Show This Month In Report

Feb 1, 2006

Hi There,

I tried the following to get this month/year automatically shown in my report (shown as the name i.e February 2006).

This is what I tried.
= MonthName(Month(Now()) -> did not return any value.

I tried with the expression builder:
Month («number») What do I need to fill in this string expression?


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Reports :: Filtering Report To Only Show Current Month Report?

Nov 16, 2014

The aim of what I am doing is to create a monthly statement to give to our intermediaries that shows the commission they will receive each month for the deals they have referred. I have managed to create this report, HOWEVER I can't figure out how to filter out which month I need, so I a report for Jan, Feb Mar etc... The idea is that at the end of each month I need to run the report so only the latest month shows...

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Show Month As Apr Instead Of 04

May 1, 2008

Below is the SQL for my query. The results will show month
year in a column that looks like: 03 2008. Is there
anyway for this to show as Mar 2008 instead. This
month is achieved by selecting a date range on a calendar
on the form. If the first date is 3/1/2008 and the last
date is 04/29/2008 then the query will show as:

03 2008
04 2008

I would like for it to show as:
Mar 2008
Apr 2008

Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Format([TruckDate],'mm yyyy') AS [Month Year],
Count(*) AS TruckTotals
FROM TruckRegisterTbl
(((TruckRegisterTbl.Company) Is Not Null)
AND ((TruckRegisterTbl.TruckDate) Between [Forms]![VisualInformationForm]![StartDateTxt] And [Forms]![VisualInformationForm]![EndDateTxt]))
Format([TruckDate],'mm yyyy');

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Datepart To Show Month

Sep 6, 2006

I know this must be simple…

How do you show the actual month from the results of using the datepart function in a query

Query xMonth:DatePart("m",[ContractStartDate],[MaturityDate])

I want to show Jan, Feb march not the integer value.


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Show Last Month's Results

Jan 23, 2007

Hello All,

I am having problems getting the following lines to do what I need exactly. The formatting is kicking my butt basically.

Bob helped with these lines but I actually need the result to be last month. For instance it is now Jan. 07 and I need the query to total up the hours flown for Dec. 06. On Feb 1 07 I need it to now display Jan 07 totals and so on.

Query Field:
Format$([tblEntry].[tblDate],'mmmm yyyy')

Format(date(),"mmmm yyyy")

How can I change this to do what I stated above?

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Show All Dates In Any Given Month / Quarter

Aug 10, 2005

I need a query that lists each day of the month (or quarter) that is selected from a form. Meaning, if a user selects June 2005 on the form, the query will return to show every date from June 1, 2005 to June 30, 2005. Is this simple, tiny little thing possible?

The reason behind this is that on a report, I need to show data for every date. If there is not data entered for that date, it still needs to appear with the date listed, but with no entries represented.


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Show Records By Week Per Month

Feb 20, 2007

Good day!

I'm planning to create a form that would show total number of sales transaction per week: If today's month is February, i would like users to see records like this: (Week should start on a Monday and ends on Saturday)

GroupNo______Week1_____Week2_____Week3____Week4___ _Week5___MTD
GroupA________12_________2__________10________11__ _____15_____50
GroupB_________8_________5___________7_________1__ _____21_____42

I can't find a sample code for this particular date criteria. :-(

Thanks in advance!


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How To Show All The Days In A Scpecific Month

Feb 12, 2008


I want to show all the days in the specific month, e.g. there are 29 days in february 2008 and the records will display all the days that are available as below:

What is the syntax?

Thank you.

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Format Date To Show Month & Year Only

Oct 22, 2006

I have a need to enter dates so that they always appear as the first of the month. These dates are used in vlookup functions in Excel and need to be constantly recorded as eg 1 Nov 06. Currently I have to rely on notes and training to make sure users only insert the date in this way.

What I would like to do is get them to enter Nov 06 only (without a day) and have that stored as 1 nov 06. I have searched for date formatting functions and nothing addresses this. Perhaps it is something that could be achieved using VB if it is possible to do it.

Thanks for the help.

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Date Selection Criteria - Show Last Day Of The Every Month

Apr 16, 2015

I have a big list of data, with a row of data for every day for each client.

I need a selection criteria that will provide show the last day of the every month (historic data) for each client.

I've had a go but I'm not making much progress.

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Forms :: Date Picker - Show Saturdays Only In Any Given Month?

Nov 11, 2014

Is there a way to force the Date picker to show only Saturdays in any given month?

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Queries :: Expression To Show Years And Month Difference Between 2 Dates?

May 6, 2014

I am wanting to get an expression that will return the difference in years and months between 2 dates. Specifically, I want to know peoples ages in years and months based on a person's D.O.B and todays date. I have managed to do it in years:

Expr1: DateDiff("yyyy",[TBL_EmployeeDetails]![D_O_B],Date())

and in months but I would like to know how to return the difference in years and months.

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Queries :: Dates In A Query - Show Orders By Month For Last 12 Months

Apr 22, 2013

I want to create a simple query from a list of orders dating back over 12 months.

The fields I have is Ord_Date, Qty

I need to show the orders by month for the last 12 months.

The problem I am getting is that the orders for the month of April (as we are in April now) contain orders from 1st - 22nd April 2013 and orders from 23rd - 30th April 2012, therefore confusing the figures.

I would just like orders grouped by month with a total qty dating back 12 months, but without any old orders for the current month.

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Queries :: Access 2010 - Query To Show Data On Every Monday In Current Month

Nov 8, 2013

is their a way to have a query to only show data on every monday in current month.

Month([datefield])=Month(Now()) And DateAdd("d",7,[datefield])

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Does MS Access Report Support Hide/Show Fields At The Report View Time?

