Solution For User Scheduling

Dec 30, 2004

Hello All
I am in need of a lot of help. The situation is as follows I have a table with users that have certain classes that they have to take and in another table I have the dates that these classes are offered. My problem is I want to find a way to map all the students to their required class by scheudling them into the required classes taking into account date conflicts and classes required before taking a certain other classes. I guess my question is if there is any possible to do this in access without me phyically having to schedule each users required classes to the correct time making sure there are no date conflicts. Any help would be highly appreciated because we are talking about 3000 users that need to have schedules and that is extremly time consuming if I have to sit here and do the schedule for each user. Thank you in advance for your time

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Scheduling Database

Jun 1, 2006

Hi all, I'm just starting on a new project to create a scheduling database for a small company (about 20 people). What i aim to do is to edit calander entries (Month view) and view calander entries hopefully using a control that looks as much like Outlook as possible again this would hopefully show what these 20 people are doing over the month.

My question is: Can you use outlook to do this, or would you have to use a control and does anyone know what/how to use this control.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


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WorkForce Scheduling......

May 14, 2007

HI All....

I have a question which I believe I may already know the answer to but Here it goes. I am trying to create a db that can track and employee shift schedules. I have 28 employees and we work 24X7 so we have 3 shifts, days, evenings and night. I cant seem to get my head around how I would create it. I have tried like 10 different ways but I keep running into Form limits. They want to be able to schedule for the whole year out by month. I have attached a sample of what they want it to look like. If anyone knows of anything out there or could assist me in at least a correct starting point, I would be forever in debt to you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I look forward to hearing from you.

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Room Scheduling

Nov 8, 2005

Can anyone point me in the direction of a room scheduling example or a tutor site. I originally wanted to use Outlook but my boss, after seeing another Acces Project I did, asked for it in the Access. I can build a basic data base on a daily basis showing rooms against hours, but my problem is forward scheduling eg "every Thursday meeting room 1 will be for Group A" etc. Can anyone please get me started - I'm tearing my hair out on this one!

Thanks in advance.


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Scheduling Software Needed

Jul 13, 2006

I am looking for some scheduling software to meet the following requirements:

The ideal requirements for a new scheduling tool would be:
•More robust than LaunchPad, but less complicated that Maestro
•ability to initiate specific Access macros (not using an autoexec macro) REQUIRED
•must provide detailed audit logs to show success or failure of each job REQUIRED
•ability to monitor shares for files or file changes
•Networked version for shared access?
•Must be controlled from within the team

Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thank you.

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Calendar: Scheduling Meetings DB

May 11, 2007

Hello Guys:

I need help creating a small Access Database to be able to make Schedules for Conference table Meetings. I am hoping to find an example, or if someone could please direct me to the right place where it’s been done before in Access 2000!?

I was asked to use this Calendar: (“Calendar Control 9.0”) because all my co-workers have this Active X Control, which has Dates but not Time in and Out. I need to add Time or think of some other general Control, to add to this Database along with the Date Calendar.

What my co-workers would like to do is to go inside the Database > choose their Name > pick a Date in a Calendar > pick a Time to RESERVE the meeting > place/ location, etc.

The only thing right now I have is a Table for the Users, and I also need to figure out how to place it in the DB for other people to select their name and precede with other options.

I need to make the DB recurring (like Outlook), notifying (e-mailing) of weekly Staff Meetings, for EX: every Wednesday for next months. So that next time, when somebody goes into the Database, they can see what Time slots are taken or Available on the Calendar. We tried this with Outlook, but it didn’t work due to the Conference table not being customized and not listed in the Company address List. Don’t mean to make it confusing - basically Outlook seems to be out of the question for my Group, therefore I was asked to look into Access :) .

I don’t even know where to start. Can someone please help me modify this or I would be glad if you provide an Example for me to visualize where to start? In this Calendar, people want to be able to choose Hours. In addition, I need help with aesthetics for the Database tables, queries, forms/ Switchboard.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks a bunch in advance,

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Employee Scheduling Database

Feb 24, 2008

Dear Access Expert.

