Show Record If Our Group Is Not Listed

Oct 19, 2006

I have a query based on a table that has the fields as shown below. When I run the query, I will get a separate record for each group as shown below.

prb_no | seq_no |commitment_user_group_cd
602 |3 |ERC
602 |3 |MCE
602 |3 |SRG
602 |4 |MCE
602 |4 |SRG
602 |5 |SRG
602 |6 |MCE

I would like to use a query to show only the records where "SRG" is not listed and where there is another group. So in the example data above, I would like the only record to show in the query to be the last record because it's the only one where SRG is not listed along with another group.

The logic behind this is when a problem is initiated and a group assigned, we do some things and document the results. So I am only interested in the records where we have not documented our results too.

Does anyone know how I can do this with a query?


I want the query to only show the data where there is a user group

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting Record And Then Delete Listed File?

Jan 7, 2015

What is the correct syntax that would delete a file when the record is deleted. The file's path is listed in a record field, MailLocation. Every time I try this code, I receive an error!

I've tried the below, and number of iterations, including calling the killfile differently (me![MailLocation], me.MailLocation).

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
Dim KillFile As String
KillFile = me!MailLocation
Kill KillFile
End Sub

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Query To Show Show Different Results From Same Group

Jun 11, 2006

I wondered if someone could help.

I have 3 columns of data within a table and from a select query am trying to seperate certain groups.

Table 1

yr period valuehome

2006 0 100
2006 0 10
2006 1 1000
2006 1 800
2006 2 60
2006 2 50
2006 3 40
2006 3 10
2006 3 5
2006 3 70
2006 4 50
2006 4 5

I wish to show both results for period 0 and an accumulative total for periods 1-4

so results would be

year period Total sum

2006 0 110
2006 1-4 2090

Can anyone help?



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Show Top 2 By Group

Feb 11, 2006

I'm trying to view the last two valuations for each property so that they can be compared. I can pull out the last valuation for each property and can pull out the top two records but not for each property, just shows me the top 2 of all records.

Any suggestions?

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Show All Group

Jan 4, 2005

dear frens,

hope some1 can pls kindly help....
SQL access:
SELECT tbl1.dat1, tbl1.Type, Count(tbl1.ID) AS CountOfID
FROM tbl1
GROUP BY tbl1.dat1, tbl1.Type;

12/12/2004 type1 20
12/12/2004 type2 13
12/12/2004 type3 11
20/12/2004 type1 4
20/12/2004 type2 6
25/12/2004 type1 33
25/12/2004 type3 21

how can i get result like:
12/12/2004 type1 20
12/12/2004 type2 13
12/12/2004 type3 11
20/12/2004 type1 4
20/12/2004 type2 6
20/12/2004 type3 0
25/12/2004 type1 33
25/12/2004 type2 0
25/12/2004 type3 21

which will show all the type even the count of ID is 0.
can any1 pls kindy help....thanks


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Modules & VBA :: Running Update Query On Record And Have Form Show Updated Record

Jan 26, 2015

i want to be able to create an On Click Event when pushing a command button that will run an Update query to update a record and after it has been updated that specific record will pop up on a Form and be displayed. i know a different way is to run the Update query and then have it displayed in a Select query but i want it to be displayed on a Form instead. is it possible?

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Option To Specify An Item That Is Not Listed

Jun 9, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm building a database that will allow me to enter medical information about patients. On the present form (paper) one of the question asks about the medical history of the patient with 7 available options( Diabetes, Cardiac, HIV etc). The 7th option is 'OTHER' and the patient is supposed to specify what Other refers to.

How can I translate this to an Access form?

I am thinking of a list of the 7 options, but when option 7 is selected; the user should be prompted to enter a specific disease.

How can this be achieved, and how should the table be designed to accept this entry?

All help appreciated



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Sum Only First Record Of Group

Jul 17, 2012

My data is structuredin the following format:


I would like to calculate each item's price only once in the Access report footer. However, when the SUM formula is entered I get the cumulative price for each item (i.e. $70 as opposed to $35).

Is there any way I could just show the price of the first item of the group only? I'm thinking of creating a new field in a query and adding 1s and 0s, but don't know exactly how.

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Required Field Property Is Not Listed

Jan 3, 2007

We just upgraded to Access 2003 and I am creating a new database and in my Form... I was trying to set the REQUIRED FIELD PROPERTY to YES, but when I click the Properties of each field, it's not listed.

Has this been removed?

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Required Field Property Is Not Listed

Jan 3, 2007

We just upgraded to Access 2003 and I am creating a new database and in my Form... I was trying to set the REQUIRED FIELD PROPERTY to YES, but when I click the Properties of each field, it's not listed.

Has this feature been removed?

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Reports :: Field Not Listed To Add To Report

May 8, 2013

I have created a report but discovered that I need to add a couple more fields.

I created a query for the one field and the other field I added to the existing queries.

Neither field is listed in the "add existing fields" drop down list. The fields have been added to the corresponding forms and tables.

