Set Controltip Text With Function

Jan 23, 2006

Is there any way to set the ControlTip Text for a Text Box to be the value of the Text Box using a function?

If so what event would you use?

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ControlTip Text

Apr 16, 2006

On my Form I have a comman button with ControlTip Text that advises the user of what will happen when they push the button.
Could someone please tell me why the Text is now not appearing when I put the mouse over the Command button?
Thank-you for any help given.

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ControlTip Text Does Not Work

Sep 19, 2006

Access 2003:

Mouse hover over control will not pop up the standard yellow window
with tips entered in the control's ControTip text property.

I tried to bring the control to the front but that doesn't work either.

At one time I disabled all bars and menus to have control over which
ones appear for this application. However, I removed the registry
entries for all preferences for the current user and the popups still
dont appear.

Is there a way to disable/enable this functionality either by some
configuration change in tools/options or programatically using

Any suggestions whould be appreciated.


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General :: ControlTip Text On Command And Toggle Buttons

Dec 17, 2012

Just tried out ControlTip Text on some command and toggle buttons. The text pops up on some but not on others and I cannot determine what the difference is (the properties are essentially the same except for name, caption etc). What buttons work and what do not seems random but if I copy/paste a button that works, the copy always seems to work.

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Forms :: Formatting ControlTip Text - Displaying Contents Of Date Variable?

Apr 27, 2015

I'm trying to include some text and the contents of a date field but having trouble with the syntax.

It wont display the contents of the date variable

I have
"Effective Date = " & #" & Me.DebtPrincipalDateFld & "#

I've tried a number of combinations and searched all over but to no avail

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ControlTip Does Not Show.

Aug 29, 2005

Did a quick search and it appears that this is not unheard of but could not find any solutions to the previous queries.

I've "Detect & Repair"-ed Access, I've created new forms, and new forms in new databases but to no avail, none of my ControlTips are visible.

The only Knowledgebase article that I found was Q232191, but this deals with the situation when a control is put on top of another one, and this has not happened in any of my circumstances.

Anyone got any ideas?


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'Text To Columns' Like Function

Oct 19, 2005


I'm new to Access and was wondering if there is a function that can split/divide the contents of one field into seperate fields like you can do in Excel via the 'text to columns' function. I have people's names (surname christianname in one field in a table and want to have a query that splits them up by the space between the names and put one in one filed and the other in a seperate field).

Hoping someone can help me..



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Using Chr() Function In Text Boxes

Jan 20, 2005

txtNotes is a text box on my form.
I use this code to put an AutoText into the box:
Code:txtNotes = "New Appointment: " & Chr(13) & "Sales Rep.: " & Chr(13) & "Date and Time: " & Chr(13) & "Contact: "

I would expect the text appear in the text box like this:
New Appointment:
Sales Rep.:
Date and Time:

...but it appears in ONE single line with a square between the 'labels' instead of a CRLF, like this:
New Appointment: {square}Sales Rep.: {square}Date and Time: {square}Contact:

I tried it also with Chr(10) but came to the same result.
Any idea how to overcome this?

Show me the door please...:-)

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Nz Function Parameter On A Text Field

Apr 12, 2007

I've been searching for several hours now and can't find the answer to this problem...
I'm using a form to capture criteria for a query. One of the fields is a text field and here is the parameter I'm using:

I want to return all records if the text box named Company is null. I'm getting only the non-null records. How can I get it to display all the records in the field, CNm?

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Read From Text Fiel Function

Sep 6, 2006

Hi Guys, I am willing to design a form where I could browse the files and a button should read from text file and insert values into my Table. Please help me in this regard.

I want to have a function with parameters like text file name and destination table. Any clue will be highly appreciated

Abid Hussain

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Altering Text Display Using Iif Function

Oct 17, 2007

Let me start by saying I am very, very new to Access, but have been assigned a report to create.

I have the following textbox in my report:
=[Location]+(Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & [callnumber]+(Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & [Online Availability]+(Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & [PF Subject]

I'm using this format so that my 4 fields appear in a list and don't leave blank lines if the one of the fields happens to be empty.

The problem is that I need to alter or substitute some text.

First, in the location field, I can have several different entries, but if the entry is 'Circ', I don't want that text to display and I don't want a blank line either.

Secondly, in the online availability field, if there is any value in the field, I want whatever text that is to change to something like 'Online - Yes'. If there is no value in the field, nothing should display.

I think the use of the Iif function should work, but I can't seem to write it correctly. Help!!

