Selecting Whole Field

May 2, 2005

I have text boxes on a Form that I need to update with figures each week.
I have tried to have the entire field selected by right clicking with the mouse but I keep getting an error.
The coding I am using in the 'OnClick event' is:

Private Sub Ctl1_Click()
Me!R1.SelStart = 0
Me!R1.SelLength = Len(Me!R1)
End Sub

R1 being the txtName.

The errors I have received are Object doesn't support this property or method.
I have tried to replace the Ctl1 with R1 but still get errors.
Can anyone please shed some light on what I am doing wrong.
I am using Access 2002.

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Selecting A Field Twice From The Same Table ?

Feb 5, 2007

I have a database spread accross a number of tables, I'll simplify it a bit here - there's questions, answers, respondents each as seperate tables.

Respondents includes



The answer table contains answers to all the different questions.

How can I query this to compare questions ? grouping answers to spot trends in the data

So I'd want to pull out the answers for questions 1 and 2 showing someone that answered question 1 with Yes and question 2 with No.

Any help would be much appreciated, or even a point in the right direction.
I've played with Crosstabs, multiple queries and pivot tables - none seem to be able to do this.

Thanks :)

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Selecting Field Text

Sep 24, 2006

I have a form with bound textboxes used for entering currency values. When the form loads the fields are automatically populated with default values. When the user clicks on one of the fields, I would like to automatically select all of the data in the field, so as new values are entered, the defualt value is overwritten. I imagine that I should use the OnFocus property, but is there a command to highlight the data?


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Selecting Memo Field From ComboBox

May 29, 2005

Hi All,
I am not sure if this is an easy one or not..
I have a field in a table named Stock_Alias. This field was originally set as a Number field. I have a combo box on a form, which contains the Stock_Alias numbers. When a number is selected, the remaining fields are shown in text boxes.
I have had to change the Stock_Alias field to a memo, to incorporate Numbers & Characters.
I cannot seem to hit on the right code to get the same results as i did when the field was a number field..

This was the code I was using to select the field as a number...

Private Sub Cmbo_Stock_Alias_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[Stock_Alias] = " & Str(Me![Cmbo_Stock_Alias])
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

End Sub

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Selecting Parts Of A Field For Querie

Aug 8, 2006

I have one field with complete url´s.



I like to make a groupby but only from the left side up to ".com"
Is there a way to select only the text untill ".com"



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Selecting Two Items From A Single Field

Jan 2, 2007

I want to be able to perform an AND search on a field where both specified values must be present for an item to be selected.

I have a table with some properties of items. Each record in the table is for a specific item and one of its properties. Say for instance that I want to list the items that are described with both "red and green". Assume that there are entries for widgetA to widgetG with colors "red, blue, yellow, purple" and widgetB and widgetE also has the property "green" in addition to the others ... the query should return widgetB and widgetE only.

I tried to use MSAccess 2003 query builder but cannot get the AND result to work. I switched to an OR and verified that the two values I am searching for do exist for two items in my table.

Here is the SQL statement that did not work.
SELECT Properties.PropertyIndex, Properties.HerbOilLink, Properties.PropertyTypeIndex, Properties.PropertyDescriptionIndex
FROM PropertyType INNER JOIN Properties ON PropertyType.PropertyTypeIndex = Properties.PropertyTypeIndex
WHERE (((Properties.PropertyDescriptionIndex)=80 And (Properties.PropertyDescriptionIndex)=15));

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Auto Diplaying Second Field After Selecting Another One.

Feb 2, 2005

Two tables, Contacts and Jobs

On the Jobs I need to select the ID and show the Last Name, but only enter the ID. This has been done okay.

How do I get the Last Name to auto fill in from the selection of the ID number?

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Queries :: If Statement As Selecting Field

Aug 27, 2013

I am having some trouble with an iif statement as selecting the field..I have two columns, one called [sdCounterpartyprice] and one called [bid]I want to select the [bid] if it's not equal to Null or 0, if it is equal to that then pick [sdCounterpartyprice]this doesn't work

CptyPrice: IIf ([bid] is null or = 0; [sdCounterpartyprice]; [bid])

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Selecting Data From 2 Fields Input Into 1 Field

Jul 23, 2006

I trying to create a query that looks at 2 field in one table and give me the resolves in a new field.


Field 1 Field 2 New field
Hat Cap Cap
Dress Dress
Pants Slacks Slacks
Gloves Gloves
Socks Socks

Can you help?

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Queries :: Running A Query From Selecting Field Name

Jun 3, 2015

I have a table of prices for commodity contracts, with my first field showing the dates the prices are from and the subsequent fields relating to the individual contracts (contract A, contract B, contract C, etc.)

I want to run a query that allows a date range to be selected, and a contract to be selected.

the first part I am pretty sure i know how to do (Between [Enter Period Start:] And [Enter Period End:]), but its selecting which contract i want this range to apply to that I am not sure how to do.

Can this be done in the same query? or would i have to do something like create a separate query for each contract and then use a form with a selection box that chooses which query to run?

