Set Criteria To Show 'W' If Exists Otherwise..

Jul 18, 2006

I have created a query/report that meets all necessary criteria except that it contains multiple TYPEs per employee. This isn’t an issue unless one of the TYPEs is ‘W’.
As TYPE ‘W’ supersedes all other TYPEs, any others that meet the other criteria should no longer be reflected in the query/report.

Is it possible to add criteria for this?

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IN Criteria/Exists

Oct 13, 2005

I need to make a query that only selects data that is in another query/table.

I have tried to do this using a query with IN criteria as follows.

SELECT fldOne,fldTwo,fldThree,
FROM tblOne
WHERE (((tblOne.fldOne) In (Select fldOne from tblTwo)) AND ((tblOne.fldTwo) In (Select fldTwo from tblTwo));

But that isn't working. Any ideas as to why?

I think that the answer might be using the EXISTS reserved word, but I don't know how.

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Queries :: Show All Names In First Column And Insert Zero Where No Record Exists

Aug 27, 2014

I'm tracking the holiday entitlement of a team of people. I use a query to work out how much unbooked holiday they have to take.

My problem is where I'm scheduling next year my query returns the names of those who have booked a holiday and their remaining entitelement. That's as it should be. However if someone hasn't yet booked any holidays then it simply doesn't display their record. I would like it to treat that record as zero and show the remaining entitlement as a full years entitlement.

Here's the SQL
SELECT Employees.Trainer_Name, Sum([2015 Holiday].[2015 Days]) AS [SumOf2015 Days], Employees.Holiday_Days, [Employees]![Holiday_Days]-[SumOf2015 Days] AS 2015
FROM [2015 Holiday] INNER JOIN Employees ON [2015 Holiday].Trainer_Name = Employees.Trainer_Name
GROUP BY Employees.Trainer_Name, Employees.Holiday_Days;

The problem here is that the Sum of 2015 holiday is Null

Do I somehow need to create 0 hours records?

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Forms :: Show Tabs And Subforms In Tabs Only If Data Exists

May 6, 2013

I'm trying to clean up a form a bit and have it only show certain subforms/graphs if the data exists. I already have columns in a combobox query to show an "X" for if certain data appears:

Now, I know I could build another query and have some system go through and identify these things, but the easiest thing would be to reference the "X" in the columns of the combobox. Is there an easy way to reference values in the other (non-primary) columns? Or can you think of an easy way to make these subforms only be visible when the data exists? Maybe have an on load event for the subform?

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Show All Values In Criteria

Jan 9, 2006

I have searched similar posts to solve this, but havn't been able to make it work yet, so apologies if this sounds like an existing post.

On my form (frmContacts) I have a combo box (LstCompany) that lists companies. The default value is set to "N" (so this is the value when nothing is selected).

I have a query (qryContacts) that retrieves records of People and their Companies from a single table (tblContacts - this table includes the fields 'Person' and 'Company'. Some people have no company). I want this query to:

- When no company is selected in LstCompany: show all people (whether or not they have a company).
- When a company is selected in LstCompany: show records for that company.

I have added the following expression to my query:
Expr1: IIf(([Forms]![frmContacts]![LstCompany])="N",True,([Forms]![frmContacts]![LstCompany]))

Criteria = True

This works fine for showing all records, but the Expr1 field returns #Error if a Company is selected.

Any idea what I am doing wrong, or what will work?

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Dec 23, 2004

Hi a problem here....

I got a query which joins two table....



Tables join using fQSRegno.
Scenario is
Tbl Individual contains all the members info.Tbl Point contains point given to members who attend courses. Problem is when I created a query...

fQSRegno *from tblPoint

the data shows only members who got points. Is it possible to include member who don't have point like new registred member to show in this query....


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If Query Criteria Not Met Do Not Show The Column

May 15, 2006

Hey all I have another one.

When I run a query, whenever the criteria is not met, I want the column header for the row to not show up in the query.

