Show Username When Textbox Dblclick

Sep 24, 2014

I am looking for a way to display a windows login name when the user double clicks on a text box. This is for a digital signature on a form that I don't want people having access to just type in some elses name.

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Show Only Records From Session("username")

Jun 15, 2005

Hello all.

I'm new to Asp and i'm working on a RMA application, now i want to show only the records that belong to the user that is logged in. I have the following code but is isn't working can somebody tell me what i'm doing wrong?

<!--#include file='includes/'-->
<!--#include file=''-->
<!--#include file='includes/settings.asp'-->
<!--#include file='includes/title.asp'-->
<!--#include file='activeusers.asp'-->
<% If Session("userAdmin") = 1 then %>
<!--#include file='includes/'-->
<% Else %>
<!--#include file='includes/'-->
<% End If %>
If Session("userGood") = False or IsNull(Session("userGood")) = True then
End If
strUserName = Replace(Session("userName"), "'", "''")
userID = Clng(Session("userID"))
userAdmin = Replace(Session("userAdmin"), "'", "''")
Session("userID") = userID
&nbsp;<p align="center"><font size="4" color="#000080"><b>W</b></font><b><font size="4"

color="#000080">Welcome </font>
<font size="4" color="#0000FF"> <%Response.Write(Session("username"))%></font><font

size="4" color="#000080"> text bla bla bla</font></b></p>

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open ""SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE tblusers.username = '" & Session("username") & "'

do until rs.EOF
for each x in rs.Fields
Response.Write(" = ")
Response.Write(x.value & "<br />")
Response.Write("<br />")


<!--#include file=''-->

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Format A Textbox Only For Show

Aug 3, 2006

I have a form that will only show the data of a table.
All the fields are string.
With a combobox I select the record to show.
What I want is that when I select a record, one of the fields, that in fact is a number but storred as string, is shown formatted like 12.123.123,00.
This textbox is not to be edited and is blocked. It will only show the data.
How can I do this?

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Show And Hide Field With Textbox

Feb 6, 2006


How do I easy create a checkbox that displayes a field when I check it.
For example, if I check a box named I agree, it shows a field with a phonenumber to call


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Show Textbox When Checkbox Checked

Feb 8, 2006


I've searched the forum for my problem and the closest i got was this and it doesn't help that much

If this is the code you can put on click for a checkbox to hide a textbox.
If me.YourBoosterCheckBoxName = -1 then 'need the shot so hide the other textboxes
me.TextBox1.visible = false
me.TextBox2.visible = false
end if

How do you make a code for a checkbox to SHOW a textbox?

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TextBox To Show Number Of Records In A Table?

Mar 18, 2005

I'm sure this should be simple but I can't figure it out. What I want is for a text box on a form to display the number of records within a table.

Basically I've got a make table query which creates a table ox X records depending on how many records in the original table match the criteria. So for example:

Table A has 100 records

Query identifies 30 that mee the criteria

Makes a new table called criteria_met with these 30 records

What I want is for a textbox on a form to display "30" and update whenever the make table query runs (probably via a macro??)

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List View DblClick Event

Sep 1, 2006

I have placed a ListView on the form. I have written a DblClick event for the ListView. The application is a multi-user one. The issue is that the DblClick event was working for few days and now it does not work for any of them but it is working only in my system.

Is it related to reference ? I developed the tool on my system and placed in a shared folder from which everybody uses. Do I need to give reference in all the system ? Please help. I am stuck with this problem.

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Forms :: Open Form From DblClick

Feb 8, 2015

I have a main form. It's only contents is an unbound combobox, and it's used to filter down (via a query) the details in it's sub form (I'm using it to load different account information, rather then type it in all the time).Anyway, I also have another form (Dashboard, or mainmenu) which summarises activity within Each account and is displayed via a datasheet.

What I'm trying to do is double click the accountname (on the main menu)which will then open up the necessary form and load the value from the datsheet accountname, in to the newly opened forms cbo, where I can apply the form to requery on load.I'm going to have to DIM the value, and docmd.openform etc...

