Show The Database Window When Closing

May 31, 2007


When the user open the database, the database window will be hided. But, when the user close the database with one form opening, it will show the database window for a while, and then close it.

How to prevent the database window to show at the moment?

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Database Window Not Closing With Startup Menu!!!

May 10, 2006

MS Access 2000

Hello everybody,

I am having a strange problem and despite trying out all the suggestions already discussed in this forum, the problem still persists.

My DB is already complete and I have done the following
1) Startup menu/uncheck all the option boxes
2) Tools menu/options/unchecked "windows in taskbar"
3) converted the DB into mde. file
4) Disabled the shift key
However, despite doing all the above, the "Database windows" shows up behind all the forms.

As per suggestions given by many here, I have also used

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide

This also does not work.

Also tried running the following in a macro from this link

All the above have not worked and if anyone has any ideas or another way of doing this, I would really appreciate it.

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How To Get Database Window To Show In Access2003

Aug 16, 2007


I am used to access 2000 but at the moment I am using access 2003. When I first started using it, I had the usual database window showing - by this I mean the one that has the table, forrms etc listed on the left and when clicking on one of them the created tables, forms etc are listed as will as the option to create.

Somehow, this has disappeared. I have made sure that in the startup "Show Database window" is ticked, but after searching the net, have not been able to find any other suggestions as to how to fix this.

Hope some kind person can point me in the right direction so I can see the tables, queries that I have created.

Thank you for your time

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Can't Show Immediate Window

Sep 3, 2007

Hi, I have been using Access 2000 for quite a while now. I have been using the Immediate Window to call my code, but for some reason, this window won't display now, no matter what I do - I have repaired the installation and reinstalled it but to no avail

Is there any help out there for me?

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Queries :: Opening Closing Balance / Show Today Movement In DB And CR

Apr 18, 2014

I want to perform in this query that Opening balance + Dr - Cr = Closing balance.And the next day my opening balance will equal to the date() -1 closing balance. And when todays movement DR and CR take changes it will also take affect on closing balance.Here I have two questions 1st is how can I built a qry that will make todays opening equal to last day closing . Can I have to built two queries or make another table that store last day closing then create relationship and again built a query that perform.

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How To Show Total In Caption Of Window

Jul 22, 2005

Hi All.
I created form with unbound listboxs based on query which included Credit field that I want to calculate total and show result in caption of window. If is it possible how to do it?

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What Is The Code Statement I Can Use To Show The Colors Selection Window

Jun 2, 2007

I want the write a code that can be when run shows the Color Selection Window. For example I want the user to select the color of one object in the form by clicking on a button. Then I can store the selected color into variable.

Please Help me as soon as possible.


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Better Way Of Closing My Database?

Jun 15, 2006

Current Situation:
Right now when I close a form it will save the data and close.

When somone goes in and messes up on something and they just want to exit without saving they cant do that. The data could have been changed and one may not remember what it was!

Solution Ideas:
I am thinking that a pop up window that says "Save Changes?" Yes/No then have it save or not. Could somone give me the details on how to do this or anything else that would solve this issue. Thanks.

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Closing Database

Mar 27, 2007

Hi there

My Access Db is working perfectly fine. But when I close it , it pops up message box saying ‘Database already exist’.
Any Clue?


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Error When Closing Database

Jul 24, 2005

When closing an access database, I get the following error message:

"There was a problem sending the command to a program"

We recently had our server changed over. Is this an access problem, or their problem?

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Proper Closing Of Database

Jan 25, 2006

I recently created a database and installed buttons to properly close the database to avoid coruption of files etc. However I could not find a way to eliminate the X button in the upper right corner of access. Today my dbase crashed, I presume because someone did not use the buttons I installed, and just closed using the X in the upper right corner of access. The database is on a network, and was not password protected at the time. It will be when it is restored, however I would still like to know if there is a way to eliminate the x button in the upper right hand corner so that users will have to use the buttons created to properly close the database.

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Warning Before Closing The Database

Apr 18, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out. Is there a way of programming the access database in such a way that it doen't shut the whole database if someone by accident, presses the cross sign which is right on the top right hand corner. I'd like it to ask the user if they really want to quit first. This way, all the unsaved work can be saved prior to the closing.

Is this possible?

Thank you in advance

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Run Code On Database Closing

Jan 22, 2007

Where would I access the event properties for when the entire database closes? Something like the On_Close event for a form, but for the whole database.

I want to have Access prompt to back up the database upon exit, so when someone clicks the close button, a dialog box opens and asks "Do you want to back up?" with an Yes or No option. Yes would obviously run the backup code, and No would simply exit.

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Closing A Backend Database

Jun 13, 2007

I have a front end and back end database

I have broken the links between the 2 databases

how can I close the backend database using VB from code in the front end database?