I would like to create a Scheduling database for employees. The database would include:

- list all of the employees
-tabs to look at schedule for this week, 1 week from now, 2weeks from now, 3 weeks from now, long term (1-2 months), etc
-small comment section within each day for the guys to enter some comments...e.g. dentist at 10, holidays, etc

There has to be something like this already out there that I can modify and work with. Is there anything like this already in the NorthWind Database that comes with Access? What about some free examples Access developers made?

What about Outlook? Can I modify Outlook and use VBA somehow to accomplish this? Outlook is basically on an account basis so I don't know if I could tailor it to my 30+ employee database.

Thank you very much for your input.

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Calander Control W/ Scheduling HELP!

Aug 1, 2005

I have never used the calander control in access I am Very new to Access code as well. But I am Learning.

This is what I am trying to do

I have a Customers tbl and a Salesmen tbl

I would like to have a calander that I can use to set appointments for multiple salesmen in a form. I have looked at the calanders posted here and now of them do anything like what I am trying to do. Is this possiable to do?

Thanks in Advance for helping a newbie

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Add A New Section / Area For Scheduling

Feb 12, 2015

I need to make a random schedule every week. I have a new DB that I have attached and the current one being used that was built by some one else. The reason for building the new one is I could not figure out what to change to add a new section/Area for scheduleing.

What I have are 3 levels of auditors

Level 1 are the basic auditors which I will need 1 per shift per day
Level 2 Are operationl Auditors I will need 2 of the per week
Level 3 are management auditors and I need one of those per week.

When I get these compiled per week I will need to make a report to e-mail out.

I attached both DB's the old one to show what I need, and the new for a more stripped down and easier to update version.

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Appointment Calendar Scheduling

Aug 17, 2011

I'm putting together a Customer Management dbase, in Access 07, and one of the tables is dedicated to scheduling (and the outcome) of customer appointments.

The tables I'm hoping to get a solution for are:

1: Customer Master Data (parent): contains fields such as Name, Address, Phone #, email etc

2: Appointment Master (child): there are 4 Appointment tables/queries, one for each of the available product groups, and contain such fields as Product Type, Lead Source, Lead Status, Appointment Date, Appointment Time, Sales Rep, Appointment Comments

What I am trying to do is find a solution as described below:

1: When the appointment is created the appointment is then pushed into Outlook 07; along with various customer information from the Customer Master table

2: OR is there an appointment/scheduling calendar, preferably with the same look/feel of outlook, available that forms part of the access 07 dbase? This is probably the preferred solution.

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Bug Tracking Solution

Feb 12, 2008

Hi,I'm looking for a bug/issue tracking solution done entirely in MS Access. Does such a thing exist?My requirements are that it must need only Access, and be accessible in a shared environment solely by opening a .mdb file from a shared folder. It must support various issue lifecycle related things, and the stuff those tracking systems do in general.It may or may not be commercial software.If anyone knows of such an available solution, please let me know.(And yes, I've searched on Google, and haven't found anything worthwile, so that's why I'm asking here now.)thx

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Need Solution For Calculations

Jul 26, 2007


I haven't worked with Access for a while, now i'm working on a project and just can't handel with a calculation. I have somewhere the solution for my problem, I had use it other times, but now i just don't know where to find that sample database.

I have 2 tables: tblProjects and tblCosts



What I want is to calculate the Benefit=ProjectValue-CostValue.

I know it is possible, in other cases I have used some union queries, sum calculation and I had my results very simply. But now, as I said before, can't find that piece of SQL. :(

Any solution is appreciated.

Thank you

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Bug Tracking Solution

Feb 12, 2008


I'm looking for a bug/issue tracking solution done entirely in MS Access. Does such a thing exist?

My requirements are that it must need only Access, and be accessible in a shared environment solely by opening a .mdb file from a shared folder. It must support various issue lifecycle related things, and the stuff those tracking systems do in general.

