Setting RecordSource In VBA

Jan 26, 2005

This is driving me mad. I'm trying to copy a table and form from a template.
They both copy fine, but when I try to change the new forms recordsource property, nothing happens.

Private Sub CreateQuiz_Click()
'copy structure from existing BLANK table
a = InputBox("Name of new table", "Create new Quiz")
DoCmd.CopyObject , a, acTable, "BLANK"

DoCmd.OpenForm ("BLANK")
Forms!BLANK.RecordSource = a
DoCmd.CopyObject , a, acForm, "BLANK"
Forms!a.RecordSource = a

End Sub

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Setting RecordSource

Jan 27, 2005

Hi All
I have a Main Form, This Main Form has a Subform, the SourceObject for the subform is another form.
What I am trying to do is to set the RecordSource for the SourceObject Form from within the code behind the main form so i can use the same form with various queries.
Appreciate any help - thanks

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Forms :: Dynamically Setting Recordsource For A Form

Mar 25, 2014

I currently have a Job Management System where the Customer Order Form displays all jobs via a main form and an order details subform. This form is used for inputting new jobs and for viewing existing jobs via links from other reports such as a job schedule or customer orders report. It is always reached via a clicking of a "New Customer Order" Button where the form is filtered to new record or via double clicking on an order number in another screen and filtered via the order number.

I am now in a position where the database is growing too large and I want to archive the data in the Orders / OrderDetails Tables into Financial Years and put them in a separate backend database. However the jobs will still need to be viewed via the customer order form in order for them to be duplicated the following year.

I have created a union query of the PreviousFY and Current Orders to allow the "search jobs by customer" query to work. This works fine, but I now need to make the record source of the Customer Order form dynamic.

I have created a CurrentFY query to feed the form if it is a current job and a PrevFY query if it's from the previous FY.

I have written code to check the OrderDate against the financial year to work out which database the job is from and set recordsource according to that result. This is currently in the OnCurrent event as I also have other code there that checks details of the order to determine if fields should be editable.

However I am finding that when I parse the order data between the forms the "new record" command or the order number is not being retained or checked. If this because I don't have a recordsource set when it opens?

I tried setting the recordsource as the currentFY on open and then do the check but that didn't work.

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Using Sql To Set A A Reports Recordsource

May 18, 2006

Using this code as part of a module to open a report in print preview and set it's recordsource to the sql I have written earlier in the code. The problem is when I run this it only prints the report it won't show it to me in print preview like I want. Anybody know what's wrong? Thanks...

DoCmd.OpenReport "SitesIssues_qry", acViewNormal, "", "", acNormal
Me.RecordSource = strsql & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

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Listbox Recordsource Value

May 27, 2005

How do I determine what value my listbox has?

Here is what generates the records from Form 2:

If Not IsNull(Me.[StartDate]) And Not IsNull(Me.[EndDate]) Then
strCriteria = strCriteria & "tblWO.Created Between #" & _
Format(Me.[StartDate], "m/d/yyyy") & "# And #" & _
Format(Me.[EndDate], "m/d/yyyy") & "#"

strSql = "SELECT DISTINCT [WOnumber],[Requested],[UDF1],[RequestedBy]," & _
"[Status],[property],[asset]" & _
"FROM tblWO " & strCriteria

Forms("frmFilter").Listbox1.RowSource = strSql

What I am trying to do is trigger a message box from the onclick of a command button on Form 2 and read the listbox # records on Form 1. It's gotta be something simple in my syntax. Search hasnt provided this scenario for me. I have tried these and more:

'If Forms("frmFilter").RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then
'If IsNull(Forms("frmFilter")).Listbox1 Then
'If Forms("frmFilter").Listbox1.RowSource = 0 Then
'If Forms("frmFilter").Listbox1.RowSource = Null Then
'If [Forms]![FrmFilter]![Listbox1.recordcount] = 0 Then
'If Forms("frmFilter").Listbox1.RecordCount = 0 Then
'If Forms("frmFilter").Listbox1.RecordCount = "" Then
'If Forms("frmFilter").Listbox1.RecordCount = Null Then

MsgBox "Sorry, no records meet your chosen dates. Change the dates and try again."

