Selecting Multiple Records From A Combo Box?

Jun 15, 2006

Is it possible to have a combo box on a form and allow users to select multiple entries from the drop-down list? Thats just the tip of the iceburg. If you can, then I'll probably be asking more questions soon.

Thanks in advance.

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Selecting Multiple Items In Combo Box...

Feb 1, 2005

Is it possible to select more than one item in a combo box? I have attached a sample of a database I am working on. I have a table called Interests and on the Bookings form, I would like to be able to select more than one interest in the Interests combo box, but I can't figure out how to do it. In databases I have seen, you simply have to hold down ctrl or shift to make multiple selections - that's what I want to do.

Can anyone help, please?

Thank you!!

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Selecting Records Using Combo Box

Feb 16, 2005


ok part of my database is made of 2 tables.



(item_id linked)

ok so I want a form that has a combo box with [item_id, item_name] on each row that i select. when i select one it displays the relevant quantity and allows me to edit the quantity.

any ideas how i can do this?


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Forms :: Populating Text Box Upon Selecting Multiple Items In Combo Box?

Nov 28, 2014

Now I have a combo box "cbo_items" and a text box "txt_selectedItems", I want to populate text field with items selected from the combo box, every time i select an item it appears in text box and to be separated with comma, so text box appears like this ( item1, item2, item3), and after finishing the whole thing the result appears in lable "lbl_result" as "total items selected: 3 items".

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Selecting Certain Records To Display In An Unbound Combo Box

Sep 15, 2005

Ok sorry to be a pain :D

I have a main form frmProperty from where you can go via a button to frmTraining and these two are linked by "Property Code".

On frmTraining i have an unbound combobox which gets it data from the tblTraining table. I want this to only display data for the "Property Code" that the frmProperty is pointing to.

I assumed this would just work if the link criteria was present in the button code, however it appears that no matter what the "Property Code" the combo box displays all the data in the tblTraining table.

Anybody have any ideas?

Many thanks

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Selecting Records Based On Multiple Criteria

Jul 10, 2007


i am querying a single table that contains card numbers and corresponding transaction codes (amongst other things). a single card number can have multiple transaction codes.

i want to select all card numbers that have both 0100 and 0802 transaction codes.

if i use a select query with ="0100" Or "0802"as the criteria, it returns all card numbers that have either 0100 or 0802 transaction types. if i then change the query to crosstab and group by card number, it is clear that some cards have both transaction types.

when i try to change the criteria to ="0100" And "0802" it returns nothing at all.

i'm sure the solution is something really simple - any idea what i'm doing wrong?

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Selecting Records In A Subform Based On Several Combo Boxes

Feb 2, 2005

Here is an example of what I am trying to do:

I have a main form which has 4 combo boxes all based on tblPeople.
Combo0 is skill
Combo1 is discipline
Combo2 is crart
Comb03 is active

The sub form is a datatable list of the tblpeople.

How do I apply the filter to the datatable. I am assuming I need to build a sql statement somewhere like SELECT from tlpeople WHERE me!combo0 = [tblpeople].[skill] and me!Combo1=[tblpeople].[discipline] etc

Is there a sample database? or can somebody tell me how to go about this.


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Queries :: Selecting Most Current Record For Item That Has Multiple Records In A Query

Oct 31, 2014

I have a query pulling data from two other queries (qry_Reports and qry_Surveys). Clients may have more than one ReportID, but only one ClientID. I need to query for only the most current ReportID (which is the larger value) for each client to find the surveys for the most recent report. How can I query for only the most recent report for each client based on the highest value of the ReportID per ClientID?

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Display Records Of Select Query After Selecting Desired Data From Single Combo Box

Nov 13, 2011

I created a subform that displays the records of a select query after selecting the desired data from a single combo box (for instructors name) and then using an OpenQuery macro attached to a button.

Only 1 record is displayed in the subform each time I hit the button. If I look at the query return there is no change. However, if I close the query and select a new instructors name, although I only get one record in the subform, the query when opened shows all the correct records.

What is wrong with my macro/subform?

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Combo Box To Find Records From Multiple Tables

Jul 30, 2013

I have a main form that has fields from different tables. This is a research study, so each form enters data into different tables. Well, each record is a person's data. Instead of scrolling through each record, I need an option on the main form that allows me to search for a specific person and have their data populate into the form.So far I am able to make a combo box that pulls up the record from one table. Well, HOW do i do it from ALL the tables!?? Do I have to make a query?

