Setting A Password Up Before Opening A Form

Feb 7, 2005

Hi and Thank in Advance

Is there a way to set up a password when opening a certain form by clicking a button? Thanks

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Opening A Form And Setting Values?

Sep 29, 2006

Okay. So, i have this frmProduction that has a cbo box on it, and when i select the value 'sold from field' i want it to open up another form (frmSales) that i have already created. Now, not only do i want it to open it but i want to have some information on frmSales filled out with the values the user entered on frmProduction. I already have it opening the frmSales on the AfterUpdate value on the cbo box (if statement) but i don't know what to do about setting the values of frmSales!

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Users Setting Own Password

Nov 27, 2007


I'm currently designing a small database which will be distributed to users most probably using the access2007 runtime. I would like to be able to ship the database with a default username and password. Is this possible in acces 2007 ?
If it is possible, how would I go about enabling individual users to change the default username/password and set up a username/password of their choice ?

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Forms :: Login Form On Opening Access Asking For Password And Login Name

Jun 17, 2013

I have access 2010, I currently have a database in place and operational. What I am wondering is there a way to have a form come up whenever someone opens access and asks for a password and login name. Also I would like to have a 2 tier system. One for Admins and the other for users with limited access.

Is this even possible to accomplish?

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Setting Design View Password

Apr 12, 2006

Hello to all,

Can you tell me please is there any way to set password to form design view button in a .mdb database? I have seen it somewhere that a guy set password if you want to view his modules in a design view. Is it possible to do the same with forms, reports etc. Any help is very welcome.

Best Regards


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Password On Opening With [SHIFT]

Aug 27, 2007

Our db is protected, in other words, when an user opens the db, no possibility to open any menu is availiable. However, if the user is smart (some are :D) then opening the db with the [SHIFT]-key held down the db opens and those users can edit the tables etc.

It would be just enough for our situation to have the possibility to set a password to the [SHIFT]-key when opening the db.

Is it possible? and if it is, please explain to me how

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: OnChange Event - Setting Password Protection On Tab Control

Nov 4, 2013

I have an Access 2010 form within my database in which I have a series of 8 tabs on a tab control. I am the only user who will have access to these tabs. I want to require a password in order to permit access to the tabs. The very first tab on the tab control works as a cover tab. There is no relevant information for anyone to view...only a graphic.

How to code the "on change" event of the tab control.

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General :: Getting Rid Of Password On Opening All Database

Jul 11, 2014

I was exploring using User-level permissions on databases so I, the admin, can have full permissions to edit/change etc. the database and certain users can only add/edit data. But I inadvertently have now set Access to ask me for a password for any db I open. Even if it's my own personal one. Can I set up Access to only ask for login info on certain db's, not all. I know that 2010 did away with User and group level permissions but was able to add it back through customizing the ribbon and adding this feature back to it.

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Opening A Password Protected Excel File From A Command Button In Access

Dec 22, 2006

Hi All,
I have three excel files (ActualHires.xls, ActualPromotions.xls and
ActualSeparation.xls). These are password protected files (with the
same password). They are linked to an access database and whenever the
files are opened, one must supply the password and click the 'Enable
automatic refresh button.' What I was wondering was if this could be
done in access with a command button. I have pasted some code below
that I found but now I'm getting an error.
This is the code:

Dim BookNames As Variant
Dim B As Long

BookNames = Array("O:ExcelFilesActualHires.xls",

For B = LBound(BookNames) To UBound(BookNames)
WorkBooks.Open FileName:=BookNames(B), _
UpdateLinks:=3, Password:="*******"
WorkBooks(B).Close SaveChanges:=False
Next B

But when I click the button, I get this error:
Run-time error '9' Subscript out of range.

and this line is highlighted:
WorkBooks(B).Close SaveChanges:=False

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Closing Opening Form With Timer Then Opening Main Menu

Apr 7, 2014

I have a Form opening from Access Options. I would like to close this Form using the Timer. The following is the code I have used but it is not working.

Private Sub Cover_Page_Form_Load()
OpenTimer = Timer
End Sub
Private Sub Cover_Page_Form_Timer()
If (Timer - OpenTime) = 5 Then DoCmd.Close acForm, "Cover_Page_Form", acSaveYes
End Sub

Next question. If I can get this to work can I then use a DoCmd to open new Form within the code above or do I need a new process.

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Not Prompted For Password When Relinking - 'Not A Valid Password Message'

Mar 29, 2007

I have recently split my database and added a password to the back end. I am now trying to re-link the tables as I have seen in other threads, but when I do this I am not prompted for the password I just get the message 'Not a valid password'

I must obviously be doing something wrong, can anyone help?

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Password Issues With Non Protected Database Asking For Password

Nov 8, 2005


Firstly thank you for your help, this should be a simple one I hope, but is cracking my head on the wall. Have searched and searched and can't find an answer.

I have an Access Db that is not password protected, but is asking for a password.
It opens on any other machine fine?

I think my version of Access is playing funny buggers with me, any suggestions?

I was trying to implement some security on this Db, which is why it happened I'm sure. I ran the security wizard, set-up two users and admin with passwords, I have the output file to "recreate" something too.

