Selecting Multiples Values From Listbox To Generate Report.

Aug 5, 2004

I have searched all the forms but could'nt find any answer which would help me , I have created a listbox , it works fine till the moment i set its 'Multi select' property to SIMPLE or EXTENDED , the minute i do that i get no results in my query , could someone please help me with this , i really really need to get this workin!! I have also uploaded my database so u could try it yourself...

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Forms :: Hide Unchecked Values In A Listbox - Create Hyperlink On Listbox Values?

Jan 20, 2014

Firstly, is it possible to hide unchecked values in a listbox? I have a user with several roles and I want to only show the ticked roles in the listbox.

Secondly, can you create a hyperlink on listbox values? i.e, if I click on "Manager" in the roles listbox, it follows that to another form and opens the record about managers?

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General :: Multiple Values From Listbox In Textbox On A Report

Jan 17, 2015

Basically what I have is a form where a user has a drop down combo box that he can pick more than one value.

I then want to take what he has inputted e.g. Option1, Option2 and put that on a report in an unbound text box with another field value.

For example
=[Field1] & "/" & Option1/Option2

Those forward slashes are quite important as well, so any solution would need to include those.

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Selecting Value From Listbox

Mar 14, 2006


I have a two column listbox, list1.
How do I save the data on the 2nd column of the selected row?

To save data from the 1st column I do:

myData = list1.itemData(list1.listIndex)

Now for the 2nd column???:confused:

Why are lists so complicated?:mad:

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General :: Selecting Specific Table From Listbox?

Apr 7, 2014

I have to make a multi-user manage database.All the usernames are sorted in one table and exported to listbox in Form.For each user there is a separate table with 3 columns where i must fill information from listboxes.The listbox (there are 4 listboxes, one for users select and 3 for different parameters) are located in MainForm where you select the information.My question is how can I select a specific username(table) from the listbox and fill the information from the other listboxes to the selected one?

The usernames table is named - Clients

each table for separate user is named client1, client2, client3 etc.

the form where you choose what to select is named Fill form.

The listbox for users is named - List71 And the listboxes for parameters are named - List75, List77, List79 Also there are 3 textboxes with calculated fields that i also need to insert in the specific user table.

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Forms :: Selecting Query Parameters From A Listbox - Select All

Aug 26, 2013

I've got a code that allows me to select one or many names from a listbox on a form and return data relevant to the name(s) selected from a query. The following code is triggered by a button on the form...

Private Sub Toggle4_Click()
'Set it all up for CSM selection
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String


(Toggle 10 goes to the code for the second listbox which has the same code with different tables refered to giving two selections in the query.)

What I want to do is replace the "warning if nothing found" with a code to show data against all the names in the list box if nothing is selected in the listbox.

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Forms :: Selecting A Record From Listbox - Double Click Event

Jan 3, 2014

I would like to select a record on an already open form called "form_candidates" using a search facility but can't get it to work.

In "form_candidates" the data settings are set to "yes" (filters/edits/deletions/additions) and data entry is set to "no". On opening, the form is set to go to a new record.

In this form I have a button that opens a record search form so both forms are now open. I enter the first few letters of the surname into a text box, press a button and the listbox is populated.

In the doubleclick event of the list box I have the following code:

Dim CandID As Integer
CandID = Me.List4.Column(0)
DoCmd.OpenForm "form_candidates", acNormal, , "forms![form_candidates]![Cand_ID]=" & CandID

So I double click on the record, the candidate form is being filtered but the record isn't being shown.

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Selecting Values From A Value In A Form

Apr 20, 2006

What I want to do is use a value obtained in the form (obtained from a list-box selection) to select a record in a table, then return one of the fields to a text-box on the form.
All the values coming from the list-box are unique, and the value returned is a simple integer.

Is there any way to do this reasonably simply?

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Selecting Top AND Bottom Values

Dec 22, 2005

Hi all! I have a tough problem I was hoping I could get some help with:

I would like to create a recordset based on the "middle" 50% of the data. I need to chop 25% off the top of the data, AND 25% off the bottom of the data.

Any ideas?

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How To Generate A Report In Vba ?

May 2, 2005

I want generate and load the report using vba when a command button is clicked . (automating the report generation)
For example i have table in access that has name, address and email fields and onced command button is clicked the report is
generated and loaded.I be happy if some one show me wprking example.Thanks

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Generate A Report Via VBA?

Jun 14, 2006


I have the following very general question, but I hope you can give me a few hints so I can start and find things out on my way.

I just created a database which via VBA procedures runs all kinds of queries and puts the results in tables, for instance I have about 20 tables now with 10 fields each and for every table I want to run the same type of report.
I already made one report for one table via the report wizard, I would like to use the layout of this table for all other tables using a VBA code, so when I run this code it will create all these reports for me.
What is the best way to start?

