Selecting The Two Highest Values Among Three Fields

Sep 13, 2006

I'm teaching this term, and have put my grades and roster in Access. Each grading opportunity is a separate field.

Students will have to take 3 exams (Exam1, Exam2, and Exam3); however, their grade is based only on the 2 highest exam grades. There are other grades...FinalPaper, Attendance, Paper1, Paper2... the total of the grades is 600 points.

I can do the other calculations... what I do not know how to do is to select the two highest test values from the 3 Exam fields. I coudl do it manually, but I really prefer to simply enter grades, and then have the final grade calculated.


Gayle Ann

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Defining The 3 Highest Values In A Series Of Fields

Nov 2, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I am in need of your vast array of knowledge and experience. I have been fighting with this Access report for a few days now, and I've finally decided to ask for your help.

I am running a report which provides a look at a set of 12 survey results. The 12 items are numerical in nature and are decimals with 2 decimal places. What I am trying to do is have Access automatically highlight the top 3 scores in one color, and the bottom 3 scores in another color.

So what I need is an expression that allows Access to discern the top 3 and bottom 3 from the series of 12 scores. in Excel you can identify the top score with this with the formula "Max(A1:A13)", but seeing as in Access we don't have the cell identifiers, this approach will not work.

I know that I will need to use conditional formatting in order to get the cells to highlight. I also see that there is "Max" and "Min" functions in Access as well, and I attempted to create and expression like this "=Max([field 1] AND [field 2] AND [field 3] AND, etc...)" with no luck. I also tried changing the "AND" to "OR", again without luck.

One thing that I should mention is that the report does contain a lot of other data, so I need to be able to apply whatever the best fix is, to only those 12 fields.

Unfortunately I am not accustomed to using code, and as a result I am unsure of how to input it properly. I am certainly open to code solutions, but I would also need a explanation of how to put it in properly.

The easiest solution for me, if possible, would be an expression that I can enter into the conditional formatting wizard to tell it to highlight the values.

If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it. I'll buy you a virtual beer :-)

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Selecting Values From A Value In A Form

Apr 20, 2006

What I want to do is use a value obtained in the form (obtained from a list-box selection) to select a record in a table, then return one of the fields to a text-box on the form.
All the values coming from the list-box are unique, and the value returned is a simple integer.

Is there any way to do this reasonably simply?

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Selecting Top AND Bottom Values

Dec 22, 2005

Hi all! I have a tough problem I was hoping I could get some help with:

I would like to create a recordset based on the "middle" 50% of the data. I need to chop 25% off the top of the data, AND 25% off the bottom of the data.

Any ideas?

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Selecting Lowest Values In A Query?

Feb 23, 2006

Hi all - I have a table that contains Client ID, Supplier Name, Order Number, Order Date, and Price.

Example -

Client ID -- Supplier Name -- Order Number -- Order Date -- Price

1111111 Supp A 222222 1/2/06 1,000
1111111 Supp B 222222 1/2/06 2,000
1111111 Supp C 222222 1/2/06 4,000
1111111 Supp D 222222 1/2/06 500
1111111 Supp E 222222 1/2/06 1,200

I need to determine the 2 lowest prices per order number. In this case that would be Supp D - 500, and Supp A - 1000.

I am using the Top function and sorting the price in ascending order to get the lowest two prices. The problem is that it selecting the lowest 2 prices of all the orders on the table, not each individual order. I tried grouping on the other fields, but still came up with incorrect results.

Any ideas? Thanks!


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Forms :: Values Change According To Selecting Value From Another Field

Apr 16, 2014

I am working on a school database, today I am working for fee collection form and I am facing trouble.In attachment At the top right area the hidden field I would like here changes according to selecting Fee Type under Fee Detail. I want to achieve this,

If feetype is ABF then Hidden field = 1500110
If feetype is ASF then Hidden field = 1500120
If feetype is EXF then Hidden field = 1500130
If feetype is MTF then Hidden field = 1500140
If feetype is RBF then Hidden field = 1500150

How I can perform this ?

Table structure is
(tblstudents) Contain students data
(tblFee) Contain, Student Id linked with student table, month, year, amount, date, narratives and FeeType that looup values from FeeType tbl, this hidden field also in tbl fee.

The codes that are 1500100,1500120,1500130

These are necessary for GL entries that's why I must have it on my form. I had as well apply method of Default value but in that case I only present only a single value, but I want that in hidden field values take changes according to the fee type.

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Selecting Multiples Values From Listbox To Generate Report.

Aug 5, 2004

I have searched all the forms but could'nt find any answer which would help me , I have created a listbox , it works fine till the moment i set its 'Multi select' property to SIMPLE or EXTENDED , the minute i do that i get no results in my query , could someone please help me with this , i really really need to get this workin!! I have also uploaded my database so u could try it yourself...

