Simple I Hope - Converting Feet/inches To Decimal

Nov 11, 2005

Hi - I am writing a small form that has a calculated field. I want to convert feet and inches in length to metres, and vice versa - so user inputs 10.45 metres, and I will have two fields giving the answer (I suppose) - one with the whole numbers before the decimal place (the feet); the other taking just the numbers after the decimal and converting them from /10 to /12 for inches. Think I can work out the reverse if anyone has a nifty way of doing this - thanks very much; I'm new to this site.


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Simple Problem I Hope, Please Help

May 10, 2006



I have made a reasonably simple database, for some reason I am struggling to send of reports by Emails.

The piece of code I am using is:

Private Sub cmdEMailRptPastNonCon_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSwitchboard", acNormal

On Error GoTo Err_cmdEMailRptPastNonCon_Click
Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "rptPastNonCon"
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdEMailRptPastNonCon_Click
End Sub

A box appears with the options [rich text,html,snapshot etc] I choose an option and a message box appears saying: "The database engine could not lock "tblMain" because it is already in use by another person or process., I know this is probably a simple stupid error ive made but being a complete beginner I am stuck, any ideas of where I should look to find any errors?

Thanks for any help recieved.


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Converting To 2 Decimal Places

May 27, 2005

I would like to force a field to be 2 decimal places in the SQL view of a query as I am creating a UNION.

If is there anyway of doing this? I have tried CONVERT() & FORMAT() but I can't seem to get this to work.

Any help would be greatfully received.

Kind Regards


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Converting Hexadecimal To Decimal

Apr 5, 2012

How to convert Hexadecimal to decimal? I've tried use Val() to get the value but some value is not valid ....

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General :: How To Convert Meters Into Feet And Vice Versa

May 3, 2015

A bit of a longshot me thinks! But anyway... can you make a measurement converter on Access 2013. I would like to be able to convert meters into feet and feet into meters!

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Access Help!!! Centimeter To Inches

Sep 7, 2006

Does anyone know how to do a simple query which will change a number in the data from centimeter to inches?

or something like that? in ACCESS?
Edit/Delete Message

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Set Property For Form Size In Pixels Rather Than Inches?

Nov 3, 2014

I want to set the size and shape of my forms to exactly fill a screen at a particular screen resolution. I can only see a width property in inches and nothing in pixels. Is this possible?

I know I can set the fit-to-screen property to yes but this isn't what I want. I don't want a form to fill a screen at any resolution. If a screen is a higher res than the size I've formatted the form for I want it to appear the same size on the higher res screen (i.e. with a border of background around it.)

Is this possible?

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Round Up Decimal Point To 4 Decimal Places

Jun 2, 2005

Hi there,

I am not sure the best way to do this,

I have a field with values that look like: 1.69553366385509 or 0.0061705541157596

I want these values to look like: 1.6955 or 0.0062 (4 decimal places [rounded up if possible])

Thanks for your help with this


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I Hope That Someone Can Help

Dec 12, 2007

I have a database the keeps tracks of printers by serial number. There is a form for doing this, the form has a serial number field, and a status field "example move, add, remove" , effective date and a location field. Here is what I want to do, lets say that the current location for serial#ABC is in location C and then the user opens the form and tries to move serial #ABC to locaiton C, how can i display a message saying that Serial#ABC is already at location C, maybe I can do this by a DLookup or by a record set, but the only thing that i'm struggling with is how do I make it look at the latest record by the effective date. Thanks.

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Easy Question, I Hope

Dec 15, 2005

Could someone tell me how to change the border colors on a form. There are lots of posts on changing txt border colors and such but i want to change the form border its self.

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Easy IFF Question....I Hope

Sep 6, 2006

I have a form that I has a password field that matches the employee name. I want the employee to enter in a data field their password. If it matches I want another field (verified) (yes/no field) be marked as yes if it matches and no if does not.

I did IFF([Text5]=[Password],[Verified],= -1, [Verified]=0]

But it didn't work. Any suggestions.