I am running a select query and I have 10 items on the query, I select what I want via check box and then hit OK to run the query.
I want the fields that are not checked to not show up in the query at all.
Right now I still get the column header, any way to get rid of it.
Thanks a lot for any help.

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Reports :: Show Search Criteria?

Apr 8, 2013

ACCESS 2010, I have a from and to date in a query. How do I get these two dates to show in the report header ?

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Queries :: If Statement In Criteria To Show All

Oct 2, 2014

I'm working on a published sharepoint web access database, writing a criteria expression in data source of a combo box.The field I'm setting criteria is called SharePointAuthor.

I wrote this critea:
IIf(CurrentWebUser(1)="John Doe","*",CurrentWebUser(1))

Trying to show all records when currentwebuser is John Doe, otherwise, show only records created by currentwebuser.Funny thing is that it turns out "John Doe" couldn't see any records, while other users can see their own records as expected.

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Queries :: Key Criteria Into Combo Did Not Show Up Any Result

Jan 22, 2014

I set my query criteria to my [Forms]![Form1]![Combo4].

After I key a criteria into combo4 , then I open again the query table ,

It did not show up any result , why ?

No combo4 don't have any event.

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Date Selection Criteria - Show Last Day Of The Every Month

Apr 16, 2015

I have a big list of data, with a row of data for every day for each client.

I need a selection criteria that will provide show the last day of the every month (historic data) for each client.

I've had a go but I'm not making much progress.

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Criteria To Show / Hide Box On Continuous Form?

Oct 27, 2015

I want to show or hide a box on a continuous form. If there is a date in the ShopOut field i want the label to show up , if not then it will not appear.

I am trying

If IsNull(Me!ShopOut) Then
Me.StillinShop.Visible = True
Me.StillinShop.Visible = False
End If

however, it shows the box whether there is a date in ShopOut on not. Is it possible to do this in a continous form or do i need somekind of me.record#.ShopOut or something.

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General :: Query To Show Textbox If Combo Box Criteria Is Met

Jul 13, 2013

Is it possible in access 2010 to create a a query that only shows a text box if a combo box criteria is met?

Example: On a form there is a combobox (Result) that can either be negative or positive. If the value is Negative then a query is already setup that populates a mailmerge with some text. If Results=Positive can a query be created that will show the textbox (Data). It only needs to show if the positive criteria is met.

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Forms :: Combo Box Query - Form That Searches A Table To Show Certain Criteria

Jul 21, 2014

I have created a form that searches a table to show certain criteria. I am having trouble with a part where the table uses a checkbox and I am trying to use a combo box on the search form to return the results based on is it checked? Yes/No or both. When I test it I keep getting Runtime error 3075 missing operator.

The sql I am using is below and when I try and see where it is going wrong it highlights the line.

Code : Me.Filter = strWhere

Private Sub cmdFilter_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Const conJetDate = "#dd/mm/yyyy#"

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Left Join Query To Show Records That Fulfill Two Criteria

Mar 25, 2014

I have two queries. The unique key in both queries is GUID for katalogposition.

One is showing me records which has an product end date (Produkt slut dato) between today and end date of next month. This query works fine and is called q_termination.

The second one shows me unmatched records in the first query (q_termination). The query works fine and is called yq_NonTermination.

The goal is now to show me records from the first query "q_termination" that fullfill one of two criterias.

1. No match in second query "yq_NonTermination"
2. Match BUT product end date (Produkt slut dato) is greater than the match in "yq_NonTermination".

I have made a left join query on the field "Dublet_Lagervarer". From the join query the goal is to show me only q_Termination.Guid for Katalogposition number 47 and 134008.

How can I do that? Is there another way to do it? Please see attachment.

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Queries :: Calculate Time Difference And Show Result Under Certain Criteria In Query

Jul 9, 2013

ID Up Time Down Time
John 18:00 15:00
Kelvin 08:00 08:05
Melisa 23:00 02:00

This is the Table , i need the Query result show IF [Up Time]-[Down Time] is >=3 hrs

Like Below :

ID Up Time Down Time
John 18:00 15:00
Melisa 23:00 02:00

IDUp TimeDown TimeJohn18:0015:00Melisa23:0002:00

I tried DateDiff("h",[Up Time],[Down Time]) in Field but POP out with error "Syntax error (comma) in query expression 'Table1.[DateDiff("h",[Up Time],[Down Time])]' " ...

