Selecting Data Between Two Dates

Mar 5, 2008

I have a database which records time spent on various projects and I would like to be able to calculate the time spent on any particular project between two selected dates. The report and the query behind it already works to display the time accrued on all the dates of a project, but I want to be able to break it down to small ranges of dates

I have a form on which the user selects the start date and the end date. How can I apply this calculated information as a criteria in a query so that I can produce a report with the relevant information on it.

I already have the report and the date selection form designed. The dates selected go into two unbound fields which have a date format.

I hope someone can help me.


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Selecting Dates

Jun 29, 2006

Quick one for you geniuses out there!

I would like a command button to print records from a select query displaying dates for the past 2 days but not for todays date.
e.g. today is the 29th, I want to print records for the 27th & 28th.

Data is being recorded hourly and kept for 2 months so there will be new and old data that I don't want printed.

Thanks for the help!!

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Selecting Only Some Dates From A Calendar

Dec 28, 2005

I am totally new to Access and this is my first database.

I have a database for volunteers in which one table is basically a calendar. In this table I have fields for the month, day of the week (i.e Monday) and day of the month (i.e 21st). There is also a filed called "Special days"

Sometimes I may want to produce a report that selects only certain days such as Saturday, Sunday and other days marked as "special days". Another time I may also want to produce a report that selects other days.

At the moment I have a "test filed" in which I place a 1 for those days i want to select then I choose all those with a 1. This is obviously a very poor construction.

Can anyone offer me a more advanced method?

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Running A Report By Selecting Dates

Jun 23, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a database to keep track of transcripts that are requested. This database has their names, ID number, date requested(With a pop-up calender), transcript type requested(This is a combobox where the choices are "Official Copy" and "Student Copy") and address.

So far, it works great. What I wish to do is run a report that I can choose the begining date and ending date for a specified month to see the total "Official Copies" and "Student Copies" for a given month.

Any ideas out there?

Hats off to Colm!



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Queries :: Selecting Dates From A List

Dec 11, 2013

I have a table containing a list of dates in "MMM YYYY" text format from "Jan 2010" to "Dec 2020".

I would like to restrict the list from the first record (Jan 2010) to the current month using today's date (eg in this case Dec 2013).

I know about

Format(Date(),"mmm yyyy")

And have tried the criteria

<Format(Date(),"mmm yyyy")

But doesn't work and haven't got much further....

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Queries :: Selecting All Date Fields Between Two Dates?

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to select a range of relevant dates for an amortization calculation (see my earlier thread on this subject here), but I'm having a bit of trouble making the SQL work.

I have a table called "t_AllMonths" that has only one field: MonthStartDate which contains the first day of the month for a very wide range of months over something like a ten-year period. I'm calculating amort for assets which will be amortized for some subset of those months (defined by the asset's Amort Start Date and Amort End Date). Further complicating matters, the amortization may be suspended during certain "hiatus" periods when the asset it not planned to be in use, and may differ by which business units make use of the asset.

So, I have three tables.

Table: t_Assets
Fields: AssetID (autonumber; primary key), Asset_Name, Asset_Cost

Table: t_AllMonths
Fields: MonthStartDate

Table: t_AmortPeriods
Fields: AmortPeriodID, AssetID, Amt_Period_Num (which I don't expect to use in this), StartDate and EndDate

Right now, I'm just trying to pull the range of dates between the earliest amort start date and the latest amort end date. (Min of StartDate and Max of EndDate, respectively) for a given AssetID.

My sql looks like this:

SELECT t_AllMonths.MonthStartDate,
Min(t_AmortPeriods.StartDate) AS MinOfStartDate, Max(t_AmortPeriods.EndDate) AS MaxOfEndDate,
FROM t_AllMonths,
t_Assets INNER JOIN t_AmortPeriods ON t_Assets.AssetID = t_AmortPeriods.AssetID
WHERE ((t_AllMonths.MonthStartDate) Between [MinOfStartDate] and [MaxOfEndDate]);

I keep getting an error message that reads "Run-Time Error 3122: You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression MonthStartDate as part of an aggregate function."

