Separate Different Type Agreements

Oct 28, 2006

Hello everyone … I am a Access Newbie and I have simple problem. My mind is stack and I can find the solution ….maybe it’s really simple but I don’t have a free time It’s hard.. So the problem is that I make one Database in Access (Really nice and simple program) .It;s about one Insurance company and my tables is

1 Customers
2 Agreements
3 Traffic (about the money)

So the customer is one but he can have a lot of agreements (In this case it’s about cars and I use Card Ids) and in the end I can see about the car-agreement traffic. 1 costumer 1 or more agreements and in the end the agreement traffic
My problem is that the agreements are for 6 months and for 1 year …I don know how can I I separate them… I need a switch (with 2 only types) Here is the relations in my Database … if you can help me that I would be nice form me ..Thank you

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License Agreements

Jan 13, 2007


I am in the process of creating my first commercial databse and i was wondering if anyone new where i can get a template of a generic user licence text?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Connecting Super Type & Sub Type Entities With A Condition

Sep 21, 2004

hi friends,
i have tried had to connect sub type tabels (Saving, Checking, Loan... they have their own ids...) with super type ( has account id...) on the condition of account_type (either "S","C" or "L") attribute in ACCOUNT entity.
how to joint them??? with query or with expression??
i expect help from you.........please.

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Tables :: Converting Text Data Type To Number Data Type

Nov 3, 2012

I have a table with a field with names set to text data type and i want to change it to number data type but when i do it in design view the data get lost. I want to know if there is a way to convert the data in the field as number type and keep the data in the field.

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Separate Records By Column

Apr 26, 2006

I have a table set up as the following:

ssn account
01234567 1234567890
01234567 9876543210
01234567 7539514562
98765432 8765432109
98765432 9876541230

and so on...

I would like to create a query that will split the records up like this:

ssn account1 account2 account3
01234567 1234567890 9876543210 7539514562
98765432 8765432109 9876541230

and so on...

It can be in any format, either query or report, I just have to be able to export it into a text file in the same format. Does anyone have any ideas?



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Separate Table For Dates?

Oct 27, 2005

I am designing a database to enter daily/monthly performance numbers for employees and department totals. However, I don't want to have to enter the month and/or day for every category for each employee entered. In looking through these forums, nobody recommends a separate date table. But it seems time-consuming to have to enter the reporting month for every sales category for every employee. To wit:






If I don't have a table for dates, then for every category for every employee, I would have to enter the date...right or wrong? Or am I thinking flat.

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Separate Data Into Two Fields

Aug 1, 2007

I have a database with a field LNAME with last names preceded by maiden names in parentheses. I would like a query that would update fields (LAST and MAIDEN) with the corresponding data:

Example –
MAIDEN = Jones

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Separate Name Fields To Initials

Aug 13, 2007

Hi all, I'm trying to splitt the name of the clients in my query into a column called Initials:

Their 'Names' are in this format


Therefore in Initials, i want to see in column Initials


How do i do this please? Many thanks

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Two Separate Issues With Same Database

Oct 1, 2006

I know this isn't rocket science, but since I'm not a rocket scientist (read no VBA - I have registered for a self-taught course, so my annoying questions may become fewer) you may have to bear with me.

1. I'm trying to get a subform opened using a command button. The mainform is AddNewTransactions and the subform is SiteDetails. The linking field is TransactionsID. I've tried using the command button wizard, and tried doing it manually with a macro. The SiteDetails shows ALL sites, not just the one connected to the main form. I'm sure there is a simple solution, but I haven't found it here yet.

2. I have to convert English decimal numbers to French numbers with a comma. Replace() did the trick except for one small annoyance. It trims trailing zeroes. 0.240 becomes 0,24. Is there any way to force it to display the zeroes? Unfortunately they're not same number of zeroes from one value to the next, so I can't just add them. This more for visual appearance than accuracy so it is not critical.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Lookup Or Separate Table?

Aug 19, 2004

While trying to "normalize" a developing database, a question has come up. I have two sets of information that will probably never change. Hair color and Eye color. Should these be put into a separate table or can I include those two fields in the table containing information about the person and then use the lookup wizard function in the table design and "type in the values I want"? I am using '97. Thanks.

