Show Fields In A Query

Mar 30, 2006

I have a database that I run a few queries on to do some simple calculations for me using IIf statements. I did not need these fields in the datasheet view so I unclicked the Show button and everything looked great. Now when I go back into my query, those feilds are gone, how can I re-show them to make some changes? Thank you for any help.


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Show Fields With No Data In The Query

Jan 3, 2008

I have two one-many related tables: Transactions and Site Details. Most of the Transactions information can be filled in first, and then the Site Details filled in when they are ready.

How do I get a query based on both tables to show those transactions with missing site details? I have tried IsNull(SiteName) in the SiteName field in the Design View, but I don't get any results at all (for records with no SiteName). The answers I've seen in Google seem to be variations on the theme, but I am probably missing something simple (as usual).

I orignally posted this with a question about tracking revision history. I thought it might be a similar solution, since I want to add information to the blank fields when the information becomes available. But I need to find those transactions WITH blank fields first.

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Show Query Result In Form Fields

Aug 23, 2006

i'm a begginer at access, so please excuse me if this question is very basic.
i have a multiple table select query which shows me which user has which piece of a equipment at that given time.
I also have a form that logs any problems the users have with the equipment, what i want that form to do is show the results of the query based on inputting the users name. ie put the serial number and model number into the relevent fileds on the form.
I can get the form to run the query but that just shows it in the query window, i need it to show on the correct feilds on the form.

Hope that makes sense and that somebody can help me.



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Show Query Fields In Subform Using Option Groups

Aug 13, 2006

Hi there

Is there any way to control the "show" criteria in a query from option groups... i.e... a check box for someone to say if they want to view items in the query or not? (But not to affect the actualy query data in any way).


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Queries :: Form To Select Which Fields Show In Query

Oct 8, 2013

I want to create form with 10 checkbox, each checkbox is linked to a field "name, Address, TelephoneNumber, BuissinessName" I would like to know if it is possible for the user to check the box and then the field will show in query. if only name is check then only name will show in the query.

I have tried using [Forms]![Formname]![CheckboxName] as criteria but this didn't work it when I had more then one checkbox and when the one check box was not checked nothing showed in the forms.

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Queries :: Design A Query To Show Only Empty Field As TEXT Fields In Table

Mar 2, 2014

I am just querying a single table, no relationship involved with another table. As you can see form the attached jpeg, the ZIP field in some cases is empty. I would run a search using Is NULL but the field is NOT numerical. It's a long story but I had to make this field a TEXT field. Basically, what statement do I have to insert in the criteria field to just pull up the EMPTY ZIP fields?

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User Defined Show/No Show Query Results

Jul 5, 2005

I have a parameter query built and am curious if anyone knows of a good way to allow the user to define which fields are displayed in the query results.

i tried looking for other threads discussing this without any luck.. not sure if it was my search terms or what. thanks so much for any help..

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Query To Show Show Different Results From Same Group

Jun 11, 2006

I wondered if someone could help.

I have 3 columns of data within a table and from a select query am trying to seperate certain groups.

Table 1

yr period valuehome

2006 0 100
2006 0 10
2006 1 1000
2006 1 800
2006 2 60
2006 2 50
2006 3 40
2006 3 10
2006 3 5
2006 3 70
2006 4 50
2006 4 5

I wish to show both results for period 0 and an accumulative total for periods 1-4

so results would be

year period Total sum

2006 0 110
2006 1-4 2090

Can anyone help?



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Show Updated Fields

Mar 18, 2008


I have a database that has 5 linked excel files. From there I have a form that runs many different queries. I have a macro that updates the queries by running them and closing them. Occasionally I update the excel files and was wondering if there is a way to show which records were added to the linked excel files. In other words, I need to display the new records that were updated. Does anyone have any solutions? Thank you for your help in advance.

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Not Show New Record Fields In A Form.

Jul 26, 2005

I have a form that is just a display/edit type form and I don't want a blank "new" report to show at the bottom when it is opened up. Is there any way to turn this off or disable it?