I keep getting errors that the DB is not exclusive

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Closing A Backend Database

Jun 13, 2007

I have a front end and back end database

I have broken the links between the 2 databases

how can I close the backend database using VB from code in the front end database?

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Strange Nessage On Closing Database???

May 17, 2006

I have been doing some minor change in design view in my database but now each time I am closing the database. I am getting the following message:
"Table 'Temp'MSysAccess objects' Already exists", Is anybody knows why?

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Compact And Repair Upon Closing A Database

Aug 3, 2007

Is it possible to make the database compact and repair itself when it is closed to prevent it becoming too large?

Alternatively, can you create a macro to compact and repair at the click of a button?

Thanks, Steve

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Using To Control Access Database And It Is Not Closing Connections

Feb 14, 2007

server administrators have expressed concern about my website that it is having a negative impact on the server.
He said this typically occurs when a website has a memory leak (where it obtains server resources and doesn't release them) or is opening database connections and not closing them until the point where no more are available.

I'm using to control Access and open the connections.
I don't know why it isn't closing them? the website is:

Any thoughts of what the problem is and what the statement I need to close the connections?

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General :: Closing ODBC Connection To Database

Nov 18, 2012

I have a back end 2002 DB. I would like to disallow access to this through odbc connection. Is there some way this can be achieved? Thie directory where it is located is unfortnately cannot be restricted as the front end mde also resides there.

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Database Window Help

Mar 12, 2006


ive been disabling the database window from the startup tab in MS access, just now when ive tryed to show it on startup it appears but its stuck in the top left hand corner and i cant move it! so i cant access the tables

help any1 pleassse

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Database Window

Mar 13, 2007

I've imported somebody's access db which hides the database window by default. When I click the db window button in the toolbar, the db window pops up high up and is somewhat hidden by the toolbar. I can't pull it back down as the top is hidden and when I try to move the toolbar,the db window simple moves up so I can't grab it and move it. Any suggestions?


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Database Window?

Apr 14, 2008

This may seem silly and I've seen no mention of it in this forum yet but the "Database Window" from previous versions of Access is now called the "Object Browser"? I had code to hide the database window on startup but can't seem to find a way to hide the object browser on startup. Any ideas? Also, is there another way to view my objects in ACC07 because this way is slowing me down tremendously! It's much more difficult to find the objects I'm trying to work on and visually see where I left off. Any help would greatly be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

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General :: Front End Copies Itself To Desktop After Closing Database

Apr 3, 2015

I have a split db that has been in use for a few years by about 12 people. The front end is compiled into an accde file.

Ocasionally a user (randomly) might get an error message "Microsoft has detected that this database is in an inconsistent state...." when closing the db and when that happens, a copy of the front end is automatically placed on their desktop.

This front end is always deleted and the original front end continues to work just fine afterwards.

Why are my users getting this error message? Why is the front end automatically copied onto their desktops?

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Forms :: Subform - Input Box Reappears When Closing Database

Nov 13, 2014

I have a

- form called "Hauptformular" and a
- subform called "qry_tracking_Unterformular". Then there is a
- button called "cb_filialname".

Now when opening the Database, the form appears with the subform containing the
- query "qry_tracking"

When hitting the button "cb_filialname" the subform receives the contents of the
- query "qry_tracking_FilName", that has a filtering option on the Column "Filiale": "Like [Filialname?]"

Now the filtering works fine with the following Code:

PHP Code:

Private Sub cb_filialname_Click()Me!qry_Tracking_Unterformular.Form.FilterOn = 
FalseMe!qry_Tracking_Unterformular.Form.RecordSource = "qry_tracking_FilName"End Sub 

-> when you hit the button, the inputbox



The problem now is, that after having used the button, when I click the "Exit" cross right up there, the inputbox appears again.

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General :: Forcefully Closing Backend Database Before Compacting

Oct 8, 2012

I have a Ms Access split database where in the backend database grows up very fast and needs to be compressed everyday. I have written a batch script to compact the same and have scheduled it to be run every night. But the script is unable to compress the backend every time since the users tend to leave the application open at the end of the day. Ideally i am looking for a command line script to forcefully close the back end database if open before attempting to compact it.

I searched on web but could not find a command line script for forcefully closing the back end database.

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How Unhide Database Window

Sep 13, 2006

Dear Friends I made my a stupid mistake and I don't know how to rectify it.

There is a inventory software built in access xp. In order to protect database I've cleared all the options from that is

a) Display Startup form
b) Display status bar
c) Allow Full menus(Changed with Custome Menu)
d) Allow Default shortcut keys
e) and foolish thing cleared Use special key also

I've given a task to modify program where I may have to add New form. I don't know how to unhide database window. pls suggest me what to do....

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