Set The Value Of A Report Field From Code

Nov 14, 2004

I am using this code on a button, to print a report:

Private Sub buttonPrint_Click()
Dim P1 As Integer
Dim R1 As Integer
Dim stDocName as String

R1 = MsgBox("Print;", vbYesNo)
If R1 = vbYes Then
If stDocName = "FIRST REPORT" Then

P1 = MsgBox("Printing options;" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
" YES: Option 1" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
" ΝΟ: Option 2", vbYesNo "Printing Options")

If P1 = vbYes Then
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
End If
Exit Sub

Here is the difficulty I need help to overcome:
In report "FIRST REPORT" there is one field called txtSet1, Boolean.
Can I set the value of this field to either True or False from this point in my code ?

If P1 = vbYes Then
set Reports![FIRST REPORT]!txtSet1.value = True
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
End If
Exit Sub
I know that the answer is NO because the above does not work. I think the problem is that because the "FIRST REPORT" is not opened until line
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
is executed, the line
set Reports![FIRST REPORT]!txtSet1.value = True
can not find "FIRST REPORT".
Can I have some guidance please ?

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Help With This Code / Report

Mar 29, 2006

I have this code in the Record Source of a report. This reports used to run fine without issue and it still does work however, it is running very very slow. I assume that this is because I used to have less records in the table so the build was faster with more and more records it get slower. Is there anyway I can change this to speed things up?
thank you

SELECT [Tble-Passdown].SystemID, [Tble-Passdown].ModuleCh, [Tble-Passdown].[Pareto Chamber Type], [Tble-Passdown].[System Status], [Tble-Passdown].End, [Tble-Passdown].[Xsite Job Number], [Tble-Passdown].[Total Hrs Down], [Tble-Passdown].[Problem Description], [Tble-Passdown].[Service Type], [Tble-Passdown].Timeone, [Tble-Passdown].[Call ID], [Tble-Passdown Sub].[Action Taken], [Tble-Passdown Sub].[Section ID], [Tble-Passdown Sub].[Date Worked], [Tble-Passdown].[EQT Total] FROM [Tble-Passdown] INNER JOIN [Tble-Passdown Sub] ON ([Tble-Passdown].SystemID=[Tble-Passdown Sub].SystemID) AND ([Tble-Passdown].[Call ID]=[Tble-Passdown Sub].[Call ID]) AND ([Tble-Passdown].[Call ID]=[Tble-Passdown Sub].[Call ID]) AND ([Tble-Passdown].[Call ID]=[Tble-Passdown Sub].[Call ID]) AND ([Tble-Passdown].[Call ID]=[Tble-Passdown Sub].[Call ID]) WHERE ((([Tble-Passdown].[System Status])="Down") And (([Tble-Passdown].[Service Type])<>"Reference Only") And (([Tble-Passdown].Deleted)=No) And (([Tble-Passdown Sub].Deletedsub)=No)) Or ((([Tble-Passdown].[System Status])="Up") And (([Tble-Passdown].[Service Type])<>"Reference Only") And (([Tble-Passdown].Deleted)=No) And (([Tble-Passdown Sub].Deletedsub)=No) And (([Tble-Passdown].[Completed Time]) Between #12/30/1899# And #12/30/1899 6:0:0#) And (([Tble-Passdown].[Completed Date])=Forms![Frm-Shift Reports]!Date)) Or ((([Tble-Passdown].[System Status])="UP") And (([Tble-Passdown].[Service Type])<>"Reference Only") And (([Tble-Passdown].Deleted)=No) And (([Tble-Passdown Sub].Deletedsub)=No) And (([Tble-Passdown].[Completed Time]) Between #12/30/1899 18:0:0# And #12/30/1899 23:59:59#) And (([Tble-Passdown].[Completed Date])=Forms![Frm-Shift Reports]!Text1));

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Code For Opening A Report

Sep 2, 2005

Hey there, if anyone could help me with the code for opening a report please. I have a main page with buttons, and need a button for opening reports.. thx

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How To Write Code For A Report

Oct 28, 2004

I have a report rptEnvelopes to print envelopes. In the report I have text box called txtRecipientName .
I have a qryAddress with fields notNo, IDCard, Fname, Lname where notNo is a field that takes its value from a combo box called cboSelectEnvelope from a form frmPrinting. I then wrote the following code:

