Solve The Queries

May 8, 2006

Dear My Friends

I want to solve the follwing matter.

** Enter-Invoive Number
** Enter-Amount

If the amount 1000> - Show stamp duty as $1

If the amount 1001-2000 -Show stamp duty as $.2

If the amount 2001-3000 - Show stamp duty as $3

If the amount 3001-4000 -Show stamp duty as $4

Like wise upto 50,000

If the amount 50,000 < Show stamp duty as $50

I want to above results in access report with name of invoce number, amount and stamp duty .Please help as soon as possible

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Did Anyone Ever Solve This One?

Aug 31, 2007

I am having the same issue.

Can't seem to find a solution to my problem here or in a few reference books I have on my shelf here at work.

I inherited several access databases from my predecessor a while back and although I’ve fixed most of the pre-existing problems and re-programmed most of the queries and reports at this point I’m stumped on one issue. One of the access files forces me to save every query, form or report I create no matter what. If I create a query because I want to do a quick one time query I can’t just close it and say no to saving when I’m done, I have to save it and then go back and delete it if I don’t need it anymore. I can’t track down any setting or code anywhere in this one access file that would cause this behavior to be different than all of the other dozen or so databases I inherited. This becomes a big issue in the case of if I accidentally do a major change I didn’t mean to that the undo command doesn’t correct, if I go to close it saves the query if it’s been saved before and makes my error permanent and I have to go dig out the nightly backup to undo the mistake.

Any thoughts on where to find or change this setting would be great as I’ve run out of ideas on my own.

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Can Someone Solve This Vba Program

Oct 10, 2006

Following program i have written in access. what it does is from the query i have created picks up the sizes of doors. calculates hit1 by qty then it needs to put the value into another table alongside the correct sizes. the problem im facing is how do i update the value into another table. heres the listing.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim Db As Database
Dim Rs1 As Recordset
Dim Rs2 As Recordset
Dim lf, rh, drw1, drw2, drw3, drw4 As String
Dim q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, qty As Integer
Dim hit1, hit2, hit3, hit4, hit5, hit6 As Integer

Private Sub Command70_Click()
Dim rs1fieldcount As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
''Assign a mdb
Set Db = CurrentDb
counter = 0
Set Rs1 = Db.OpenRecordset("custdoorsize")
Set Rs2 = Db.OpenRecordset("cusdoorsbase", dbOpenDynaset)

rs1fieldcount = Rs1.Fields.Count

If Rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No record found in query"

this is where the value will come from
Do Until Rs2.EOF
If Rs2.Fields!left_door_size <> Empty Then
lf = Rs2.Fields!left_door_size
hit1 = 1
q1 = hit1 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If

If Rs2.Fields!Right_door_size <> Empty Then
rh = Rs2.Fields!Right_door_size
hit2 = 1
q2 = hit2 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If

If Rs2.Fields!draw1_size <> Empty Then
drw1 = Rs2.Fields!draw1_size
hit1 = 1
q3 = hit3 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If

If Rs2.Fields!draw2_size <> Empty Then
drw2 = Rs2.Fields!draw2_size
hit4 = 1
q4 = hit4 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If

If Rs2.Fields!draw3_size <> Empty Then
drw3 = Rs2.Fields!draw3_size
hit5 = 1
q5 = hit5 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If

If Rs2.Fields!draw4_size <> Empty Then
drw4 = Rs2.Fields!draw4_size
hit6 = 1
q6 = hit6 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If

Do While counter <> rs1fieldcount

This is where it finds the correct sizes where it will display the qty value

If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = lf Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q1

End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = rh Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q2
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw1 Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q3
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw2 Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q4
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw3 Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q5
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw4 Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q6
End If
counter = counter + 1

If Rs2.EOF Then
Set Rs1 = Nothing
Set Rs2 = Nothing
Set Db = Nothing
MsgBox "Finished ....."
Exit Sub

End If
End If
End Sub

please help

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Having Access Solve For The Best Answer, Is It Possible

Aug 23, 2007

I am fairly new to access and am curious if this is possible. I have a x number of procedures, I will use 4 as an example, with those 4 procedures I have a reference table that has certain devices for those 4 procedures that need to be compared against the device charges. ie

Procedure Device Reference

Device Charges has

Is there maybe a case statement that I can use to have access try to solve for the best combination of the devices with the procedure to give me the most matches possible and not match say AAA with 3C and LLL with 4D giving 2 out of 4 matches, instead of the result AAA with 1A,III with 3C, and LLL with 4D, and flagging ZZZ as not a match or it matches 3 out of 4
Im not sure if this is the best place for this but any help is greatly appreciated and if more information is needed please let me know thank you for your time in advance

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Will A Subform Solve My Problem?

