Showing Empty Records In A Query

Feb 6, 2007

Hi All
I have a feeling that this is an absolute newbie question.
I have three queries, qryVisitsDue, qryVisitsOverDue, qrySiteView.
The query qrySiteView uses SiteID to produce a listing of all sites which includes a count of visits for those sites. If there is no visit data the site does not display. To display the counts I'm using the other two queries. In the first two I'm querying a table, tblVisits, to find what visits are due or overdue based on the current date. They work fine where there is visit data. My problems start when there is no data for a site. I need to be able to show the sites where there is no visit data.
I'm not very experienced so basic explanations are probably the best.
Any help much appreciated.

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Queries :: Recordset Is Showing As Empty But Query Wizard Returns Records

May 12, 2014

I'm trying to write record set contents to excel. My query runs perfect in access query wizard, but recordset showing as null. My VBA code


Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim recordst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim appXL As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook

[Code] ....

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General :: Work Order System - Empty Records Showing In Table

Apr 3, 2014

I have a work order system that people use but it somewhat randomly puts blank records into my table. I've added a lot of validation checks when submitting, closing and resetting the form and limited the way people can exit out of the form to fight this issue but it still happens.

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How To Stop A Field In A Query Showing If It Is Empty

Jan 10, 2005

I'm trying to create a query which will only show fields that have information in them, but I can't figure out how to do it.

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Showing All Items When Criteria Is Left Empty

Feb 5, 2006

I am not sure if this is possible so here it goes:

I have been writing a little query that collects data to batchprint invoices. I want to add some criteria for the user

I have one criteria on the invoice date: between [start date] and [end date]

and I want to add one criteria for the invoice number:
[enter invoice number]

I would like the user to have the possibility to leave the invoice number field empty which should then print all invoices for a certain date

Any ideas how I can achieve this?

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Disable Showing New(empty) Record In A Form??

Apr 29, 2005


I am currently working on a database and I'm using a form to view the records. A standard Access behavior is to show an empty record (new record) as the last one. is there a way to disable this "feature". I would like my form to display only the records, which are really filled with data and not show the blank one at the end??

Thanx in advance

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Query To Add Empty Records To Dataset?

Jul 31, 2014

I have a dataset showing sales by salesperson for each product. I'd like to summarize this data in a table that looks like this:

Note that some salespeople don't sell certain products and that these records show up with "0". My problem is that, in my actual dataset, if a salesperson doesn't sell a product, that records doesn't exist at all. Is there any way to append empty "0" records to my dataset? See attached for an Access file.


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Query Not Showing All Records

Nov 11, 2004

Hello. This is a very basic question. I have a query that has relationships set within. Now.. When I pull up the query with a criteria such as "date" ... the query pulls up all the information for only the items that have all the related fields filled in. How would i make this query show ALL the items from that "date" even if their related fields are blank or there are no relationships in another table?

Please let me know.

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Select Query Showing Too Many Records

May 27, 2007

I have two tables, bad design, not my choice of the way it's set up.

Table a has Fields 1-2, dups allowed in all fields. No pk was originally assigned.
Table b also has the same fields 1-6, but also has field 6.

Table a has all of the records in question, table b only has some of the records from table a but does not have any records that are not in a.

Something like this.
Table a

Field1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5
John Shirt blue denim button
Mark pants green straight
John Shirt blue silk button

Table b

Field1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field6
John Shirt blue denim button new
Mark pants green straight used

If I query the two tables, a left join to b, then I get the correct number of total records. If I select any records from b, then the total records goes higher than there are, even for the two combined, listing the same record multiple time.

Any suggestions are appreciated. I am a blood bank lab person, not an IT person, or DBA, so simple responses are greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Search BETWEEN - Filter Query Showing All Records

Mar 14, 2013

I have created a form for a table which contains ~600 movies and their name, genre, rating, director, year it was made, and length (min).I need to be able to enter numbers into the two Year boxes, and then it filters the movies in my database and only shows me records from between those two years. The years in my database are just in one column in the format of: XXXX e.g. 1996 etc..I've tried the code:


Private Sub Year2_AfterUpdate()
Me.Filter = "[Year] BETWEEN" & Me.Year1 & "AND" & Me.Year2
Me.Filteron = True
Debug.Print "[Year] BETWEEN" & Me.Year1 & "AND" & Me.Year2
End Sub

Year1 and Year2 are the boxes Year: and To: respectively. [Year] just being the column name which contains all my years.When I try to run my query it shows me my records, but it shows me all of them! It doesn't filter it at all!