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Modules & VBA :: Fill In Values In Column After Selecting A Value From Combo Box

Jun 4, 2015

I have a form that is a datasheet. it contains multiple records. One of the fields in that datasheet is a combo box. I would like to make it so when I select a value from the combo box it changes all the values of the other records in that column/field to what was chosen from that combo box. is that possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Selecting Multiple Values From List In A Form

Dec 29, 2013

I am trying to use a list-control on a form to let the user select multiple values. I have understood that this requires some VBA-code to step through the selections in the list, since the "multivalue-selection" is set to "Extended".

When I try to execute the code I have (found and have tried to adjust), then I get the error message "Object required". The "ListCount"-paramater always only results in a ZERO-value, when i step through the code:

Function cmdOpenQuery_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenQuery_Click
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSQL As String


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Selecting Fields

Dec 17, 2006

I have a table holding the number of each task planned each month, with a field for the name of the task and a field for each month stretching of for a number of years, and would like to be able to open a form or run a query on the present months field and the following six months without having to have a seperate form or query for each starting month.

any help or a point in the right direction would be apreciated.

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Selecting Fields

Dec 17, 2006

I have a table holding the number of each task planned each month, with a field for the name of the task and a field for each month stretching of for a number of years, and would like to be able to open a form or run a query on the present months field and the following six months without having to have a seperate form or query for each starting month.

any help or a point in the right direction would be apreciated.

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Selecting A Range Of Fields

Dec 17, 2006

I have a table holding the number of each task planned each month, with a field for the name of the task and a field for each month stretching of for a number of years, and would like to be able to open a form or run a query on the present months field and the following six months without having to have a seperate form or query for each starting month.

any help or a point in the right direction would be apreciated.

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Select DISTINCT - Selecting Two Fields

Aug 9, 2005


I am trying to use a query to populate a combo box. works fine as I am using one table. I want to select DISTINCT records which works. However i need the ID of that record in the select statement. Anyone know how to select two things in a select distinct query??

Select DISTINCT tbl_Aplaws.Level2 FROM tbl_Aplaws WHERE tbl_Aplaws.Level1 = 'Business' ORDER BY tbl_Aplaws.Level2;

this works. but i need to select the tbl_Aplaws.AplawID as well. throws errors

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Queries :: Selecting Fields In Query

Jan 24, 2014

I have a query that is used to capture all the fields that can be possibly used.When run & exported to excel the user then simply deletes the columns with the fields that they don't require.We do this so we don't have to keep creating queries over and over again when you just use one that does all but then delete what you don't need afterwards.

Any way of using a form with tick boxes for each of these fields so when they user ticks the fields they require reporting on then only those fields will be returned in the query.

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Selecting Data From 2 Fields Input Into 1 Field

Jul 23, 2006

I trying to create a query that looks at 2 field in one table and give me the resolves in a new field.


Field 1 Field 2 New field
Hat Cap Cap
Dress Dress
Pants Slacks Slacks
Gloves Gloves
Socks Socks

Can you help?

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Conditional Query For Selecting Different Fields For Each Record

Oct 17, 2007

I have an interesting report query I am working on. Is it possible to have a query that shows different fields for individual records depending on the content of the record? Let me see if I can explain. Let's say that I have a Status field that can be "Complete", "Active", or "Planned". And lets say also in that table I have Field1, Field2, and Field3. For each record, I don't want to include all three fields (Field1, Field2, Field3), but only one of these fields depending on what is in the Status field.

So, it would be something like:

Select Status, (if Status = "Complete", select Field1), (if Status = "Planned", select Field2), (if Status = "Active", select field3) FROM table;

So, the query would result in 2 fields for each record: the status field, and one of the three other fields depending on what is in the status field for that record.

Thank you kindly for your help.

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Queries :: Selecting All Date Fields Between Two Dates?

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to select a range of relevant dates for an amortization calculation (see my earlier thread on this subject here), but I'm having a bit of trouble making the SQL work.

I have a table called "t_AllMonths" that has only one field: MonthStartDate which contains the first day of the month for a very wide range of months over something like a ten-year period. I'm calculating amort for assets which will be amortized for some subset of those months (defined by the asset's Amort Start Date and Amort End Date). Further complicating matters, the amortization may be suspended during certain "hiatus" periods when the asset it not planned to be in use, and may differ by which business units make use of the asset.

So, I have three tables.

Table: t_Assets
Fields: AssetID (autonumber; primary key), Asset_Name, Asset_Cost

Table: t_AllMonths
Fields: MonthStartDate

Table: t_AmortPeriods
Fields: AmortPeriodID, AssetID, Amt_Period_Num (which I don't expect to use in this), StartDate and EndDate

Right now, I'm just trying to pull the range of dates between the earliest amort start date and the latest amort end date. (Min of StartDate and Max of EndDate, respectively) for a given AssetID.