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim dbLet As Database
Dim rsLet As Recordset
Dim sqlLet, criteriaLet, txtRecipientName As String
Dim stLet as String

Set dbLet = CurrentDb
sqlLet = " Select DISTINCT IDCard FROM qryAddress " & _
"WHERE notNo = " & Forms!frmPrinting!cboSelectEnvelope
Set rsLet = dbLet.OpenRecordset(sqlLet, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rsLet.EOF Then
stLet = "rptEnvelope"
criteriaLet = "notNo=" & Forms!frmPrinting!cboSelectEnvelopeReports
'This is where I go wrong:
'How to I declare txtRecipientName, on rptEnvelope, to get the value rsLet!Fname&" "& rsLet!Lname
DoCmd.OpenReport stLet, acViewPreview, , criteriaLet
End If

NOTE: Private Sub Report_Open is called from the On Open Event of rptEnvelope

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Variable - Code Behind Report

Mar 16, 2006

I am trying to create a report which is sorted by KeyID, CustID. I don't want to display every Customer record but in the KeyID Footer I would like to display all CustID's associated with the KeyID. I have attached a sample mdb.


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Binding Recordset To Report With VBA Code

May 5, 2005

Hy,i have some ADO recordset and i want to bind it to blank report that I made in reports.How to do this.
If i create report in reports section and after that i want to see it in my code as that same object and set his record or data source property how to do this??
I know that you can set the recordsource property directly in report but it includes some values from textbox in my form that doesn't show corectly(it's an array of numbers,and i don't know why it doesn't accept it).

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Hiding Lable In A Report With Code

Feb 10, 2006

I have a report that I use with a couple different parameters. I want to be able to change the title of the report depending on the parameter that is chosen.

I have different OpenArgs set for each parameter and in the report I want to be able to change the Caption on a label depending on the OpenArgs.

The Normal Me.lblHeader.Caption does show as an option like on a form.

The options Me.lblHeader.Form.Caption and Me.lblHeader.Report.Caption show but say Invalid Reference when used.

What am I missing?

Thank you

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Check Contents Of A Field In A Table Where Another Field

Sep 11, 2013

I am trying create some code that checks if the contents of the status field in a table is "Authorised" where the ID = something specific for multiple records. If all records witht the specific ID are "Authorised" Then generate a new record in another table. Where to start, perhaps a Dlookup?

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Move Label In Access Report With Code

May 4, 2006

I am creating a report that has the variable address as usual.
City, State zipcode

If there is no value for address2, is it possible to shift the locatoin of city state zip up into the Address 2 location? I would like to shift the lable up with code, but can't find a way to do it.

I am using an unbound data source so i have full control over the variable data.

thank you

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Report - Page Break On A Specific Code

Jul 7, 2006

I have a report with grouping on a code - I would like to do a page break on the second code - I don't know where to start on this.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Another Parameter To Code For Report?

Dec 5, 2013

I am trying to add another parameter to a report to only get those specific records. I did not write the code and am very confused on how it works. Right now it is getting records in the Access database between the 2 dates entered. But NOW I need to add a parameter to select only records between those dates AND with the AccountNumber LIKE acctltr (this is the field from the form). They can either put in an "X" or an "P X". The AccountNumber needs to end in which ever one they enter.

Here is the code that is currently existing and supposedly works. At least it gets all the records between the dates even tho it still prints records with a ZERO balance.

Private Sub cmdprint_Click()
On Error GoTo exit_cmdprint
'mysql = "SELECT * from InvoiceTable " & _
' " WHERE ((not InvoiceTable.InvoicePrintDate1 Is Null) AND (not InvoiceTable.InvoicePrintDate2 Is Null) AND (InvoiceTable.InvoicePrintDate3 Is Null) AND (InvoiceTable.InvoiceDate Between #" & dtefrom & "# And #" & dteto & "#))"
'Me.RecordSource = mysql


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Code To Disable A Field Based On The Values Of Another Field

Nov 10, 2005

If I have the following Code to disable a field based on the value of another field:

Private Sub lstAgreementType_AfterUpdate()

If Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BN" Then
Me.txtSenateAandCDate.Enabled = False
Me.txtSenateAandCDate.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

But I also need it to disable the field is equal to "BA" or "BT" as well, how would I add that to my code?

