Show Records With Unique Field

Jun 8, 2006

I have two tables:
tblOutTransmittals and tblTransmittedDocs. A document is sent with a transmittal document which the recipient signs to confirm that they received it. I've created a query that will show all the drawings/documents and the information about the associated transmittals.

What I want to do is show display records with a unique CCNum and preferably the one with the most recent TransmittalDate.

I've attached a screenshot and here is the sql:
SELECT tblOutTransmittals.CCNum, tblTransmittedDocs.DrawingNum, tblTransmittedDocs.RevisionNum,tblOutTransmittals. *
FROM tblOutTransmittals INNER JOIN tblTransmittedDocs ON tblOutTransmittals.DocID = tblTransmittedDocs.outTransmittalID
WHERE tblTransmittedDocs.DrawingNum="32-35554"

I've tried it using the DISTINCT keyword but that would only work if I'm returning one field. I tried Group By as well but couldn't get that to work.

Thank you,

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Subform Data - Only Show Records Where Field A Is Higher Value Than Field B

Oct 24, 2013

I want to filter my subform data, to only show records where field A is a higher value than field B.

Me.MySubform.Form.Filter = "A > B"
Me.MySubform.Form.FilterOn = True

This way it doesn't find field B.

Me.MySubform.Form.Filter = "A > " & MySubform.Form!B
Me.MySubform.Form.FilterOn = True

This way it seems to filter all record to the field B value of the first record.

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How To Show Several Records In One Field

May 21, 2012

I have a table: Complaint

Within the table there is a field: CustomerID

There could be anywhere from 1 to 10 records with the same CustomerID.

I would like to show all the complaints for a specific CustomerID on a form in one field.

Right now I have the following Control Source Code:

=[Complaint.PartNumber] & ", ," & [Complaint.PNdescrip] & ", ," & [Complaint.Complaint]

This code will only display 1 record.

I would like the text box to look like this: (All from the same CustomerID number)

Part Number A PN Description A Complaint A
Part Number B PN Description B Complaint B

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General :: Yes / No Field To Show All Records

Oct 25, 2012

I have txt input [txt choice] which has a number (1-9) and then a query which uses the following formula to define which records are visible linked to a Yes/No field

=IIf([Forms]![frm selection]![txt choice]="4",Yes,Yes or No)

If the choice is "4" then it works fine, but if the choice is anything but 4 it still shows only the Yes items. If i change the code to

=IIf([Forms]![frm selection]![txt choice]="4",Yes,No)

Then it does show just the 'No' items but i want it to show 'everything' if the choice is not 4

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Show Contact Name Unique To Supplier

Jan 26, 2005

I have been plodding along slowly building up a small DB and have hit a slight snag (or 2).

I have a Supplier Form (frmSuppliers). I have a frmSupplierContacts.
I want to prevent users entering data in the standalone frmSupplierContacts?

Also on frmPurchaseOrders I have a combo ContactID. I want the combo to display Supplier Contact Names for the selected supplier only.

I have put as row source:

SELECT tblSupplierContacts.ContactID, [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName] AS Contact FROM tblSupplierContacts WHERE (((tblSupplierContacts.SupplierID)=Forms!frmPurcha seOrders!SupplierID)) ORDER BY [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName];

This displays a Contact Name, but does not change if you select a different supplier?

Hopefully attached DB will explain all.
Thanks for any help in advance.

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Forms :: Show Records With One Common Field Value

May 23, 2013

I'm a beginner trying to build a simple database for work. I'm trying to track the performance of bonds from month to month, in this case January-April. Each bond has a serial number called Serial_ID, but we wanted to create a record for each month we own the bond, so we created a primary key combining Serial_ID and start date called Serial_Start_Date. So if we own one bond, its January record would have a primary key of "4553123A 2013-01-01" and February would be "4553123A 2013-02-01". I created a form that allows a user to select one individual month's bond and display that month's return. However, I'm struggling to find a way to create a form that allows me to just select the Serial_ID and display the four month's records. Right now there is only one table in the database.

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Queries :: Show All Records If Any L Field Starts With D

Nov 20, 2014

I need to write a query that shows all records if any 'L' field starts with D. I have written this, but it's only pulling records if L1 starts with D.