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Generating Reports From A Form After Selecting Dates And Parameters

Sep 11, 2014

The input form of the database have one common table containing data for all parameters for row source. As all data was in one table had one ID. My problem is I am trying to run reports from a form after selecting dates and parameters.

For selecting parameters I created dynamic combo box. For dynamic combo box I needed ID and description of the parameters. So I created separate tables for each parameter with ID and Description column. Which ran me into the problem that when I run report based on main input form which has different row source table and my report form has different row source tables and reports doesn't run when I base my queries on the report form.

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Summing Data Between Two Dates (When Dates Are Different Per Record)

Nov 15, 2011

I have a master table which shows all transactions per record (person) over a financial year.

Each record person has a seperate package period over which their spend needs to be measured. Therefore although I have all their transactions for the year, I only want to sum their transactions between their given [start date] and [end date] which are in columns.

I need to be able to create a field which sums all expenditure per record between the start and end dates

Name Start Date End Date Invoice Date Amount

Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 1/11/11 £100
Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 7/7/11 £200
Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 12/12/11 £200

In this case I would only want to sum 7/7/11 as this is between the start and end dates

I want to write something like sumif([Invoice Date] is between [start date] and [end date] - not sure where or how exactly

(The start date and end date will always be the same per person)

Is this possible in access?

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Selecting Data From A Combobox To Get More Data In A Listbox

Nov 21, 2005

im new to this so hello every1!!!

umm.. i have a form with a combo box which is linked to a table which gives me customer id numbers. and i have a listbox which i want the names and addresses to appear when i select a cusotmer id number from the combo box

so on the list box i put
" SELECT CustName FROM Customers WHERE CustID=$combo43; " in row source; if i change $combo43 to 0 the name appear but that is fixed and i want it 2 change when i select a cusomer id number from the combo box

can some1 plzz help me, its 4 my college project!

thanxs in advance!


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Selecting Data

Feb 18, 2005


im trying to select data from an access database via asp. the data must be stored in a recordset and fit the criteria as given in the variable varItemSelected:

heres what i have

SQLstmt = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE product = " &_ varItemSelected

set rs = con.Execute(SQLstmt)

but i get the error:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'
No value given for one or more required parameters

any ideas?


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Selecting Data From Subform

Jan 17, 2006

Each record in the database has a subform (one to many relationship) with multiple records. When the user clicks on a record in the subform I want the information from the subform and from the mainform to go into a Word document. I am able to pull the data from the main form but not from the sub form. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Below is an example of what I am using to get the data out of the main form for the bookmark in Word called "ClientName".

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!frmClients!txtFName) & " " & (Forms!frmClients!txtLName))

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Selecting Data And Incrementing Using DMax

Jun 27, 2007

I have data in a table
I am extracting using an append Query, I wish to assign a number from the original table +1 to the records pulled by the append query.
I am very new to this and have the expression below, however the result is #error in created field CertifNumber
The data I am looking for is in table Sample Details and the Field is CertNo

CertifNumber: DMax([Sample Details]![CertNo],"Sample Details","[Sample Details]![CertNo]+1")

If somebody could help me with this expression I would be very grateful.



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Selecting Data From Multiple Table

Nov 17, 2004

I have 13 tables in all. 2 are Area and Scope which have unique entries of areas and scope and the remaining 11 will have a primary key, Tag_No.
I want to select data from these 11 tables such that ALL the data will be pulled out but say table 1 has a column MOC and remaining 10 tables dont, then it will be a blank or null in those columns for the 10 tables. How can this be done? (I hope I am not confusing!!!)

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Queries :: Selecting Max From Grouped Data

Nov 26, 2014

I am having trouble writing what I think should be a fairly straight forward query... I am have a table with 2 fields, the first contains a list of subjects, the second contains a list of scores that students got in their tests in that subject.