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How To Query A Table To Find Records Showing Checked Boxes

Oct 18, 2007

I have a table listing xxx reasons for dispute - Users will check boxes. How do I build my query that would list all the entry numbers which have a text box?

Might sound stupid but what would be the criteria? Think it would be easier to get these results into a report and sum.

I'm baffled!19142:confused:

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Queries :: Crosstab Query - Showing Rows Without Records / Data

May 7, 2013

I have attached part of my database.

I need to show the complete rows for all the status in each year with or without any record/data.

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Reports :: Showing All Detail Records If One Record In Query Meets Criteria

Mar 5, 2013

I am trying to create a report which basically includes the following:

Company, Wages, Contribution.

Each company reports wages for each employee every month. Then they also contribute to a general fund based on a percentage of the wages. For instance:


...and so on.

Each employee is required to contribute, in this example, 1% of gross wages to the general fund.

On occasion, the company does not pay in the required 1% of gross, say, for CompanyA EmployeeA, they only paid in $35.

Here is what I need to do. If any contribution amount for any employee is incorrect, I want to display all the records for that company, not just the incorrect ones. The report is grouped by Company, and may contain dozens of companies.

I am already passing a number of criteria to the report using a filter, including the date range and other fields which are informational.

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Empty Records

Apr 24, 2008

I have been going back in a db to the beginning of time and restructuring...I have a field sales person if its null I need to assign a value of 100 to another field representativeid, I have been using the update query to accomplish the update until now. I've tried is null and "" to get this query to update, any idea?

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SQL Not Including Records W/ Empty Fld

Jan 9, 2006

Can anyone tell me why this sql is not returning all fldProjectID's for selected fldProvinceID regardless of whether a date exist for that fldProjectID in fldReportRec_D??

SELECT tblProject.fldProjectNo, tblProject.fldTitle, tblProvince.fldProvince, tblReport.fldReportRec_D AS [Monthly Status Report]
FROM (tblProvince INNER JOIN tblProject ON tblProvince.fldProvinceID = tblProject.fldProvinceID) LEFT JOIN tblReport ON tblProject.fldProjectID = tblReport.fldProjectID
WHERE (((tblReport.fldReportTypeID)=1) AND ((tblProvince.fldProvinceID)=[Forms]![Form1]![cboProvince]) AND ((Month([fldReportRec_D]))=[Forms]![Form1]![cboMonths] Or (Month([fldReportRec_D])) Is Null));

thanks in advance

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Finding Records With Empty Field

Jul 18, 2007

The last field in my table is 'Comments'. I want to find if any record or records with 'Comments' field empty. I created a query and added all fields from my table. In the criteria section I typed Like "null". But the query is not returning records where 'Comments' field is empty. I have deliberately added (for testing) a few records leaving comments field empty. This can be viewed clearly in Table view. But the query I made is not displaying the records. Please help.

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Tables :: Empty Fields In Some Records

Jun 19, 2015

In my table, I got text fields and numeric fields, however, sometimes, user put an empty field in some records which I disliked. I try to put some checking such as following syntax to check those empty field but nothing happened.

1) If len(NAME) = 0 THEN error message : for TEXT field checking
2) IF len(name) = NULL then error MESSAGE : for TEXT field CHECKING
3) IF NAME = "" then error message : for text field checking
4) IF LEN(AMT) = 0 THEN error message : FOR NUMERIC field checking
5) IF LEN(AMT) = NULL then ERROR MESSAGE : for numeric field checking
6) IF AMT = "" THEN error message : for numeric field checking
7) IF AMT = NULL then ERROR message : for numeric field checking

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Need To Select Records With Empty Currency Field

Jan 16, 2006

I've tried the following WHERE clause to return records where the 'costper' field is empty and neither return any results.

WHERE NZ([Transactions].[CostPer])=0

WHERE [Transactions].[CostPer]=0

WHERE IsNull([Transactions].[CostPer])

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General :: Saving Records And Empty Comboboxes

Sep 16, 2014

I have a database that I've created for a number of clerks under me to use to track their daily tasks.