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Combo Box, Update Multiple Records, Access 2000

Dec 20, 2004

I created a form based on a table I have. Table structure is:

ID, Rt, contractors, Crew, activity, condition. A crew can have 1 to many contractors. Each “contractors” can have one activity and one condition.

The form has a combo – dropdown list with all the crews. Also combo - dropdown list with activity , condition and a text field update_date. And 3 buttons: Reset condition, Refresh screen, Save reords.

Every time when user pick a crew number from the list and set new values for activity and condition, all the records having crew = crew_number picked on the screen has to be updated in the table.

I tried to create a DAO recordset based on user selection of the crew, and to update those fields in a do while loop. Always does updated the first record and only one.

My question is: Can I do what the user wants, to update multiple records, based on a screen selection? What code should I use? If you can give me a hint it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

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General :: How To Filter Records Using Multiple Combo Boxes

Jun 29, 2014

I have a table with the following 5 fields. (Service Type), (Valve Name),(Size),(Rating),(Description).

I want to do two thing:

First: I want to select the required information from the first 4 fields using combo boxes and get the last field (description) based on the selected 4 fields. In other words, i want the record to be filtered using first 4 fields to give me the last field info.

Second: I want to store the filtered record (all 5 fields) in another table.

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Multiple Combo Boxes In Form To Choose Groups Of Records

Feb 16, 2005

I am wondering if it is possible to have several combo "boxes" in one form. The form is based on one table. In the table there are several fields which use a look-up (combo) drop down box to choose from: Type, Description, Manufacturer and Location.

In the form I want a combo box for Type, to bring up specific records in a subform, then I want a combo box for Description to bring up another set of records (within that Type of equipment) and a third combo box for Location to bring up all equipment within that location.

When I have tried to set this up - it changes some of the data in the in the subform - which changes it in the underlying table. If it set the form to open in New Record, then nothing shows up in the drop down box. Is there some If, THen code I could use to make it look first in the Type, then in the Description field, then close those out and look for the set of records that match in the location field?

Does that make sense?

I know how to manipulate in MSAccess templates, etc., but I don't know much about the underlying codes.

Thanks for any help!!!

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Using Multiple Combo Boxes To Retrieve (not Edit) Records From A Table

Mar 24, 2005

I'm creating a form that has combo boxes pertaining to each of the following fields from table "Documents": DocumentID (primary key), DocumentTitle, DocumentAuthor, and DocumentYear. No combo box is used with any priority over the others. The working form will allow a user to retrieve the full document record (data for all fields) by using any combo box they want, as well as any combination of combo boxes. This means that if a selection is made in one field's combo box, the drop-down lists in the other boxes need to update based on that preliminary selection. The filtered results for each field, based on any and all combo box selections, are always shown in a single datasheet on the form.

The kicker is that when a user starts filtering records by making selections from the drop down list in a combo box, but then decides to TYPE in another field's combo box, I want the combo box they typed in to do two things: 1) filter the records for that field based on what they typed, if any records meet that criteria (e.g. they typed "B" so only records beginning with B are shown), and 2) if no records match the typed criteria, the search starts all over (at the top of the cascade), filtering all library records based only on what they typed in the most recent combo box.

Does that make sense? Any tips welcomed.

I don't know how to cascade combo boxes in this way.

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Getting Duplicate Records In Split Form Datasheet When Using Combo Box With Multiple Selections

Jan 30, 2015

How to correct the issue below. I created a split form and I have 2 combo boxes that allow multiple selections. The one combo box for LOB (line of business) works perfect and does not create duplicate records in the datasheet view of the split form. The 2nd combo box with multiple selections creates duplicate records in the datasheet depending on how many selections are made.

I have checked this in the underlying table and there are no duplicate records, it is only in the split form datasheet. I have checked settings and configuration between the 2 combo boxes that are reacting differently and they appear to be identical...

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Selecting From Combo-box

Nov 8, 2006

I have a quick question on Forms. I have a combo-box in a Form that displays the student ID, first name, last name, and test scores from a source table. I have selected only specific fields to display from the source table in the combo-box. The intention is to note down the ID of a student for future querying purpose and I’m looking at easier ways to do it.

The question I have is, as I look down the drop-down and select a student by his last name (say Johnson), I want the student ID to be selected (or copied) when I click the specific student. There could be many students with same last name, and once I select a particular student from the drop-down, I was wondering if there was a way for this ID to be copied or selected. At present, the student ID is written down and used later for querying other information.

Thanks in advance.

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Selecting Item From Combo Box

Jun 5, 2005

Not sure what to search for so I thought Id write a new post:

I have a combo box which selects 3 items-

Primary key, Surname, Firstname

After an item is selected, the fields are populated according to the item.