It may or may not be commercial software.

If anyone knows of such an available solution, please let me know.

(And yes, I've searched on Google, and haven't found anything worthwile, so that's why I'm asking here now.)


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Scheduling Access To Open And Run A Routine

Mar 6, 2006


I was wondering is it possible to schedule in windows somewhere to open up my syncfrontend.mdb and then run a routine that i have written inside of that mdb.

The routine is a huge database syncronisation task that needs running every hour, it's all there ready to be run but just need a way to get to it and run it automatically on the hour every hour.

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance

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Calendar Odject For Scheduling Holidays

Mar 9, 2006

Hi All,

Does anyone know of a good free calendar object that I can dynamically add text too, for a holiday planning database I'm making.

Thank You

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Creating Appointment Scheduling Form

Sep 6, 2006

HI all, Im fairly new at Access, nut ive been given the task of creating an appointment scheduling form, so that we can schedule a client for an appointment via this form.

The idea i had in mind was to use a calendar to query the appointments table so that we can view all appointments for any particular day.

any suggestions?

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Scheduling Form With Calendar And DESPERATE

Sep 20, 2004

Here is my problem. I am hoping that someone here can be my hero on this one.

I am trying to figure out what would be the best possible way to track my hospital's staffing. I need a form that I can click on the Active X calendar and have it populate the staffing table. I have built the code and it works great.

The problem is that the way the code works now, I have to have a field in my table for every single date scheduled. For example, right now, I have the staffing table like this:

Date Scheduled
Date Scheduled1
Date Scheduled2
Date Scheduled3

Of course, after a month, an employee will have worked more than four shifts. I really don't want to add a field for every shift they could have worked because then, after a month, I'll have thirty date fields, and after a year, I'll have 365. So, do you have any ideas about how I can do this without having 365 date fields?? Thank you! If you can help me figure this out, you are my hero.


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Label Printing Solution

Jun 8, 2005

I need to try and create a simple form that a user enters data into and then hits a print button and the text they entered is printed in a particular way.

i.e. they type in someones name, job and company into 3 fields and then hit a print button and this then prints :


We also need the print to be formatted a particular way but that is another issue

This is for a small exhibition we are trying to run and we need something to print visitor badges with

Has anyone got any ideas that can really help as we have been let down by someone who was going to do this for us

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Dealing With Checkboxes - A Solution.

Mar 14, 2006

This is for anyone who has made a form with a lot of check boxes and wants to make a report out of them thats decent.Hopefully this simple example file is enough to assist people.Keywords:Checkbox Checkboxes report check boxes box

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Simple Solution Needed Please

Jan 1, 2007

Hi the specialists.

I do not want security on any of the files in my computer.

I'm placing this in "general" because I'd like a direct and practical answer, please. And if there is none, please say so. Computers are immensely complicated and I am just a little bit tired of people superciliously refering the uninitiated to "Microsoft's FAQ's" That source is to most normal humans as obscure as the software programming itself.

I have also searched this source and Google for hours, without getting an intelligible answer.

This is my problem:

I am the only user and administrator on my computer.
I have a back-end file which is easily accessed through the front-end.
.... but
I cannot open the back-end to access the tables directly.
I get the following error message:

You do not have the necessary permissions to use the 'C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsAccessThingsWORKLOG_be.mdb' object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you.

Of course the person who created this back-end is me, but I have no clue what I did, because it is at least two years since I created it.

Could someone please help?
I have tried to use the "shift", click method. It does nothing - just gives me the same message.


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Solution - Problems When Deleting A Row

Jul 8, 2005

Link to the original thread (

I have realized what I was doing wrong and thought that I would post the solution in case anyone else does the same trying to implement security. First off thanks Pat Hartman for the input. You were right on there needing to be a cutoff and now one is added that ensures they can't edit punches after payroll has started.

I had the right idea with the many to many relationship to get a list of buildings. What I was doing wrong was joining the resulting table to the shifts table. Instead the correct way (well, it works anyways) is include WHERE Building IN (SELECT ....) in the sql where the select statement gets the list of buildings numbers that I have access to.

