLY names of the contacts affiliated with the chosen company. (I will also eventually like to make a form that allows the same function, but am assuming that the process will be the same for updating the table trhough a form as it would be updating it directly).

Thank you for any advice!!

Blair Sly

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Need Assistance In Relationships!!

Sep 4, 2007

Hi all,

please note that I am trying to create a database regarding the inbound shipment management of a warehouse.I have the following tables that I need to link:

Every supplier has many orders.One order has one or many Products.So far is easy beacause I link them with one to many relationship.The problem is that one case has one or many invoices and each invoice has one or many orders.

So there is a conflict because the primary key of orders should be linked twice.

Any suggestions?

please help.


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Need Assistance With Nz() Function

Jul 19, 2005

I need some assistance with how to use the Nz function. If you could please help me rewrite part of my SQL (shown below), I would appreciate it. I am a newbie and don't understand some of the programming syntax.

I have two columns, RevisedRequirement and TotalFCbyS in which I need to do some calculations and insert two new columns named Variance and VariancePct.

Both the RevisedRequirement and the TotalFCbyS fields can have nulls. I need to convert any instance of a null to a 0 so that I can perform the calculations and not get any error messages.

Current SQL Excerpt
This creates the Variance column:
IIf(IsNull([qryProgramFundingAllocation].[RevisedRequirement])=True Or [qryProgramFundingAllocation].[RevisedRequirement]=0,0,([qryOpPlanForecast].[TotalFCbyS]-[qryProgramFundingAllocation].[RevisedRequirement])) AS Variance

This creates the VariancePct column:
IIf(IsNull([qryProgramFundingAllocation].[RevisedRequirement])=True Or [qryProgramFundingAllocation].[RevisedRequirement]=0,0,([Variance]/[qryProgramFundingAllocation].[RevisedRequirement])) AS VariancePct

The SQL shown, if I understand correctly, treats the Null as if it were a zero, but does not replace the null with a zero. Again, please help me with how to re-write the SQL so that it converts the null to zero.

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Need Query Assistance

Aug 22, 2005

I have two tables in my database. The first is a list of email addresses and the second is a much smaller list of email addresses I would like to remove from the first table. Is there a query or SQL statement that I can use to accomplish this task. Thank you from grateful Kenny.

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Query Assistance

Sep 6, 2006

First time poster, so I hope someone shows me the light and makes your forums shine! :)

I have a POS system that was designed in house which uses Access. I am trying to create some queries outside of the system to retrieve some data that has been being stored. I am basically wanting to know which items have been in stock for over 6 months and have never sold.

I have a query designed to show me this data for one store at a time, but nothing that shows me if an item is so poor it has never sold at any stores. This is my single store query:

SELECT Inventory_ProductTable.Artist, Inventory_ProductTable.Title, Inventory_ProductTable.Quantity, Inventory_ProductTable.Category2
FROM Inventory_ProductTable
WHERE (((Inventory_ProductTable.Quantity)>0) AND ((Inventory_ProductTable.LastBuyDate)<Date()-"180") AND ((Inventory_ProductTable.masterStoreID)="CDT001") AND ((Inventory_ProductTable.DepartmentID)=1) AND ((Inventory_ProductTable.LastSaleDate)=""));

It is pulling the artist, title and category of the item out of the database to display the informtion that I am needing (for the most part). Quantity of 0 and last sale date "" basically means there is no record of it being sold, so this gives me my zero quantity sold criteria for anthing that has been in stock for 6 months or more (the last buy date criteria).

I am not sure what other info I need to provide, but I would be happy to do so. I am a n00b at this and really love to learn, so lay it on me!

thanks in advance.