So the data looks like this:

Maths 54
Maths 69
Maths 41
English 71
English 55
Art 44
Art 43
Art 66

I would like to write a query that selects only the highest score for each subject and presents it like this:

Maths 69
English 71
Art 66

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Selecting Data For Monthly Report

May 5, 2014

I am constructing a database for a friend and need to filter data from a daily log to enable a report to be generated for each months actions. I have created fields of: entry date, month and year with the view of filtering by month and year. How do I perform this task?

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Selecting Data From 2 Fields Input Into 1 Field

Jul 23, 2006

I trying to create a query that looks at 2 field in one table and give me the resolves in a new field.


Field 1 Field 2 New field
Hat Cap Cap
Dress Dress
Pants Slacks Slacks
Gloves Gloves
Socks Socks

Can you help?

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Selecting Data From Date And Viewing In A Table

Jul 19, 2006

in tblquery i have a field date.

it its formated to =Date()

i also have two more fields

1- month
2- year.

what i want is to extract the month and year from the date field.

but the thing is, i was it to be visiable when you are in the table "view".

but i dont know how to format this.

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Export Data By Selecting Date Range

Oct 27, 2013

I would like to create a excel file to let the user to input the following column.

Date No. of success No. of failure
==== ============ ==============
" " "
" " "
" " "

I would like to have a function that can allow the user to select the date range and its total no. of success and no. of failure

For example , the user select from 31-03-2001 to 31-12-2012 , then output the report which show the total no. of success and no. of failure in this date range , is there existing tamplate that I can use ? if no , what is the simplier way to do it ?

if the data is very large , I want to create a access db to store it , how to do it ?

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Reports :: Export Data By Selecting Date Range

Oct 27, 2013

I would like to create a excel file to let the user to input the following column.

Date No. of success No. of failure
==== ============ ==============
" " "
" " "
" " "

I would like to have a function that can allow the user to select the date range and its total no. of success and no. of failure. For example , the user select from 31-03-2001 to 31-12-2012 , then output the report which show the total no. of success and no. of failure in this date range , is there existing tamplate that I can use ? if no , what is the simplier way to do it ?

If the data is very large , I want to create a access db to store it, how to do it ?

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Modules & VBA :: Selecting Fields - Change Text To Include Data From A Table

Nov 5, 2014

I have an on click event to mail a report which works. I want to change the text to include data from a table.

I changed the code to include the field 'office' from the table 'Checks' but get an error saying 'Object required'.

Code is :
Private Sub cmd_mailreport_Click()
Dim office As Object
Set office =
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "checks", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", _
"", "", "", office & " Daily Check - " & Date, "Attached is the report for the office", _
True, ""
End Sub

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Tables :: Auto-populate By Matching Data To Another Table And Selecting Corresponding Field

Sep 16, 2013

I have with my database. It's holds cost data including purchase made in foreign currencies which need to be converted to GBP using the correct exchange rate so a variety of reporting & stats can be performed.I have a table called Costs within which there are 2 fields

Purchase Currency
Exchange Rate

I also have another table called Exchange Rates 13/14 within which there are 2 fields

Exchange Rate

When a value is entered in the Purchase Currency field on the Costs table (this is a look up field linked to Exchange Rates 13/14 so it shows the listed currency in drop down) I need the database to automatically populate the Exchange Rate column in Costs i.e. match the value in the Purchase Currency field to the Currency field in Exchange Rate 13/14 and populate with corresponding Exchange Rate from Exchange Rate 13/14.I have tried the following and none work:

SQL Tried

SET ExchangeRate = [Exchange Rates 13/14].[Exchange Rate]
WHERE Costs.[Purchase Currency] LIKE [Exchange Rates 13/14].Currency

ExchangeRate = [Exchange Rate]
[Exchange Rates 13/14]
[Exchange Rates 13/14]
Costs.[Purchase Currency] = [Exchange Rates 13/14].Currency

