Selecting Criteria In A Query

Jan 22, 2006

Hi, I'm a complete novice to Access and wonder if anyone can help me with this one please? I have a column in a query that is the output from a barcode scanner called WhenScanned from a table tblScans. The data in the column is in the format of the date and time for example: 20/01/2006 21:30:00 I want to be able to interrogate the data in the query by selecting a range of a date(s) and times for example from 20/01/2006 05:30:00 to 20/01/2006 13:29:00, date and time range from 13:30:00 to 21:29:00, date and time range from 21:30:00 to next day 05:29:00. I can achieve this by typing the required range into the criteria row of the query column in design view e.g. >=#20/01/2006 13:30:00# And <=#20/01/2006 21:29:00# for each range but I want to make it more user friendly so that a user can select type in the appropriate date and select the time range from a drop down list or something without having to edit the query using syntax. Thanks in anticipation.

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Selecting Query Criteria From A Combo Box.. Please Help!!!

May 17, 2007

Hi all

I am trying to get my head around some of the more advanced “features” of access..

At the minute I am trying to change the criteria of a query from selecting a value from within a combo box.. I believe I have got the syntax correct, but I keep getting no results returned..

I am using:
[forms]![frmMovies]![combo2] as the criteria where frmMovies is the name of the form, and combo2 the name of the combo box.. I have set combo2’s source as the table containing the movie information “tblMovies”
Before you ask I am not trying to setup my own movie store, more apply the theory to a bigger DB that I am working on :-p

Hopefully you can help, as I have now been scouring the forums for 2 days and am getting no where..

Thanks in advance


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Union Queries And Selecting Fieldnames With Criteria

Oct 18, 2006

I am trying to combine fields (different columns) into one field. However I am trying to have a criteria for the fieldname. For example I wish only to combine the columns that contain the text 2003 (ie [Value 2003],[Price 2003]). I have tried to use wildcards in SQl ie select * from [query] where * = %2003. I must be missing something because I can't seem to work it out. It must be simple. I have also tried several ways through the design grid with wildcards in expressions. I also don't want to union the columns by using the exact names ie [Value 2003]& [Price 2003] because additional columns may be added.

Any help, extremely appreciated, I have wasted a whole day with this.


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Selecting Records Based On Multiple Criteria

Jul 10, 2007


i am querying a single table that contains card numbers and corresponding transaction codes (amongst other things). a single card number can have multiple transaction codes.

i want to select all card numbers that have both 0100 and 0802 transaction codes.

if i use a select query with ="0100" Or "0802"as the criteria, it returns all card numbers that have either 0100 or 0802 transaction types. if i then change the query to crosstab and group by card number, it is clear that some cards have both transaction types.

when i try to change the criteria to ="0100" And "0802" it returns nothing at all.

i'm sure the solution is something really simple - any idea what i'm doing wrong?

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Setting Query Criteria To Be 'blank' Depending On The Criteria Of A Combo Box

Oct 21, 2006

I have set up a database that stores actions (i.e jobs). In the table; two of the fields are...'required completion date' and 'actual completion date'. I wish to lookup, by using a query, all of the open actions (those which havent yet been complete (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null)) and then later on all those which are overdue (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null And the 'required completion date' <today....this being the criteria for an overdue action).

However, I have used a form which has a combo box which contains the values open and overdue. When a selection has been made I want a form to display with the results depending on the selection that has been made. I am capable of creating a form based on a query, but am unsure of how to construct the query with the correct criteria based on the option that is selected from the form.

Any help would gratefully be appreciated. Thanks

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Selecting Options In A Query

Jul 31, 2007

Sure its simple to do, I just don't know! lol.

I want to create a query, where the user can choose from 3 products to choose from (from the same table, under the same field name) that they can search for to find which customers r buying it.


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Selecting Records Through A Form For A Query

Jul 13, 2006

I have a problem I should be able to solve, but I can't think my way around it.

I need to automate a series of tasks to perform the following:

1. The user clicks a button on a menu form and arrive at a select records form.
2. The user makes choices regarding the contents of certain fields (blank, not blank, equals a text string, etc.) and presses OK.
3. On the OK click, the fields are applied to a query, the results of which are exported in an excel spreadsheet.

