Sending Message Within Access

Apr 1, 2012

I have a odd problem, within my database I have around 20 users spread access a number of sites with no email access.At some points the users need to pass short messages to me and in time other users.My only idea is to have a seprate table in the database which users could add messages into which I would have to look in, but hope to find a better way.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Message To Users Logged Into DB On Different Servers?

Jul 23, 2013

I have some code that when a check box in a table is ticked, sends a pop up message to the users logged in (message is on a hidden form), then it closes the DB after a pre-dtermined period of time.

The problem I'm having is that we are a large site with a about 25 differnet servers that our users log onto via Citrix, when a user is on a different server it isn't displaying the message nor closing the DB down.

trying to achieve this? Or is there a better way to see who is logged in and get a message to them?

I'm using Access 2003 btw

Code I'm using below

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.TimerIntderval = 10000 ' change to 300000 for about 5 minutes
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
End Sub

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Reports :: Sending Multiple Email - Unknown Message Recipients

Oct 15, 2013

I have this code below its giving me the RUntime 2295 error. Unknown message recipients. I have check all email addresses and they are fine. Everything else works except when it gets to Outlook and do not send email. I did a Debug Print but didnt understand how to do it.

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strEmailAddress
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T_Inspectors")
Do Until rst.EOF

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Email - Carriage Return Not Working In Message Body

Jul 9, 2013

I am sending an email from a button, and it runs a word merge and then attaches that word document and two others two an email. All that works fine, but in the body of the email the carriage return is not working.

I've tried "vbCrLf", "Chr(13)" and "Chr(10)". but none of them are working in this email. I use vbCrLf all of the time in many other emails and it works fine.


Public Function SendEmailFinancial()
Dim MessageBody, vAttach1, vAttach2, vAttach3, vTo
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem

[Code] ...

This is what the email is looking like when it comes out:

Project ID: 2013YG00229 Project Title: Toolbox Talks Construction Safety Guides and Mobile App Program Manager: Shana Peschek I am attaching three (3) forms that are needed in order for the State of Washington to process grant payments for your organization for the purposes of carrying out the activities outlined in your final approved application.

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Sending Emails From Access

May 4, 2006


I have created a database system to book appointments between tutors and students in a school.

In the form, I want tutors to be able to send appointment details to students via email. I have created tables consisting of these details, however I don't know how to set it up for emails to be sent.

I am finding this very difficult especially with the visual basic codes. :confused:

Please help!


ssslick x:)

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Sending An Email From Access

Jul 19, 2005

I'm sending an email from a form to Outlook express. But before it opens Outlook I get a question that states "a program is trying to access email address you have stored in Outlook" I then have to click ok and then another window opens and askes the same question. How can I eliminate these warning messages??
Thank You

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Sending Emails From Access

May 30, 2005

I have sent up a system were i email a table from access using the .sendobject function.

This all works fine. The problem i have is i need to attacted to emails to the same email. Any idea's how this can be achieved.


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Sending E-mails In MS ACCESS

Jul 13, 2005

Hello, I am just starting to use the sendobject action in Visual Basic in order to send e-mails that contain information of tables.
The e-mail is sent when a button is clicked by the user of the database. However, I noticed that the e-mail is sent away via Outlook (which is fine) and the person who gets it gets the e-mail from the person who clicked the button (which is logical).
However, Outlook has the option of changing the from part so the person who gets the e-mail receives it as if it was from a different sender. The thing is that I want people who receive the e-mail to get it as if it was sent from the group account and not from the individual who actually clicked the "send e-mail button."
The Visual Basic Help said:
DoCmd.SendObject [objecttype][, objectname][, outputformat][, to][, cc][, bcc][, subject][, messagetext][, editmessage][, templatefile]

However, there is not an option for a default "[, from]" as there is for "[, to]" or "[, cc]"
Is there a way I can make a default sender even though individual people are the ones sending the e-mail by clicking the button? Thanks.

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Sending And Recieving Email Through Access

Aug 11, 2005

Is there a way to send an email using outlook, have that email filtered into a specific folder, and then have an access program extract that email. The situation is that I have sales reps in the field that would like updates on projects that are stored in an access program I designed. The program already sends out auto notifications through outlook, but that is only when I update the specific project. All of the sales reps in the field use blackberry's and do not have time to call in to request an update. So I was wondering if it were possible to have a sales rep send a preformated email that has included the primary key ie Account number, and have access recieve that account number to turn around and send out an auto response.