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Rearrange Text Contained In A Mid Function

Oct 7, 2013

I am trying to rearrange text contained in a mid function. my code is:

Private Sub MaterialA_Reportable_Quantity_AfterUpdate()
Dim USDOTlen As Integer

If Me.MaterialA_Reportable_Quantity = False Then
USDOTlen = Len(Me.MaterialA_US_DOT_Description)
Me.MaterialA_US_DOT_Description = Mid(Me.MaterialA_US_DOT_Description, 7, USDOTlen - 6)


How do I rearrange the mid function to do this?

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Forms :: Passing Text Box Data To A Function Via A Query

Jan 28, 2014

I have a function in a module that looks like this (it takes 2 dates as arguments):

Function get_KPIScanAgeRange(in_ScanDate As Date, KPIDate As Date) As String
Dim ret As String
ret = "Invalid"
' return value, by default is because age is negative number

[Code] .....

I'm trying to pass the date in a text box which exists in a form called "d3FormAging". The text box name is "KPIDate". The query looks like this:

SELECT Query_d3_Open.[Company No], get_KPIScanAgeRange([Scan date],[Forms]![d3FormAging]![KPIDate]) AS KPIScanAgeRange, Count(Query_d3_Open.[Scan date]) AS Scans
FROM Query_d3_Open
GROUP BY Query_d3_Open.[Company No], get_KPIScanAgeRange([Scan date],[Forms]![d3FormAging]![KPIDate])
ORDER BY Query_d3_Open.[Company No], get_KPIScanAgeRange([Scan date],[Forms]![d3FormAging]![KPIDate]);

For some reason Access doesn't recognize the "[Forms]![d3FormAging]![KPIDate]" when I pass it to the function. I get run-time error 3070 with information that Access can't recognize this expression even though the code should be correct as it's made with the expression builder and I'm sure the form that contains the text box is open when the query runs.

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Queries :: Removing Text From String Using Replace Function And Wildcards

Apr 25, 2014

I have a list of consumables;

Syringe 50ml
Syringe 20ml
Syringe 5ml
Syringe Cap
White Needle

I want to remove only the number and the ml part from the list, so I would end up with;

Syringe Cap
White Needle

If I use

PHP Code:


I get the desired result for the 50ml syringe size.

I have tried every possible combination of "**ml", "##ml", "Like [0-9]ml all with no success.

How this can be resolved without having to individual enter each syringe size "5ml", "20ml" etc

I can't even just take the text from the right till the first space as this would lead to problems with other consumables in the list.

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How To Handle Null Fields Requiring Numeric And Text Function Simultaaneously

Jan 8, 2007

Hi friends,

I am new to this forum, and I am facing a problem while learning MS-Access.

I am preparing a database that stores the marks obtained by students in a particular paper in addition to their particulars in tables.
A query is then generated to canculate the aggregate marks and result (Pass/Fail) for the student. It is then presented in a report fomatted as a marksheet, as well as one tabulation chart.

The database is very crude in format, but I am happy with it since I do not know programming at all, and still I could make it.
I have used in built menu of "ms-access" and mouse clicks only for generating query. It was a learn by doing method.

The problem is that my marksheets require absent students to be marked as "ABSENT" or something of that kind. If I convert my Null values to :

Expr2: IIf(IsNull([E_1]),"ABSENT",[E_1])

It shows ABSENT for null value, but refuses to make column total for E_1; On the other hand if I do not enter such expression, it makes column total in tabulation report, but fails to mark "ABSENT" to those who did not appear. So I have to lose one thing to gain another, while I need both.

Can anybody help me at this?


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Forms :: How To Save Result Of DLookup Function (used In Unbound Text Box) In A Table

Oct 17, 2014

I have a form based on query. On form i am retrieving data from another table using DLookup in a unbound text box. So I want to save the result of DLookup function in another field/table on same form.

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Tables :: Text File Import Function Will Not Recognize Dates In Certain Format

Oct 8, 2013

I upgraded to Access-2010 and the Text File Import function will not recognize dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The import dialogue sees enough to recognize the field as a date, but then every date encountered is written to the Import-Errors table. This is true whether the file has a .txt or .csv extension. The actual file format is .csv.

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Queries :: DCount Function Returns Correct Result But Datatype Is Text

Feb 4, 2015

I am using the dcount function as the example I display below. The problem is that it returns the correct result (i.e. 59) but the data type is text (59 is on the left side) . I need this to be number.

=DCount("[OrderID]", "Orders", "[ShipRegion] = 'CA'")

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Queries :: Importing Excel Text Field Into A Table - CDate Function?