I've been doing step 2 and 3 by hand in that I alter the selections in the design view of the query and save it. I then run a macro that deletes the data in the current table, runs the append query with the new criteria, and creates an excel spreadsheet of the new data.

However, I now have to make this functionality available to a non-tech person, thus the need to create a GUI menu that can launch a form on which the user can select options and with a single click, launch the macro.

I've tried adapting select forms that I've used with forms and reports using the doCmd.openquery, but they will only work for select or crosstabs, not appends. I considered having the form create the query and then qrite the append query off that, but I can't seem to get that to work.

Can anyone give me some direction on where I can take this?



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Selecting Lowest Values In A Query?

Feb 23, 2006

Hi all - I have a table that contains Client ID, Supplier Name, Order Number, Order Date, and Price.

Example -

Client ID -- Supplier Name -- Order Number -- Order Date -- Price

1111111 Supp A 222222 1/2/06 1,000
1111111 Supp B 222222 1/2/06 2,000
1111111 Supp C 222222 1/2/06 4,000
1111111 Supp D 222222 1/2/06 500
1111111 Supp E 222222 1/2/06 1,200

I need to determine the 2 lowest prices per order number. In this case that would be Supp D - 500, and Supp A - 1000.

I am using the Top function and sorting the price in ascending order to get the lowest two prices. The problem is that it selecting the lowest 2 prices of all the orders on the table, not each individual order. I tried grouping on the other fields, but still came up with incorrect results.

Any ideas? Thanks!


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Queries :: Selecting Fields In Query

Jan 24, 2014

I have a query that is used to capture all the fields that can be possibly used.When run & exported to excel the user then simply deletes the columns with the fields that they don't require.We do this so we don't have to keep creating queries over and over again when you just use one that does all but then delete what you don't need afterwards.

Any way of using a form with tick boxes for each of these fields so when they user ticks the fields they require reporting on then only those fields will be returned in the query.

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Selecting Two Items For Query From Combo Box

Jul 22, 2015

I have a combo box that has three items in it. Name, ID_Num, Date

I need to use ID_Num and Date to filter the results of query. I can use one or the other but not both. I have tried ListIndex but apperently am writing it wrong in the expression builder.



I have tried =0, =1, =2 after the

[ListIndex] but it doesn't work.

How do I use two items from combobox in a query?

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Selecting Time Range In Parameter Query

Oct 11, 2006

I have a value list combobox (cboShift) on my form with selections as "1st Shift";"2nd Shift";"3rd Shift" and a subform that should filter my records based on the shift selected on the mainform.

My data fields in my query are [TimeStart], [Time Stop], [other fields].
I would like that e.g. when "1st Shift" is selected, it should filter my records based on the [timeStart] that falls within the range, and so on.

I really don't know how to handle this, even to set the time range parameter for this...
I have written this function for a start. To continue, i ask for your help or guide. Please help????

Function fShiftWorked(strTimeStart As DateTime)
Dim strOperatorStart As String
strOperatorStart = FormatDateTime(([tblTimeLog]![timeStart]), vbLongTime)
If strOperatorStart >= #8:00:00 AM# And strOperatorStart < #5:00:00 PM# Then
strTimeStart = "1st Shift"
ElseIf strOperatorStart >= #5:00:00 PM# And strOperatorStart < #12:00:00 AM# Then
strTimeStart = "2nd Shift"
ElseIf strOperatorStart >= #12:00:00 AM# And strOperatorStart < #8:00:00 AM# Then
strTimeStart = "3rd Shift"
strTimeStart = "2nd Shift"
End If
End Function

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Conditional Query For Selecting Different Fields For Each Record

Oct 17, 2007

I have an interesting report query I am working on. Is it possible to have a query that shows different fields for individual records depending on the content of the record? Let me see if I can explain. Let's say that I have a Status field that can be "Complete", "Active", or "Planned". And lets say also in that table I have Field1, Field2, and Field3. For each record, I don't want to include all three fields (Field1, Field2, Field3), but only one of these fields depending on what is in the Status field.

So, it would be something like:

Select Status, (if Status = "Complete", select Field1), (if Status = "Planned", select Field2), (if Status = "Active", select field3) FROM table;

So, the query would result in 2 fields for each record: the status field, and one of the three other fields depending on what is in the status field for that record.