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Sending Mail In Outlook From Access

Jan 19, 2006

I've got information stored per row with the name of the person which data-entried the information.
If a user wants feedback from that user on that specific row i would like to make it able to send a mail to the data-entrier. The data-entrier name should be clicked in the row and that specific row should be attached in the mail.

I can store e-mail addresses of my data-entriers in the database, how do i achieve to send the mail address and specific row to outlook when a user clicks it?

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Sending Email Containing A Link To Access?

Aug 6, 2014

I have a system automated that, when our warranty team receives a warranty part that somebody else has requested information for, will email that person letting them know it has been received.

I want to include a hyperlink in the email that points to the database, opens it with 2 argument containing 2 variables in which one of the forms can auto populate and the information be shown immediately.

So first, I would like to know how to create a hyperlink within the code that sends the email. Second, I would like to know how have the database check for arguments upon opening. I can do the rest.

For instance, John Smith requested part number 123456 on claim number 55555, serial number 7777777. The database is located at "S:SharedWarranty ReturnsWarranty Returns.accdb". Therefore, the hyperlink would aim at the location and carry the arguments 55555 and 7777777.

Current emailing code (obviously variables are passed into the function):


Function sendemail(msg As String, subj As String, recipients As String, ccrecipients As String, xclaim As Integer, claims() As Variant, serials() As Variant)Dim rsnote As Recordset
Set cdomsg = CreateObject("CDO.message")
If recipients <> "" Then
With cdomsg.Configuration.Fields


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Sending Emails From Access Database

Jan 26, 2012

Recently created a database with a form that the user provides problematic information. The form has a close button that has a macro attached that initated an emails and send the form information in a report to the end user . My problem is the function works great when the sender has a Outlook account. When the sender has a gmail account - the command will not work. I read that VBA can be written but I am not able to write SQL.My level with access is using built in functions and commands.

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Access- Sending Email With No Outlook Profile

Feb 6, 2006

Hi all,

after spending wweks perfecting a database which centres on the ability to email the contents of what you have just entered i find that our stirling IT dept haven't actually setup any of my intended users with outlook profiles and do not intend to. Therefore whenever they try and send an email they get the dialog box you get when trying to connect to the internet for the first time. Which is obviously a problem.

Is there any way around this or is there any alterntive i can use? my IT dept dont promise to setup any outlook profiles soon and im hoping there may be something else i can do before the project gets binned.



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Newbie Question - Sending Email From Access

Mar 10, 2007


I have a request from work to create a button that will allow only certain fields from a record, ie tracking number, to be sent to that client's email in the record by adding a button to the form that will automatically send the field.

Can someone help me?

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Email With Access 2007

Mar 12, 2014

How would I set up an Outlook email using a list of recipients from an Access table? I'd like to be able to run this from Access 2007 and not Outlook. However, once the email is set up, I'd like to be able to go into the email and add subject, body, etc. before sending the email.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Email From MS Access 2010

Oct 1, 2013

I would like to update the following code I have been using to send emails, from Access 2010 via Outlook 2010, to include my signature block with hard returns in between each line and a few above the signature.

Lets say the signature would be:
My Name
My Company Name
My phone number
My Reference

I tried next to: stMessage = Me![EmailMessage] &"My Name" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "My Company Name"


It does not work..

Here is the coding :

Private Sub SendEmail_Click()
On Error GoTo ProcErr
Dim stLinkCriteria As String


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General :: Access 2003 Is Not Sending Email?

Feb 3, 2015

Our database is in access 2003. It has a form which has a button to send email of orders. I added a new user in this database. That button works in all other computers in the network with the same user permissions as this user, in his computer when he select to email Order it does nothing. It does not open the new email page in outlook and the outlook email is configured in his computer.

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Access Sending Automated Email Attachments

Mar 6, 2012

I have inheirited an access database which used to mail out an attachment automatically but for some reason has stopped sending.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Digital Secure Email In Access

Sep 4, 2013

I have a question about sending secure emails by VBA code in MS-Access. I have a Access application within you also can also send emails by VBA code using outlook. Everything works fine, but now the recipient wants to receive the mails with a digital signature by S/MIME.