Now the list is limited to the buildings that they have access to and when you delete only the shift table is affected because none of the other tables are joined.

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Difficult Problem, Is There A Solution?

Dec 23, 2005

Hi Everybody. I've been nosing around here because I have this difficult problem with a database design. I modelled my program in UML so I have a class diagram. Now I want to create an access database out of it, but this is too hard for me.

It's about a school project for flowers. Every year, they make a cross plan. This cross plan contains crossings. Many crossings. And every crossing exist from 2 genotypes. A mother and a father. With this crossing several new genotypes are created. How on earth do I realize that in a database? A plant is male as well as female so you don't need to indicate which sex it is.

Further more I want a genotype to be judged on his characteristics by a user as much as he wants to.

Well...I hope someone can help and if you have questions about it don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks in advance!

Gr Billy

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Forgetful Users - A Solution Anyone?

May 12, 2005

Good afternoon all,

I have a A97 Db. On one of my forms (see attached screen pic) I have a field "Payment type" for either Cheque, card of Account. There is no code or functions behind it, it just stores a value.

Trouble is my users keep forgetting to fill it in!

My first (and easiest) solution would be to make "Payment type" a required field. However. The field will only be filled out under certian conditions.
That is if the "Status" field value = "X" (drop down box holding two values "X" and "Y").

What would the code be? I presume it would be in the Form "after update" field? Would read somthing like:

if [Status] = "X"
if [PaymentType] = "Null"
mssg box "Please enter payment type"

I have a vba book on order to start learning, but as you have probably guessed, I have not received it yet! :)

Any pointers or info would be much appriciated. Many thanks :)

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Append Query, Or A Better Solution?

Jun 29, 2005

I need a little bit of advice on this one.
I have 2 tables that are used for different things, one table, denial data, is used for tracking all requests. It is updated with the form, Daily PAs. On the form are 2 buttons, each running a macro. One button exports the data to Excel by running a query to specify the date range. The second button is my problem. It also has a macro, with an append query, to append only requests that have been denied to my second table, Denials, to be later updated with additional information. The append isn't working because I am getting three different errors, a "type conversion failure," "key violations", "lock violations" and "validation rule violations." Now, I know I can begin working out these violations and get it working, but I'm sure that involves a lot of time and coding. I would really appreciate any other suggestions to accoplish the same tasks. I need to keep the approved requests seperate from the denied requests for auditing purposes. Thank you for your help.

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Simple Date Solution...

Oct 3, 2006

Hi all,

Please forgive a newbie that asking the stupid question.... i just wonder is that anyway to set the date format to short date with instead of mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy to let the user to keyin?

Thanks alot.

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Eval() Dosen't Seem To Be The Solution?

Mar 19, 2006

I want to use a counter increment so that I can loop F1 to F3 I don't want to create 3 (actually I'm trying to avoid creating 50) If/EndIf blocks of code. Can someone help me?

' Initialized memvars
F1 = "PO_Num"
V1 = "0001"
F2 = "Vendor_Num"
V2 = "0002"
F3 = "PO_Num"
V3 = "0001"
TableName = "MyTable"
QueryStr = "UPDATE " & Tablename & " SET "
mCtr = 1

Do While mCtr <= 3
If Not IsNull( Eval("F" & Trim(Str(mCtr)) ) Then
QueryStr = QueryStr & Eval(FValue & " = '" & Eval(VValue) & "';"
End If
mCtr = mCtr + 1

The way that it works:
Do While mCtr <= 3
If Not IsNull(F1) Then
QueryStr = QueryStr & F1 & " = '" & V1 & "';"
End If
If Not IsNull(F2) Then
QueryStr = QueryStr & F2 & " = '" & V2 & "';"
End If
If Not IsNull(F3) Then
QueryStr = QueryStr & F3 & " = '" & V3 & "';"
End If
mCtr = mCtr + 1

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