Thank you kindly for your help.

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Queries :: Running A Query From Selecting Field Name

Jun 3, 2015

I have a table of prices for commodity contracts, with my first field showing the dates the prices are from and the subsequent fields relating to the individual contracts (contract A, contract B, contract C, etc.)

I want to run a query that allows a date range to be selected, and a contract to be selected.

the first part I am pretty sure i know how to do (Between [Enter Period Start:] And [Enter Period End:]), but its selecting which contract i want this range to apply to that I am not sure how to do.

Can this be done in the same query? or would i have to do something like create a separate query for each contract and then use a form with a selection box that chooses which query to run?

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Reports :: Selecting Fields From Table For Query

Jan 13, 2014

I am looking for a way to generate a list of all fields within a table, have the end-user select which fields he/she wants to include, and then run the query. I am trying to create this within a form for a nice, easy to use GUI.

I am using Access 2010 on Windows. The fields I need them to select from are in one table, however there are many lookup (tblkp) tables related.

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Queries :: Selecting A New Calculated Field In Same Query

Aug 30, 2013

I want to calculate a field that is Sales*6+Salary, then in that same query I want to select ONLY the greatest Salary per employee. So for example

SELECT EmpId, MonthDate, Sales, Salary, [Sales]*6+[Salary] AS SalTot
FROM EmpTable S1
WHERE SalTot = (SELECT MAX(SalTot) FROM EmpTable S2 WHERE S1.EmpId = S2.EmpId);

Can I not select a value that has been calculated this query?

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How To Query Data For Specific Criteria - Criteria Help

Aug 20, 2007

I have data for hundreds of stores. The data was pulled for the top 15 items by store, so I cannot obtain only the top 5 items that I need. How can I query this data to extract only the top (or bottom) 5 Subjects, by store, based on the percentage column?

StoreSubjectSalesSales %
1516Audio Unabridged1650.8-231.04%
1516History / Military History10081.1-29.99%
1516Role Playing / Graphic Novels14773.9-20.27%
1516Audio Abridged1785.9-141.84%
1516SciFi / Fantasy27535.3-7.93%
1516Juv Audio/Video1580.6-100.13%
1516Current Affairs / Law8141.9-14.34%
1516Juv Non-Bk4585.9-25.02%
1516Science / Tech2961.4-33.98%
1516Movies / TV / Music / Dance3395.3-29.46%
1872Psych / Self Improvement100650.4-10.05%
1872Audio Unabridged29165.9-27.32%
1872Health & Fitness64713.8-10.29%
1872Current Affairs / Law47927.1-11.08%
1872Travel Foreign42583.7-12.27%
1872Religion / Bibles80255.6-6.07%
1872SciFi / Fantasy67641.4-6.49%
1872Study Aids / Notes38299-11.24%

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Selecting Existing Table Name Using Form's Combobox For A Query

Dec 12, 2006

can someone help me on this? I am not sure why the select query inside this procedure is not working. Here is the that routine:

Public Sub temp()
Dim strDocName As String
Dim strTableName As String
Dim strTbl As String
Dim aot As Access.AccessObject
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rpt As Report
Set rpt = CreateReport

strTbl = Forms!frmSearchBoilerGuar!cboTypeOfGuar

For Each aot In CurrentData.AllTables
If aot.Name = "strTbl" Then
strTableName = strTbl
End If

Next aot

strSQL = "SELECT tblProjts1.chrProjectName, tblProjts1.chrBlrPropNum, " & _
"strTablename.memGuranItem , strTableName.memLDs FROM tblProjts1 " & _
"FROM tblProjts1 LEFT JOIN strTableName ON" & _
"tblProjts1.intProjectId = strTableName.intProjectId"

rpt.RecordSource = strSQL
strDocName = "rpt"

DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acPreview
End Sub

Basically, I am trying to select a table name from the combobox and then use that table name for my query. Then I want to use that query as a recordsource for my report.

Any help is greatly apprecited.


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Forms :: Selecting Query Parameters From A Listbox - Select All

Aug 26, 2013

I've got a code that allows me to select one or many names from a listbox on a form and return data relevant to the name(s) selected from a query. The following code is triggered by a button on the form...