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Recordsource Of Subform

May 30, 2005

Hi everybody,
I have a form with its tabbed subforms' recordsource determined by the code:

Private Sub childTvl_Enter()

Me.childTvl.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM tblTvlInput WHERE tblTvlInput.Dept = """ & Forms.frmBudget.txtDept & """"

End Sub

This is to filter the huge data by department and only allowing the specified department to view their code. However, I find it slow and pesky as it only shows the required information when the user clicks on the child. I have tried putting the code above elsewhere but to no avail.

Is there a better way of speeding the filter as well as showing the user his own records when he clicks on the tab?

Thanks in advance. =)
You guys here are saviours!

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Recordsource Delima

Sep 26, 2005

I am trying to correctly code a Record Source value in a Form's 'On Open' Event . I first captured parm data from the calling Form, (Last Name, and First Name) to be used in the query as follows:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim intI As Integer
intI = InStr(Me.OpenArgs, ";")
SearchFirstName = Left(Me.OpenArgs, intI - 1)
SearchLastName = Mid(Me.OpenArgs, intI + 1)
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT tblName.LastName, tblName.FirstName WHERE tblName.LastName = SearchLastName and tblName.FirstName = SearchFirstName"
End Sub

If I leave off the 'WHERE' clause, I get all the records in the table, so I am sure the syntax in that area is all wrong.

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Set Forms Recordsource

Nov 24, 2005

Is there a way to set the recordsource for a form before it opens? I've got Me.recordsource = "QryNewCaseForm" on the On Open event of the form but I toggle between recordsources once the form is open and if I close it while the recordsource is "QryCaseForm" it won't open as "qryNewCaseForm" the next time I open it.

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SubForms RecordSource

Oct 31, 2006

Today my client asked me to do something strange.

He wanted a field to be in the subform which was originally part of the parent form and is still part of the parent table.

(Hence, when I change the field in one subform line it would change for all other subform lines related to the current parent record) He insists to put this in the subform and it should be Editable there.

I accomplished this by basically putting a 'Parent table' join 'Child table' query in the subform so I could have access to this one field. Orginially I just had a query with the Child Table but to get access to that one field (and to make it editable) I made this extra join.

I don't like this design eventhough it works..... Any suggestions on how to effectively implement this.

Also I don't understand how Access still knows what to do using the Parent Link And Child Link fields (Located in the Subform Control). How does Access know to create a new record in the Subtable and not in the Parent Table when both are present in my subform's record source now.

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Combo Recordsource (dynamic)

Mar 2, 2005


I have a combo box that i would like to dynamically change the recordsource (what values are available in the dropdown) based off of the criteria in another field. Basically, I want to switch which query the combo points to.

I am looking to do something like...

If field1 = nulll
combo recordsource = query1 (a list of values from table1)
combo recordsource = quer2 (a list of values from table2)

I am looking to switch which query the combo is populated with, not limit the rows based on field1.

Any Ideas for this? Thanks!

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Change Subform Recordsource

Sep 4, 2006

I have a form with 5 tabs. Each tab has 2 subforms.
When the form loads I am trying to select it's recordsource by doing this:

Me!Subformname_A.RecordSource = "SELECT FieldA, FieldB FROM TableA WHERE"

However, it throws an error.
Is there something wrong with this ?

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RecordSource Change For Reports?

Sep 26, 2005

I have a report that can be used for 3 different queries. I've been trying for the last hour or so to get three different buttons on a form to open this report but give it an appropriate record source.
I figured there's got to be a way that's easier than three queries, and three reports...?
I was trying to use the same format as with forms :
[Reports]![rptReportName].recordsource = "qryQueryName"

or variations of that. Am I way off? It keeps saying that I've misspelled the name or it doesn't exist.

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Changing Navigation Recordsource To Query

Apr 10, 2006


I'm trying to create navigation buttons that navigate in alphabetical order. I know that the easiest way to do this is by creating a query and using the query as the recordsource for my navigation buttons, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to actually change to the recordsource to that query for only that navigation button.

I'd appreciate any help

Thank you

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Changing Subform RecordSource Will Not Stick

Apr 18, 2005

Weird yet aggravating problem.

