Showing Forms

Aug 9, 2005

How would I go about doing this: I need to show two different forms one after another. For example; a menu screen (1st screen) with a command button that will pop up another screen (2nd screen) for the user to enter details about themselves. After clicking on the command button (On the 1st screen) that screen to would hide but be brought back if they click cancel. (It's a bit like having a cancel button but it goes back to the main screen instead of closing the form.) Cheers

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Forms :: OLEs Not Showing Up In Forms And Reports

Sep 4, 2014

I am using Access 2010. I have a database with two OLE fields in the table.

Most of the images stores in the OLE fields show up in my form and report.

The ones that do not show up in the form have the name of the file (ex. 1234.bmp) with the icon for MS Paint (the painter's pallete) with the words "command line".

The ones that show up in the form look exactly correct. In the report, the ones that do not show up in the form are just a white blank square. Also in the report, the ones that show up in the form, show up correctly in the report.

All the graphics are BMP, have the same dimensions, are all 24 bit, etc.

All the graphics are linked to graphics in another table.

When I go to the table in my database, I can click on the field, and all the graphics show up in my graphics program (even the ones that do not show up in the form or report).

The Access database is about 66 MB.

What can I do to get all the graphics to show correctly on the screen for the form and the report?

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Showing Forms

Jun 22, 2005


i am creating a knowledge base for IT Problems.

On my main form i have a combo box which has different options within it.

I have a second form.

I have linked the second form onto my main form using the subform function and set the second form to not visible on its properties.

Basically what i want to do is when i click the option 'Other' in my combo box i want the second form to be shown within my main form.

I have managed to do this when i click any option on the combo box but i dont know how to load it just by clicking on the 'Other' option.


Gazza :)

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Forms :: Showing More Than One Record

Dec 26, 2013

After setting the source of a from to a table, a form shows a blank record and allows you to input one row of record at a time.But is it possible to have the form show a specific number of blank records, say 6, on each page of the form?I want the user to enter 6 new different records on just 1 page of the form without using the navigation buttons to move between records.

I need to design a database system for students to choose their modules.Each student needs to choose exactly 6 modules and I want the student to input all their 6 choices on 1 page of form, instead of using the navigation buttons to switch to a blank record to input each module.

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Subforms Showing Continuous Forms

May 24, 2006

Greetings all,

I have a question regarding subforms that are set to show continuous forms and how they can relate to each other. I have attached a jpg of what i'm trying to do, you may want to open it so you can follow along with what I will now explain.

I have 3 subforms on a main form. The subform on the left shows high level info. A user would find the record they want in the subform on the left, double click, and that would in turn populate the two subforms to the right.

My question is how do I reference the name field in the record selected in the left subform , for criteria purposes in the queries for the right hand subforms? I thought maybe using the bookmark property but that hasn't worked.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: ComboBox Not Showing Values?

Jul 16, 2013

I have a combobox with the following specs.

Row Source Type = Value List
RowSource = 1;test1;2;test2;3;test3;4;test4;5;test5;6;test6;7; test7;8;test8;9;test9;10;test10;11;test11;12;test1 2
ColumnCount = 2
ColumnWidths = "0cm;8cm"
Bound Column = 1

For some reason unknown to me, although the combobox does drop down when entered, the values are not visible until selected, then the selected item is visible in the combobox, but still isn't visible in the drop-down list.

I'm using Access 2010

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Forms :: Not Showing Some Of The Data In Particular Field?

Feb 15, 2014

One of my forms in the database is not showing some records in a particular field. Although those records are entered through the same form and are shown in the table, yet some of them are not visible in the form.

This is happening only in a particular field, and in that field, some records are shown , and some are not shown.

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Forms :: Subform Not Showing Data

May 27, 2015

I have two forms. The first form has individual data to include the person's Social Security Number (SSN). I have another form (subform) that has other data to include the person's SSN. I added the subform to the form (linked the SSN). Unfortunately, only the SSN field appears in the subform. None of the other data in the subform appears in the subform.