My sql looks like this:

SELECT t_AllMonths.MonthStartDate,
Min(t_AmortPeriods.StartDate) AS MinOfStartDate, Max(t_AmortPeriods.EndDate) AS MaxOfEndDate,
FROM t_AllMonths,
t_Assets INNER JOIN t_AmortPeriods ON t_Assets.AssetID = t_AmortPeriods.AssetID
WHERE ((t_AllMonths.MonthStartDate) Between [MinOfStartDate] and [MaxOfEndDate]);

I keep getting an error message that reads "Run-Time Error 3122: You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression MonthStartDate as part of an aggregate function."

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Reports :: Selecting Fields From Table For Query

Jan 13, 2014

I am looking for a way to generate a list of all fields within a table, have the end-user select which fields he/she wants to include, and then run the query. I am trying to create this within a form for a nice, easy to use GUI.

I am using Access 2010 on Windows. The fields I need them to select from are in one table, however there are many lookup (tblkp) tables related.

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Forms :: Selecting Fields In A Combobox Where ID Matches

Nov 24, 2013

In my Patients table i have a field called PatientID (AUTONUMBER) as my primary key I hve another problem. Is this possible as i hve been trying for two days now. I hve tried a lot of ways but i cant get it to work right. I have a table called dependents. ID , PatientID,,Dependents,DOB,Age id being the PK AND PatientID as a number I have a table called vitals. with ID,PatientID,PatientName( which is a dropdown of Dependents), hpp,sats etc. (This is a subform in datasheet style in another form)

In my table vitals i have the follwing for PatientName . comboxbox.

SELECT Dependents.Dependents, DateDiff("yyyy",[DOB],Now())+Int(Format(Now(),"mmdd")<Format([DOB],"mmdd")) AS Age FROM Dependents;

So it selects fine in a dropdown like John 48, smith 36.

The problem i have is that it selcts all the records irrespective of PatientID.

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Modules & VBA :: Selecting Fields - Change Text To Include Data From A Table

Nov 5, 2014

I have an on click event to mail a report which works. I want to change the text to include data from a table.

I changed the code to include the field 'office' from the table 'Checks' but get an error saying 'Object required'.

Code is :
Private Sub cmd_mailreport_Click()
Dim office As Object
Set office =
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "checks", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", _
"", "", "", office & " Daily Check - " & Date, "Attached is the report for the office", _
True, ""
End Sub

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Access 2010 Selecting Data From A Table And Auto-filling Fields

Aug 14, 2015

I have staff table which is a lookup field on the phone call table.when the phonecall form opens I want the employee field to auto fill in the employees name from the lookup field according to there security something like this

On Open
Select Case Forms!frmLogin!cboUser.Column(4)
Case X = 4'the employees security level'
Case X = Insert Table_tblPhoneCalls!EmployeeID"4" into Form_frmPhoneCalls!Employee.
End Select

of course this is a syntax error as I do not know the correct code words.

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Highest Value

Jan 16, 2006

(I am a notive in database calculations) I have a human resources database with a report that calculates how long a person has been employed and calculates vacation and sick time based on the number of years employed. Is there a way to take the single highest value in vacation time text box and multiply it by a predetermined number? (i.e., if 5 is the highest number in the list for the person, multiply it by 24)

Thanks in advance.

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Highest Value

Oct 1, 2004


how do i select the highest value of a column in a MS ACCESS database with a sql statement???


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Highest Value In Query

Oct 27, 2005

I have 3 fields in query. I want the highest value from field2 in field3. Shown as below: How I do this without using Group By?

field1 field2 field3
1 1 2
1 2 2
2 1 3
2 2 3
2 3 3

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Select Second Highest Value

Sep 13, 2006


I am looking for a query to select the second highest value (in this case a date) from a table.

For example, if I had the following dates:

I would want the results of my query to be 9/3/06.

My table is called tblEquityFunds and the field I'm looking to select is called Added. I have the following query, which I think works, but it seems like an awfully goofy way to do it:

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 2 Max(tblEquityFunds.Added) AS MaxOfAdded
FROM tblEquityFunds
WHERE tblEquityFunds.Added Not In (Select Max(Added) FROM tblEquityFunds))

Is there a more elegant solution?

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Second Highest Number

Aug 10, 2007

I'm trying to identify the 2nd highest number in a field in Access. While searching, I ran across the =large(a1:a3,2) formula, which works perfectly in Excel. I'm trying to duplicate this functionality in Access 2003, but it looks like this formula isn't in there. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

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