SELECT [Exchange Rate]
FROM [Exchange Rates 13/14]
WHERE Costs.[Purchase Currency] LIKE [Exchange Rates 13/14].Currency

I know it is possible to have a drop down for Purchase Currency which shows 2 columns (both Currency and Exchange Rate) you can then use the exchange rate figure for a calculated field. The problem I have is that I am importing data into the costs table from excel. In Excel I can only have 1 value in the Purchase Currency column on the upload template. If I just have Euro in this column the database does not match it to the Euro in the Purchase Currency drop down and also store the correct exchange rate.

Or is the alternative to put this into the calculation of GBP Unit Cost where this somehow matches the Purchase Currency in the Costs table to the Currency field in Exchange Rates 13/14 tables and uses the appropriate exchange rate from Exchange Rates 13/14 to calculate GBP Unit Cost in Costs table.

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Access 2010 Selecting Data From A Table And Auto-filling Fields

Aug 14, 2015

I have staff table which is a lookup field on the phone call table.when the phonecall form opens I want the employee field to auto fill in the employees name from the lookup field according to there security something like this

On Open
Select Case Forms!frmLogin!cboUser.Column(4)
Case X = 4'the employees security level'
Case X = Insert Table_tblPhoneCalls!EmployeeID"4" into Form_frmPhoneCalls!Employee.
End Select

of course this is a syntax error as I do not know the correct code words.

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Forms :: Stop User From Leaving Field Without Selecting Item / Entering Data?

Aug 29, 2013

how to stop user from leaving field without selecting item or entering data

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Display Records Of Select Query After Selecting Desired Data From Single Combo Box

Nov 13, 2011

I created a subform that displays the records of a select query after selecting the desired data from a single combo box (for instructors name) and then using an OpenQuery macro attached to a button.

Only 1 record is displayed in the subform each time I hit the button. If I look at the query return there is no change. However, if I close the query and select a new instructors name, although I only get one record in the subform, the query when opened shows all the correct records.

What is wrong with my macro/subform?

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Restrict Data Entry For Dates

Feb 9, 2005

I have a HUGE system which presently restricts updating a "Final Action" date to today's date only. However, I want to change it so users can input dates for only the present working week. The present coding is as follows...

Private Sub dteActioned_AfterUpdate()
Dim strTime As String

strTime = "07:30"

gintChanged = gintChanged + 1

If Not IsNull(Me![dteActioned]) Then
If Me![dteActioned] > Now Then
gintReply = MsgBox("Your actioned date is later than today !!", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Oops")
Me![dteActioned] = Null
GoTo Exit_dteActioned_AfterUpdate:
If Format(Me![dteActioned], "dd/mm/yyyy") < Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") Then ' final action earlier than today
If Weekday(Now) = 2 And Format(Now, "hh:mm") > strTime Then
' If Weekday(Now) = 6 And Format(Now, "hh:mm") > strTime Then
' Not acceptable to enter a previous date
' older than 7 days is not acceptable
gintReply = MsgBox("Now too late to accept this 'Final Action' date !", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Oops")
Me![dteActioned] = Null
GoTo Exit_dteActioned_AfterUpdate:
' Previous date is acceptable but only as far back as 7 days
If CVDate(Me![dteActioned]) < CVDate(Now) Then
' older than 7 days is not acceptable
gintReply = MsgBox("Now too late to accept this 'Final Action' date !", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Oops")
Me![dteActioned] = Null
GoTo Exit_dteActioned_AfterUpdate:
End If
End If
' Actioned date is acceptable since it is today's date
End If
End If
End If
' if today is a Monday Only accept final action dates which fall within the previous week if today


End Sub

Probably very simple but I just can't get it to work. Help please! Time is short.

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DLookUp, Dates And Grouping Data

Jun 10, 2007


Is it possible to group data in form from table within two dates with aggregate function DLookUp,


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