Showing A Week Of Data In A Report Chart

Sep 27, 2004

Colm and Baxter, you've been great helps to me so far, and I will include you in the special thanks in my programming credits. I ask your help once more-

My program tracks how many calls are received per day at the office. I have a report showing a chart (thank goodness for wizards ) that lists the calls per day. This all works fine, and I was extremely proud of myself for doing so. However, after thinking about it, I realized that after a while, my client might not care to see ALL of the calls per day ALL of the time, and might wish to see maybe a week's worth or a month's worth at a time. I was thinking I could solve this by using a form to enter "from" and "to" information, but I'm not quite sure how to apply this so it would work with my report.

Also, if I can get this to work, on this same form I would like to have an option field that the user can select so that the usual options (today, this week, this month, this year, all) require only a click, rather than having to figure out what days are in this week (a tedious task, I know, but we're going for efficiency here ) but they also have the option of seeing specific dates they want.

The fields that I'm using for this are very simple- tblCustomer.CallDate and tblCustomer.LeadType, where CallDate is just a date and LeadType is a string from a lookup table that is either "Call-in" (the one I'm tracking) or "In-field".

I know this sounds like a lot of coding, but I'm sure if you could get me started, I could figure out the rest myself. It's just that the way Access does dates is so confusing to me, and I have midterms coming up and not a lot of time to figure this out by myself from scratch. Anyways, thanks for your help in advance!


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Query Showing Different Results When Moved To Chart In Report

Dec 23, 2014

I am trying to use this query. It gives me correct results as query. However when I make chart with query on a report it doesn't show correct data and eventually stops making chart

SELECT qry.txtRC, Count(tbl.txtRC) AS CountOftxtRC
FROM tblMain AS tbl, qryRC AS qry
WHERE (((tbl.txtDepartment)=[Forms]![frmRC]![cboDepartment] Or [Forms]![frmRC]![cboDepartment] Is Null) AND ((tbl.txtZone)=[Forms]![frmRC]![cboZone] Or [Forms]![frmRC]![cboZone] Is Null) AND ((tbl.txtRC )=[qry].[atnRC ID]) AND (( Between [Forms]![frmRC]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmRC]![endDate]))
GROUP BY qry.txtRC , tbl.txtRC
HAVING (((Count(tbl.txtRC )) Is Not Null)) OR (((Count(tbl.txtRC )) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY Count(tbl.txtRC ) DESC;

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General :: Data Label On Chart Not Showing Percentage Value

Mar 11, 2014

I created a table called weld_performance. it consist weld_id, weld_prod, total_rt, accepted, rejected, and rejection rate. from weld_prod until rejection rate, the type data is number. the rejection rate field size is Single, and Format is Percent.

Based on this table, i create a query called query1. and based on this query1, i create a chart. please see attachment pic001. as you can see the data label on the chart is showing 0.66667. but in my query1, the value is 67%. if i click the value (67%) it's change to 0.66667.

So I guess, the chart is read the 0.66667 value from the query. now what i want to ask is, how can my chart data label is shown 67% instead of 0.66667 ??

Environment: Windows 7, Ms. Access 2010

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Chart By Day Of Week

Apr 2, 2005

I am new to Access and I am trying to use a chart in a report to display the injuries by day of week. Sunday thru Saturday. I am using a qry to pull the information from a tbl that we have entered the information into. I would like to use a Column Chart.

The problem is that it will display the day of week alphabetically and not Sunday -Saturday. I would also like the chart to display each day even thou there were no injuries for that specific day.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Reports :: Sub-report Chart With No Data

Aug 27, 2014

I am working on a project that is requiring me to hide a subreport that happens to be chart graph, when the chart has no data and my problem is that I cannot seem to get the report to properly hide and show the label behind it when the data is not there. I am in need of a SQL code that will read my blank record source as a zero instead of blank. I have tried Nz, IsEmpty, and IsNull and none of them seem to work.Here is the current SQL code:

FROM Case_review
WHERE (((Case_review.[Type of Issue].Value)="Clinical"));

Here is the current VBA code (which is in event on load) for the main report:

If Me.Rpt_Clinical.Report.HasData = -1 Then
Me.Label29.Visible = False
Me.Rpt_Clinical.Visible = True
Me.Label29.Visible = True
Me.Rpt_Clinical.Visible = False

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Reports :: How To Build Weekly Report Even When No Data Exist For A Week

Jun 11, 2013

how to build a weekly report to count the number of computers that have entered a defined process. I have four processes and I need the report to show counts for each process even if it's zero. The report is supposed to show the history of each process and not just the current week. Is this possible to do in a single query? Or do I have to make multiple queries?

I have a table that holds the history of each workstation including the workstationName, date of the record, the phase of the workstation, and the status of the phase. Another table holds the phase codes and phase statuses for lookup purposes.

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Forms :: Popup Calendar With Only Certain Day Of Week Showing

May 5, 2015

Is there a way to have a pop-up calendar with only a certain day of the week showing - such as all the Fridays only in the month?