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Forms :: Values Change According To Selecting Value From Another Field

Apr 16, 2014

I am working on a school database, today I am working for fee collection form and I am facing trouble.In attachment At the top right area the hidden field I would like here changes according to selecting Fee Type under Fee Detail. I want to achieve this,

If feetype is ABF then Hidden field = 1500110
If feetype is ASF then Hidden field = 1500120
If feetype is EXF then Hidden field = 1500130
If feetype is MTF then Hidden field = 1500140
If feetype is RBF then Hidden field = 1500150

How I can perform this ?

Table structure is
(tblstudents) Contain students data
(tblFee) Contain, Student Id linked with student table, month, year, amount, date, narratives and FeeType that looup values from FeeType tbl, this hidden field also in tbl fee.

The codes that are 1500100,1500120,1500130

These are necessary for GL entries that's why I must have it on my form. I had as well apply method of Default value but in that case I only present only a single value, but I want that in hidden field values take changes according to the fee type.

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Queries :: Selecting A New Calculated Field In Same Query

Aug 30, 2013

I want to calculate a field that is Sales*6+Salary, then in that same query I want to select ONLY the greatest Salary per employee. So for example

SELECT EmpId, MonthDate, Sales, Salary, [Sales]*6+[Salary] AS SalTot
FROM EmpTable S1
WHERE SalTot = (SELECT MAX(SalTot) FROM EmpTable S2 WHERE S1.EmpId = S2.EmpId);

Can I not select a value that has been calculated this query?

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Selecting Field Based On Effective Date

Mar 27, 2015

I am trying to create a query in Access 2010. I have 2 tables BU and Color. BU has employee ID, the BU the employee is assigned as of a date. The Color table has the employee ID, a color and a date. Based on the date in the Color table, I want to select the BU from the BU table. The query should bring in the BU that the employee was assigned to as of the date in the Color table.

For example, if emplid 12345 was hired into BU abc as of 12/31/2013. Emplid 12345 was transferred to BU xyz on 1/15/2015. In the Color there are 2 rows for 12345. One with a date of 12/31/2014 and one with a date of 2/15/2015. I want the query to return abc on the row with the 12/31/2014 date and xyz on the row that contains 2/15/2015.

Attached are the two tables. I have highlighted the expected results in yellow on the Color spreadsheet.

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Selecting Based On A Text Field And Most Recent Date

Jul 16, 2007

Hello, I'm working with SQL and databases in general for the first time, and was wondering: how would I select just the most recent entry for each device? my data looks [roughly] like this:

device1 data_1a 15.2.2000
device1 data_1b 15.2.2001
device1 data_1c 15.2.2002
device2 data_2a 15.2.2000
device3 data_3a 15.2.2001
device3 data_3b 15.2.2002

So what I'm looking for is:

device1 data_1c 15.2.2002
device2 data_2a 15.2.2000
device3 data_3b 15.2.2002

Thanks for any help you can offer!

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Selecting A Field From A Popup Form To Be Populate Another Text Box

Apr 6, 2008

I have a field on frmOutpatient which is called EpisodeID.
I need to populate this field from a selection in a pop-up form.

The pop-up form (frmSelect) is a continuous form with a number of different EpisodeID numbers according to the date the patient was admitted. At the end of each record I want to put a command button (cmdSelect) and when pushed I want this SelectEpisodeID to be transferred to the field on the frmOutpatient.

Any ideas??

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Selecting Records Based On Part Of A Text Field

Oct 12, 2006

I'm working on a table which has a country field, but this field may contain a text string consisting of more than one country, eg "France, Belgium, Spain"

I want to run a query against the table to select records for any one country, but not sure how to do this.

Any suggestions please?

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Unable To Update A Field In Record In My Form After Selecting From Comboox.

Apr 25, 2005

Trying to update a field in a record in my form after selecting from a comboox.

This an orders form with a record per row for order items. I select the product from a dropdown list which is populated by a dynamic query from the afterupdate event on another combo. When I do the selection access reports the following error:
Runtime error 3331
to make changes to this field, first save the record

Debug takes me to the line :
Me!product_id = DLookup("product_id", "products_table", myvar)
from :
Private Sub comboProd_description_AfterUpdate()
Dim strFilter As Integer

comboProd_description.Value = comboProd_description.Column(1)

myvar = comboProd_description.Column(0)

Me!product_id = DLookup("product_id", "products_table", myvar)

[end code]

I'm lost as to what to do (no such thing as beginners luck!!). I'm not even sure if the error is from the combo box or from the field that it is trying to update (product_id)

Thx for looking


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Tables :: Auto-populate By Matching Data To Another Table And Selecting Corresponding Field

Sep 16, 2013

I have with my database. It's holds cost data including purchase made in foreign currencies which need to be converted to GBP using the correct exchange rate so a variety of reporting & stats can be performed.I have a table called Costs within which there are 2 fields

Purchase Currency
Exchange Rate

I also have another table called Exchange Rates 13/14 within which there are 2 fields