Aug 31, 2006

I have looked all over for an answer, and I think there may have been a few examples on this forum that may have helped, but I only have Access 97, so can't open the example databases to fully understand!

Bascially, in the database I am trying to set up, I have Museum items, for instance a photo, and the database users would like to have a list of the names associated with that photo. (obviously for some items there will be no people associated with it, and varying numbers of people for other items!).

I need some way of having the 'associated people' data displayed on the item information form (or somewhere handy). And I need it to have the flexibility to account for differing numbers of associated people. Would using a subform solve this? And if I use a subform, where will that data then be stored? In its own table??

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A Difficult To Solve Problem!!

Nov 14, 2006


My problem is this:
I want to retrieve some data from the database, the data is as follows:

pourcentage de processus évalués dans l’année

my problem is that when I am writing a querry for gives me an error because of the << ' >> mark in the word << l'année >>

my querry is this...
strSQL = "insert into temp_indicateur (id,description) values(" & rs!id & ",'" & rs!description & "')

I am getting these values from another recordset.

Can anyone please help??

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Query Needed To Solve Candidate Skills Database

Jul 30, 2007

Hi there,

The recruitment database I have designed for work is okay in the main except for where I need to filter candidates depending on their skill sets. What I need to be able to do is filter candidates that possess ALL skills selected in a multiselect listbox...

Table structure runs as: Candidates (many) linked to Job Role (one) (because candidates can only have one job title (in theory anyway)
Candidates linked to Skills table via junction table (candidate having many skills / one skill belonging to many candidates blah blah)...I'm sure this set up is as normalised as I can get (I aint no expert tho)...

My solution so far (suggested by another forum) was 3 listboxes on a form that runs like...
ListBox 1 = Job Role (Manager, Team Leader, Clerk, etc - set to SINGLE SELECT because an employee can only have ONE job title (supposed to anyway LOL)...
ListBox2= Skills (Payroll,Audit,Taxation, etc - SET TO MULTISELECT because employees can have more than one skill)...
ListBox3 = Candidates (populated by making selections in ListBoxes 1 and 2)

It all works well but is VERY slow as I was told to use make table, append queries and quite a bit of VBA to make the WHERE clauses as SQL statements, etc

I've searched high and low all over the net and have found things that come close but I'm just not adept enough to work it out (I started Access late in life). I feel I need some kind of subquery that first of all finds all candidates that e.g. have ALL 3 skills selected in Listbox 2 (creating a recordset of one row per skill meaning each candidate is listed in the recordset for as many skills selected and then filtering again with a count function that only displays candidates with a count of 3 skills - this subquery would then be used to populate Listbox 3 -

Sorry if I've overcomplicated this but it seems such a simple thing to and I'm getting a lot of pressure at work having being trying to solve this for weeks...

Any help putting me in the right direction or if you know of any similar example databases that would help me learn more would be much appreciated



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I Figured Out The Problem, Now Please Help Me Solve It - Search/Email Results

Nov 30, 2004

Ok here is what was going on. I have an option group, I would select an option,
type in my search criteria into a text box, and click an event button. The program
would then search my database for that criteria and grab the emails of the individuals
meeting that criteria. A message box would then pop up, listed all the emails it had grabbed
I would click ok (my sendobject command is set to edit the email) and at this point instead of
opening the email to edit the program would crash.

After scratching my head for several days I moved on and have come back to this problem again
two weeks later, and within 15min I realized what was wrong. I guess it is good to walk away
and come back fresh sometimes.

What is happening is that the program does not account for entries in my database that do NOT
have an email.

Example, let us say we want to search a state...lets use the state of GA for example. If I have 5 entries
from GA with email addresses and one entry from GA without an email address, it will crash the program.

My only guess is that the way the program is setup is that it is grabing whatever data is in the email location.
It that location is blank, its grabing blank and crashing the program.

I need a way to discard the entries it searches that don't have email addresses or something...

Please help, this is the last item for this project.