Thanks for the help

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Very Easy Question I Hope

Aug 17, 2006

I know how to do this and I think it is simple I just cant remember right now. I have a field in a query called LastActivation. I also have another field called DateEntered. In the query I want to have LastActivation=DateEntered. How do I do this?

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Newbie - Hope I Don't Have To Start Again.

Jan 24, 2008

Hi there. I created some forms using the wizard. But I set up the properties on my form so that the navigation bars don't appear. I only want them to be able to input new records. I also added code on the form_open event to default to adding a new record. But I noticed that if i use my scroll wheel on my mouse, I can still view previous records. How do i prevent any previously saved records from loading?

Also, where do I add a message box to say that the data has been saved? i noticed that when the form is closed by using the X button or when they navigate to another form, data is automatically saved. would this be the after_update method?


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Another Quick (i Hope) Query Question

Jan 15, 2006

hi there

could somebody help in the query design in order to query table 1 (image attached), by showing the maximum weight for each component_id, but also include other details such as the date when the maximum occurred and the event_id, the result as query 2 (image attached)

if i just select component_id and weight, i can do this by selecting max weight, but when i add the date and / or the event_id columns then i get duplicates in the component_id column

any help would be greatly appreciated

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Baffled: Gosh! I Hope Someone Will Understand And Be Able To Help Me!

Nov 28, 2007

1) Update the blank fields in a table + add newly imported records but...make sure that there are no duplicates.
I need to Append the records from a table called: XLS_Imp_11_27_07 to my main Table " Invoice Tracking for A/P 10_30".
The fields found in the XLS _ table: Release Dt, Entry Dt, Liquidation Dt may have been populated by a live report found on Internet. Since it's a live report, when Appended, to the other table, it will create numerous duplicates.
The fields found after the 7 first fields in the Invoice Tracking Table may have been updated by users

Is there a way to avoid duplicates and get the data from one table to the other without wiping out whatever is already filled-in?

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Pulling My Hair Out! Hope I Can Explain

Jul 16, 2005

Let see if I can explain my goal. I've been fighting with this for some time with no resolve. In the included DB has a table that represents the fields that will be queried in the real DB. It shows records of one of many employees that were "tested" (shopped) on a date and whether it was a successfull shop or not. My goal is in three parts.

1)A query that goes through each employee and returns the records with the check box in SuccessYes checked (Yes) back to the last unchecked box, not including the unchecked box. In the example given the last (most recent) 5 records would be returned. If the shop of date 1/18/2005 was not checked, it would only return the last 2 records. Basically, I'm looking for a way to have a report that shows everyone's current successes in a row. It could be any number.

2)A query very similar but it returns only those employees that have the current successes in a row totalling 5 and where the field "Award5_Paid" is NOT checked (they have not been paid their reward). From there it should be easy to do one for the 10 in a row.

3)If I've got a form open (or...?) where I can place a command button, that when clicked, it appends the selected records with checks in the appropriate boxes for being paid. Example: If a set of employees come up in the query with 5 successfull shops in a row because the "Award5_Paid" field is unchecked, then I need to pay them. Click the button and the Award5_Paid field gets checked in THOSE RECORDS ONLY so that the next time I run the query, they won't show up and get paid twice. Issue? What's the coding or SQL or ??? that's run when clicked.

I hope that makes sense. I've been running around in circle trying to figure this one out. Maybe it can't be done, but if it can, I know some of you know how.
As always, thanks for the assistance.


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Hi And A Hope Of Help Over Listing File Names In Access

Nov 14, 2006

Hi, newbie here to this forum, been looking about for ages to try and find an access based forum.

I am not a great coder, have not really done it, nor remotely understand it, but I have still managed to write a database in access for the office.

We run a residential care home, where we had 5 databases (MS Works) which held different information of the residents within the home but duplicated name, dob, etc. I have successfully writen a access database which works well. But now I want to start pushing it a degree further if I can.

