Simple Email

Mar 31, 2006

I have a simple form and simple table.

I want the database to automatically email me when someone enters information into the form

Is this possible? Thanks

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Simple Email Link

Jul 13, 2007

I want to add a 'mailto' type link in access 2003, sending to an email address in a field. Is this something easy to acheive? - (Objective: when the link is clicked the outlook express mail window opens with the recipient's address same as mailto in html)

I am a novice at Access 2003 but learning (slowly)

Thanks for any help


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Simple Email Question

Aug 23, 2006

I have a Query and I just want one simple thing. To email the Query to a person but with this format:

Name: White Castle

ID #: 4M6011

Start Date: 8/12/06

You see above is the message I want in the whole email.
The email will be sent to the same person each and every time. I have went through about 6 different DoCommands and none of them are helping at all. It's just three things I want to send from a table/query. It is only one record that I want to send in access. I don't know no other way to explain it. I got about 6 new books and none of them are helping with what seem to be a simple thing.

Now I have the following columns in my Query: Name, ID#, and Start Date. For the love of God I just want to send the information in an email LOL.
Somebody please put my mind to ease

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Queries :: VBA Code On Subform To Lookup Email Field On Table And Launch Email?

Jun 26, 2015

VBA Code to go in the on double_click event of a name field in a Subform bound to a table. The subform is just a copy of a data table and within the subform view, When the field "employee name" which contains e.g. John is double clicked, I would like access to Lookup and get John's email in the employee table under field "Email" and launch outlook application and insert it into the To field.

I assume hyperlinking the field can also achieve this similar to what excel does but I am fast learning that what is standard functionality in excel is a whole another story in Access..

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General :: How To Send A Single Email Message To All The Email Addresses In Query

Jun 2, 2014

I have a query (Access 2007) that contains a field named "email" (which contains email addresses, of course). I want to email everyone in the query and they are all going to receive the same message. My email to them doesn't have to be personalized and I don't need to collect data from the recipients. I don't even need a reply to the email I send.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Which Has Button To Email Data Out In Standard Email Message

Jan 15, 2014

I have a form which has a button to email the data out in a standard email message.

Private Sub Command60_Click()
Dim MyDb As dao.Database
Dim rsEmail As dao.Recordset
Dim sToName As String
Dim sSubject As String
Dim sMessageBody As String


This works well enough, however, FIELDS 11 through to 16 contain the venue address. This is all we ll and good if every field of the venue address is populated. here are times when not all of the fields are populated, for instance, the address might only be 5 lines.I know I can do this using IIf statements on a report, but how can i achieve the same thing for the email.

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General :: Send A Specific Email From Outlook To All Email Addresses Within A Query

Jan 21, 2014

I have a database that I can use to create a query, grouping companies by city. I then want to send a specific email I have created in outlook to all of the email addresses in the query.I do not need to include names.

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Modules & VBA :: Generate Multiple Email Messages To Different Email Addresses

Jul 16, 2014

I have made a query with the name "Confirmation" and it is setup like this:

Name trainee Email Training
John Tr one
Mary Tr two

I also made a button in a report with the title "Send Mail" now is my goal that if i press that button automatically multiple e-mail message's will be generated with data from people in that query. So if click on that "Send Email" button i want two different mails messages generated that will be send to and with in the mail body their data.

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Modules & VBA :: Specifying Email Address When Sending Email Via SMTP

Jan 19, 2015

I am currently using vb code to send an email in Access on the click of a button. I want the database user to be able to enter the recipient in a text box [ToEmail] which is on form [GroupStockProfiler]. However, I'm unsure how to put this into my code. I currently have the following which doesn't work (unless I put a specific email after 'To'):

Private Sub Command414_Click()
Const cdoSendUsingPickup = 1
Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
Const cdoAnonymous = 0


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Forms :: Add Senders Email Address To Body Of Email

Sep 16, 2013

I want to automate an email to include the senders email addres with some text in the body of the email.

Private Sub send_mail_Click()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim objMail As Object
On Error Resume Next 'Keep going if there is an error
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 'See if Outlook is open

[Code] ....