Since there will be many records, it would be nice if the user can begin typing the surname and have predictive text, so the three items should then be-

Surname, Firstname, Primary key

So my question is, how do I get at the primary key if it is not selected?

myText = dlookup("myValue", "myTable", "primarykey = '" & ???? & "'")

If this does not make sense, what I am trying to say is:

The surname is selected, but I want to do a calculation based on the primary key so I get all the data associated with that user. I cant use the surname because there are duplicates.

Thank you

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Selecting A Month From A Combo Box

Jul 7, 2006

I was wondering if it was possible to use a combobox where you could select a month and year (eg March 2004, April 2004) so I could run a query to find orders made during the chosen time period.

Does anyone have any ideas how this could be done?


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Forms :: Selecting More Than One Value From Combo Box

Feb 3, 2014

In Access 2013, I would like to be able to choose more than one value from a combo box, but I believe this is not possible. However, I can prepare a list box and set the Multi Select to Extended. Doing this, I can indeed select more than one value, but I don't know how to get those values into a text field in the form. (If poss, they would become comma separated in that field). Ideally, the code would call the list box because it would take up too much space if it were there all of the time.

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Selecting Multiple Rows

Jan 11, 2008

Hello everybody....

I was given a task by my boss to create an appraisal system for our department here in one of the local schools in the Philippines.

Anyway, what I created first a form from which all subjects being offered will be displayed. I did this by having a main form (bind to personal info table) and a subform that displays all the subjects (bind to subjects table). Then, the user will simply click on the appropriate rows bearings the subejct that the students wish to enrolled and when the save button is click, such will be saved into the enrol table.

My questions is, what control will I use to allow me to select multiple rows? and how will I be able to save selected rows into the enrol table?

Thanks in advance and more power...


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Selecting Query Criteria From A Combo Box.. Please Help!!!

May 17, 2007

Hi all

I am trying to get my head around some of the more advanced “features” of access..

At the minute I am trying to change the criteria of a query from selecting a value from within a combo box.. I believe I have got the syntax correct, but I keep getting no results returned..

I am using:
[forms]![frmMovies]![combo2] as the criteria where frmMovies is the name of the form, and combo2 the name of the combo box.. I have set combo2’s source as the table containing the movie information “tblMovies”
Before you ask I am not trying to setup my own movie store, more apply the theory to a bigger DB that I am working on :-p

Hopefully you can help, as I have now been scouring the forums for 2 days and am getting no where..

Thanks in advance


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Selecting Items In Combo Boxes

Apr 30, 2005

i have a combo box containing dates, however it will only display the date at the top of the list, no matter which date is selected.
any help would be gratefully excepted!

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Selecting Entries In Combo Box That Aren't There

Jul 14, 2006

I seem to remember that there is a way, in a combo box, of entering an entry that isn't displayed in the combo box, so that you can then process that entry into a form's underlying table?

I think the example of doing this was in the MS Samples database for either Access 97 or Access 2000.

Does anyone recall what I'm talking about? Second question, does anyone have a link to those sample databases? Our technicians didn't bother loading the samples for us, so I'm kinda stuck.

Thank you tremendously to any and all who reply..... I'm looking forward to your responses!

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Update A Form By Selecting From A Combo Box

Apr 13, 2005

I have an unbound combo (because it is synchronised with another unbound combo box) box that selects a record, but I can not get it to update the rest of the form to show the required data.

The form looks up project data from 3 seperate tables which are all linked by relationship.

What do I need to do to make this work?

Thx for looking.

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Forms :: Selecting Record From Combo Box

Jun 24, 2013

I have a form to modify existing property records. Each record has a PIN number and a unique ID which is a combination of year, state county and PIN. The same property can have a record for more than one year. On this form I have a combo box for selecting the record to be modified. The combo box includes PIN and Prop ID. The combo displays each record by PIN then ID as separate records. For example:

06104409012 2007-IL-Lake-06104409012
06104409012 2010-IL-Lake-06104409012

But when I select a record it will always select the first record with identical PINs. In the case above if I click the 2010 ID the record fills in with the 2007 ID.

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Selecting Two Items For Query From Combo Box

Jul 22, 2015

I have a combo box that has three items in it. Name, ID_Num, Date

I need to use ID_Num and Date to filter the results of query. I can use one or the other but not both. I have tried ListIndex but apperently am writing it wrong in the expression builder.



I have tried =0, =1, =2 after the

[ListIndex] but it doesn't work.

How do I use two items from combobox in a query?

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