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Deadline And I Need Some Assistance Please

Aug 10, 2005

I created a form using a text boxes by using the field list icon and dragging the field I wanted to make into the text box onto the form. In the properties of that text box, under the format tab I set the format for "short date". Under the data tab in the properties of the text box I put in the control source this forumla =DateSerial(Year([Date of Service]),Month([Date of Service])+10,Day([Date of Service])). "Date of Service" on my form is the name of the source field it calculates from. What the forumla does is calculates from the date entered into my Service Date field and whatever date is in that field it adds 10 months to it. This field with this formula in it caluclates the date of my contacting the customer to setup an annual service for them. I also have another field that calculates the annual service date using the same formula only changing the +10 to +12.

When the Date of Service it entered the Contact Date field automatically adds 10 months to the date entered into the Date of Service field. Same of the Date of Next Service field only instead of 10 months it adds 12. So my formulas are correct. However when I go to my table I can not see any of the caluculated dates entered into the table. I can see it in the datasheet view of my form. My question is how do I create a query to pull only contacts dates from this form for a specific time frame? When I attempt to create a query I can only see table fields which do not contain the formulas for calculating the dates. Or can the fields that calculate the dates on my form be linked so the calculated dates are linked into the table and updated on the table when I update the form?

Keep in mind I am new to access so please give very detailed and specific instructions on a solution for this issue.

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Combo Box Assistance

Jan 3, 2005

I have 1 table with three columns of data (town, county, and zip). After entering the data on my form from a dropdown down box (town), which is represented by the first column of data in my table, I want Access to automatically populate the second and third boxes in my form that are representive of the second and third columns in the table, county and zip respectively.

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Application.SetOption Assistance

May 10, 2007

I generally use a bunch of these within an event procedure on my Opening Form to ensure that certain options are set

Standard set

Application.SetOption "Confirm Record Changes", False
Application.SetOption "Confirm Document Deletions", False
Application.SetOption "Confirm Action Queries", False
Application.SetOption "Show Hidden Objects", False
Application.SetOption "Default Open Mode for Databases", 0

Fine for 97

In later versions I want to also swith off Windows in Taskbar

The Help in later versions offers no help at all

What I am looking for is I think something like

Application.SetOption "Windows in Taskbar", False

This is not recognised. Tried a few variants and also searched forum but nothing yet

Anybody with a solution please

Len B

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Casading Comboxes - Assistance

Nov 4, 2007


I have a database (Access 2007) that has two tables, reports, queries and so far all seems to be working and going well. Quite impressed with it to be honest for my lack of skills.

However, I've run into a bit of trouble and need assistance getting a combo box to work with another combo box to produce list kind of thing.

The database is a vehicle database and I need the 'Vehicle' combo box to give me a list of vehicles. I then need the 'Model' combo box to produce the models of the car selected in the 'Vehicle' combo box.

Example - If I select 'Ford' from the 'Vehicle' combo box list I want all the models to be displayed in a list form thing in the 'Model' combo box so the user can easily select make and model of the car.

I have two tables:

The 'CarMM' table contains a list of around 1,500 records of car makes and models. First column has the 'Vehicle' make and the second field coloumn has the 'Model'.

The 'VD' table contains all other information like the charges, name, the make and model of car once selected in combo box.

I then have the form called 'VD'. In this form contains the combo boxes I want to be cascading.

Any advice on how to do this? I'm quite new to this so any help would be nice. Thanks you very much.

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Cascading Combo Box - Assistance

Nov 4, 2007


I have a database (Access 2007) that has two tables, reports, queries and so far all seems to be working and going well. Quite impressed with it to be honest for my lack of skills.

However, I've run into a bit of trouble and need assistance getting a combo box to work with another combo box to produce list kind of thing.

The database is a vehicle database and I need the 'Vehicle' combo box to give me a list of vehicles. I then need the 'Model' combo box to produce the models of the car selected in the 'Vehicle' combo box.

Example - If I select 'Ford' from the 'Vehicle' combo box list I want all the models to be displayed in a list form thing in the 'Model' combo box so the user can easily select make and model of the car.

I have two tables:

The 'CarMM' table contains a list of around 1,500 records of car makes and models. First column has the 'Vehicle' make and the second field coloumn has the 'Model'.

The 'VD' table contains all other information like the charges, name, the make and model of car once selected in combo box.

