Send Mail Merge With Attachment

Sep 20, 2006

I have been searching the forums about how to send an email using a mail merge Word document with attachments and have not found a way to accomplish this. There are numerous posts on haw to send email using the SendObject function with attachments but I really need to use a Word mail merge to satisfy the requirements set forth by my superiors.

The database uses a query to pull the list of recipients. The query contains the name, email address and a few other informational items that need to be put in mail merge. I also need to attach a second 5 page Word document. At this point, I don’t care if I have to deal with the Outlook security or not, I only have about 20 a day to send but if there is a way to get around it, that would be cool.

Would it be possible to create a Report that looks the same as the mail merge document and send it to each of the recipients from the query and attach the document to that email?

I am running up against a deadline that is fast approaching and any help would be greatly appreciated.:(

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge With Attachment?

Jun 19, 2014

I'm wondering if it's possible to set up an automatic Outlook mail merge with attachments from Access. We have several account managers, and each one receives a different version of the same report - filtered to his/her accounts. For now, I have set it up for the user to select the account managers and hit "Print Reports" to save each individual report into a destination folder. The user then uses an email template, attaches the report, and sends the email to an account manager. She has to send this email separately to each account manager.

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General :: Bulk Mail Send With Different Mail Body Contents

Apr 26, 2013

I have a ms access table with two fields...tablename is ..."Addresses"..

Field1:= Employee_mail_id
Field2:= Leave_balance

What I need to do is that,I need to send individual mail (in Bulk) two each employee intimating their leave balances.
Is it possible to do it in vb .I want it to assign the codes in a button.

Below iss the code.

Dim r As Recordset
Dim email As String
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from Addresses")
Do While Not r.EOF
email = email & r(2) & ";"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, Null, Null, email, Null, Null, "Test subject", "Message body of the test letter", False, Null

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E-mail Attachment?

Aug 22, 2005

Is it possible to attach an email in a field of a form?

We have a database that keeps track of technical orders. We get e-mails on what we are supposed to implement on a particular tech. order. Is there anyway I can attach or make a copy of this email or something to have it in a field of my form?


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Send Email Attachment

Dec 8, 2006

I have the following code to send a email with outlook, what I need is to automatically collect a attachment named commissions located in C:document and settings/Documents/...
Private Sub cmdSendEmail_Click()
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , cboEmail.Value, , , "Commission Request", "A new commission request has been submitted."
End Sub

How can I do it??

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Modules & VBA :: Send Attachment From Access

Feb 4, 2015

I have a button when pressed that it sends an email from lotus notes and inputs relevant text etc, however I seem to be struggling on how to have an attachment sent with the email. So everytime the button is pressed it will attach a word document.

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Send Emails For Data Collection With Attachment

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to send out request-for-quote sheets to vendors and i need to send the image of the product as well. when i send emails for data collection, the attachment is not included. how can i attach images?

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General :: How To Copy Picture On Attachment And Send It To MS Word

Jul 11, 2012

I want to copy the file stored on a attachment field (.jpg), so i can use it on a Word document as a picture.

I've tried it with bookmarks but no success:

' 'Paste the photo.
.Selection.Text = GetPath & "RE EIDPicture" & OwnerFullName & "_eid.jpg"

Then I only get the path of the file, Is there a control that i have to use?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Send Attachments Using Path Instead Of Attachment Field

Apr 6, 2014

I have some code that attaches any files that are in my attachment field on the current record in to a email this is great but I m starting to realise that this is take up way to much space as it hold a copy in the database and can t afford to go down the sql sever route so what I have done is added some new fields called path1, path2 ,path3 ,path4 and path5 now the user can add the files location to these text box instead of add them via the attachment field also I can now limit number attachments to each record

Private Sub cmdEmail2_Click()
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim OutlookAttach As Outlook.Attachment
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

[Code] ....

