Showing Another Database Button (Sorry Didnt Know Which Forum To Ask In)

Aug 10, 2005

Would this work: Having a command button that opens another database. Cheers

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Forum Database

Jan 2, 2006

I have been tasked to design a Forum Database using ASP, could someone please point me in the right direction as to the design for table structure for this.

I know that the user will be looking at a web front end which in turn will be accessing the Access Database.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.


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Rs Fields(0).value Didnt Work

Feb 1, 2005

hi lagbolt,

tried doing rs fields(0).value in the code but i didnt work.
one more thing i earlier had following code in a command button when it worked properly but now i added the code mentioned in last post, it was not working. please throw some light.

Dim x As String
x = "select RESOURCEINFO from tbl_control where CONTROLNAME='" + Combo4.Text + "'"
If (cn.State <> 1) Then
cn.Open "dsn=ABC", "", ""
End If
rs.Open x, cn
If (rs.EOF = False) Then
RESOURCEINFO.Value = rs(0)
End If

this was working fine till i copied this code with some modifications in the earlier code.

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Textbox Or Button Caption Showing Count

Sep 6, 2005

I'm trying to show a count of filtered records on a form. The Filter is number of days from the system date which I've already built into a query. I'm trying to get the record count for each day out up to the tenth day and show the counts on a form. Is this prossible? and how is it done?

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General :: Saving Report As PDF Without Save Button Showing

Nov 6, 2013

I have generated a report in acviewreport, after viewing the details I want to save the report as a pdf file with the client name, invoice number and date. In the report design view I added a cmd button and successfully coded it. However, it saves the report WITH the cmd button showing. I don't want this button saved. Is it possible to remove the button from the report AFTER I have clicked it?

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Database Updating But Not Showing Anything

Mar 24, 2006

I have a small form that when people fill in it should update their details intomy database. However the page seems to be working fine and completes corerectly. But when i go to the table in the database it just enters a blank line fo reach field.

Here is the code

Code:<%@ Language=VBScript %><% Option Explicit %><!--#include virtual="/"--><html><body><%Dim objConnSet objConn = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")objConn.ConnectionString= "TPVSite"objConn.OpenDim ObjRsSet objRS = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")objRS.Open "tblBrochure", objConn , , adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableobjRs.AddNewobjRS("fldInitials") = Request.Form("Initials")objRS("fldSurname") = Request.Form("Surname")objRS("fldAddress1") = Request.Form("Address1")objRS("fldAddress2") = Request.Form("Address2")objRS("fldAddress3") = Request.Form("Address3")objRS("fldAddress4") = Request.Form("Address4")objRS("fldPostcode") = Request.Form("Postcode")objRS("fldPhone") = Request.Form("Phone")objRS("fldEmail") = Request.Form("Email")objRS("fldAge") = Request.Form("Age")objRS.UpdateResponse.write "ThankYou For registering."Response.write "<A Href='login.html'> Login </a>"ObjRs.CloseSet objRS = NothingobjConn.CloseSet objConn = Nothing%></body></html>

Anyone any ideas why??


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Showing Database Network Path???

Jul 28, 2006

I've got a database with several users and we've had two people recently who rather than creating a shortcut to the db on their desktop copied it and then proceeded to enter their data there instead of into the one on the network.

I would like to be able to add a field on the first page they see when they open it with the complete file name / path information. I know how to do it in Word by adding a field to a header or footer. However, I can't seem to figure out how to do it in Access.

My hope is that if I can display the path and then include a dialog box when the database is opened warning users to verify they have the correct version before they enter any information.

Alternatively, is there a script I could write that would have the db check that it's the V drive copy not a C drive copy?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Charis Wilson
Denver, CO

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Database Window Showing Problem

Feb 21, 2007

Hi All,

I have a database that is locked down with user-level security, and also have my startup settings set so Display Databse Window is unchecked.

This all works fine, and when the user opens the database, the form I want them to see appears, and everything else is locked down.