Here is the current code:

Code:'Code by M. Walts'Important information! this code requires a reference to the Microsoft DAO object libraryOption Compare DatabaseOption ExplicitPrivate Sub cmdEmail_Click()'will hold the dynamic SQL queryDim strSQL As String'will hold the WHERE clause portion of our SQL queryDim strWHERE As String'will hold all the recipients of this messageDim strRecipients As String'the recordset we will use to get the emails of the records that match our criteriaDim rst As DAO.Recordset'if there is input in the search criteria, then we will run the query and send the e-mailIf txtSearch <> "" Then'if you have more buttons, just add mosr cases (the value of the radio button'= the Case number, so Value of the State radio button is 1, etc.)Select Case opgSearch.ValueCase 1strWHERE = "WHERE State = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 2strWHERE = "WHERE PrayerSupport = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 3strWHERE = "WHERE Denom = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 4strWHERE = "WHERE PACTTrainer = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 5strWHERE = "WHERE PACTPartner = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 6strWHERE = "WHERE City = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 7strWHERE = "WHERE Donor = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 8strWHERE = "WHERE MailingList = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 9strWHERE = "WHERE Conference = '" & txtSearch & "'" Case 10strWHERE = "WHERE YouthPastor = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 11strWHERE = "WHERE PreviousCustomer = '" & txtSearch & "'"End SelectstrSQL = "SELECT EMail FROM tblUser " & strWHERE'run the query and get the results into the recordsetSet rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)'Loop through the recordset and add all the EMailsDo While Not rst.EOFstrRecipients = strRecipients & ";" & rst!EMailrst.MoveNextLoop'remove the first ; from the strRecipientsstrRecipients = Right(strRecipients, Len(strRecipients) - 1)MsgBox strRecipientsDoCmd.SendObject , , , , , strRecipients, "Email Subject", "Email Body", Truerst.CloseSet rst = NothingEnd IfEnd Sub'stops a ' entered in the field from breaking the queryPrivate Function SQLSafe(safeMe As String) As StringSQLSafe = Replace(safeMe, "'", "''")End Function

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Queries :: Unable To Open Or Design Queries From Older Access Files

Jan 1, 2014

Im trying to work on an db in Access 2007 that was migrated from Access 2003 (in fact its been migrated several times starting from Access 97). It executes and runs with no problems in both versions.
The problem is when trying to open some queries (not all) - Access is unable to open the query in design mode and gives me this error :

" is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long.

However, as I cant open it - I cant check it. Im pretty sure none of the fields have invalid characters (they do have spaces) and Im not sure how long is too long....

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Queries :: Running Multiple Queries To 1 Excel File With Different Tabs For Each Query

Jul 18, 2013

I'm using Access 2003 and excel 2003.

We currently manually run 5 different queries then copy and paste this data into 5 separate tabs on 1 workbook, I'm trying to automate some of this process if possible.

I am trying to use the 'transferspreadsheet' action within a macro to run a query and post it into a template excel file, using this code:

Trasfer Type Export
Spreadsheet Type Excel 8-10
Table Name (query Name)
FIle Name (FIle location)
Has field names No
Range Blank
This does seem to work and puts the data on a new tab on the specified workbook.

However I have a few questions:

1. Can you specify which query gets put onto which tab in excel? The tabs have different fixed names.

2. Can you specify which Cell the data gets pasted into to? As each tab has a set of headers and titles which need to remain.i.e would need to get query 1 to start in cell A4.

3. How would you expand the above out so that it runs all 5 queries, would you just add in multiple transfer spreadsheet actions in the same macro?

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Queries :: Method For Combining Crosstab Queries With Same Criteria From Multiple Fields?

Dec 2, 2014

I have 3 cross tab queries that are completely identical with the exception of the field that they pivot. Each field is searching for the same values just in different columns, with the end goal being to get the sum of the values for each pivoted column. I'm wondering rather than having 3 almost identical queries is there a way to use a crosstab to sum the values from each of the three fields rather that having 3 queries which then have to be aggregated in a fourth?




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Queries :: Crosstab Queries - Export Command Ask To Enter Date Parameter Twice

Feb 24, 2015

I have a crosstab queries which uses the date query parameters. However, when I go to my Export command (code is below), it ask me to enter the date parameters (start date and end date) twice. What do I have to do so that the system will ask me to enter once only?

On Error GoTo Err_cmdTest_Click
'Must 1st set a Reference to the Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim strExportPath As String
Const conOBJECT_TO_EXPORT As String = "qryEXPORT"

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Joining 3 Queries And Displaying Results In Separate Columns

Jul 31, 2013

I have 3 queries named Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth, Mech Final Equipment 6 Mth, and Mech Historical Final Equipment.They all have two fields-Final equipment and Sum of Sum of Down (calculating the number of minutes each piece of equipment was down in the time period selected).