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Need List Box To Show Different Fields Linked To Same ID

Dec 28, 2004

Hi, I am trying to make a list box that shows the first name of different people in the same family in a subform. I have the first names in different fields linked to the same ID, and the list box I keep making that sort of works will show the whole row of names (but also everyone else's first names down the list), and it will only keep the first name in that row when I select it. I would like to know how to make a list box that just shows the 2 or 3 first names linked to the last name or ID that is currently on the main form I am looking at.



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Report - Show Only Fields That Have Values Above 0

Mar 8, 2005

I am trying to generate a report, or even a word merge doc, that will print only the fields containing values above "0". I have to print a one page benefits report for each employee, yet not everyone has values in each available field. On each report, I only want to show the fields that actually pertain to the employee. Is this possible?

I have tried doing this as a Word merge, but the field names do not show up, only the values...I have been struggling with this for over a day...please help!

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Queries :: Filter To Show Only The Fields Which Have A Value?

Sep 9, 2014

I have a table with 5 fields (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5).

F1 has 3 values (v1,v2,v3) and the other fields have different entries depending on F1.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
v1 f31
v2 f21 f41
v3 f41 f51

Is there any way to filter F1 to show only the fields which have a value?

(if I choose v2 to have shown only fields F2 (with f21) and F4 with f41

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Listbox To Show Contents Of More Than One Fields In Another Table

Jun 23, 2005

I have a field called "Bad Pc Part" which is a listbox. THe problem is I want it to display the contents of 3 other fields from another table.

I created a query for the Bad Pc Part field but the problem is it only displays the information in the first field of the table. It doesnt show the contents of the other columns. I need it to do this.

Please Advise3.

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Show Multiple Fields As One, For Searching Purposes.

Dec 8, 2006

Hello everyone,

Im trying to set up a combobox on my Customer Contact Information form, where you can enter a phone/fax/cell/pager or any misc number, and it will bring up the appropriate customer.

Is it possible to make a query that will show the different phone number fields as one field?

Thank you so much for your help, and please let me know if I can clarify anything.

-Ben Bolduc

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Reports :: Show If One Of Fields Are Null Or Not Check

May 1, 2013

how to run a report to show a Client if one or of the following fields are blank or unchecked(Yes/NO?

Assessment Date(Null)
Placement Fee Paid(Check Box)(No)
TJ Completed(Check Box)(No)

So basically, if one of the above fields are null or unchecked, please show in the report. I'm sure it's easy but to do, but not up on coding.

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Queries :: Only Show Records Where Any One Of 6 Fields Is Not Null

Mar 17, 2014

I am looking to collate marketing data from different areas of our DB into a Marketing Hub. We have to collect various feedback at different times, if a client on a programme completes a course, they give feedback for that course.13 weeks after a client completes the programme we have to get them to complete a destination survey. On both these forms it asks would they be interested in doing any more courses. This data is then stored in the Courses table and Projects table respectively.

I want to create a query to become the record set for a new form which only shows those students that have stated they would be interested in doing other courses.Five of the options or Yes/No fields, and one is a text field (which courses, other essentially).How does one do a query that only shows records where any one of 6 fields is not null?


SELECT Students.ID, Students.[First Name], Students.[Last Name], Courses.[Sage Accounts], Courses.[Sage Payroll], Courses.[First Aid], Courses.[Food Hygiene], Courses.[CV Services], Courses.[Interview Skills], Courses.[Which Courses]
FROM Students INNER JOIN Courses ON Students.ID = Courses.ID;

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Reports :: If One Subreport Has Empty Fields Then Show None

Aug 20, 2013

I have some fields in form that most of the time have data in them. Now comes that when there is no data, there should be one different field filled in with "None."

The client could have 3 types of products, but when he does have none, the "None." should appear. Another catch is that I have the titles for the products on a textbox above the products. Is it possible to have them not appear in the report if the client has no products?

I guess that it could work like in excel with an IF statment. If no values found, then keep those text boxes from appearing on the report and put a text with "None."

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Forms :: Fields Of Form To Show Even When There Is No Data?

Apr 17, 2014

I have form that is tied to a query. When I enter criteria that matches what i have in the table, it returns the infromation on another form fine.

However, if there is no data for the criteria I am entering, I get a blank form. Is there anyway to have the fields of the form show even when there is no data?