I got a digital certificate from the recipient as a pfx-file.

Is this possible in Access using outlook ?

I use MS-Access 2010 en Windows 7

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Sending A Form From Access Via Outlook To A Specific User

Aug 12, 2015

I have built a Travel database and what I'm trying to accomplish is sending the form. For instance, If I fill out the form with the travel information, expenses, destination, etc. at the bottom I specify a manager who needs to approve my request. I have two command buttons one to save the record and the other to submit. What I would like to happen is that when the person filling out the form clicks the submit button an email generates to the manager they've selected with a link of that specific form in the message body.Then when the manager receives the link they go in open the form approve it and then when the manager clicks the submit button I would like it to send the form to our financial personnel.

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Modules & VBA :: Selecting Recipients From A Table For Sending Emails? Access 2007

Jul 19, 2013

In an Access 2007 module, is there a way of sending an email to a list of people stored as a list in a table in the database, rather than having to put all the names into the function?

I have a function I'm using to generate and send out an email to certain people, but the list is constantly growing so I'm looking for a better way to manage it! The main issue is having to kick users out of the database every time I need to update the recipients list... because it's stored in the code.

If I create a simple table containing all the names, how could I then ask it to use that instead?

This is the function I'm using currently - found on here and adapted to my own purposes

Syntax to use for the function: SendNotesMail "recipients", "Body Message", "Additional Text", "Subject"

Public Function SendNotesMail(strSendTo As String, strBody As String, strExtraText As String, strSubject As String)
'This public sub will send a mail and attachment if neccessary to the recipient including the body text and additional comments from the Active record
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "REP09emailnotification", acFormatRTF, "x: endersgroup tendering databaseTenderUpdate.rtf", False
Dim Subject As String
Dim Attachment As String

[Code] ....

So I guess my question is: how do I get my recipients from a table into the strsendto?

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General :: Sending Form Through Email And Processing Responses - Access 2010

Oct 16, 2012

I'm working on a vacation/time off tracker and was hoping to use the collect data feature. I've created a form where a user submits their requested date and number of hours, at which point I'd like the form to be sent to their manager for approval. The manager's email address is stored in a table. Once the manager marks yes or no, I'd like that reflected in the time off requests table, and an email sent to the requester letting them know if it was approved or not. Is this possible? How would I go about it. I'm pretty new to Access, learning on the fly, but I'm pretty good at modifying code to match my situation/working backwards if you have any examples for me to look at.

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Unseen Before Message In Access?

Jan 17, 2006

In compacting an Access 97 database, it seemed to freeze, and in fact, the XP Task Manager said that Access was not responding. So, I chose the Task Manager end option and saw a message that I have not seen before.
It ws a large grey box with the following message:

You Can't Exit Access Now

And then, after a while, the database completed compacting.
Has anyone seen this message, before?


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Error Message Access

May 4, 2006

I receive a message as follows
ODBC call failed
[IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver] SQL data type argument out of range (#30030)
what to do ??

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MS Access Error Message....Help Please

Dec 16, 2004

I'm geting error messages when open my form.

The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: A problem occured while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

Also same message but for on current.

Here's my code

Public Function WinName()
Me.username = GetWindowsUserName
End Function

Public Function Edit()
If Me!username = [tblpersonnel.username1] Then
AllowEdits = True
ElseIf Me.username = "martiscm" Then
AllowEdits = True
ElseIf Me.username = "larsong" Then
AllowEdits = True
Else: AllowEdits = False
End If
End Function

Also once I'm in the form, if I navigate to the next record I get the same message but it's for On click.

Help Gary

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Suppress An Access Message??

Dec 27, 2004

i am receiving an access-generated message "Data has been changed".. All of the processing works correctly.. but i get this message. i receive this message on an edit form of mine.. this form has a continious subform.. fields are account and amount.. if i wipe out the first one (account/amount).. that is when i receive this message.. very annoying.. but only happens when i wipe out the FIRST one.. if i wipe out one in the middle or end.. then i get no message.. i searched microsoft, here, and googled it and came up with nothing.. anyone have any ideas?.. thanks!

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