I am trying to setup a routine that will allow the user to change the RecordSource of a subform. The RecordSource is being changed yet once I move to another record the subform is reverting back to the original subform RecordSource. I am using the below command to change the subforms RecordSource...

Me.MySubformName.Form.RecordSource = MySQL
I even to make a copy of the subform and I changed the table it is linked to yet I got the same result

Me.MySubformName.SourceObject = "MyOtherSubForm"

There are no functions in the record selectors that would interfere with the subforms RecordSource.

Any suggestions as to why the RecordSource of my subform will not "stick" when I move to another record?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Changing Subform's Recordsource With OnCurrent

Jun 29, 2005


I have problems working with a 3 level form

I have one main form called Projects

Depending on the record on the form Projects, the subform called Products will display the correct info

And on the OnCurrent event of the form Products, it will display the correct info for another subform called Product_Info

The problem is, the subform called Product_Info is dependant on a field on the Projects form, and on a field on the Products form so I cannot directly link the Product_Info form with either the Projects of Products form

What I'm doing is changing the recordsource of the Product_Info subform on the OnCurrent event of the Products subform but for some reason it won't work

If I display the recordsource of the Product_Info subform, it displays the right recordsource triggered on the OnCurrent event of the Products subform, but the data doesn't display


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Field With Data From A Different Query Than RecordSource

Aug 31, 2005

I have a form that pulls data from a big joined RecordSource query. This form needs to be editable. I need to add a field on the form that will contain a value, which is actually the sum of numbers from several records. Because that sum value includes arithmetic in the query itself, I'm assuming that is why the results of the query are not editable. I tried joining the Query that gets that sum value into the main RecordSource statement, but because the sum Query is not editable, doing that renders the whole form uneditable.

I am new to working with Access forms, and VBA in general. I have a lot of experience using VBscript, though. I was asked to get this done and now I have to fight my way through it. I'm hoping there is maybe a way to write a function that will query for the sum value based on the current ID on the Form. The main form cycles through records, and the sum value is a total of points for the record shown in the form. So as each record loads into the form, I need to get the points total that matches that record's ID and display it. The points total does not need to be editable.

Any suggestions for a newbie on how to solve this?

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SubSubForm ControlSource/RecordSource Problem

Nov 4, 2005

I have a form with two subforms. One of the subforms has five subforms (subsubforms).

The ControlSource and the (query sequence for each) RecordSource of each of the subsubforms are created on-the-fly. The subsubforms have no Master/Child relationships specified. The subsubform merely display various filtered and various grouped subtotals of the 1st subform. Summing and grouping on the subsubforms prevents my using Master/Child properties.

On the AfterUpdate event on any of the filter fields on the form the ControlSources and RecordSources are rebuilt and the form becomes invisible for some reason and appears to hang, even after stepping through all the (class module) code with the debugger. Repeadedly clicking both Maximize and Restore buttons on the form's button on the Status Bar followed by clicking a 2nd form's toolbar icon causes the form to become visible under the 2nd form. The tool bar are also not visible, just a large brow bar at the top of the form. Moving the mouse over the toolbars causes individual icons to become visible or raised.

What am I missing?

Maybe I should calculate the values using DAO recordsets and backfill unbound subsubforms.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

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Change Recordsource In The Specific Form

Jan 15, 2006


I want to write Visual Basic language in the form with one button:

I have one form named "setForm" with one button and one text box:
Let's set the new table "frm2", the new form "frm2"

Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT [model].* INTO frm2 FROM [model]"
CurrentDb.Execute sql
DoCmd.CopyObject CurrentDb.Name, "frm2", acForm, "frm1"
Forms!frm2.RecordSource = "frm2"

The last statement code doesn't work: It is said that Microsoft Access cannot find the form "frm2" referred to in a macro expression or visual basic code.

How can I change the recordsource? Thanks.

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Dates Not Updating Subform RecordSource

Jul 25, 2006


I have a dropdown menu which has a lisrt of dates (mmm yyyy), and when one is selected it updates 2 boxes with 01/mm/yyyy and 30 or 31/mmm/yyyy

Private Sub cmbDate_AfterUpdate()
Me.frmData.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qry_NatxReg WHERE [Company Name]='" & cmbCompanyName & "' AND [Time of Attempt 1] BETWEEN #" & txtDateFrom & "# AND #" & txtDateTo & "#"
End Sub

When i choose June, it works fine and gets all the june dates from [Time Attempt 1]

But when i Choose July, it includes June.