Exchange Rate

When a value is entered in the Purchase Currency field on the Costs table (this is a look up field linked to Exchange Rates 13/14 so it shows the listed currency in drop down) I need the database to automatically populate the Exchange Rate column in Costs i.e. match the value in the Purchase Currency field to the Currency field in Exchange Rate 13/14 and populate with corresponding Exchange Rate from Exchange Rate 13/14.I have tried the following and none work:

SQL Tried

SET ExchangeRate = [Exchange Rates 13/14].[Exchange Rate]
WHERE Costs.[Purchase Currency] LIKE [Exchange Rates 13/14].Currency

ExchangeRate = [Exchange Rate]
[Exchange Rates 13/14]
[Exchange Rates 13/14]
Costs.[Purchase Currency] = [Exchange Rates 13/14].Currency

SELECT [Exchange Rate]
FROM [Exchange Rates 13/14]
WHERE Costs.[Purchase Currency] LIKE [Exchange Rates 13/14].Currency

I know it is possible to have a drop down for Purchase Currency which shows 2 columns (both Currency and Exchange Rate) you can then use the exchange rate figure for a calculated field. The problem I have is that I am importing data into the costs table from excel. In Excel I can only have 1 value in the Purchase Currency column on the upload template. If I just have Euro in this column the database does not match it to the Euro in the Purchase Currency drop down and also store the correct exchange rate.

Or is the alternative to put this into the calculation of GBP Unit Cost where this somehow matches the Purchase Currency in the Costs table to the Currency field in Exchange Rates 13/14 tables and uses the appropriate exchange rate from Exchange Rates 13/14 to calculate GBP Unit Cost in Costs table.

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Forms :: Stop User From Leaving Field Without Selecting Item / Entering Data?

Aug 29, 2013

how to stop user from leaving field without selecting item or entering data

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Form - Selecting Label OnClick Does Not Recognize Changed Form Field?

Feb 5, 2015

Access 2007
Unbound Form

I have a onclick tied to a label (for decoration purposes) that when clicked it launches VBA that essentially updates a form. All that part works except it will not recognize any changed value of the field I was last in?

Just to try to explain best as I can what happens.

- Form gets opened
- I change field (quantity field)
- I click the Label
- It reverts to pre-existing value.

if I click off of the text field first then do the onclick - it recognizes just fine.

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Forms :: Show Date Picker On Selecting Date Field?

Apr 26, 2014

I am using Access 2007 and I have had a curious issue arise.

I like to use the Date Picker feature on all my forms to make it easier to enter dates. I have set up each table's date field property to "show date picker for dates", as per attached (.jpg)

When I use that particular field in a form, I also set up the field to allow for the Date Picker option (date picker form property sheet.jpg)

The curious part is that not every form that I set up actually shows the date picker when I select the date field. Some forms it works perfectly, others it doesn't.

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Selecting Only The Best Three

Nov 13, 2007

Hello All,

I have a small problem which I feel I should be able to solve but the hours of trying are proving me wrong!

From a choice of 16 events, competitors can enter as many as they like providing they are eligible. For each event they receive performance marks which are duly stored in a table. Some compete in 1 event others in 5 or 6. (I do not have a control showing ‘number of events entered’ and have tried several options, all unsuccessful, to create a ‘count’ of events entered. Is there a way?) My main problem is, from each individuals’ records, how do I select only the highest 3 marks from the classes each individual entered.

I’d be very grateful for any advice/guidance.


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Selecting Record

Apr 20, 2006

I have a table with customer details, probs over 3000 customer, and i need a method of selecting the customer in a form by their surname. Currently i have a combo box, but as you can imagine, this is not practical with so many records. anyone think of any other way to do it?

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Selecting First 10 Records

Apr 10, 2006


I have a query that gives an out put of 'worst offenders'. these offenders are in order of on field ascending (number of entries made per week) and another field descending (total sales).
It is by the combination of the sorting of these fields that we have an ordered list of offenders.

For my report i want to only see the top 10 records of this sorted list.

so for this selection i simply want to select the [B]first 10 records [B]of the ordered list. I cant make a selection by any one particular field(as explained above)

i have looked into the 'select top' functions and 'dfirst', but I dont think they'll work for me.

Any ideas?
Slighlty confused,

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ARGHHH Selecting All

Jan 17, 2007

Can anyone tell me why sometimes when i'm using access all of a sudden when i click in cells, control boxes etc that i select everything and i cant position the mouse with a string of text with selecting all of it.

VERY frustrating.

Spinkung :confused:

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Selecting Records

Jun 11, 2007

hey guys, im having one last problem with a report im making. just want to thank boblarson, Rich and Dennisk for all the help they have given me upto now, i have added to your reputation guys, thanks!

My problem is as follows:

I have a form for my products and a subform for the suppliers, each product can have many suppliers.

I need to have a report of products to send out to customers, so i created a check box to "tick" if i want to include it in the report. So far so good, however, the report shows each product several times for each supplier :(

can anyone tell me how to select only the supplier with the lowest supplier price for each product

Cheers guys

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