We took delivery of a HP officejet all in one printer, and it has a scanner with document feeder which we scan letters in so we can share them with head office, but what I would really like to do, is scan letters in relating to a specific client, and be able to save the file name as a link, so an other user on an other PC can open the document on their PC. Basically, I want to avoid us going to the filing cabinet to refer to a letter which was written to us.

I am using XP Home, with Office 2003 Pro, and Acrobat 8 Pro.

Any ideas where to even start looking?? I did do a search, but have no idea how to start.

Thanks in advance.

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Copy From Mainframe" Hope To Get Help"

Sep 10, 2005

hi guys I hope to get help on this, I have an excel sheet which is like a letter with fields that I need to copy from mainframe. Does anyone know how to do it. Please help if you can, this is important for me. I need a macro in excel to copy fields from the mainframe system to the excel defined fields. I just need to get started. Thanks a lot.

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Simple Question For A Simple DB

Dec 29, 2006

Ok I am right now making a simple Vendor/Product database to create a line sheet for some sales folks. I have 3 tables: Vendors, Products, and an associate entity Vendors_Products to relate the two. I have a form currently that draws the Vendor Name (primary key) from the Vendor table and the Product Name from the associate entity. This allows me to create new vendors and select current product types from a drop down box. The problem is that the drop down box is too long and it is tiresome when 1 vendor has 10 product types.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this? I thought it would be better to have option buttons and display all available products. Then you could just click all of the option buttons that apply to that Vendor and it would create the this possible?

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Decimal Problem

Nov 27, 2005

I am new to this forum and Access 2000.
When creating a table I want to use a field to record hours worked to the tenth of an hour. When I enter 6.7 and tab to the next field the hours record as 7. I am using field size as integer, decimal as 1 and format as general number. I have tried numerous other combinations, but whatever decimal I enter rounds to show no decimal in the table. I will use this field in calculations.
I suspect the solution is simple, but I am not having any luck. I'd appreciate some help.

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Decimal Places

Jan 10, 2007

I am using an inventory software program called ERP. I am trying to have at least 8 decimal places show in all my reports/tables/etc. I have set decimal places to 8 and 8 are showing up in some the reports BUT after the 4th decimal place, the other 4 decimals default to 0 (i.e. I put .19214, but only
.19210000 shows up). In other tables only 4 decimal places are showing up (no 0 or anything after the 4th decimal place. I would greatly appreciate any help!!!



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Decimal Place

Jan 27, 2007

i have a statement like this:

rs![tblRecurringDefects] = f("txtTotalRecurring" & i) / f("txtTotalJobs" & i) * 100

how can i have two decimal place?

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Decimal Contorl

May 14, 2007

I have a table set up with a numeric field with 2 decimal places. When this table runs through a couple queries and comes out in a report - somehow the number is rounded. Where would the rounding occur - how can I stop it from happening?

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Decimal Problem

Jul 20, 2007

Is there anyway in a query or a form to set the amount of decimal places on a number or change it to currency. In one query im dividing a price by a mileage and I get a really long string of number and I need to make it just be two decimals.

Any ideas.

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Decimal Places

Apr 12, 2005

I have search the forum and cannot find an answer, can anyone please help. I have a few field in my table that have number and I would like to be able to enter decimal place numbers like 8.25.

I have set:

Field Size = 'Long Integer'
Format = 'General Number'
Decimal Places = '2'

When I go to enter a number it rounds to the whole so when I enter 8.25 it inputs 8.

Any ideas? I need the decimal to show in the query and the form and it isn't showing in any of those. I have set the query to 2 decimal places and form to 2 decimal places.

Thank you very much!


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Decimal Places

Jan 26, 2006

Hi all,

I want to but numbers with 2 decimal places in a field. I have the data type set to number in the desired field - yet when I copied and pasted the data over, all the numbers that had 2 decimal places lost them. The only number visible was the whole number. How can I make the numbers reatain their 2 decimal places?


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