How can I add these two fields without creating a whole new report?

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Tables :: How To Add Fields Not Listed In A Combo Box

Oct 5, 2012

I have a list box with 5 items and need to design an option for a user to add a value that is not listed. how will the new fields be added to the table?

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Group By Is Not Returning One Record Per ID

Jun 10, 2005

FYI: I'm new to Access, but have some knowledge of SQL and VBA. I'm using Access 2000.
I've looked through past posts to no avail.

I have a form which allows users to supply one or more criteria to subset a
recordset. The "Execute" button on the form kicks off VBA which builds and
runs a SQL statement using the selections made in the form.

The recordset that the SQL runs against can have multiple rows for each
ProjectID -- based on a combination of a couple of fields. For instance, the
following is possible:

ProjectID---StartDate---Employee---ProjectCategory---... <other fields>
1-----------01/01/05---Herman-----App Dvlpmt
1-----------01/01/05---Hortence----App Dvlpmt

If the user wants to select ProjectIDs where Employee="Herman" -- without
making a selection on ProjectCategory -- I want only one of the two
"Herman" rows above to be returned. And I don't really care which one.
(Similarly if the selection is only on ProjectCategory)

The problem is that, using the code below on the example above, both
"Herman" rows are returned. I've tried numerous approaches -- this being
the most recent. The SQL statement is being built as I expect, and it's executing.
It's just not giving the results I want/expect. Also, I've hardcoded selections
into a stored query similar to the one below, and it works. Any ideas on what am I doing wrong?

Private Sub cmdExecuteQuery_Click()
Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT ProjectID, first(ProjectName), " & _
"first(StartDate), first(EndDate), first(ProjectActive), " & _
"first(Sector1), first(Sector2), first(Sector3), first(ClientShortName), " & _
"first(Employee), first(ProjectCategory) " & _
"FROM qryProjectsForReport WHERE (ProjectActive = "
Select Case optStatus
Case 1
strSQL = strSQL & "True) "
Case 2
strSQL = strSQL & "False) "
Case 3
strSQL = strSQL & "True or ProjectActive = false) "
End Select
If Len(cmbCategory) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND ProjectCategory =
" & cmbCategory
If Len(cmbMember) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND Employee = " & cmbEmp
If Len(dtStartDate) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND StartDate >= #"
& dtStartDate & "#"
If Len(dtEndDate) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND EndDate <= #" &
dtEndDate & "#"
If Len(cmbClient) Then strSQL = strSQL & " AND ClientID= " & cmbClient
If Len(cmbSector) Then
Select Case cmbSector
Case 1
strSQL = strSQL & " AND Sector1 = True"
Case 2
strSQL = strSQL & " AND Sector2 = True"
Case 3
strSQL = strSQL & " AND Sector3 = True"
End Select
End If
strSQL = strSQL & " GROUP BY ProjectID ORDER BY ProjectID;"
MsgBox strSQL
OpenReport strSQL, chkDatasheet

End Sub

Thanks in advance!

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Marking One Record In A Group

Apr 30, 2008

first of all, i am glad to join this lovely forum. i've read some threads, people here are very very helpful..
now the question (please bear with me if it's too basic, i am relatively new to Access):
i've created a 'select' query which does everything for me, except one thing - it doesn't mark one case for a certain group of records. here is the excerpt of how it looks, the last column being the one i can't figure out how to do:

Prop Date Category ID ID_unique
x1 2/3/08 001 2351 1
x1 2/5/08 001 2351 0
x1 2/6/08 001 2351 0
x1 2/9/08 001 2351 0
x1 2/3/08 001 2352 1
x1 2/4/08 001 2352 0
x1 2/3/08 001 2354 1
x1 2/4/08 001 2354 0
x1 2/8/08 001 2354 0

so for each group of records with the same ID, i need to mark only one of them.
is it possible?
thanks.. l

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Record Count On Group

Oct 5, 2004

In have a table which contains customer address details.
I simply want to display a 2-column list. the first column
to display a disnct list of city's from the main table.
the corresponding column must give the no. of records that
contain the entry in the first column.

eg if the main table had 5 customers that lived in london
and 6 in Maidstone then

London 5
Maidstone 6


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Showing First And Last Record In A Group

Aug 30, 2005

I have a database in Access 2000 that contains multiple entries for each individual - in this case they are 'visits'. I wish to create a query that shows the first and last visit only on any particular day for each individual.

Can anyone help me?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Files Listed In A Table

Jul 20, 2015

I have a folder that gets updated with a few new xml files every day. I need to import the data in these files into a table. The names of the files to import is in a field (FName) in a table (tblFiles).

The code that loads up the files is this:

Application.ImportXML DataSource:="C:ImportXML FILES" & FileName & ".xml", _

Up until now I specify the name of the file in an inputbox, so I have to enter a bunch of names to get it done.

I am looking for a way to get the filename from the table and then load up the file automatically.