When clerks are entering their tasks, they do so through a number of combo boxes on a form (Assigned by:, Division of Law:, Subcategory:, Casename etc). When all of the combo boxes have been filled, the employee can click a button in order to save the record to the back end of the database and open a new blank record.

Currently, if an employee tries to enter the wrong data in a combo box and save the record, they will be prompted to enter data and not allowed to save the record; the problem is that if they leave all fields blank they can still save the record - thus creating useless data for reporting purposes. For example, an employee could enter their name and the date of record but leave every other combo box blank and still save the record. I want to lock the form such that they cannot save the record unless all of the combo boxes on the form are populated to reduce user error.

How can I do this simply?

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Reports :: Hide Or Filter Out Empty Records

Apr 29, 2015

I am looking for a way to hide or filter out the records in my reports if all of the values are 0. My problem is that all of my reports have their filters set on the event that opens the report. I use an If statement to decide which report to open, which means that different reports use different fields. This means I can't just add 'AND April_T <> 0' or something to the filter.

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Insert Empty Record Between Two Records In Unordered Table

Aug 1, 2005

Is anybody can help me to solve problem with inserting empty record between two records in unordered (non-indexed) table - like in Excel work sheet.


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Queries :: Return Records With Both Empty And Populated Field?

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to create a query that returns records whether a field has data or not...

There are three fields in question, SSN, DOB (this is a date field), POB (this is a foreign key representing a state in the query shows the actual state). Now unless the criterion is different then I just need the answer for one I can reproduce.

I would like to do this in the criteria box in the query.

The query pulls from one table, some of the employees in this table have the three fields populated some don't. I would like the query to return all employees...

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Forms :: How To Avoid Creating Extra Empty Records In Input Form

Sep 18, 2014

I always have a problem with input forms in Access in that I usually end up with an empty excess record which is being created because I do not know how to program this correctly.

I have a Purchase Order Receipt form (frmPurchase). When I receive a certain quantity of an article associated with a lot number (or a serial number) I have another input form opening up (frmLotorSerial), passing to it through Openargs, the article and the quantity received.

Say we receive 10 units of which we want to register the serial number, I want the user to be able to enter a maximum of 10 units (could be 10 records if each record = 1 serial number, but it could be less than 10 if we have several units per lot number), and not one more, into this frmLotorSerial.

The record looks like this:
-artno (article)
-recqty (quantity received)
-lot number

I used the lost_focus event on lot number to check whether the total received quantity in this form matches the total passed to it from the Purchase form, and if it does to stop the input. Since I could not close the window in the code of this event (error 2585) I moved the close command to the current event of the form.

Doing this closes the form all right, but it always creates one record extra, which of course does not carry any information, apart from the date which has a default value of now.

How should I program/what events should I use to:
-test that the user should not go any further (total received in frmLotorSerial = total received in frmPurchase)
-close the window and, above all, not create this extra record.

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Data Not Showing Where No Records

Jun 16, 2006

data not showing where no records
I have 2 tables...


i am trying to run a query to generate the number of events that have happened for each code that appears in the tblFMForEradication table.

however when i run the query i only get 17 records returned wheras there are 30 records in the tblFMForEradication table.

If the code has not occured i need it to display zero,

but i always need all the codes in the tblFMForEradication to be listed in this case there should always be 30 records in the list.

please help


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Very Weird. Records Not Showing Up

Apr 7, 2005

This is so weird.

I have a form that I built and is based on a relationship between four different tables. I can enter info into the form, save it, and verify that it saved to each of these tables. The problem is that once I close the form and re-open it, none of the previously entered info shows up. Bottom of the page shows 1 record, but I can still see all of the info when I open the tables. Please help.

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Form Not Showing Records

Sep 15, 2005

Hey Gang,

Thanks for all your help on my previous problem but I now have another one that just seemed to start out of the blue. When I open my form the record selectors don't allow me to browse through all the previously entered records. This is a huge problem because if changes need to be made I can't call up the record to do so. I plan on adding a search funtion to the database soon but for now I need to be able to search through the records on my main form. Is there something I should look for or do you have any suggestions?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


axsnub (access newbie)

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