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Select [...] (not) Exists

Jul 14, 2005

I have 2 identic tables: T1 and T2 which contain only one field NR.

T1 contains the data:

T2 contains the data:

I want to select all the records found in T1, but not found in T2. So, I wrote the following SQL query:

(select T2.NR
from T2);

Unfortunately, this query doesn`t return any record. And the strangest thing is that the query:

(select T2.NR
from T2);

have the same effect like:


I mean it returns all the records of T1. I mention that the query was written in Access. What I have to do? Can anybody help me? What solutions do I have? I need a query, not a VBA code!

Thank you in advance!

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Add Record If None Exists

Mar 23, 2006

I have a table (tblSales) with these fields (RecDate, Code, Type, OrderCount).

I also have a linked table (lnkSales) with these fields.

Daily I append the data from the lnkSales to tblSales.

The tblSales table must have a record for each code daily.
These are the codes (01,02,05,07,09,10,15).

I need to automatically add a record for each code that wasn't appended.

For example,

lnkSales contains:
03/22/06 01 Mc 3
03/22/06 02 Mc 1
03/22/06 05 Mc 1
03/22/06 07 Mc 2
03/22/06 10 Mc 1

When appended to tblSales there is no record for code 09 or 15.

I need to add these records to tblSales
03/22/06 09 Mc 0
03/22/06 15 Mc 0

Can someone explain the best way to accomplish this?


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If TableA Exists Then . . .

Sep 13, 2005

Hi again

How can I do an existence test on a table in my Access MDB in a script. The job is to determine if a temp table exists, and if so, then to drop the table.

What syntax would I use to accomplish this in form event code?



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Check If Value Already Exists

Jul 19, 2006

Hi, I have the following problem which I hope someone can help me with:

I have a form which is used to enter data into a table. One of the fields is 'Code'. I want the form to check when data is enetered into this field is it already exists, ie if the code is already present in the 'code' field in the table, and if it is it should give a warning message, if not then continue as normal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

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How To Check If First And Last Name Already Exists

Mar 21, 2013

I have a form used to enter new contacts. I would like to insert a query or macro that would automatically to see if the name (first and last) already exists in the table to which this form is attached. If the name exists, I want to open the existing record and add information to it. If not, I want to enter the information as a new record.

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Table TempMSysAccessObjects Already Exists

May 18, 2006

I keep getting the error message "Table TempMsysAccessObjects already exists" when I try to compact/repair my database. The only help I've found in the MS knowledge base just says to delete the table. I keep deleting it, but it keeps coming back. I've tried the decompile cmd line option, no change. Do I need to just rebuild this db, or what?

Access 2002.

Thanks for any ideas.

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Checking To See If A Table Exists.

Dec 12, 2005

I'm running the following line:

dbs.Execute ("DROP TABLE [tbl_No Certs]")

the problem is that sometimes the table doesn't exist... Instead of trapping the error code, is there a way I can check to see if the table exists? If it doesn't I'll simply skip this step of my code and move on.


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Checking If A Table Exists

Dec 13, 2005

I have tried the attached code from a previous post but some of the code doesn't work on Microsoft Access Project.
Does anyone have any ideas how I would amend this code so that it works?


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Drop Table If Exists?

Jul 31, 2006

I have a java app connected to a MS access database. I need to run an sql command like
"drop table if exists"

You know, so it only tries to delete the table if its actually there. Im not sure how to do this with an access db.

Also what is the difference between delete and drop.

thanks v much for any help!

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Drop Table If Exists

Aug 9, 2006

I know this can be done i MySQL and with SQL Server but is there a way to drop the table but check if it exists first in Access before running a query ?

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