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Forms :: Textbox Value Showing Old Data

Jan 24, 2015

I have a subform on a form which I load up after the user enters a value in the main form by using the sourceobject property of the subform, the problem i have is that after reloading the main form and the user entering another value, the textbox.value of a control on the subform will sometimes not show the correct value. I am aware that textbox.value doesn't change until the after update event, however this particular textbox is just showing information that has just been queried from the database.

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Forms :: Subforms Not Showing Up When Click On Tab

Jan 3, 2014

I have two subforms that are not showing up when I click on the tab at the top of the main form. Before today they would show up. Nothing has changed and the properties show to be visible for each page.

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Forms :: Buttons Showing On All Tabs?

Mar 8, 2013

I have a database where I used a template as it's base. On the main "Welcome" screen there is a Tab Control with 4 pages in it. In the template, they added a button to 1 of the pages only. In other words, it is not visible on the other 3 pages.

My question is... how the heck did they do that??? I added a button on the same page right next to it. And no matter what I do, it shows up on ALL 4 pages!

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Forms :: Table Not Showing All Records?

Mar 12, 2013

My form, which is linked to my employee's table wont show all the records.

I know this is a basic thing. I've checked that it's not set to data entry in properties. I don't know what else to do.

the record source maybe? However, It was a tabbed form (cause it contains quite a lot of data capture fields).

this problem has occurred ever since I split my database.

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Forms :: Subform Not Showing Data?

Dec 5, 2013

I have a Subform that is inside a Subform that its only purpose is to display some calculations but for some reason it is blank. Here is a screenshot of what I am dealing with:

See that area under "Pump Calc" that is should have data in it:

Here is the query that drives that data:

And here is a copy of that subform running in form view:

What am I missing?

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Forms :: Subform Not Showing Records Sometimes?

May 19, 2014

I have a subform that displays records from a query. Usually, there is no issue. Sometimes, though, the subform stays blank for no apparent reason.


-Open form and select relevant information (subform stays blank)

-Open query and 1 record is present

-Go form layout view and turn "Data Entry" on, then back off

(The form appears to refresh when this setting is changed and the subform is displaying the 1 record properly now)

-Close form, re-open, and select the same information as before (subform, again, stays blank)

Again, the subform usually displays the records just fine. It's only sometimes that it has this blank issue even though records are present in its source query. I've tried refresh and requery macros on the form and subform, but that doesn't get the information to show up (though, switching "Data Entry" on and off does).

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Forms :: Total Sum Not Showing Up In Form

Aug 27, 2014

I have a query that has a total sum , my problem is when i create form all the fields in the query is visible in the form but my total sum doesnt show up, but when i view it in query it works properly.

I don't really know what the symbol really is called i just called it total sum, the E icon in query ....

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Forms :: Showing A Formatted Field In A Report?

Jun 16, 2015

I am trying to show the Current Repair Estimate total in currency form on my report. The attachment shows my criteria, which works on the query, but does not show in the report. The second attachment shows what pops up when I try to view the report. What can I do to get this current rep estimate to show correctly in currency form on the report?

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Forms :: Pie Charts Not Showing Up On Frontend Computer

Jun 19, 2014

I have a database that I have developed on my computer that works well. This database is split and has a number of pie charts and listboxes in a couple of different forms based on data from the back end. This data is basically showing statistics, such as number of customers, type of customers and % of customers with issues. The pie charts show up correctly on my computer.

When I copy the back end on a server and the front end on another computer and link them together then the pie charts do not show up (image 1). The listboxes, which use the same data show up just fine, but the pie chart area is simply a grey box. If I double-click on this box then I can see the chart in a sort of "edit mode?" (image 2) meaning the chart shows up on the screen with a small data sheet underneath. Oddly enough the data in this sheet can actually be edited! which I do not know what effects it may have on the actual data.

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Forms :: Search Form - Showing All Records

Feb 7, 2014

I am building a search form in my DB. I have got this working by using a text search box on the main form which then links to a subform that shows the results. This works great, however, when the form is first opened, it shows all the records that be searched. Is there any way that I can stop this? I just want the subform to be blank until a search is ran.