Private Sub Toggle4_Click()
'Set it all up for CSM selection
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String


(Toggle 10 goes to the code for the second listbox which has the same code with different tables refered to giving two selections in the query.)

What I want to do is replace the "warning if nothing found" with a code to show data against all the names in the list box if nothing is selected in the listbox.

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Queries :: Selecting Most Current Record For Item That Has Multiple Records In A Query

Oct 31, 2014

I have a query pulling data from two other queries (qry_Reports and qry_Surveys). Clients may have more than one ReportID, but only one ClientID. I need to query for only the most current ReportID (which is the larger value) for each client to find the surveys for the most recent report. How can I query for only the most recent report for each client based on the highest value of the ReportID per ClientID?

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Display Records Of Select Query After Selecting Desired Data From Single Combo Box

Nov 13, 2011

I created a subform that displays the records of a select query after selecting the desired data from a single combo box (for instructors name) and then using an OpenQuery macro attached to a button.

Only 1 record is displayed in the subform each time I hit the button. If I look at the query return there is no change. However, if I close the query and select a new instructors name, although I only get one record in the subform, the query when opened shows all the correct records.

What is wrong with my macro/subform?

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Use Query Generated Field As Criteria For Another Query?

Apr 2, 2008

I am trying to use a single record and cell of data generated from a query as criteria in another query but can't figure out how to do it? Is there a way to reference a query field in the criteria in design view of another query?


I have a table of data for each month with supplier codes in each table, but no date field.

I am trying to build a query that will automatically pick the most recent month of data. I have built a query that uses an iif statement in SQL assigning a number to the most recent month of data and then I am using the max filter in that query to show the single highest number (But this logic misses suppliers some suppliers but does assign a number to the most recent set of data). In this case its 2 for february data. I want to use this digit to filter a seperate criteria that will show me all the supplier codes for the month of february. One problem is that some suppliers are in every month others, come and go throughout the year, so I have to assign this criteria for each month. Therefore I want to use the 2 from the first query and plug that into each criteria section under each month field of the second query.

The other option that I can think of but can't seem to find a fix, is to merge all 12 tables so there are duplicate entries and can have a date or number assigned for each month that the supplier code shows up, then just use the max number. I can't seem to find a way to add all the codes creating duplicates into one field. I used a union query but there are no duplicates with this method thus foiling my plan.

Please help
Thanks for reading

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Query Criteria

Aug 10, 2005

HI all,
i have a really annoying proble where the solution is probably staring me straight in the face. Basically i want to produce a report where the user is prompted to enter months to be looked at within a certain period and also the years, in my query i am using:

Between [First month] And [Last month]


Between [First year] And [to end year]

when i do this the query just asks for the months and doesnt go on to ask for the! :D

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Help Need With Query Criteria!!

Sep 27, 2005

Hey Guys,

What i want to be able to do, is that when a user clicks on a report, they are asked to enter a month and only the records with that month will be displayed!! What expression can i enter in the citeria of the query, i did try =like"month" but that means creating a query for every month of the year!!!

Thanks in advance guys!!

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Using Criteria's In Query

Nov 21, 2006

Is there a way to have a Criteria set to promt a user to select a item from a dropdown list.

So when the prompt is made to ask for the Item Name it will have a dropdown list that the user can choose from

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Criteria Query

May 10, 2007

I hope someone will be able to help me with this one, I have a simple access query set-up which references to a table containing information about processed orders (From a ficticious company). I am trying to set up a query that will display all order placed within the last week. I have edited the criteria on the date filed to

Between Now() And Now()-"7"

Now this sort of works in that it filters the data, but it doesn't filter it by the day but by the year. i.e. Any order played within the last 7 years rather than the last 7 days. Any help much appreciated.
Sorry for being such a n00b,
Thanks for looking!

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Help With Query Criteria

Aug 24, 2005

I'm developing a report whose query is linked to a resources table containing background info about each of the resources in my department. Currently, the query pulls data for all resources regardless of whether or not they're still employed by my organization. In the resources table there is a field called "end date." If a resource is no longer employed with the organization, we input their date of departure. I only want the report to show info for those employees currently employed with the organization. Hence, I must make note of this in the query. I've tried the following in the criteria box for the end field,however I continue to receive a data type mismatch error. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

"Is Null"
<> "True"

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