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Reports :: Report Showing Data From Previous Run?

Feb 9, 2015

I have a REPORT containing 7 ('columnar') subreports. Each subreport is to show showing a days worth of medical doses.... to visually represent a wall planner.

When the report loads - user enters a week value # via Inputbox(). This value is written to a TEMP table. Each subreport accesses this same TEMP table to retrieve the week # value. In the Recordsource for each subreport I have the following code :


... where the DayVal goes from 1...7 corresponding to the columnar position of each subreport on the display ie. for each day of the week.

The problem I am having is that when the report runs - I see the display showing the data from when the report was previously run. ie. I have to run the report twice to see the data for the correct week value entered. All the SQL works as expected when I run from Query view but when I run through VBA..

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Reports :: None Of Query Data Showing On Report?

Mar 6, 2014

I created a Report from a query. The query shows the correct data that should be on the Report. I created the report to sort by Field A and then sum Fields D, E, & F. None of the query data shows up on the Report. I;m stymied as to why I can see data on a query, but the ONLY data that shows up on the Report is Field A. None of the summations show. All are blank with the box outline.

I've created the report 3x thinking I did something incorrect. Whatever it is, I did it 3x!

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Showing Null Values In Chart

Mar 20, 2007

I have a chart that shows the amount of complaints every month in the last year of a selected costumer. The goal is to see if the amount of complaints from this costumer is decreasing or increasing.

The problem is that some smaller costumers have months without complaints (in real life that isn’t that bad). But my graph only displays a dot for the months were the amount of complaints is not null. This makes that the graph line doesn’t show the complete picture.

I know that I should be able to solve this with an ISNULL expression. I have tried the following SQL code as Row Source of the graph:
SELECT (Format([Complaintdate],"MMM 'YY")), ISNULL(Count([Complaintnumber])),0 AS [CountOfComplaintnumber] FROM [Complaints] WHERE [Complaintdate] > (Date() -365) AND [Costumername] = Forms!Report_complaintscostumer!Combocustumername GROUP BY (Year([Complaintdate])*12 + Month([Complaintdate])-1),(Format([Complaintdate],"MMM 'YY"));
The result of this is that all the months with complaints now get a 0 value and still the months without complaints aren’t shown.

What am I doing wrong? Could someone help me solve this problem? Any help is greatly appreciated!

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General :: Showing Pivot Chart Value As 100%

Feb 19, 2014

I am completely new to Pivot Tables/Charts?

Basically i have two totals:

Value 1 which is the number of working Employees
and Value 2 which is the total number of Employees

Both are subject to change but my main problem is that Value 2 (Total of Employees) i want to display as 100% in a chart and Value 1 is the percentage of employees utilized.

I have the calculation working fine (Value 1/Value 2).

But if for example i have 35 employees as Value 2, how do i make that show as 100% in the chart?

I get things like 35 or 3500%?

I have played about endlessly changing values etc but just cant get it.

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Access 2013 Report Data Showing Up As Number Rather Than Text

Aug 13, 2015

I have a people table; Ethnicity Table; Program Type Table; Attendance Table.

I enter the people into the people table then enter people into the attendance table with lookup for name from the people table and a lookup for program type from program type table and enter date attended. I then run a query on the attendance table to remove duplicates. I created a form from the attendance query there are 3 headers Program, Ethnicity, Name. but the program type comes up as the ID number and not the text name.

The Ethnicity did the same thing but when I added the Ethnicity from the people table to the ethnicity header it show up as the name and I hide the box with the number but when I add the program type from the program type table to the program header is changes the source of the report to the program type table and then nothing shows up. It did not do that when I added the ethnicity type from the ethnicity table to the ethnicity header.

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Chart / Report Help!

Oct 18, 2004

Report repeats the SAME chart for each value on the x-axis (i.e. x-axis is the date and same chart repeats for each month). The chart on the first page is correct and is the only chart I need. How can I change the settings of the chart so the report is the first page???

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Reports :: Pie Chart On Report

Oct 8, 2014

I have a query written that has two numbers. One is the trucking fleet size (63) and the other is the average number of trucks used over a time period (in this example, its 52.2)..I just want to create a pie chart that has 52.2/63. so the pie would be roughly 90% filled.

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Using Chart In Report From Query?

Jul 2, 2013

I don't seem to get it right to use a chart in my reports from a query.

See attached database. I want to create a chart in the report to give visual feedback to the user.

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Reports :: Filtering A Report Through Start Of Week Dates

Jun 23, 2015

I've restructured my 'application' to have one table and a lot of query/forms. In light of not figuring out the combo box situation I altered the requirements and what I needed thinking I may have an easier go of it, but alas not exactly my experience. I have 5 reports that I want to filter them by week(start of the week). I have a function which can turn any regular date entered to the start day of the week(monday). I thought my best way about this would be to fill a combo box with all the accepted dates through a separate table's column.

Is there a way to pop a dialog box when the user clicks to generate the report that will prompt them to choose a week then run that criteria against the report and only bring back that date?