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Then Click One From Listbox Show Fault Info In Textbox

Aug 29, 2006

hi, i have list box and the source coming form Query. i want when i click on
one in list box want it will show [faults] field in textbox from query
the field [faults] is a memo can someone help me

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General :: Query To Show Textbox If Combo Box Criteria Is Met

Jul 13, 2013

Is it possible in access 2010 to create a a query that only shows a text box if a combo box criteria is met?

Example: On a form there is a combobox (Result) that can either be negative or positive. If the value is Negative then a query is already setup that populates a mailmerge with some text. If Results=Positive can a query be created that will show the textbox (Data). It only needs to show if the positive criteria is met.

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General :: Show Textbox Data Not ID (Access 2003)?

Nov 26, 2012

A textbox on a form is displaying the numeric ID value that is linked to the ID in another table (which has another field which holds the text value that I want). How do I show the actual text value that the ID relates to?

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Forms :: Show Info In Textbox When Pressing Button

Nov 16, 2014

I have a button that when I press it it goes to new screen where I can add new data in, and then save it.I have 10 texboxes in this form, how can I when press the button to add data let it on 3 texboxes show info eg. 4321MAG01- and when I am on the new form I can change or add to it. eg 4321MAG01-123

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Using DblClick To Move Data Between List Boxes

Oct 8, 2006


I am looking for a way to use the dblClick function to move the current row of a list box to another. The idea is that users can look through data and pick certain rows to be printed in a report. I am not sure how to go about doing this and am not sure if it is the best way. The second listbox is so the user can review their selections before printing a report.



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Forms :: Textbox To Momentarily Show Input Character And Then Hide It With A Dot

Nov 26, 2014

Is it possible to have a text box momentarily show the character that is input, and then hide it with a dot (or similar)?

This is for password input so that users can see momentarily, but others won't be able to.

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Modules & VBA :: Dblclick Event Not Firing Immediately From Listbox

Jul 25, 2014

I have an issue with the dblclick event not firing immediately from my listbox. It does eventually fire if i mash the mouse button for long enough but obviously that is not an acceptable solution.The listbox also has an afterupdate event which is what fires when i double click.

I have also tried calling the code from an onclick command button which works fine but if i try and call that from the dblclick event it does not.

I have used the dblclick event in other projects with afterupdate and it has worked without problem.

Private Sub lstFileList_AfterUpdate()
strPDF = Me.lstFileList.Column(0)
Me.PDFViewer.LoadFile (strPDF)
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
strFileName = fso.GetFileName(strPDF)

[Code] ....

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Forms :: ListBox DblClick To Update Open Form

Feb 5, 2014

I have 2 forms: frmExcEntry and frmItemSearch. frmExcEntry is a data entry form where the associate enters PO#, Item#, Qty, etc. frmItemSearch is a popup form that is used to narrow the search of the Item# from frmExcEntry. Right now, when the associate types the Item# (either PartNo or FactNo)in the txtItemNo control on frmExcEntry, frmItemSearch opens (frmExcEntry remains open) with all potential item #'s associated with the text entered in [txtItemNo]...(there could be multiple FactNo in our inventory system but PartNo is unique and the bound field for the control). frmItemSearch uses an unbound textbox (txtSearch) that populates with the text from frmExcEntry on txtSearch_GotFocus and queries a listbox with the list of possible PartNo to select. I want the associate to be able to double-click the accurate PartNo from the list box which will then update the value initially typed in txtItemNo and copy the PartNo over txtItemNo in the currently open frmExcEntry.

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General :: Show Query Result In Form Textbox Immediately After Updating A Record

Nov 24, 2014

I am building a Inventory Management Application for Tyre Shop. I have SaleMainTbl and SaleDetailTbl both used for preparing daily sale summary. I have Mainform based on SaleMainTbl with TxnDate and Total Amount (Sale) and the TxnDate is in one to many relation with SaleDetailTbl. FormSaleDetail is multiple row(continuous) form that makes billwise summary of each day having -TxnDate--BillNo--ItemSold--Company--Qunatity--Rate--Amount fields. I have inserted this form in FormSaleMainTbl.