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Exporting Email Addresses To Email Program

Sep 22, 2005

I have an Access database list of people, which includes their email addresses. I want to export the email addresses to Hotmail or Netscape email.

How can I do that?

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Modules & VBA :: Add CC Email Addresses Into Automated Email?

Aug 3, 2015

I have an automated email system (Lotus Notes) in a Access database I have created and am looking for the code needed to add up to 3 c.c addresses into an email prior to sending automatically.

The code I have to send the email to the To: individual is all working but what code I need to add and where for the c.c addresses of which there could be 1, 2 or 3. The control for To address is EmailTo = CustCopyEmail The controls for the 3 c.c emails are cc_EmailAddress, cc_EmailAddress1 and cc_EmailAddress2.

Here's the code I have:

Private Sub SEND_CC_Click()
' Set up the objects required for Automation into Lotus Notes.
Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database.
Dim Session As Object 'The Lotus Notes session.
Dim MailDoc As Object 'The mail document itself.
Dim UserName As String 'The current users Lotus Notes name.


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Simple Question For A Simple DB

Dec 29, 2006

Ok I am right now making a simple Vendor/Product database to create a line sheet for some sales folks. I have 3 tables: Vendors, Products, and an associate entity Vendors_Products to relate the two. I have a form currently that draws the Vendor Name (primary key) from the Vendor table and the Product Name from the associate entity. This allows me to create new vendors and select current product types from a drop down box. The problem is that the drop down box is too long and it is tiresome when 1 vendor has 10 product types.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this? I thought it would be better to have option buttons and display all available products. Then you could just click all of the option buttons that apply to that Vendor and it would create the this possible?

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A Simple One For You All

Nov 22, 2005

I have looked at some of the threads here and it is clear that many of you are working on a much higher level than me and with a high degree of familiarity with the programme.
I am hoping that someone here is able to give me some advice as I don't find the MS help files digestible.
The task I have is to join 2 databases and produce a table from which I can run a mailmerge.
I have managed to join the 2 databases and I used a customer ID as a common link. (my apologies if the terminology is incorrect)
I now have all the data I require in one table.
THE PROBLEMs I have multiple entries for some of my customers and would like to reduce this to single entries (which is understandable). Please tell me how to do this if you can, and keep it as simple as you can please.

In anticipation I thank you very much.


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Simple One But Not For Me!

Jan 14, 2006

Hi there,

I'm making a report detailing competitors final finishing positions in a competition.

The columns are (1) Place, (2) Name and (3) Points

I have the data for their names and the points they have scored, but how do I make the table enter the record number (starting at 1) in the first field???

Thanks in advance


1 John Smith 199
2 Ian Jones 90

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This Should Be Relatively Simple?

Feb 16, 2006

Not sure what the issue is here but i am trying to append a Job number from a main database into two connected databases.
The number is a sequential number i have created and the primary key.
It is an autonumber field(obviously). The format is J0000 and the numbers start from J0001

I am using two different append queries to append them into the external databases tables.
However (and here i think lies the problem) the fields i am inserting them into are text fields with the same format J0000.
When i view the numbers in these tables, they are displayed as J1 or J9. The 0's are missing.
Any ideas.

Thank you in advance

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This Is Probably Really Simple!

Feb 21, 2006

Hey guys, I'm just wondering how I could limit a field to using from 2 - 20 letters. If I placed the letter "a", I'd get an error saying how at least 2 letters must be there, and a maximum of 20. How would I do this?

Lastly, how can I make it so when I enter data into a form, I can click a button which adds it all into the table?
When I do it normally, it's automatically transferred into the table as I type it into the form.

This is incredibly simple I know, but I am a n00b at Access. ^_^

Thanks guys.

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Should Be Simple.....

May 18, 2005

OK, I have a strange problem... This doesn't seem to work..... It did... then I made some changes.... Can someone clue me in on what I am doing wrong? A query, simply summing some values in fields... no biggy...... BUT...
The field
TotalHours: ([SundayHours]+[MondayHours]+[TuesdayHours]+[WednesdayHours]+[ThursdayHours]+[FridayHours]+[SaturdayHours])

So why isn't this working?
Can I use a simple VBA statement to sum these fields?