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Reports :: Creating Delivery Report - Week View

May 9, 2015

Im creating a database that we can enter jobs into.A job will consist of 3 seperate parts, Called "Trusses", "Walls", "Posis". They will each have a different delivery date and possibly a delivery time.

I am having trouble creating a report that gives me a week view, Monday to Friday, that shows what deliveries are on each day.The main thing here is there is one job entry, with the 3 parts. So there will need to be 3 seperate entries on the report for each part of that job.

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Forms :: Pivot Chart For Report?

Oct 16, 2013

We have a chart that is showing jobs by customer. I'd prefer it be in a pie chart but it's way too many to read. We changed it to a bar which is much easier to read but it displays the percentages as 100% for everything.

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Query Not Generating Chart In Report

Jul 3, 2014

I am trying to run simple query make a chart in report through this query but its not generating chart?

SELECT [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit], Count([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit]) AS [CountOfInspection Audit]
FROM [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition]
WHERE ((([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].Date) Between [Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![endDate])) OR ((([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].Department)=[Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![cboDepartment]))
GROUP BY [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit]
HAVING ((([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit]) Is Not Null) AND ((Count([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit])) Is Not Null));

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Queries :: Comparison To Previous Month Or Week Depending On The Report

Dec 31, 2014

I have a query based form i use to gather data to generate a report. I have 2 forms Form A is where users open all reports from. On form A i have 2 unbound fields "Report Start Date" and "Report End Date" my queries us these from Form A as the criteria for the queries. I have like 30 reports using this method and it works great. I am now building 2 new reports, a monthly and a weekly report. These reports required and data entry point so i built "Form B"

I created my tables for these reports and went through and created the records. So when a manager needs to enter data for any given report they would us "Report Start Date" to identify what record they want to work with, so if they want to enter data for the December report the would select 12/01/2014 and then open "Form B". This works great and the report looks as good as any Access report can.

Now they are asking to add to "Form B" a comparison to the previous month or week depending on the report. for example:

This month we did 250 units
Last month we did 300 units
so we did 15% less
"Yes my math is not exact"

They don't need to see last months data but i need a way to query the previous record to compare the data

This is the criteria code i use in the query that "Form B" is based on.

[Forms]![Form A]![Report_Start_Date]

I am pulling up the 12/01/2014 in "Form B" but need the 11/01/2014 record floating behind to compare data.

How can i use the same setup but pull a 2nd record? I am thinking i can use a 2nd query but with different criteria.

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Creating Chart Using Field Values From The Report

Apr 18, 2007

I have created a report using a query. Further to this, I have added some fields from the query into the report which calculates the sum of records and the count of records.

My problem here is, using the chart wizard, I am only able to select the fields existing in a 'Table' or a 'Query'.

Can anywone help me to create a Bar chart / Pie chart using the fields in the report? :confused:

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Reports :: Linking Report To Subreport Chart

Jun 25, 2014

linking a report and a subreport (chart). I have uploaded my sample DB. I'm trying to chart all the individuals and three fields for each Home. Both report and subreport are using the same query for the record source. My charts are blank "All_Homes_Individual_Totals". Just use date range 05/01/14, 06/24/14 on my Main form page for the data.

My second question is how would you create a chart to pull by each individual with their monthly totals per Home using "qry_Community_ Inclusion_ All_Homes" with a report and subreport (chart) as above. Report would show the individual's totals by month for each home.

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Reports :: How To Create A Chart In Access Report

Mar 11, 2013

How can I create a chart to be added to the last page of an access report to summarize all the data reported?

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General :: Chart In Report Cannot Display In Percentage

Jan 20, 2014

I have problem that my chart in report cannot display values in "percentage" as it is in query no matter what.

Sample is in the attachment.

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Creating Report With Pie Chart In Access 2010

Nov 25, 2014

I am working in Access 2010, trying to create a report with a pie chart. The pie chart is based on a query (called Count Pie) that calculates three values:

% IS
% NetInf
% IS + NetInf

I go into Create, Report Design and get a blank report in Design View. I select Chart from the Controls tab and follow the Wizard to specify the data source.

I get a pie chart with the right title (Count Pie). I double-click on the chart to open the report Datasheet and insert the correct value names. My pie chart in Design View looks correct. It has the right title and legend, and shows three slices of the pie corresponding to the three values.

I save the report, and go to Print Preview, where I get a pie chart that looks like a single circle; it has no legend, and doesn't show the three values.

Do I need to have the Access 2010 application re-installed?

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Updating X-axis Labels In A Chart On A Report

Jan 14, 2013

I have data in a chart over four groups that are just labeled A, B, C and D in the underlying data. The table wants to label the x-axis of the chart SumOfA, SumOfB, SumOfC, and SumOfD. Ideally I would like to drive these labels by text boxes on a form, but I can't even figure out how to change them manually. I got to the data table in the chart designer and changed them there, and they'd show as changed in design view, but then they weren't changed in report view.

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