EXCEPT - if anyone minimizes Access, then maximises it again, the Data Window appears in the windows taskbar!! So anyone can click on it to display it in Access and can view all the macros, forms, tables etc that I've tried to prevent access to! :confused:

Anyone come across this before??

Thanks in advance, dglover

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List Box Question Database Not Showing Records Please Help

Jun 2, 2006

Please help me fix my database

If you take a look at the tab called insurance i have a list box. How do i filter the list box so that it will only display the patients insurance based on the demo tab.

Also i have other records in the table called people. they are not showing in the people form. when i use the mouse wheel automatically creates new record please help

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ASP Script Not Showing Data In Database Correctly

Apr 13, 2005

Ok, not sure whether this is an ASP error or an Access error, but think its more likely to be an Access error.

Right, heres my problem..

Have written an ASP script where you chose a 'week commencing' and it then displays all laptop bookings in a school in a table.

Now it does this by doing a query on the 'Booking' table WHERE the 'week commencing' = xx/xx/xxxx (Date)

Now having inputted all current dates of the current term, weeks commencing:


Now, my asp script gives me a drop-down box where i choose my 'week commencing'.

If i chose weeks commencing '18/, 25/, 16/, 23/' the tables all appear fine.

However when i select '11/, 02/, 09/' no data is taken from the database and i get my message 'No Booking data found!'

But the data IS there in the database.
What am i doing wrong? Could it be the Language settings i.e UK/US settings (date format etc)
Is there something wrong with my code???

Please help me... driving me nuts!

Code:<<A href="mailto:%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT","JAVASCRIPT">%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT","JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%><!--#INCLUDE FILE= "" --><%' Open Database ConnectionSet Con = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )Con.Open "accessDSN"' Open RecordsetSET RS = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )RS.ActiveConnection = ConsqlString = "SELECT DISTINCT book_week_com FROM Booking ORDER BY book_week_com"RS.Open sqlString, Con,adOpenStatic%><FORM name="formCategory"><SELECT name="qryCategory" onChange="getFilter(this.form.qryCategory)"><OPTION selected>Select a Week:<% DO WHILE NOT RS.EOFResponse.Write( "<OPTION value=" & rs("book_week_com") & ">" & rs("book_week_com") )RS.MoveNextLoopRS.CloseSET RS=Nothing%></OPTION></SELECT><BR></FORM><SCRIPT language="Javascript">function getFilter(listitem) {var object = "";var listValue = getListValue(listitem);document.formCategory.submit(listValue);}function getListValue(list) {if (list.selectedIndex != -1) {listValue = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;}return (listValue)}</SCRIPT> <%IF Request.QueryString( "qryCategory" ) = "" THENResponse.Write("Please select a Week from the list:")ELSE' Build QuerySET RS = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )sqlString = "SELECT book_day, book_date, book_period, book_teacher_code, book_room, book_number "sqlString = sqlString & "FROM Booking WHERE book_week_com = #" & Request.QueryString( "qryCategory" ) & "#"sqlString = sqlString & "ORDER BY book_date, book_period, book_date_booked"RS.Open sqlString, Con,adOpenStaticIF RS.RecordCount = 0 THENResponse.Write( "<H3>No Bookings found for Week Commencing: " & Request.QueryString( "qryCategory" ) & "</H3>" )ELSEResponse.Write( "<H3>Bookings found for Week Commencing: " & Request.QueryString( "qryCategory" ) & "</H3>" )' Build a Table Here Response.Write( "<table BORDER=4 align=left width=500>" )Response.Write( "<tr>" )Response.Write( "<td <strong><font size=4>Day:</font></strong></td>" )Response.Write( "<td <strong><font size=4>Date:</font></strong></td>" )Response.Write( "<td <strong><font size=4>Period:</font></strong></td>" )Response.Write( "<td <strong><font size=4>Teacher Code:</font></strong></td>" )Response.Write( "<td <strong><font size=4>Room:</font></strong></td>" )Response.Write( "<td <strong><font size=4>Number:</font></strong></td>" )Response.Write( "</tr>" ) DO WHILE NOT RS.EOFResponse.Write( "<tr>" )Response.Write( "<td>" & RS("book_day") & "</td>" )Response.Write( "<td>" & RS("book_date") & "</td>" )Response.Write( "<td>" & RS("book_period") & "</td>" )Response.Write( "<td>" & RS("book_teacher_code") & "</td>" )Response.Write( "<td>" & RS("book_room") & "</td>" )Response.Write( "<td>" & RS("book_number") & "</td>" )Response.Write( "</tr>" )RS.MoveNextLoopRS.CloseResponse.Write("</TABLE>")END IFEND IFSET RS=Nothing%>