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Simple Qns

Nov 24, 2005

hi all, this is my problem:

i got a table like this

ID time in time out working hours
the working hours is [timeput]-[timein]

how to i create a query so that all the ID 1' s working hours will be summed up ?

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This Should Be Simple

May 15, 2006

:confused: simple query
Critera : <Date()-30 should show records from the last 30 days ???

and : "status"="active" should show records from the last 30 days that are active ????

or am i totally off the mark here ?
vey new to this be gentle :eek:


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Probably Something Simple

Oct 18, 2006

I am trying to create an IN query (ACCESS) which will firstly show the customers table (specific details) then the orders details should be in the IN query, I formulated this but it won't work:

SELECT s.CustomerID, Address, City, PostalCode
FROM Customers s
s.OrderID IN
(SELECT s.OrderID FROM Orders p
WHERE s.OrderDate = '1996')
s.OrderID IN
(SELECT s.OrderID FROM Orders p
WHERE s.OrderDate = '1997');

Here is the one I did to show the customers and orders who made orders in 1996 and 97:

SELECT Customers.CustomerID AS Customers_CustomerID, Orders.CustomerID AS Orders_CustomerID, Customers.Address, Customers.City, Customers.PostalCode, Orders.OrderID, Orders.OrderDate
FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
WHERE (((Orders.OrderDate) Between #1/1/1996# And #12/31/1997#));

it is probably something simple I am missing here! Sorry to keep asking :(

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IIf - This Has GOT To Be Simple...

Mar 16, 2007

but I can't seem to figure it out. All I get is Null values when I run the query.

I have a form with a start text box and a end text box. I use the form name sucessfully in the criteria row so I know there is no problem with the form name. I also know there is no problem with the qry name. Does anyone see anything I am doing wrong?!?!

The query I am working in is labeled [qry_old_summary_date_range]. Just wanted to clarify that is not a problem.

1st Pay Increase: IIf([qry_old_summary]![1st Pay Increase]>=[Forms]![Human Resources]![Start] And [qry_old_summary]![1st Pay Increase]<=[Forms]![Human Resources]![End],[qry_old_summary]![1st Pay Increase],Null)

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This Should Be Simple ...

Mar 30, 2007

and presumably it's only me who's irgorant.

I have a table with dates of deadlines and another with dates of submissions. For each deadline I want to know who submitted first. I figured that all I had to do was compute the difference between the dates and the select the minimum. However, Access rejects the Min() function in the WHERE clause. How do I avoid this?

Thanks a lot !!

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This Should Be Simple ...

Jun 27, 2007

I have a table (imported from excel) that is a pricing grid for blinds. The header row at the top is widths(mm) and the header row down the left is heights(mm). The data is the price. The import process makes the widths the column names.

height 600 800 1200 ...
300 $60 $80 $100
600 $80 $100 $120
900 $120 $140 $160
all I want to do is to take that table and make it flattened, like this:

height width price
300 600 $60
300 800 $80
300 1200 $100
600 600 $80
600 800 $100
600 1200 $120
900 600 $120
900 800 $140
900 1200 $160

I can't think how to do this in a query - I could take the flat version and create a crosstab to go the other way. Any clues - I don't want to change too much about the way the imported excel file looks becasue I have no control over that (I already discard miscellaneous heading and junk before I import it)

Hope you can help

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This Should Be Simple

Jan 15, 2008

My Brain has completely lost all of it's gray matter.

I have two tables tbl_Employers and tbl_Services that are linked via a one to many relationship. Each Employer can have Many Services. The field i am useing in the relationship is EmployerID

If I build a simple select query using these tables I will see all of the employers that have a related record in the services table. Any employer could be listed there many times as per the relationship.

What i want is a simple count of how many employers actually have recieved a service.

Why is this so difficult for me to get my head around.

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A Simple One! Please Help! :D

Mar 5, 2008

this is my query in design view ( use this query when entering datai want to know how i can set it up it display all or any one/two/none of the criteria i put into the question text boxes, number surname and state, or even just number, or just state.anyone?

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