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Modules & VBA :: Listed Box Pass Selected To A Sql Where Statement

Sep 11, 2013

I am trying to pass the results of what is selected in a list box to sql through an ado statement, when i select one result i can pass the value with no issue, when i select multiple item i get a run time error incorrect syntax near ';' i am guessing it is passing the data as a csv to sql and the where statement does not like that as criteria but i am not sure how to handle that either in vba or on the sql is my vba code from access

Private Sub Command49_Click()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strItems As String
Dim intItem As Integer
For intItem = 0 To List45.ListCount - 1
If List45.Selected(intItem) Then
strItems = strItems & List45.Column(0, intItem) & ";"
End If


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Sum Function Only Adding First Record Of Each Group

Mar 8, 2008

Hi Guys, sorry to bother you but I'm really stumped. I've looked through some similar sounding old posts on here but they don't seem to answer my problem...

I've got a report, which is grouped, in the footer of each group a SUM label should add the contents of the pricce column, however strangely it only adds the first record of each group as a running total. I've tried both the "Over all" and "Over group" attributes of the running sum property, but they make no difference.

Any help would really save my day. Cheers!

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A Record For A Group Being Displayed For An Individual

Oct 18, 2005

Hi I'm a teacher and have to set targets for classes, I have created a database which allows me to input targets for the classes. I now need to then display the class target for individual pupils in a new layout. I am sure there is an easy solution and I am looking at the problem from the wrong direction. Thank you for any help


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Using 'Group By' To Find A Specific Record...

Oct 10, 2005

I have a table with various customer items, a current price and the date the price changed.


AAA 21 01/01/2004 £3.00
AAA 21 01/06/2005 £5.00
AAA 21 01/03/2005 £4.00
AAA 22 01/01/2005 £6.00
AAA 22 01/06/2005 £7.00
BBB 25 01/01/2005 £8.00
BBB 25 03/07/2005 £9.00
BBB 26 01/06/2005 £1.00
BBB 26 01/09/2005 £2.00

Note: Dates are in "dd/mm/yyyy" format. Also, not all data is in order in the table. It’s not how I would have designed it but that’s what I need to work with!

I would like to run a query that groups by custID & itemcode and also the most recent date for any price change. I would then like the query to display the relating price for the record it pulls out. (EG for custID 'AAA' and item 21, it would display the price of £5 as that is the value for the most recent price as of 01/06/2005)
I then want to link the custID & itemcode to another table that has sales in, to check that we are using the most recent price.

Is there a way I can do this via a query or do I need to put some code together?

Red [CODE]

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Updating Record Using Check Box Group

Jan 19, 2007

Hi, ive got a form which requires a user to select atleast 1 option for a check box group.

when i pass the results of the form to access all of the checkboxes in the group are update although not all were selected by the user.

what can be causing this problem. The values are being passed to the correct fields in the DB but it still updates across the board.


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Modules & VBA :: Find Field Listed In Queries And List Them

Oct 11, 2013

I have no experience with Access Modules which I think I need to find all the queries that reference a field, in this example: LAWSON_LHSEMPDEMO.R_STATUS

I would like for the module to list all the queries for me that reference this table and field of "LAWSON_LHSEMPDEMO.R_STATUS"

Is there an easy way to do this?

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Reports :: Insert A Barcode ActiveX Control / But It Is Not Listed

May 30, 2014

I am wanting to insert a Barcode ActiveX control, but it is not listed. In an instruction video, after clicking on ActiveX Controls, the one named "ABarcode ActiveX" is at the top of the list.=how I can obtain this.

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Queries :: Order To Get A Sum Of Volume With Only One SKU Code Listed In Column 1

Jun 21, 2013

I created a query, and in field one i have a list of SKU codes (of which many are repeats), and in field two I have their corresponding volumes. In Fields 3-5 I have some various algebraic calcuations.

Now, in order to get a sum of the volume with only one SKU code listed in column 1, I use a group by on the SKU code, and a sum for the volume. When these are the only fields in the query, this works great. But when I add in the other calculated fields, the run query returns to showing each SKU code multiple times, and shows the volume and the calculations correctly. When I change the other calculated fields to Sum, then I get the aforementioned overflow error and no output at all.

Is there a way to both set it so that the output is only showing one SKU code, the total volume for that SKU, and the weighted average output of the other calculations in one query?

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Detailed Record Numbers By Group In QUERIES

Oct 24, 2007

I have a table that looks like this:


I want to create a crosstab query that looks like this:

Date1 Date2 Date3 etc etc
caseID value value value

There are 500 caseIDs in my table. Each caseID has up to 5 corresponding dates/values. Therefore I only want 5 dates as the column headings....listed as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc NOT the actual date (as I then end up with hundreds of column headers).

Does anyone know how to create a detailed number by each group (similar to the runningsum feature in Reports)? I know I need to somehow assign each date a "date number" but I dont' know how to.

Any ideas??

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