SELECT Item, Description, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10, L11, L12
FROM Table5
WHERE ((L1 LIKE 'D*') OR (L2 LIKE 'D*') OR (L3 LIKE 'D*') OR (L4 LIKE 'D*') OR (L5 LIKE 'D*') OR (L6 LIKE 'D*') OR (L7 LIKE 'D*') OR (L8 LIKE 'D*') OR (L9 LIKE 'D*') OR (L10 LIKE 'D*') OR (L11 LIKE 'D*') OR (L12 LIKE 'D*'));

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Forms :: Can't Get Unique Values To Show In Combo Box

Jul 22, 2014

I've used this guide [URL] .... to only show unique values in a combo box. I can't get it to work, it just shows a load of blank values. If I run the expression builder part from the background, it works but it doesn't work in the combo box. Not sure what I can post to give more details?

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Forms :: Field To Show Count Of Records Between Dates

Apr 30, 2014

I'm creating a form to count the number of employees with birthdays between 2 dates. There are 2 unbound date fields; Start_Date and End_Date. I have an Employee table with DOB field. I've been stuck on how to get the field to return the correct number of employees that fall within the 2 dates.

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Queries :: Excluding Duplicates - Show Only Unique Values

May 17, 2013

I have duplicate data in a cell, I want to hide duplicate data and display only non-duplicate data.. I changed the property sheet to only show unique values, but it keeps showing data I don't want to see...

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Need Report To Show A Number Of Records Based On A Value In A Field Of A Table

Aug 9, 2006


I have a table with a field that shows the number of pieces that a parcel contains. It looks like this:
ParcelID, Pieces, Description

Data example:
1001, 5, Jackets
1002, 10, shoes

I need to print labels for each piece that shows to which parcel it belongs. The report will look like:
1001, Total pieces = 5, 1 of 5 pieces, Jackets
1001, Total pieces = 5, 2 of 5 pieces, Jackets
1001, Total pieces = 5, 3 of 5 pieces, Jackets
1001, Total pieces = 5, 4 of 5 pieces, Jackets
1001, Total pieces = 5, 5 of 5 pieces, Jackets

1002, Total pieces = 10, 1 of 10 pieces, shoes
1002, Total pieces = 10, 2 of 10 pieces, shoes
1002, Total pieces = 10, 3 of 10 pieces, shoes
1002, Total pieces = 10, 4 of 10 pieces, shoes
1002, Total pieces = 10, 5 of 10 pieces, shoes

If I could populate a table where the number of records equal the value of the pieces column then it's a pretty simple report but I can't figure this out.

Can anyone help?

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Queries :: Manifest - Query A List And Then Show Only Unique Values

Oct 1, 2013

One Manifest can have many line items. One line item can only have 1 designation. Each manifest may have many line item with same designations.

For example:
Manifest #0001
Line Item 1: N
Line Item 2: H
Line Item 3: U
Line Item 4: N
Line Item 5: P
Line Item 6: H

Table set-up
LineItemInformation [Line Item 1, Line Item 2, etc]

ManifestNumber [0001]

WasteCategory [H, N, U, etc]

I'd like to query the line items for each manifest so the end result has the manifest number (Manifest #0001) in a field and the designations (N, H, P, U) in fields on a report.

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Queries :: Select Distinct For Combobox - Show Only Unique Values

Oct 20, 2014

I am trying to get a combo box to only show unique values, but I can't get it to work properly - it still shows duplicates in the list.

The Row Source is set to

SELECT DISTINCT Areas.ID, Areas.Area FROM Areas ORDER BY Areas.Area;

And the combo is bound to column 2

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Forms :: Search Field - Subform Does Not Change To Show Matching Records

May 6, 2013

All. using 2010. I have a form and a subform. my master and child links are set but when I scroll thru my form; my subform does not change to show the matching records. I do have an unbound search field for the same field as the master and child links. When I type in the search field for a record; the subform does change to that particular record. Do you think that has anything to do with it?

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Unique Records?

Sep 2, 2004

I have sort of a complex unique fields question. And I know there are probably quite a few ways to get at the answer, but I'm a novice so the simplest way would be best. I have a table (with over 25M rows, otherwise I'd be doing this in excel) with many columns. One of the columns is employee ID, and another is a date. Each employee ID however can have multiple rows with different dates. As an end product I need to have one row for each employee ID with the most recent date. An idea I had would be to sort by employee ID and then by the date. Then insert a column of if statements that asks if a record has the same employee ID as the record below it, but I don't have any experience with if statements in access (and VERY little SQL experience). But there is probably an easier way. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Unique Records

Sep 8, 2006

I have a database that contains sales order information. A sales order could have multiple records (if that sales order has several different items ordered) or just one record. There is a status column in each record that shows a "C" (for closed). For items that were not delivered in a particular sales order, the status column is left blank.