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Split Database Not Showing Updated Drop Down List Entries

Jun 4, 2014

I have a database that is split - one central PC holds the back end, and then there are multiple end users with a copy each of the front end.We have updated a drop down menu on a field in the back end to add some new entries, but this is not showing up on the front end copies.Is there an easy way of updating the front end to show the changes?

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Forms :: (Upload File) Button Stopped Showing All File Types

Oct 7, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show
Dim Yourroute As String
Dim yourrouteName
Yourroute = fileDump.SelectedItems(1)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Yourroute)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Mid(yourrouteName, 1, InStr(yourrouteName, "") - 1))
FileCopy Yourroute, "us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
Me.Drawing_Link = yourrouteName & " # us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
End Sub

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New To This Forum

Mar 9, 2007


Before I ask my question I was wondering if it was possible to attach a zip file of the database I'm working on? It would save some typing.



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Hello I'm New To This Forum And I Have A Question :)

May 16, 2005

Several of my databases is a little slow and that puzzles me since there isn't over 200mb of data yet :confused:

Is there any advantage in storing data on an oracle server and will it speed up things or is there other things I can do?

Perhaps someone in here would be so kind to look at my database and give some advice on the structure and possible changes to improve performance?

Perhaps I should add that I don't know much about other database tools so I'm shooting in blind here.

So if anybody will look at my database and see if he/she can optimize it I will be happy. I can leave little data inside to allow You to see the output - if needed.

I'm not very technical with access (not yet) so things might be done differently than I do to speed up things

Any help is greatly appreciated :)

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Forum Restructure

Mar 19, 2007

Due to the ongoing bulk of regular spam posts that this forum receives, and based on similar activity on other forums, I think it would seem to be that the reason for this is the use of the word 'General' in the forum's title. In my experience it is the areas marked this way that generate the most spam, be it 'General Discussion' or otherwise.

So, in order to try and combat this, I was thinking that it may be in the forum's interests to change the name of this section. If it's what spambots are geared up to search for then it makes sense to shield the target from them.

My thinking is that, were I to change the name, the forum would be best placed at the base of the 'Microsoft Access Discussion' area and renamed to 'Other Issues'.

Thus, my plan would be to have the 'Microsoft Access Forum' ordered in this way:

Database Design
Other Issues

I'd appreciate others thoughts on this so reply away. There's a poll at the top of this thread if you just want to post a yes/know/don't know sort of response. The poll will only be active for one week, starting now.

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This Forum Got Me In Trouble...

May 1, 2007

Hello all active members of this forum,

Like I stated on the title, this forum got me into trouble. By following the reading in this forum and some recommendations from the regular users I have created thre database for the place I work at. now they want me to be the official DB admin! :eek:

So now I'm coming back to you guys for more advice... :rolleyes: what reading should I do to better my Access knowledge over all.

Any recommendation is welcome.

I have already contacted th local college and they do have a distant learning class for Access and I will be taking it the next semester, but I would like to do some reading into becoming a REAL Access programmer with a solid foundation.

There must be some good books out there to purchase to get me started. So all are welcome to give me some feedback.



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Question On This Forum

Oct 10, 2004

How long normallly does it take to get an answer?
Also, what does the "View" on the right margin mean?