Aug 19, 2007

Does the MS Access Report support Hide/Show specific fields according to parameters or even by click?

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Cross Tab Query For 3 Month Per Report

Jun 13, 2005

I am trying to create a cross tab query which will output the data for only three months starting from the recent month. I would want these months to be heading. However, I don't want to create reports over and over again. I want something, that will resolve the issue through parameters kinda thing. I don't know, if this can be done or not. Right now I have the cross tab query for all the months, but I have to manually choose the months to fit in the page. I hope I am making sense here. I didn't know where to post this, in query or in report. Therefore, I am posting it here.

Thanx in adv.

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Reports :: Filter Report By Month And Year

Apr 30, 2015

I have a report filter that filters the reports by month and year:


DoCmd.OpenReport "AttWholeCity", acPreview, , " Month = '" & txtCourseDateMonth & "' AND Year = '" & txtCourseDateYear & "'"

I want the code to also show these two columns where there are null/blank values aswell, for example if I filter by apr 2015 i want the report to show these columns as well as blank columns is this possible

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Reports :: Having Month Displayed In Report From Query

Jul 17, 2014

I have a query that pulls the records by month and year this worked great

Query is set up as
Field: Month: Format([ErD],"mm/yyyy")
Criteria: [Enter Month and Year (mm/yyyy)]

But I need the Month that is pulled to display in the report header along side the report header text without the user needing to enter the Month again.
Example report header: January Things you need to know.

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Reports :: End Of Month Report Automated Email?

Jul 16, 2015

Is there a way to have my database see that its a new month and then run a report that could be automatically emailed?

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Modules & VBA :: Open Report - Filter Month And Year

Feb 25, 2015

I have vba code

PHP Code:

    DoCmd.OpenReport "MonthlyData2", acPreview, , " YEAR(CourseDate) = '" & Me.txtCourseDateMonth & "' " 

this works sucessfuly how can I add the following to the code so it filters month and year?

PHP Code:

'" MONTH(CourseDate) = '" & Me.txtCourseDateYear & "' " 

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General :: End Of Month Report - One Record Per Date Limitation

Aug 20, 2014

I have a form that supervisors use to input employee accountability for each day. Once supervisor completes the input, a command button is selected and records are appended to an archive table and then deleted from the "live" table. End of the month, reports pull from the archive table to tally absences.

The problem: when a supervisor submits the daily status report but resubmits the report do to an input error I now have two records for the one reported date.

How do I pull the end of month report without including an earlier record for a duplicate date? Is it possible to have access overwrite any records previously submitted for that day?

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Generating Filtered Report By Selecting A Month From Combo Box

May 8, 2013

Basically what I would like to do is create a Combo Box with each month of the year available to select. When I click on a specific month, I want it to pop open a Report based on my table that is filtered by the month I selected. I have a Date column already created in my base table to be my filtering device.

I've already learned how to use query's and reports a bit. I have a Command Button on my form that launches a report based on a query that only shows data for the current year. Likewise, I created one that only shows data for things with a specific item code using a [Which Item Code?] criteria in my query. So in theory, I could do this by creating 12 different buttons, 12 different query's, and 12 different reports. That seems like overkill though and it would seem there has to be an easier way to do that simply by using a combo box to select the month you want to filter.

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Queries :: Comparison To Previous Month Or Week Depending On The Report

Dec 31, 2014

I have a query based form i use to gather data to generate a report. I have 2 forms Form A is where users open all reports from. On form A i have 2 unbound fields "Report Start Date" and "Report End Date" my queries us these from Form A as the criteria for the queries. I have like 30 reports using this method and it works great. I am now building 2 new reports, a monthly and a weekly report. These reports required and data entry point so i built "Form B"

I created my tables for these reports and went through and created the records. So when a manager needs to enter data for any given report they would us "Report Start Date" to identify what record they want to work with, so if they want to enter data for the December report the would select 12/01/2014 and then open "Form B". This works great and the report looks as good as any Access report can.

Now they are asking to add to "Form B" a comparison to the previous month or week depending on the report. for example:

This month we did 250 units
Last month we did 300 units
so we did 15% less
"Yes my math is not exact"

They don't need to see last months data but i need a way to query the previous record to compare the data

This is the criteria code i use in the query that "Form B" is based on.

[Forms]![Form A]![Report_Start_Date]

I am pulling up the 12/01/2014 in "Form B" but need the 11/01/2014 record floating behind to compare data.

How can i use the same setup but pull a 2nd record? I am thinking i can use a 2nd query but with different criteria.

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Queries :: Crosstab Query By Month - Report On Claims On Paid And Incurred Basis

Apr 7, 2013

I am creating a crosstab query in VBA to report on claims on a paid and incurred basis. I would like the query to have 13 columns - one for each month of the current year and one for all claims paid prior to January of the current year.

Is there a way to lump all data with a date less than Jan 1 into a single field while retaining the monthly detail for the current year?

All of the data is coming from a single table. Sample code below functions, but provides a column for every month a claim was incurred.

Sub Triangle()
'Triangle Reports
'Check Registers

On Error GoTo Error_Handler:

Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Dim QRY As DAO.QueryDef

[Code] ....

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Do Not Show In Report

Mar 20, 2007

I know this might be an easy one, but I need to know how to have a field in my report/query not show data if the field has a value. It is a date field that when I have a date in the field I do not want it to show in my report.

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Show The Same On A Report

Feb 25, 2005

On aform I have 3 controls, 2 x check boxes and a combo box. depending on what is selected from the combo box will determine which of the two check boxes are visible.

I want to reflect this on a report. i.e I only want to show the checkbox which has got a true reading. Is it possible to do this without doing it on two seperate reports?

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