Some how I need to change this so it checks fields path1 path2 path3 path4 path5 on the current record and see if anything is entered in these textbox's and follow the paths and attach the files to email

How to make command button . How to add a file path to a text box

1. add new field to your table e.g "path1"
2. add the new field to your form
3 create new command button call it addpath
4 add code below to click on event

Private Sub addpath_Click()
Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant
' Clear listbox contents. '
Me.Path1.Value = ""
' Set up the File Dialog. '

[Code] ....

This will now save file location path to the path1 text box. To open file path

1.add another command button call it "pathopen"
2. add code below on click event

Private Sub pathopen_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink Me.Path1
End Sub

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Queries :: Send Query Result Via Email Attachment

Jul 25, 2013

I'd like to send a query result via email attachment daily without user intervention. Is it possible?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Send Attachment From Current Open Record

Nov 18, 2013

What I'm try to do is attach any files from the attachment field from the current open record to email i have some code i have manage to get files from the open record to save to destination /temp folder to work so outlook can attach the files but outlook is not opening or putting them in to email also have problem's that i have highlighted in the code in red.

Private Sub cmdEmail2_Click()
Dim outlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim outlookNamespace As NameSpace
Dim objMailItem As MailItem
Dim objFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim strAttachementPath As String

[Code] .....

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Send Email Attachment Located In A Table From A Form?

Apr 9, 2014

I have Access 2007. I have a form where I can attach PDFs, Word documents, etc with an command button. This atachment is then put into a field in a table which has the email address and works fine.

The attachments are there in the field with the paper clip in the field title.I have a command button with an embedded macro that opens OUTLOOK and the email form with the email address and all the other information inserted perfectly. How do I get the OUTLOOK email to grab the assoiated attachment(s) from the record in the table and send them with the email? I can send the email without the attachment just fine.

The attachments cannot be located in a common path. They must be in the field in the associated record and each attachement will be different from one record to the next.

The emails are sent one by one, not as part of a group.

The form name is TASK DETAILS.

The email command buttin is called E-mail

The table is called TASKS

The attachment command buttin is called Attachments

What do I need to do this?

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Send Email Form Access Code With Attachment

Feb 14, 2012

Send an email form Access code with attachment..

I am able to export data to excel file, I would like to send the excel file created to the customer, is there a sample code I can use to do this in a module.

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Using Cc: With Mail Merge

Jul 20, 2005

When applicable, I have letters in Word already set up to show the cc: information at the bottom. However, Management needs a statement added to the bottom of the letters that ONLY show the cc:

I am having a slight problem trying to figure out how to make this statement show up only on certain letters.

Does anyone have any thoughts that could help me? I'd appreciate it very much.

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Mail Merge

Dec 28, 2005

I am totally new to Access and this is my first database.

I have a database for volunteers in which table A is basically a calendar and table B a list of volunteers with their details.

What I want to do is construct a report that will allow me to produce a mail merge letter such that:

1. One volunteer, with his/her information, is selected from table B and inserted into a mail merge letter. (The volunteer selected will change from letter to letter).

2 Certain days are selected from table A and added to the mail merge letter. This information will be the same in all letter.

I have posted a separate thread asking how I can make the selection of days in (2) above so you can assume that I know how to make the selection within table B.

How do I proceed?

If anyone knows a good example of this type of report then i will be extremely grateful.

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Mail Merge

Jan 23, 2006

I have a table that has, among others, Address1, Address2 and Address3. If Address2 andor Address3 are empty for a particular record, I get blank lines in the Word doc. How do I prevent these blank lines?

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Mail Merge

Apr 12, 2006

Hi, i have set up a mail merge between a query and a word document. My system is a system that processes transactions from an online cd shop. I have made it so that each cd that is bought by each customer is a different transaction in a transaction table, and each transaction is given an order number to group them. How do i get the mail merge to show all the transactions in an order on the invoice in my word doc because at the moment, even if i add two of the title name fields, they both show the same transaction.

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Mail Merge

Apr 2, 2007

Anyone have a good online resource for generating a single thank you letter, eg. by way of a mail merge using MS Access 2003 with Word 2003? I know you need to write a form letter first with various fields that conincide with fields in Access. I have done this many times with large mailings but need to know how to write individual letters for thank yous, invites, etc.