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Reports :: How To Not Show Blank Fields On A Report

Aug 15, 2013

I have a report based on a query. Sometimes some of the fields on the report are blank because the information is not available. Is there a way to not show the blank fields on the report and to move the next field up into the space?

I have tried using Is Not Null on the query criteria but if any one field is null it doesn't show any of the others on the report.

I have currently got it so that the height is set to 0 and can shrink = yes and this seems to work but the field is still there (although hidden) - I would rather it was removed completely if it is blank as I am hoping eventually to make the output for each field show on a PowerPoint presentation and I don't want blank slides which I think this solution might do??

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General :: Show / Hide Fields With Answers?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a combo box with the following

this is named "Permit_Holder"

when you click yes i want two extra fields to appear called


but i cannot seem to get them to hide or show?

I have used the below codes but no success

Private Sub Permit_Holder_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Permit_Holder = 1 Then
Me.Permit_Date_Issued.Visible = False
End If
End Sub


Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.Permit_Date_Issued.Visible = False
End Sub

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Forms :: Get Some Fields To Show Automatically On The Next Record?

Mar 31, 2014

1.) I need the formula to calculate 15% in a new field from an an existing field.

Something like: =([15%] of [price])

2.) How can I get some fields to show automatically on the next record?

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How To Show Extra Fields In A Form If A Value Is Selected

Nov 30, 2011

I'm using Access 2003 (with Windows XP).

I'm intending to make two extra fields open up if a particular value is selected. Just as a simple example:

Field: Type of Item
Possible Values: Alcohol, Beverage, Cutlery

So if either a beverage or alcohol is selected, I would like a new field to open up. For both Alcohol and Beverage, I would like "Content of bottle in mLs" to open up. For Alcohol, I would also like "Percentage Alcohol content" to also open up.

So basically, if a specific value is selected, I would like extra fields to come up. I'm not sure if there's any simple way to do it, or whether it requires VBA coding, but either way if it is possible I would like it to be done.

1) How do you make an input mask enter from right to left? For example, if post codes can either be 4 or 5 digits long, I put 90000 (requiring at LEAST 4 digits) but if you start entering data, it starts from the 9. Would it work if I did 00009?
2) Is there any way to make a form go through a progression of screens rather than all the input fields being on the one page?

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Basic Fields Must Automatically Show Up In The 2nd Database Table. Plz Help. Thanks.

May 29, 2007

Hi Everyone.

I am new to MS Access. I got two databases. The 1st database consists of the basic fields like the department,adress,salary etc of the employers(Primary key is the ID). Now in the 2nd database I have the same basic fields and some extra fields. Now my requirement is to when I enter the ID in 2nd database, all the basic fields have to be filled up based on the 1st database( May be I should link the 2 databases).

I really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

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Queries :: Show All Fields With No Matching Records - One Table

Aug 14, 2013

How to get the following results using 1 table:

Field1 ID is an auto record ID, field2 ID is actually field1 ID assigned that record, in other words record 1 has a roommate (record 5) assigned to it, record 2 has a roommate (record 4) assigned to it

Table A

Field1 ID Field2 ID
1 5
2 4
3 6
4 2
5 1
6 8

Results records I'm looking to display for would be:
1 5
2 4
3 6
6 8

I only want to display all fields for records, but I don't want to show their matching record, so I want to display record1, but not record 5 because record 1 has record 5 as a roommate, want to display record 2 but not record 4.

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Modules & VBA :: Show Latest Date From Multiple Fields?

Aug 10, 2015

I'm trying to create a query that has a calculated field that shows a maximum value from multiple fields.

As far as I can find, this is not built into Access, so I've used this code from a Microsoft page:

Function Maximum(ParamArray FieldArray() As Variant)
' Declare the two local variables.
Dim I As Integer
Dim currentVal As Variant
' Set the variable currentVal equal to the array of values.


The problem I'm having is, well this doesn't work for me.I'm a bit of an beginner VBA coder, but I understand this code and don't know why it won't work.It only displays the value from the field within the brackets.The values used are Dates, so I need to display the latest date from multiple fields.

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