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Separate Combo Box In Report

Aug 31, 2007

I have a field that consists of a combo box with 8 items in it. Each of these 8 items is a label for a type of income. I also have a separate field that is the amount of income. Is there a way to show on a report the 8 types of income as 8 columns, and separate the amounts of income into the correct column? I know this involves a query, but I'm not sure where to begin.

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Updating Programs In Separate Locations

Jan 10, 2006

Hi All,

I need some advice as to what is the best way for me to update a program in 3 different locations.

I have developed a program that I now have running in 3 separate locations. Each location uses the same program structure and tables, but they will have different data.

When I make a change to the one in our office, I would like to update the other 2 offices so that we all are using the latest version.
CURRENTLY: I make a database file with the “forms, Reports, Queries, and modules” necessary to accommodate the changes. Then I, email the file to the other offices. I then try to walk someone there at the office through; “Get Files: Import”, then delete the old files and rename the new ones. This is risky!!!!!:(

I know there is a better way of doing this, I just don’t know it.
Can some one help me on this issue?
Thanks for all your help….ENVIVA :)

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I Would Like To Create 4 Separate Databases From One Master

Dec 12, 2006

I have a large database of Purchase Orders
Orders can be placed by people in one of 4 departments

I would like to automatically make 4 separate databases (so each department can access their own) from the master

Is there a way to do this?

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Lookup Wizard Or Separate Table

Jun 8, 2005

I've been doing a lot of research and reading on databases and normalization and things of that sort because I need to create database from scratch. I've been maintaining a db that someone else made, but it turns out I will have to recreat the whole thing because it's not useful anymore and the users need a more user friendly db. I have a couple of days some are:

Product Directorate <- combo box 20 items
Document Type <- combo box 15 items
TOManager <- combo box 10 items

Product <- combo box 13 items
Standard <- combo box 22 items
TemplateVersion <- combo box 20 items
SourceFormat <- combo box 15 items
SourceLocation <- combo box 10 items

The ones I have the arrows for will be a combo box on my form.
My question is should I make each of these field a table of its own?
For instance make the Product field a table and list all the 13 products there?
Or keep the Product field in the tblTOItems and in design view of tblTOItems use the Lookup Wizard and type in my values there to make a lookup column.

I have seen it done both ways, and I was just wondering which way is more efficient.

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Exluding Records For Separate Table

Apr 29, 2006

I created a report where is lists sales volume by day. I was asked to create a table where data can be excluded from this report. The exclusion table consists of only three fields:

Date Department and a check box

What do I need to do in the query to have it exclude the data listed in this exclusion table. The table only holds data we want excluded, not all dates and departments.

I originally added the table to the source query and made the criteria "False" for the check box but when the query runs it does return any data at all.

Please help!

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Excluding Records From Separate Table

Apr 29, 2006

I created a report where is lists sales volume by day. I was asked to create a table where data can be excluded from this report. The exclusion table consists of only three fields:

Date Department and a check box

What do I need to do in the query to have it exclude the data listed in this exclusion table. The table only holds data we want excluded, not all dates and departments.

I originally added the table to the source query and made the criteria "False" for the check box but when the query runs it does return any data at all.

Please help!

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Separate/Parse Month From Date

Mar 29, 2007

I am having trouble parsing the month from a date like 05/12/2007 and I want to return the leading zero with the month. Example of 05/12/2007 and I want to display 05 only.

Please send any suggestions.

Thank You,

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How To Make Separate Lines For Checkboxes

Jun 4, 2007


I am using ASP to create a checkbox for 5 values and users can check multiple checkboxes at the same time. I store these values on ms access db table.

If a user check 2 checkbox (e.g. Mexico, Spanish), then the values is stored in the field will be "Mexico, Spanish", separate by "," or comma.

How do I create a query or report that display these values in different line?

Or is there any other way to do this?

Thanks for reading.

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Linking 2 Fields From 2 Separate Table.

May 11, 2005

Hi.. Junior access user here. Need help fast!

I created 2 tables. [General Info] & [Details]

[General Info] has 2 fields. Name(is a primary Key as well) & Organisation

[Details] has 4 fields. Primary Key, Name, No of products & Type

[Details] is a sub form for [General Info]

It is a one to many relationship. With Name from [General Info] linking to Name from [Details].

I can update via the table directly and [Details] links the name fields automatically. I created a form but the form just cannot register the field automatically and requires the user to type in the Name from [General Info].

I have attached the DB file. Pls help... your help is greatly appreciated!