I then have the form called 'VD'. In this form contains the combo boxes I want to be cascading.

Any advice on how to do this? I'm quite new to this so any help would be nice. Thanks you very much.

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Query Assistance Needed Please.

Mar 9, 2006

I have DB with a Switchboard that has a button for Bin Number (Part Number). It is based on a parameter query that asks you to input your Bin Number. Once you enter the Bin Number it pulls all information for that Bin Number from a table that contains the Bin Number, description, Manufacturer P/N and Manufacturer and shows this in the query.

What I need to do is have this information each time a different Bin Number is entered to be stored in specific table (datasheet style) for printing out just a list of specific Bin Numbers and their information. As the parameter query stands now, each time I input a different Bin Number it clears the previous information. Can I tie in a make table query in some manner that will store the selected Bin Number info?

Can someone make suggestions on the easiest and quickest way to set this up? Keep in mind I am still learning Access so please be detailed in your comments. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Query/Expression Assistance

Feb 22, 2007

I have created a query based on two akwardly designed tables that ultimately relate a member of Congress to a specific Committee and Subcommittee. Unfortunately I cannot alter the tables, as I receive weekly updates from an external source.

This being the case, once I have created the query, a "-" appears in the Subcommittee column, where the Member of Congress serves on the Committee, but no Subcommittee or the Committee does not have a Subcommittee. Although I could exclude the "-", however when I do this certain committees are removed from the final results. So I attempted creating an expression, where "<Not Assigned to a SubCommittee>" appears if the Committee does not have a SubCommittee. Unfortunately there are a few committees that fall under this. I created the following expression:

=IIf([HMC_Name]=("Committee on Budget""Committee on Standards of Official Conduct""Committee on House Administration"),"<No Subcommittee Assignment>",[HSC_Name])

Yet this expression returns #Error. Any suggestions?

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Crosstab Query Assistance

Mar 28, 2007

Hello, My first attempt at a Crosstab query and I need some assistance with the output. The expression I use is below and it returns the correct infornmation by month, but i need the year to be included as well as the data goes back several years.

I would like it to calculate so that i get Jun-03, July-03 etc but i only get the option to choose one field type ie Year Month etc

Any assistance greatly appreciated

Format([APM Outcome Effect dt],"mmm")

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Toggle Button Assistance

Dec 8, 2005

Hi, I would like to have a toggle button on my form that when clicked it changes the button colour and the button text. The toggle button doesnt have to be bound.


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Assistance With Dlookup On Form

Mar 3, 2006

I know to most this is simple, but as a newer user putting everything in its right place is hard. Have checked multiple posts for my situation and cannot locate. I know I need to use DLookup.

Membership table used to built form has among others, a contract #1 field (9-digit Soc.Sec. #) and a Contract #2 field with another randomly assigned 9 digit number. Current form set up to accept contract#1 in an unbound text box which then autopopulates other fields pertnent to this member. Member should be giving us Contract #2 but that will not always happen. Want a DLookup so that if the #1 num is put in it will automatically input the correct #2 number.

Not sure where to put it and exactly how to format. Can someone please help me. Both fields on the same table.

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Assistance With Calculating The APR Of A Loan

Feb 14, 2005

I have been unsuccessful in finding the correct formula for the APR of a loan to calculate automatically. Does anyone have the formula for calculating APR?

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Assistance With Opening A Form

Jul 15, 2005

I am trying to open a form to a specific record but when I run the code I keep getting a syntax error (missing operator) I indicated it in bold where the debugger takes me. Could anyone assist me. Here is the code: This code appends the current record to a new table then deletes it from the old. Then i want it to open the new form at the current record I just appened.

Private Sub Repair_Click()

DoCmd.OpenQuery "appendtorepair", acViewNormal
DoCmd.OpenQuery "DeletefromInv", acViewNormal

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Repair"

stLinkCriteria = "[PAM_ID]=" & Me![PAM_ID]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub
End Sub

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