Thanks in advance

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Mail Merge Help!!

Feb 15, 2007


I am editing the design of a census, and I would like to be able to mail merge form the query directly to a new document in microsoft you can create the document and then merge to it, is this possible using a macro or VBA? I can't work out how to do it!! The query name is "List of Families" and I want to merge to a blank document, so I can create a different document the letters aren't circulars!


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Mail Merge - Please Help!

Oct 20, 2004

I just finished creating an access file. Here are the contents:

TABLE Customers - Includes email, contact name, company name, address, zip, city, etc.
TABLE Materials - Includes company name and material. Each record is listed as a company with a material requested. Companies are listed multiple times, as they are unique records because the materials are different.

I have Company name set up as the primary key, and it sets the relationship between the two tables

I have a Report fully working. The first page is a letter with the customers' mailing info at the top.
The second page is a list of all the materials this company ordered for the 2004 year.

The report pulls from a QUERY that comes from the customers table and the materials table.

This report is hundreds of pages long, as we have multiple customers who order many materials each.

My question is "How do I mail merge this report out to the customer?" I do not want to send each customer the whole 500 page report, but only their specific record that they should receive.

I do not care if I have to merge with Word, Outlook, etc. I just dont want to have to send these out individually.

I hope that makes some sense.



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Using Cc: With Mail Merge

Jul 20, 2005

When applicable, I have letters in Word already set up to show the cc: information at the bottom. However, Management needs a statement added to the bottom of the letters that ONLY show the cc:

I am having a slight problem trying to figure out how to make this statement show up only on certain letters.

Does anyone have any thoughts that could help me? I'd appreciate it very much.

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Mail Merge

Jan 17, 2008

Im after a bit of advice really. Im looking at building a mail merge facility, i already have one example where you have to select the letter you want to merge the data to.

The problem i have with this at the moment is i have allot of letters that are all basically very similar and the user might pic the wrong one, each letter is slight different and runs by a contract name.

Is there a way that the user can just select the type of letter they want, then select teh contract and then when they click the mail merge button access will know which letter to open.

Just looking for possible ways or examples.


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General :: Send Email Attachment Using Form Data Using Automation

Jun 20, 2013

I am currently using SendObj method to send an Outlook email and selected report as an attachment using the current form's data. This is triggered by a button click.

This is working well apart from having to use 'ClickYes' to outwit the Outlook 2012 security system.

However I now need to selectively send an extra pdf file with some of the emails based on a Yes/No field on the form. This is a fixed file on my local C drive.

I think I have to use automation to do that but I can't find a method of specifying the report I currently use in the SendObj method in the .Add.Attachment line.

Do I need to run the report and then save it so that I can specify the path and name in the .Add.attachment line followed by code which will delete the file? or is there a means of combining the code I currently use in SendObj to create the pdf object with automation option?

I have working code for both attachments at present but they send separate emails and I would prefer to combine them if possible.

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Send Mail Automateclly

Feb 19, 2006

I send mail massage with the code
DoCmd.SendObject , , , strToField, , , strSubject, strMessage, False

and the access ask me the file attach

how can I send automateclly with no msgbox

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E-mail Send Via A Form

May 12, 2005

I would like to have a button on a form, against each record that has been entered onto the form and once the button has been clicked on, an e-mail would be automatically be generated with the contents of particular fields and automatically sent to a pre designated e-mail address.

Is this possible, if so and help would be most appreciated.

Many thanks in advance

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Mail Merge Question...

Jul 1, 2005

I'd like to set up a mail merge that pulls information from individual records. For example... If I want to do a pre-formated Fax Cover Sheet in Word, and fill the information in with the mail merge.

I don't want this to pull information from all of the records. I want to choose which record to pull the information from. First of all, can this be done? If so, can someone help me out with this? I have no idea where to even begin with this one. I have several mail merge documents set up right now that pull information from queries, but this is something that I'd like to do that is completely different.

Thanks in advance for any help that you can give.

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