Apr 28, 2014

I am importing an excel text field into a table. I am then appending the data to another table. I am having a hard time with the Cdate function

Excel Date Field:

Example Value:
2014.04.21 18:24:30

My Query Code:

NewDate: CDate(Left([DateQ],4)+"/"+Mid([DateQ],6,2)+"/"+Right([DateQ],2))

My Query Result:

What it should be:

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Using Convert Text To Column Function In Access That Separates At Fixed Width?

Mar 25, 2013

Is there a way to use a convert use a "text to column" function in access that separates at a fixed width?I have an access table (that I can't change) that includes the data and time in the same column and I want to separate the two (date and time) in a query. I can't use the "Left" function because my date isn't a consistent 10 characters.

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General :: How To Format The Text Using Format Function

Jul 7, 2015

I want to format the text using format function. how i format the word apple to "apple" (With Quatation mark).

str = Format(Me.word, xxxx)

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Function That Counts Records And Use That Function In A Query

Dec 11, 2013

So basically I need making a function that will count the number of records from another table/query based on a field from the current query.

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Forms :: SUM Function Produces Error From Calculated Function

Jan 30, 2014

I have a project at hand and it's been a predecessor of mine and client has asked me to do some work on it and extend functionality - but I have not really delved into Access before and I have had to worked my way through to this final snag :/

The Main Form has one sub form. This sub form allows the user to add multiple order items i.e. qty, stock, description from records within the system - fairly straight forward.At the last column of each row is the sub total of those particular items i.e.

Qty Unit | Item ID | Total
2 | 1234 | 80.00
1 | 43526 | 20.00
> | |

So the total is a function of =[Qty Unit] * [Unit Price].Then in the Footer of this SubForm is the Sub Total

=SUM([Qty Unit] * [Unit Price])

All fine and well..... However, the additional functionality kicks in.

Lets add the additional customer_id from the Main Form. Each Item bought is dependent on the customer_id i.e. they get special prices depending on who they are.So a New table is made which has the Item ID and SpecialPriceID (of a table to define as a specialPrice) and the Price linked to this Item and Special Price category. So say that there are two groups of users "wholesale" and "nonwholesale" these would be SP_1 and SP_2 and each client is defined either one of these, and each stock item has a Price for each SP_1 and SP_2. Hopefully I've explained myself there.

Back to the SubForm. So now the Total needs to calculated differently with needed the external customer_id from the Main Form.


Function CalculateSpecialPrice(ItemID As String, CustomerID As String, Unit As Integer)
Dim SPSelect As String
SPSelect = "SELECT Price FROM [Items_SpecialPrices] WHERE"
SPSelect = SPSelect & " ItemID = '" & ItemID
SPSelect = SPSelect & "' AND SpecialPriceID = (SELECT SpecialPriceID FROM Customers WHERE customer_id = " & CustomerID & ") "


its the sub total I just keep on getting #Error on. I have even watched (using alerts) that the correct return variable is the same as the individual rows. This is the equation I used for the SubTotal within the footer.

=SUM(CalculateSpecialPrice([Item ID], [Form]![FormName]![CustomerID], [Qty Unit]))

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Date Function/need Time Function

Jun 9, 2005

We have a date function that converts a text date format. Can someone help me with time function to do the same thing? We want military time. The field is like this now: txt fields.
Here is the date function we use:
Function f2Date(strDateOld As String)
Dim strDate As String, strMonth As String, strYear As String
strMonth = Mid(strDateOld, 5, 2)
strDate = Right(strDateOld, 2)
strYear = Left(strDateOld, 4)
f2Date = strMonth & "-" & strDate & "-" & strYear
f2Date = CDate(f2Date)
f2Date = Format(f2Date, "mmmm d yyyy")
End Function

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Now Function To Convert To Date Function

May 25, 2006

Hi all,

I need a little help. In my DB, I have a command button set up (I was tired of typing in dates) for date, but I used the Now function, which also gives me the time.

Now I have over 3000 subrecords of the main ones. I now need to queries transaction for that specific date, but it also retrieves the time.

I tried to go back and change the NOW to DATE in VB, but the code does not run.

How do I change all records that have date and time (using NOW function) and only click that command button to show only the date (mm/dd/yyyy)?

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: How To Populate Bound Text Field With Text From A Unbound Text Field

Mar 22, 2014

I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName

[Event Procedure]
Private Sub imagename_Click()
Me.imagename = Me.FileName
End Sub

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