Many thanks!

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Selecting The Two Highest Values Among Three Fields

Sep 13, 2006

I'm teaching this term, and have put my grades and roster in Access. Each grading opportunity is a separate field.

Students will have to take 3 exams (Exam1, Exam2, and Exam3); however, their grade is based only on the 2 highest exam grades. There are other grades...FinalPaper, Attendance, Paper1, Paper2... the total of the grades is 600 points.

I can do the other calculations... what I do not know how to do is to select the two highest test values from the 3 Exam fields. I coudl do it manually, but I really prefer to simply enter grades, and then have the final grade calculated.


Gayle Ann

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Selecting Lowest Values In A Query?

Feb 23, 2006

Hi all - I have a table that contains Client ID, Supplier Name, Order Number, Order Date, and Price.

Example -

Client ID -- Supplier Name -- Order Number -- Order Date -- Price

1111111 Supp A 222222 1/2/06 1,000
1111111 Supp B 222222 1/2/06 2,000
1111111 Supp C 222222 1/2/06 4,000
1111111 Supp D 222222 1/2/06 500
1111111 Supp E 222222 1/2/06 1,200

I need to determine the 2 lowest prices per order number. In this case that would be Supp D - 500, and Supp A - 1000.

I am using the Top function and sorting the price in ascending order to get the lowest two prices. The problem is that it selecting the lowest 2 prices of all the orders on the table, not each individual order. I tried grouping on the other fields, but still came up with incorrect results.

Any ideas? Thanks!


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Get Combo Box Value To Generate Report

Oct 26, 2011

i have two combo box, one is cboMonth and one is cboYear. i am trying to get the values from these 2 combo box, and used the value to generate report. however, when i click the btnPrintSummary button, system keep prompting me to enter parameter value.

Private Sub btnPrintSummary_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stWhere As String
Dim blnTrim As Boolean


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How To Generate A REPORT Using A FORM

Apr 2, 2013

I need to create a simple receipt on ms access.

Fields will include:

The subtotal= unitPrice*Quantity
Total = Addition of all subtotal
AmountPaid = How much each customer paid
Balance = AmountPaid - Total

fields the TABLE should contain? (Remember customers will purchase more than one product & there will be more than one reciept)..How I can generate a REPORT using a FORM ? The REPORT should contain the calculations. How do I make access do the caluclations?

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Forms :: Values Change According To Selecting Value From Another Field

Apr 16, 2014

I am working on a school database, today I am working for fee collection form and I am facing trouble.In attachment At the top right area the hidden field I would like here changes according to selecting Fee Type under Fee Detail. I want to achieve this,

If feetype is ABF then Hidden field = 1500110
If feetype is ASF then Hidden field = 1500120
If feetype is EXF then Hidden field = 1500130
If feetype is MTF then Hidden field = 1500140
If feetype is RBF then Hidden field = 1500150

How I can perform this ?

Table structure is
(tblstudents) Contain students data
(tblFee) Contain, Student Id linked with student table, month, year, amount, date, narratives and FeeType that looup values from FeeType tbl, this hidden field also in tbl fee.

The codes that are 1500100,1500120,1500130

These are necessary for GL entries that's why I must have it on my form. I had as well apply method of Default value but in that case I only present only a single value, but I want that in hidden field values take changes according to the fee type.

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Generate A Report/form By Category

Jan 16, 2007

Hi everyone,

I am tring to generate a report or form, its generated by a combo box, which list all the categories of the products, when the category is clicked on it will generate the report or form showing all the products for that particular category. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any help would be appreciated.

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Generate Sequenced Numbers For A Report

Jan 5, 2007

I have a report that prints blank serialized forms and I basically need a query to generate a field where if I request 4 sheets to be printed the list generated would look like this:


It seems like this would be simple, but I'm a noob.


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Problem When Using A Combo Box To Generate A Report

Dec 27, 2007

The premise:
I’m trying to create a report that is based on one of the columns in my data set. This is a rather large database, but there are only a few variations in this column and I’d like to have a report of the individual variations.

The current fix:
I’ve been able to make a report of all the variations and they are organized within each group. I cannot get Access to make a report that has only one of the variations.

How I’m doing this:
I am currently trying to use a combo box to pick which variation I want. I created a table that is related to the main table, which only has the names of the individual variations (and none are repeating, so I believe that was done correctly).

Then I am using a command button to call the report format (I am using VB to do this).

The issues:
Rather than just displaying the single variation that I chose, the one I chose is highlighted and all of the others are showing up directly below it. Then all of the data sets are showing up.

The needed fix, I think:
I don’t think I have the combo box and the command button linked properly. Does anyone know how I should have the parameters set in the combo box and what command I need to include in VB to draw the information from the combo box?

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Reports :: VBA Report To Generate PDF And Email

Jan 20, 2015

I found the vba to generate multiple pdf's from a single report which is working well (see below).