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Reports :: VBA Checkbox Code Ticking All Records On Report

Nov 13, 2013

I have the following code in the On Load of a report which shows multiple records:-

If Me.PaymentType Like "Debit/Credit Card" Then
Me.Check94 = True
Me.Check94 = False
End If

This ends up checking all check boxes in the report if any have "Debit/Credit Card" in the PaymentType field.What I wanted was to tick Checkboxes for those records where the statement was true, and not tick those where it is false.Do I need the code in the On Current event? Or do I need more sophisticated code?

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Modules & VBA :: Can Send A Report Directly To Printer From Code

May 19, 2014

Can you send a report directly to the printer? We have Clients with multiple Contact Notes, by multiple Clinicians, each of these are separate tables. Every month we print two reports for each client that had at least one contact in that date-range. Usually 200 clients, takes a lot of time. My approach so far is a query within a make-table query to get a list of unique client ID's that had one contact in the date-range. Then I use that table in code to create a recordset, use a Do Loop within that where I print the two reports for the 1st client, move to next record and loop. Now that I've got it working I'm not sure how to print all the reports My 1st question, can you send a report directly to the printer from code? The printer is a networked Konica Minolta Biz-hub so I think it can handle that many jobs being queued that fast.

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Access 2010 - VBA Code - Add Report To Body Of Email?

Feb 25, 2013

Access 2010 - add report to body of an email

i have VBA code to create an email and attach an excel file, what i would like is code to add a report called REPORTMISSINGDATES to the body of the email.

this is the code i have so far, which works and adds everythng i wqant except the main body of the email.

Private Sub Command31_Click()
On Error GoTo Command31_Click_Err
Dim Email As String
Dim name As Variant
Dim EMPloy As Variant
Dim month As Variant
month = MonthName([Forms]![STAFFATTENDANCEMenu]![StaffMonth])
EMPloy = Forms!staffattendancezone!Staff
name = DLookup("[STAFFNAME]", "[QRYSTAFFNAME]", "[ASA] = Forms!staffattendancezone!Staff")
Email = (Forms!STAFFATTENDANCEAdjust!Email)
DoCmd.SendObject acQuery, "STAFFATTENDANCEZONECheckEmployee", "ExcelWorkbook(*.xlsx)", [email], "", "", "" & "Attendance Errors", "THIS IS WHERE I WANT THE REPORT TO GO" _
End Sub

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Reports :: Can Run Format Event Code For Each Report In A Multiple Record Set

Aug 16, 2013

URL...Essentially it seems like the format event fires only once with a docmd that has a where clause. If I print a single report it is perfect! Example one in the above post has a subreport, example 2 its very simply incorporated into the main report with no sub report.

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Utilities/code To Make Form & Report Creation/Edits Easier

May 26, 2005

I am wondering if anyone can recommend shareware or free ware Utilities/code to make Form & Report Creation/Edits easier?

I'm thinking of something like Cub Editor or SmartForm+

but alas .... I can't do anything that will edit the registry (company politics says Access and it's Wizards is plenty 'perfect' maybe I will convince the powers that be but not in short time)

Also the code (or forms / reports built) need to work on Access 2000, 2002 and 2003. or well-commented on how to modify as I'm only modest with writng VBA code.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Modules & VBA :: Create Some Code For Button In A Report That Will Follow A Hyperlink To Specific File

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to create some code for a button in a report that will follow a hyperlink to a specific file. The problem I'm having is that the files that are at the end of the hyperlink can have various extensions (*.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, etc.) I'd like to be able to put a wildcard in the code to allow the opening of the file regardless of the extension.

Code so far:

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink ("C:UsersjbeggDocumentsAccessTestFolder" & [FileName] & ".*")
End Sub

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Help With ZIP Code Field

Jun 20, 2005

Hi. I'm a newbie to access so I was wondering if somebody could help me with this issue. We're trying to construct a database with information from visitors of a park. The information the visitors provide include the ZIP code where they're from. This information is stored on a field called ZIPCode. We're trying to create a report of the percentage of visitors from each region based on the ZIP Code. The first digit of each zip code represents the region they're from. For example the zip code 12345 belongs to region 1. We're having a problem creating a query and getting access to read only the first digit of the zip code to determine the region. How can we do that?