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Get To A New Subform Record From A Separate Form

May 30, 2006

I think what I want to do is simple but I can't figure it out. I've tried searching the forum for the solution but I'm having trouble with what I've found. Here's what I'm trying to do: I'm composing a text string on one form (recipe ingredient) and, once it is complete, I want to add it to the records in a subform on a separate form (the recipe). The string composition works great, and I can use:

Forms!frmRecipe.fsubIngredients!txtIngredient = Me.txtEntry

to paste the string into the textbox on the subform. The problem is "finishing" the record in the subform. When I prepare a new string for the next ingredient, it copies over the previous string. So, I'm not moving to a new record in the subform. I've tried:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , "frmRecipe!fsubIngredients", acNewRec

but Access tells me the form isn't open, which isn't true.

So, what I want (I think) is a way to direct the subform to move to a new record before I paste in my text string. Or, to direct the subform to move to a new record after I paste in my text string.

By the way, the subform has a before insert event that copies in the record id of the recipe for the new record holding the inserted text string, so the table relationships will be fulfilled:

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
Me!lngRecipeID = Me.Parent!lngRecipeID
End Sub

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something simple here, and I really appreciate anybody's effort to help me get it right.

Thank you!!!

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Separate OnChange And AfterInsert Events

Jul 12, 2006

I use the events afterInsert of a Form frmA and the onChange of a field in the same form in order to make some changes to another Form frmB.

Everything goes as expected when the field (with the onChange event assigned) of an existing record changes.
The problem starts when I add a new record which triggers both AfterInsert event (desired) and onChage event (undesired).

Is there a trick to separate the two events?
Basically I want to call a Sub when the data on the field change (onChange)
and a different Sub when I add a new record (AfterInsert).

Thanks in advance

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Linking Fields In Separate Forms

Jan 4, 2007

I have a form with contact info, which also has a subform with other data on it. The subform is a continuous mode form. If I go to the "New" line (last line) of the continuous form, I can add information, and the records are linked via the customerID field on both the form and subform.

I want to have a button on that subform that says "New" that opens up a different form in a popup. I can do that part just fine, but when I try to enter data onto the popup form, the customerID field does not populate with the ID number of the person on the main form. It defaults to a value of "0".

So, is there a way to link the 2 forms like you can with forms and subforms? Or is there a way to have the customerID field in the popup form just populate based on the other form?

Not sure if this makes sense, but please help if you can. Thanks.

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Separate Protections For Columns In Excel

Jan 11, 2005

Hey, does anyone know how to set up a formula that will allow me to turn either one column on, or another, but not both at the same time for data entry eg. one column for dollar figures and another for sterling currencies?

Much appreciated!

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How To: Separate Data In One Field Into 2 Fields

Mar 18, 2005

I am new to Access and was wondering if there was a way to parse the data from a field into two fields.

I have a field named tName which contains both the first name and last name of a person.

How can I get the corrosponding last name into a new adjacent field called tLastName (this field doesn't exist yet)?

Thanks so much in advance,

P.S. What if the the person doesn't have a last name? or if they included a middle initial?
I know, it's messed up. This DB has a bad setup.

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General :: Separate A List Box In Two Categories

Nov 28, 2012

I would like to separate my list box in two categories.Indeed it is composed by 2 types of criteria but arranged in the same List box (I can't create another List box, it's forbidden).how can I proceed?I've thought to insert a dash but it has to appear all the time and I don't know if it's possible to do that.

I've also thought to enter a title IN the list box above each category but it has to appear all the time too..when I click on one item in the List box it becomes highlight.May be code the 2 titles I could add for being always selected (highlight).I don't want to have to select the 2 titles every time!!!

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Queries :: Set Parameter As First Value From Separate Query

Aug 11, 2015

I have multiple queries that I need to have filered by the same parameter (Client). There is a list of clients that receive this report (the report has a pre-made template with multiple tabs, hence the multiple queries).

Currently the user of the database has to filter the exported excel file for each client re-save and email basied on the client. The above is done when the user pushes the specified button on a form (which just says run report a on it).

I am trying to figure out how the write a code so that a parameter (or table if that would work better) pulls the first record of the Client query to filter the other queries being run. Then to loop that process with the second record and so on through the Client query until all the clients have had the report run for them.

Attached are the current VBA being used and the current SQL for the first query that needs the parameter value added.

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