The script below generates about 15 pdf files and stores them in the specified directory

I'd like to be able to now email these to the individual users (SCNAME) but cannot work out where to start, i've tried a lot of things from the research on emailing, just not working.

All the information I need is in one table which includes the users email address field (SCemail).

I've also created an update query which generates a unique file name into the field (SCInstallDate) (currently not using this field data)

Private Sub cmdSC2PDF_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT [SCNAME] FROM [Schedule];", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While Not rst.EOF
strRptFilter = "[SCName] = " & Chr(34) & rst![SCNAME] & Chr(34)

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Generate Report From More Than Two Queries

Sep 10, 2013

I have to compile a report from more than two queries. All queries have a field common between them.

query1 gives name, address and contact number of all the 30 students in a class
query2 gives semester wise marks obtained by each student
query3 gives performance in sports of each student.

All the three queries have name of the student common in them.

Now I wish to generate a report card which should be as under:

1. The record of query1, query2 and query3 corresponding to a particular student should come together.
2. The record of query1, query2 and query3 corresponding to the next students should come after that and so on.....

I tried using a sub-report but it ends up displaying all the records of query1 first and then all the records of query2 and so on...

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Reports :: Generate Report File Name

Apr 28, 2014

I have a report named PIRREPORTFORMD17792. Every time I try to print out a record, the MS Access 2010 uses PIRREPORTFORMD17792 as a default file name.Instead of using PIRREPORTFORMD17792 as a default file name for all the reports, I would like to use a field on the form for the file name. This field called PIRNO. This field will automatically generate a number whenever a new record is added.

If I am on a record shown PIR20014-0001, then I want the file name of this report (in PDF) to be PIR20014-0001.

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Reports :: Unable To Generate Report

Jun 19, 2015

I created a database to set-up contracts, record receipt and issue of drawings and generate procurement schedules for construction projects. The database has been in use for over a year and I have only now encountered an unforeseen problem, the fix for which is beyond my skillset. I am unable to generate the reports as I have done for the other projects in the database.

The problem is in the Drawing Registers section. When the drawings are issued, I have to log the date they were received, the drawing number, drawing title, revision letter/number and note any changes on the current drawing. The drawing number is the Primary Key and is linked to several other tables, forms, reports, etc. The problem I have now encountered is that Architects arent that creative when numbering their drawings and tend to use the same numbering sequence for each job. So I can have several jobs with the drawing number A01. I have managed to still keep this field unique by adding a prefix (either a job number or an abbreviation for the job name). This way I am not changing the actual drawing number. However, on this current job the Architect is using the numbering sequence A1, A2, A3A25. Because he is using A1 and not A01, the drawing register reports are not sorting the drawings in the correct order and drawings A10 is listed after drawing A1 and A20 after drawing A2.

I found a round-about way of getting the drawings sorted by adding a second field. The primary key would be my version of the drawing number where I can enter it in a manner that the drawings will sort; the new field would be the actual drawing number as seen on the drawings. The reports would be sorted by my field but this field will not be visible on the reports.Is there another way to sort these records?

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Forms :: Disable Tab And Generate Report

Jun 9, 2015

I have a form "Member's Details" that has a few tabs. One tab is titled "Deacon Families" and I want to be able to either lock it, or grey it out, or something along those lines base on if the member is a deacon or not (I do have a yes/no field asking if they're a deacon). If they are NOT a deacon, the user should not be able to open the tab (because there would not be any information to show) and a pop up saying something like "This tab is empty because the member is not a deacon". If they are a deacon, I would like it to show all the members who have been assigned to them. I know this needs to be done in a subreport, but I don't know how to set it up. There is a deacon table which is linked to a family table which is linked to the member table, but the member table and deacon table are not directly linked.

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Generate Report On Per Record Basis?

Apr 19, 2014

How to make a report generate on a per record basis?

Basically I need to produce a report of all logged calls for a particular customer and be able to print it out. but I am unsure of how to generate this on a per customer basis would it be a case of requesting the user to specify before running? and if so how would I go about that?

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Generate A Report Based On Value From Combo Box

Aug 29, 2011

I am trying to design a form which would have a combo box cbo1(Market) and a command button (btn1) to finally view a report based on the values selected in the combo box. The query (say qry1) that the report uses has about 11 columns, in which Market is one of them. And I have 8 different Markets. Now i need to be able to generate the report for two options:

1. I should be able to show the columns for the selected market ONLY(it need not be multiple selections; just one will do). Example: If I selected the Market 'Chicago', I want the report to display the column values for only Chicago.

And the other option is.

2. I should be able to show the columns for 'ALL' markets together. I dont actually have an option by name 'ALL' in the 8 values for market. I would like the combo box to show the option 'ALL' along with the 8 values in the list.

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