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Does Anyone Know How To Post A Db On This Forum

Mar 17, 2005

could anyone please tell me how to post a database on this forum ive tried attachingit but it says file not suitable

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Complex Sub-forum

Jan 5, 2007

I'm trying to design a system for an electronics shop. I have two tables, one called Products and another called Suppliers.
The Products table has the following fields-
- 1) Product ID
2) Supplier ID
3) ProductName
4) Information
5) Price

The Suppliers table has the following fields-
- 1) Supplier ID
2) Company
3) Address 1
4) Address 2
5) Address 3
6) Town
7) County
8) Post Code
9) Country
10) PhoneNumber
11) FaxNumber

Basically I want to create a form to show the supplier name and ID and then implement a sub- forum which shows all the product details for that supplier. How do I do this? Do I have to use a query?

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Recommendations On SQL Server Forum ?

Oct 6, 2005

Recently I moved the back end of some databases I develop and maintain to a SQL Server for speed and stability purposes.
Whilst this forum has been great for digging out answers to various Access problems I encounter, I persume there are some similar forums dealing with SQL.
Has anyone got some recommendations ?????



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Report Spaming On This Forum

Jun 5, 2006

How does one report spaming on this Forum?

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Publishing URLs In This Forum

Nov 1, 2006

Brain-death is a horrible thing to witness.

I have searched FAQs, advanced search, etc., and know I'm not looking in the right places.

Question: How do you, in this forum, publish a URL using a descriptive title versus the actual URL itself?

Obviously it's not rocket-science since so many contributors do it apparently effortlessly, but folks I'm struggling.

Please point me in the right direction.

Thanks - Bob

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Using Google To Search The Forum

Feb 9, 2007

Did you know that you can use Google to search the Access Forum and get a more refined result?

I find that the search facility provided is excellent at searching for single words. However it does not provide the sophistication of tools like Google for searching for exact phrases.

To get this sophistication do this:

Open Googles advanced page: (

The first section of this page is shaded blue, and contains the following items:

with all of the words
with the exact phrase
with at least one of the words
without the words

You can add words to varying degrees of sophistication for your search.

This is the important bit!
Just below this blue shaded area there is another section, go to the fifth item down in this section which is:"Domain" also make sure "Only" is selected. In the next text box (to the right of Only) place the domain you want to search in, this case you want to search the Access Forum so place in this box the following:

Now give it a try! Try searching for: "Date Selection" (without the Quotes)

If you search for this with the above Google method, you will get 90 results, If you search this result with the Forum search then you will get over 300 results.

Your search will only return items within the access-programmers site, and only items that are allowed to be indexed by Google.

Cheers Tony...

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How Do You Put Usernames In Forum In Access? Please Help Me?

May 25, 2006

I have been using access for quiet awhile (I learned it 2 months ago). I want to have a online business (using Dreamweaver and Access) but, I want to organize my data and I want to figure out how (when you go onto a website say to make the username and password in Access (Like when you register for an account, you put in your username, password, email address...ect. and the you make your account and then when you put in you username and password again to log into your account (I want to know how to do that)). Another thing, when the person logs into a account and wants to buy a product how do you do that in access.
Any answers can help me.
You could send me a link to a webpage that tells me how to do this stuff.
Any Tips?:)

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Check Box To Update A Forum

Oct 3, 2004

hey all,
i'm making a database to catalogue a whole bunchs of projects of mine. i have a few
questions but i'll ask one for now. i have made a form with a check box and i want it
so that once that check box is clicked, another element appears or becomes un-grayed
or something. basically if the check box is checked then i have to specify a file location
for the file that i'm confirming exists. (if that makes sense)

thanks for any help

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Does Some From The MS Access Group Monitor This Forum?

Mar 10, 2006

Surely I am not the only one who imports text files in to Access (on XP) containing double quote characters???

Does Access quit the import at the double quote character for anyone else.

To the MS Access group.. have you tried this??


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