So FormSaleMainTbl is Main form and FormSaleDetail is subform. TxnDate in FormSaleDetailTbl is automatically taken from SaleMainForm. I have further added text boxes in Main Form to show company wise sale for each day for which there is a query build one for each company that takes the currently loaded date from FormSaleDetail and calculates the Sale (Sum) of each brand (Company) of Tyres. All these objects are working very fine. However I have to close the MainForm and reopen it for result of query to appear in the appropriate text box in Main form.

Is there way to do this as soon as record is entered or at least at the end of completing the entry of each days sale transactions without closing the form. So the gist of the problem is realtime display of query result in text box on a form or updating the form screen immediately on updating any record or at the most after completing the updating of form but without having to close the form.

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Forms :: DLookup Show Results Values In Textbox On Its Own Line Multiple Columns

Mar 26, 2014

Access 2010 - I would like to use DLookup to show results values from a table and display in a unbound textbox on a form. the results from each column in the table need to be on seperate lines, a break if you may. Here is the code I have so far.

Code: txtKeywords = DLookup("colKeyword", "tblKEYWORDS", "cboCategory = '" & txtcategories & "'")

In colKeyword Column In tblKEYWORDS table match what i select in cboCategory Combo drop down box and populate txtcategories textbox on form

What I would like to do is show All colKeyword results in textbox [txtcategories] and display each result on its own line!



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Reports :: Cut Off Left-hand Side Of Text In Textbox And Show Only Right-hand Side

Mar 26, 2013

Access 2010

I have a report with some text boxes on it. Sometimes the text in these boxes can be a very long string of characters (maybe a path to some folder). In this case I do not want the text box to grow. I just want the report to show me the right-hand side of this path and cut off the left. How do I do this when still aligning my text to the left?

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How To Get The Username From Workgroup?

May 18, 2006

I have the security set via the Access workgroups for both groups and users. I want to be able to use the username entered on the logon screen to filter my query results.

How can I get the logon id that was entered when my switchboard form opens?

Thanks in advance.

Dennis Cronin

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Username Problem

Dec 23, 2006

I have entered the following code to an onclick button. I am sure I have written it incorrectly (it's probably the line I highlighted below to do with username=Manager. By the way Manager is one of my usernames I have created.

Thanks for your help.


Private Sub Label218_Click()
If UserName = Manager Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Tennis Teams", acNormal
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "You do not have permission to open this form!", vbOK, "Tennis Center Business Manager 2007"
End Sub

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Record OS Username

May 9, 2005

Have developed a support database in Access.

I need the dB to automatically pick up the username of the user logged on to the PC. Thus if I'm logged on to the PC as FLESTER, this username wil populate a database field.

Any ideas?

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How To Record The OS Username

Jul 26, 2005

How do you get Access to pick up th OS username currently logged in to the database? For example I'm logged on to the PC as FLESTER and I wnat that recorded in the dB.

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Windows Username

Jul 25, 2006

A couple of questions. I want my database to query the AD and make sure that the user trying to open the database had an account in the AD. I dont want them prompted for a password though. I have had a look at trying to change the example NT logon in the samples area, but just managed to get myself in a bit of a mess. Also is there anyway that you can query the users full name in AD and call that variable,or does this only work with the username?

Also, when a user created a record in a from, I would like the users username, called from the AD saved in a field in the table. I have tried this and the only way that I can call the variable is by having the "=Environ("USERNAME")" in the control source of the text box. Which means that it cant be save in a field in the table. I have also tried an after updated event on that textbox to update another textbox and have that textbox control source a field on the table. But again this doesn't work. Can someone tell me if what I am trying to do is possible. Thanks

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Username Issues

Oct 16, 2006

Hi all

I am currently trying to create a form that will have the ability to show the last person that edited that form and the time and date that it was last modified. When I try though I just keep getting the field to update to me just by viewing it. Can anyone give me a fairly detailed way of doing this?

Kind Regards


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Password/Username Help

Sep 26, 2004

I created a password for my database and now I cannot access it. The dialog box says that either the username or password may be incorrect. I do not know what the requested username is. I do not recall creating a username during the process of creating the password. I do not know what username ACCESS is asking for. I think I know what the password is. I think the problem is the username. However, if I somehow do not know the password, what can I do?

After you finish laughing at me, please help. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

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