Here is an example:

Sales Order Item Ordered Status
908111 Coaxial Cable C
908111 Transreceiver C
908111 Connector
908112 Coaxial Cable C
908112 Transreceiver C
908112 Connector C

The above example shows that only 2 items from sales order # 908111 were delivered or "C" but one of them is not. For sales order # 908112, all items were delivered or "C". I want to take all records of sales order # 908111 and show it on a table of partially delivered and all records of sales order # 908112 in delivered table.

I've tried different filtering options and group by but it doesn't seem to be working. Anyone has any ideas?

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Show All Records From One Query And The Sum Of A Field In A Related Query Record

Mar 8, 2005

I'm building a report for annual software license renewals. The report data source is a query that combines the customer information, their computer information, and the licenses purchased for that computer. I am having no trouble with the form displaying the customer info page, then a page with the computer info at the top and a list of licenses purchased for that computer underneath.

That would be great, if that's what my boss wanted. However, she wants the whole list of available licenses displayed on each page, in the event someone want to purchase additional licenses with this year's renewal.

I'm trying to figure out how I can set up a query/report grouping to do that. I've tried making a new query, relating the qryLicense!licenseID to the qryPurchase!purchLicense and setting the relationship option to show all records from qryLicense and only those related from qryPurchase. I added the qryPurchase!purchCPU field to my query, hidden it, and set the criteria to “=1” (the computer ID of one of my dummy computer records). I also have a Sum of the qryPurchase!purchQty field included in the new query that I want to display the total number of that particular license purchased (and 0 if there are no corresponding records). All fields except for the quantity field are set to Group By.

What I’m getting from this is simply a list of the licenses purchased for that computer, not the complete list of licenses available showing the quantity purchased where applicable.

Can someone see where I’m going wrong?

slaughter at mizzou dot edu

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Subforms & Unique Records - Please Help!

Apr 12, 2006

Firstly, my thanks to everyone who is going to be able to help with my problem, and also my apologies if this thread isn't in the right forum.

Ok, I am trying to construct a database at the moment for a small business. The database holds a number of customer records, and all of the basic design and construction I am skilled enough to write myself.

However, I'm running into major problems whilst trying to tackle a certain task...

The Required Situation

I have a form called Contacts. This form shows all of the customer details, laid out neatly, and draws its information from a table of the same name. This aspect works fine.
Now what I've been asked to look into is the possibility of adding two buttons to this form. Each button, when clicked, will open a pop-up window where extra details, such as a log of received telephone calls, can be entered and searched if necessary. the two buttons should do the same thing where the code is concerned, but store their details separately (one button is for sales calls logged, the other for support calls).
Now it is essential that these records are tied - uniquely - to whichever record the database user was on when they clicked the button.

My Current Thinking

I'm stumped. Well, half stumped. I think that the solution lies in sub-forms, but I'm not nearly skilled enough to actually impliment them (and don't want to waste my time doing so if there's an easier way).
Currently I have two tables, contacts and calls, the former to store the customer information, the latter to store the calls that are entered on this new form.
The form contacts has a button on it which opens the form calls. Now I can go to any record I like, click the button and open the calls form. I can enter details for such, and the record gets saved to my calls table. The problem is that it is not unique. No matter which record I'm on when I open the calls form, the details are always the same.

Yes, I know the absoute easiest way is to simply have a few fields on the main contacts form to log these details, and that it will uniquely tie to that record, but unfortunately that is not a practical solution. These calls may run into the hundreds, and must be easily navigated by the database users.

If I've not been clear enough, I can attach a copy of my database for you guys to take a look at, but what I'm after in the first instance is (a) whether there is an easier way to solve my problem, and, (b) if not, whether I'm right about needing subforms.

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Can Unique Records Be Counted?

Jun 23, 2006


New to Access, new to this forum

I hope this is the right place for this question?

I have a table of data, with the following headings:

"group1","group2","groupage","Reference","name","team","pres","CB","CBPR","LA","LA PR","IS","ISPR","N","NPR","Origin"

I am trying to get a count of unique "References" (there are normally over 20,000) for each "group1" or "group2" by "groupage"

I can do this using Excel........but it is a very long winded process getting the data ready to use a pivot table.

Can anyone help me? Or do I need to provide more information?

Any help will be greatfully received. :)

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Best Way To Produce Unique Records

Jul 25, 2005

Hello, hoping for some help on the following scenario:

I need to produce a query which results in one record for each part number.

In a sample table of purchasing history (tblPODetails):
PartNumber, Description, Cost, DatePurchased

We have purchased any given part number numerous times over the years. From time to time, descriptions have changed, as have our cost and of course the date received.

I am attempting to create a query which gives me a list of part numbers with no duplicates, showing the part number, description and cost by max date received.

The resulting description field would of course be the one in use for the latest received date.