I only have data for June and July as it's still in testing.
I can't wrap my head round it!!

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Change The Form RecordSource Using A Macro

Sep 27, 2006

I have a form that is based on a query. I would like to change the form's RecordSource to another query using SetValue in a Macro.

Under Action Arguments I have

Item: Forms![Receiving Query subform].RecordSource

But I don't know what to put for an expression. I would like to use the same form but base the RecordSource on a query called "Receiving Search by Date". :eek:


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How Do You Access Recordsource Fields In VBA For A Report??

Oct 28, 2004

I have report in which I have to do some custom calculation in the detail section (using VBA) of the report. How do I access the fields provided by the report, which should come from the query or table fields of the query or table set in the recordsource property of the report in design view. I am able to access some of the fields but not others. Could someone explain to me how this is done.

thank you

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Forms :: Combo Box Recordsource Requery

Jan 7, 2014

I have a recordclone combo box for navigating between 240 company records, so the form will go to the correct record on updating the combo. Instead of clicking on the down button and scrolling through the list, I would like to enter letters into the box and update the record source automatically as I enter them.

I'm not sure what events to use since there appears to be very subtle differences between them (eg between 'on dirty', 'on change' and 'before update').So when I type in 'T', only those companies that start with 'T' are viewed in the combo box.I have discovered the VBA 'dropdown' command which would be useful for the user.


Company_ID: autonumber
Company_name: text

The name of the form is "form1" and the combo box name is "company".The record source for the combo box is "query_company". In the form the ID field is hidden and the company name is not hidden.The criteria I have for the combo would be something like this.


SELECT Table_Company.Company_ID, Table_Company.Company_name
FROM Table_Company
WHERE (((Table_Company.Company_name) Like [forms!]![form1]![company] & "*"));

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Forms :: Change Recordsource On A Subform

Mar 13, 2014

I know this is probably already in the forum but it is getting pretty big and I can't find the answer. I have this:

frmMain frmMainSub frmMainSubSub recordsource = query1

How do I change query1 to query2?

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Change A Listbox Recordsource With The Use Of Option Buttons

May 27, 2005

Good afternoon

I have been helped out so many times in the past here I thought I would try my luck again.

Is it possible with the use of option buttons to change the row source of a listbox?
I want to use the listbox for a search criteria and thought it might be easier to have 1 listbox been updated from the choices made using a group of buttons.
I would like like the row source to be based on different tables maybe I might need to use queries.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Transfering RecordSource/OrderBy Of Form To Report

Oct 17, 2006

I have a subform within a form that displays filtered data based on dynamic selection criteria which is assigned to the RecordSource/OrderBy of the subform. On this form, I have a "Print Results" button -- OnClick, I would like the RecordSource/OrderBy of the subform to be copied to the Report, then run the report. What I have that doesn't work is:

Reports!rpt_frmTaskMain.RecordSource = Forms!frmTaskMain.frmTaskSub1.RecordSource
Reports!rpt_frmTaskMain.OrderBy = Forms!frmTaskMain.frm.TaskSub1.OrderBy

On execution I get error: "Object doesn't support this property or method"

I am thinking this can be done, and likely have the references wrong. Help?

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RecordSource Length Limited To 2048 Characters

Apr 26, 2006

I'm using Access 2000 and want to filter the datas in a form based on a query. The query written as an SQL string has already a length of about 2000 characters.
Now I want to filter this datas with information I get from a combo-box, and changed the RecordSource with additional statements in the WHERE part. Therefore the new RecordSource information can exceed the 2048 characters.

So I thought to use the filter-argument of the form instead. But the problem I have now is, that I would have to use "((First(T_Softwareversion.Softwareversionsname))>='B14')" as part of the filter argument. With using this I get the runtime error 3096. Using this as part of the WHERE part in the RecordSource works, but it works not using it in the filter argument.

Does anyone know a workaround for the first or the second problem?

thanks for any advice.

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