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Forms :: Opening A Form Showing Only Certain Records

Jun 24, 2014

I currently have a database which has a fairly simple form linked directly to a table, which records staff attendance information.

It generally works really well, however there is one thing I would like it to do, which is be able to hide certain records from view (rather than delete them completely).

I have a checkbox on the form (bound to a corresponding field on the table) called chkHide (the field in the table is called hide), which is not visible in form view; I have a button that is visible and when pressed by a user it will change the value of the check box to True.

So far so good. However, I would then like to have the form refresh and when it does so no longer show the record to the user (so it looks like it has been deleted, but in fact that record remains in the table).

I have tried applying a filter on load, but I don't know what expression to put in the Filter on the Property Sheet - - I have tried [Hide] = Is Null, but that isn't right. I have also created a Query where I have set the criteria for the field 'Hide' to Is Null and then put the name of the query in the Filter box - that doesn't work either, as it will let me put in new records but not let me see any of those put in before the form was refreshed.

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Forms :: Current Record Not Showing Up On Reports?

Jul 11, 2013

I have a form with command buttons to preview reports. For some reason only the first record shows up on the reports and not the current record.

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Forms :: Popup Calendar With Only Certain Day Of Week Showing

May 5, 2015

Is there a way to have a pop-up calendar with only a certain day of the week showing - such as all the Fridays only in the month?

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Forms :: Showing Sum Of Orders Table In The Form

Feb 26, 2014

I have a database with 2 tables: tbl_Client and tbl_Orders

I would like to sum the total from the sold products and show them in the form in a text field called 'Total sales" the data from the table orders appear as a sub form in the main form Client.

It would be great to have for each client appear the total sales in the form, but I'm not able to find the formula for this so the table tbl_Orders field "TotalPrice" will be sumed.

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Forms :: Fields Not Showing With ODBC Tables

Aug 8, 2013

I Created a form and linked it to a ODBC table with no data. Set the Allow Additions property to Yes. It shows fine if there is data in the table but not when there is no data.

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Noob - Question About Showing Query Results On Forms

Dec 13, 2007

I am fairly new to access, but do have some experience with SQL & PHP.

I am trying to do something which I would have thought was quite straight forward. But I keep hitting a brick wall and all I get is #name? error on my form.

I have a table "tbl_Job_Spec" and a table "tbl_Tool_List".

I would like to have on the form for tbl_Job_Spec a drop down for selecting the tool number from the "tbl_Tool_List", which then automatically puts into a text box on the form the tools location, which is stored alongside the Tool Number Field on tbl_Tool_List.

I've tried loads of things, I have a query setup ("qry_tool1loc") which seems to correctley identify the relevant information, but when I try to reference that query on the form if just comes up with #Name? in the box on the form.

Anybody got any ideas? I'm only at an early stage in what is quite a big project, but to be honest this is about as complicated as it's going to get, so once I can get past this hurdle it should be plain sailing!!!!!

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Forms :: Table Updated But New Records Not Showing In Form

Jul 15, 2014

When I add new records to the form and close the form, the tables are updated with the new records, but the new records don't show in the form (navigation).

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Forms :: Showing Image From Table Using Combo Box Selection

Apr 9, 2014

I am a novice to Access and in order to get some training in my workplace I need to show how access can be applied to my role.

I have a table of information consisting of 3 fields:

Motor manufacturer
Attachment (picture of particular car)

I want to have someone able to select the manufacturer and Model from Combo boxes and this will pull up the image associated with this model.

There are more than 1 model for each Motor manufacturer so you may have:

manufacturer Model
Ford Fiesta
Ford Mondeo
VW Beetle
VW Golf
Fiat 500

You must not be able to select the wrong model for manufacturer, i.e.
Ford 500

The images are currently saved onto the table as an attachment,
This may be wrong as well,
This may be a simple task to do, but hopefully I can get it running smoothly and show this is the right tool for the job.

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