I am not having much luck. When I add more fields to the totals query (other than part number and max date received), I get duplicates. I know this should be simple for me...

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Find Unique Records

Mar 23, 2006

Feeling stupid can I query a table to find the last five unique records?


Field1 may contain duplicates. I need the five latest entered unique records in Field1, and am struggling to write a query for this.

Many thanks to anyone who can help out.

[Still using Access 97]

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Count Unique Records

Sep 15, 2006

Hello, I am new to Access and trying to run a query that will count only unique invoice numbers in my table. I am sure this is an easy command, and thank you for your help!

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Cannot Retrieve Unique Records

Mar 14, 2006


I have been working on a normalized db for the past few months and it works wonderfully. But now I need to find a way to create a form so that the rest of the company can update their data.

My Table has the 5 following fields. Also listed is an example of the types of data I have there

StoreID_Catagory_Customer Year_Month_MixPercentage

As you can see I have multiple StoreID's for one store, IN00001. My db goes up to IN00419 so it ends up displaying 29,664 records. There are 4 different categories (Japanese, Chinese, Local, and Other). Until now everything has been taken from a datasheet and put into an Update Query but now that other people have to quickly access the system I need a slick interface.

What I need is a way to have a form that can update the table and add new entries that looks like this in the form:

IN00001____2005________Jul__Aug__Sep__Nov__Dec__EC T.
Japanese MixPercentage__.01___.02__.01___.03__.01
Chinese Mix Percentage___.35___.25__.26___.33__.30
Local Mix Percentage_____.60___.70__.69___.62__.65
Other Mix Percentage_____.04___.03__.04___.02__.04

IN00001____2006________Jul__Aug__Sep__Nov__Dec__EC T.
Japanese MixPercentage__.01___.02__.01___.03__.01
Chinese Mix Percentage___.35___.25__.26___.33__.30
Local Mix Percentage_____.60___.70__.69___.62__.65
Other Mix Percentage_____.04___.03__.04___.02__.04

I hope this gives you a clearer picture. I need to be able to update 96 entries at a time (12months, 4 customer types, 2 years) but do it in an efficient manner. The table only has 5 fields so I need to figure out how to display multiple entries on the same form. I also need a way to add new entries. In other words for me to add another StoreID such as IN00420 then I would have to enter in a value for every field for 96 records in the table. When in reality I should only need to update the mix percentages since the months and years remain constant. HELP!!

Any help would be much appreciated. Due to the variable nature of the db I cannot establish very many one-to-one relationships. So therein lies another problem.

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Count Unique Records

Sep 10, 2003

Hi there:

I have a Question

In Access 2002 (XP) I have to write a query that displays unique Id's:

For Example:

CustomerID Company Name

The query should be 3 records.

But for some reason when I write the query in sql view it doesnot work.


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General :: How To Get Unique Records

Oct 24, 2012

I am trying to build a query using two tables. One is a table called sanctuary lakes cleaning data. The other one is called Faulire data. In cleaining table there are four years of cleaning records for each pit. I want to find the performance of these cleaned pits using failure table. Each failure date should have only one correspoding cleaning date. I wrote the following query. This query works. But it gives duplicate data. Some of the records will show two cleaning dates for a failure.

My query is like this.

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT, [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaned Year], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaning Date], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[SR NO], [Failure data table].[Failure Year], Min([Failure data table].Failure_date) AS MinOfFailure_date, [Failure data table].[Failure SR no]
FROM [Failure data table] LEFT JOIN [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data] ON [Failure data table].Pit = [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT
GROUP BY [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT, [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaned Year], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaning Date], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[SR NO], [Failure data table].[Failure Year], [Failure data table].[Failure SR no]
HAVING (((Min([Failure data table].Failure_date))>Min([Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data]![Cleaning Date])))
ORDER BY [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT;

My results are as follows:
PIT Cleaned Year Cleaning Date SR NO Failure Year Failure_date Failure SR no
1-08 2007/08 16-Oct-07 213458 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984
1-08 2007/08 16-Oct-07 213458 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589
1-08 2009/10 19-May-10 313497 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984
1-08 2009/10 19-May-10 313497 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589
1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984
1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589
1-08 2011/12 17-Apr-12 458430 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589

I want the following results.

PIT Cleaned Year Cleaning Date SR NO Failure Year Failure_date Failure SR no
1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984
1-08 2011/12 17-Apr-12 458430 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589

How can I modify my query?

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Unique Records Sorted By Date

Jan 10, 2006

Hi All,

Just a quick enquiry if I sort a query by a date field in ascending order then select unique records will I get the latest records.

Thank You

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