Issue is, I then copied this Db to another computer for use on there, it worked without a Password, so didn't need to worry about it, now I can't open any Db on my machine??

Your help on this obvious pointer would be great!


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How To Crack Ms Access Password, I Have Set User Name And Password

Sep 12, 2006

hi pals

i have set username and password for ms access file.

unfortunately i have forget that password?

how to crack that username and passowrd?

is there any softwares available?

i can easily crack the database pasword? but how to crack username and password of ms access file.

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Forms :: Password Protecting Field With Password?

Oct 24, 2014

i have found a code that brings up a box when tab or clicking in to a box for editing as below:-

Dim strPassword As String
If InputBox("Please enter the password:") <> strPassword Then
TextBox1.Locked = True
End If

its just that need to add a password as well, i have tried to put this in between the <> but this does not work. i would like a message to say incorrect password as well if possable.

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Forms :: Setting Focus To Control On Single Form Side Of Split Form

Jun 24, 2013

When I right click a row on the data sheet side of a split form an select "New Record" I want the curser to go to the first field on the single record side. I've placed this in the OnCurrent but it did no good.


If Me.NewRecord Then
End If

Any way to set the focus to the single form Side of a split form?

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Password On A Form

Feb 17, 2005

I would like to create a password on a form, but I cannot get the form
to close when the wrong password is entered. I have also tried
Appreciate some help.

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim Password, Pword
Password = "Swordfish"
Pword = InputBox("Type in your password")
If Pword <> Password Then
MsgBox "Sorry, incorrect password"
End If

End Sub

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Password Form In VBA Help!

Sep 23, 2006

Im trying to make a form that allows a 2 passwords. If the first password is put into the textbox then form1 is shown and if password 2 is used instead, then form2 is shown. Can someone point me in the right direction? I can only make a form that shows 1 form and exit the database

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Forms :: Opening A Form From Another Form Via Combo And Auto Loading Form Data?

Apr 14, 2015

I have been tasked with creating a tool to analyse mobile phone bill data and present the analysis, and our recommendation, to a customers. Being new to Access (other than basic tuition) this has been a slow uphill task, which is finally nearing completion, however there is a problem which I have not yet been able to overcome.

The requirement is for the DB to open first on a splash screen (lets call it Form A) with fancy picture where our customer is selected from a combo box, the customer is then telephoned, a linked computer screen is established and our staff then click "Go" to proceed to a second form (Form B) showing an account overview and more details.

The problem I have is when "Go" is clicked, the second form loads via on click event, and even populates the correct customer in its combo box. Unfortunately that is as far as it gets - the combo does not look up the information. The customer needs to be selected again for the subforms and subreports to load with the customer overview. To clarify, form B just sits there blank until the customer is re-selcted from the combo box in form B.

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Password Protecting A Form

Aug 30, 2005


I've got a button on a form that opens another form - nothing unusual, but it would be preferable if this second form was password protected i.e. the user clicks the button to open the form and is immediately prompted to enter a password. I've looked at user-level security wizards but that confused me even more.

The database is networked and is used by 25+ people by the way.

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help!

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Password Protect A Form?

Aug 28, 2007


i am wondering if it is possible to password protect a form?

I am building a DB which will hold personal information, all this info will be held in a table and displayed on a form, but I would like it so that the user has to enter their user name and password and only the form which relates to their details opens ( so like an open form and display specific field but passworded)

Any ideas?

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Password Protect A Form

Jan 25, 2005

Is there a way to password protect a form.

This is due to me having to send a mdb file, because i use A97 and the other end use A2000.

I tried sending the mde file but they could not convert it etc.

But i want to stop them getting into the code, you know how protective we are.

I want to hard code the password if thats any help.

Could some one please help me, thanks

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Password Protect A Form

Feb 11, 2005

How can i simply prompt the user for a password when they click a button, if the password does not match the form will not open?

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Password Request On Form?

Apr 14, 2005

i have a curious and annoying problem :eek:

I have a Access 2000 db, been working fine for 6 months+ and suddenly today, two out of three forms give "not a valid password" error on trying to open them.

There has never been a password set on the db, nor on the forms - and the same user who used it successfully yesterday now gets this error, along with any other users.

What has happened and how do i fix it? All ideas welcome!!

Sham :confused:

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Password To Close Form?

Feb 1, 2006

how do I make a form closure password protected? basically a customer will be using a a form to browse products and the only way to have access to the rest of the DB is to enter the correct password to close that form when a close command button is clicked (more security features protecting rest of DB) how do I go about this? or is there a better way? explanation of any code will be very much appreciated! thanks :)

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Simple Password Form

Mar 5, 2006

Private Sub btnConfirm_Click()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim password As String

password = "closeme"

If enterpassword <> password Then
Cancel = -1
MsgBox "Incorrect password!", vbExclamation
End If
End Sub

It works except if I press the confirm button with no text entered into the box it'll act as if the password is correct, wheres the simple error?

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Password Protected Form

Aug 17, 2006

Hi all

I want to use a password for just a form and a report not all the database
if any one have example please help


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