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Setting A Field Default Value Through Code

Dec 17, 2007

High all.

I would like to know how to set a fields default value on a table.

Eg - i have a Yes/No field that and i want the default value to be set to 'Yes'.

I cant use the front end application because the form its on is a generic form used by about 30 other tables.

At present it is not set to anything and so always defaults to 'No' on the form.

Thanks in advance.

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Multiply A Currency Field With Code

Apr 27, 2005

Currently i have:

If CIS = False Then
CIS_Payment = "£0.00"
CIS_Payment = "£20.00"
End If

which works ok but what i want to do but do not know the correct way/syntax is:

If CIS = False Then
CIS_Payment = "£0.00"
CIS_Payment = "Labour_Total*18/100"
End If

Where CIS_Payment and Labour_Total are currency fields, and CIS is a checkbox updated using an update query with the same info as detailed in another table (Couldnt get the conditions to work referencing the checkbox in the other table, so duplicated the box in both tables and used a query to sync)

Any ideas???

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Changing Field Attributes In Code

Jan 24, 2007

I know that I can use an Alter Table query to add table fields from code.

But what if I just want to change a field from being Required or Not Required, or perhaps change the field width of a text field?

How do I do that from VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Return Field Name Rather Than Value

Apr 17, 2014

I have a code that finds the first, second, and third minimum value in a row across the fields. Now, I am trying to find a code to look at these values, find the field it is located, and return the field name. I tried several variations of my code to return the field name rather than the value, but have been unsuccessful to this point.

Function NthMinimum(intPosition As Integer, ParamArray FieldArray() As Variant) As Variant
Dim varTempArray() As Variant, varTempValue As Variant, intArrayValues As Integer
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer
ReDim varTempArray(UBound(FieldArray))
intArrayValues = 0

[Code] ....

As you can see, this works to find these values while ignoring NULLS. How to return the field name?

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Modules & VBA :: Lock Down A Field Through Code?

Jun 7, 2013

I have a field within a form that needs to be modified based off of someone's access level and I have written that part but not sure how to keep others from modifying the field.

Private Sub Qty_Rcvd_Click()
If ap_GetUserName() = "Danny_Davis" Or ap_GetUserName() = "christopher_ayers" Or ap_GetUserName() = "Tena_McCrackin" Then
GoTo 10
MsgBox "You are not authorized to view this form"
End If
End Sub

Right now this code will bring up the msgbox for someone not authorized but once they hit "ok" the msgbox goes away and they can still change the field. What can I type in here to lock down the field for someone not authorized?

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Modules & VBA :: Code That Populate Field

Feb 25, 2014

I am using MS Access 2010 and I am struggling to write some vba in my database. On my form, I have a Payment Type dropdown field.When someone selects a payment type I want the code to calculate the end date. Then populate the End Date field with the answer.I will be having a few payment types too, but for now on the dropdown I have two.2/Month and 24/Annum.

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Function Code To Log Field Changes Into A Table?

Jan 21, 2015

As you can see the purpose of this function code is to register into the TblLogChanges every single record exclusion or record change made in any form field of my project when the form is active. In other words if the user changes for example the value of the field Color in the form FrmX from Yellow to Black, the TblLogChanges will have added a line indicating: FrmX, type of change (record change or record exclusion), RecordId (in my case CADID), Current User, Date, and a complimentary string showing Field Color old value=Yellow --> Field Color new value=Black.It works fine when the field "old" value is populated (not null). However, if the feld old value is null, meaning, if the field value is originally null, or yet if the field is originally empty, and I fill it up with some data, then the code does not add an indicative line into the table TblLogChanges.

See function code below.

FYI the function is called in both Before Update and Delete events of the form with the following syntaxes: =logChangeFrmCadastro("E") for record exclusions, and =logChangeFrmCadastro("A") for record changes.

I have failed so far to make it happen. Reason is I'm able to read and understand most written syntax but still not good enough to create my own codes since I do not know to use the range of VBA commands and syntaxes available yet. This is a knowledge gap I'm doing my best to fill in.

what function code changes are required so the function be able to add an indicative line into TblLogChanges when the user changes a form field from "empty/nothing" to something?

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function LogChangeFrmCadastro(strTipo As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim db As Database, rslog As Recordset
Dim frm As Form, I As Integer


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