My ultimate goal is to join the three queries to display a pivot chart that uses the Final Equipment as the category field and 3 Mth, 6Mth, and Historical as seperate data fields.What I have is a join query (Which I have named Mech Final Equipment H63 Joined)

Using this SQL:


SELECT DISTINCTROW [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Final Equipment], Sum([Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Sum Of Down]) AS Duration
FROM [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth]
GROUP BY [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Final Equipment]


Which returns a table that looks like this:

Final Equipment, Duration

Ancillary Equipment, 225
Ancillary Equipment, 401
Ancillary Equipment, 1787
Brush Unit , 1252
Brush Unit , 2519
Brush Unit , 8004

And so on.What I need the table to look like is this

Final Equipment, 3 Mth, 6 Mth, Historical

Ancillary Equipment, 225, 401, 1787
Brush Unit, 1252, 2519, 8004

And so on, like a cross tab.I tried to do a crosstab query but I don't have enough fields.

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Queries :: MS Access 2010 - Export Queries Into One Workbook But Different Worksheet

Jul 16, 2013

I have three Queries and I need to export three queries into one workbook but different worksheet,

Currently I am using ExportWithFormatting , but the result came out is three different workbook .

Is there any way I can export to one workbook ?

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Queries :: Adding Calculations To Queries Based On Columns In Query

Feb 18, 2014

I am trying to add calculations to queries based on columns in the query... it seems to randomly expect 'Expression' or 'Group by' as column types, and Im having to create 3 sets of queries following on from each other to de-dupe data and allow filters on calculated values.

Also I've got a function which turns a date into a quarterly cohort, e.g. Oct 2013 -> 20134. I use ot on a lot of dates. I created a VBA function, CohortQ used as follows in queries:

Cohort: IIf Year([InputDate]) < 1990 or Year([InputDate]) > 2020, 0 CohortQ([InputDate]))

In the VBA, InputDate is defined as a date

Function CohortQ(InputDate As Date) As Integer
If InputDate = 0 Then
CohortQ = 0
Exit Function
End If

[Code] .....

But when I run it on a date field, it gives me a data mismatch error. I can't step through as it's working on 600K rows.
If I put the function into the query,

Cohort: IIf Year([InputDate]) < 1990 or Year([InputDate]) > 2020, 0 Year([InputDate])*10+DatePart("q",[InputDate]))

it works.

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Queries :: Access 2007 / 2010 - Combining Two Queries Into One?

Jan 24, 2014

I have two queries, one base upon the other. I would like to combine them (If Possible) into one query so I can embed them into a form or report. I have tried without success at finding the answer on the forum as well as searching the web.

The table lists employee numbers and dates they worked. I need a count of how many employees worked each year, based upon the paycheck date, not the actual date worked. Pay check dates are two weeks apart. An extreme example, is the first pay check date of 2010 was on 1/1/2010, but all the days worked were in 2009, this would have to be included in 2010 not 2009(See the query for further date calculation understanding). Anyway, the date calculations are not the issue here.

I only have one table, so if I am not mistaken, I can't use the WHERE (SELECT... JOIN) feature. I also was unsuccessful at using SQL DISTINCT.

I am running ACCESS 2010 Tables are ACCESS 2007.

OS is Windows 7 Ultimate.

I have included a same database with the queries. qryEmployeesAnually2 is the results I am trying to achieve.

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Queries :: Calculated Field - Top 50 Queries Setting Not Working

Sep 24, 2013

I have a query which returns a calculated percent. I have ordered that in descending order, and now want to see the top 50. So (In Access 2010) I entered 50 into 'Return'. But it returns all of the records!

Is this because pct is a calculated field? How can I correct this? The SQL seems to be correct.


SELECT TOP 50 HeciFail1.POHECI, HeciFail1.POQTY, HeciFail1.FAILQTY, IIf(Nz([FAILQTY])>0,Round(100/([POQTY]/[FAILQTY]),0),0) AS PCT
FROM HeciFail1
ORDER BY IIf(Nz([FAILQTY])>0,Round(100/([POQTY]/[FAILQTY]),0),0) DESC;

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Queries :: How To Export Crosstab Queries By Date Parameters

Feb 23, 2015

How can you export cross tab queries by using date parameters (for example: Jan 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014)...

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Queries :: Crosstab Queries Columns Heading Limitation

Apr 30, 2015

I was wondering how to do a crosstab query and have to column headings

I need the Organization Number and the Org something like this

4005 4010

Office of HQ Office of Accounting

Is this possible?

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Queries :: Combining Data Results From Multiple Queries

Sep 30, 2014

I am working on a report that has some special characteristics.

Let's say I have a list of groups of Vendors in a table, complete with VendorID. I have 3 other tables that use the VendorID: Complaints, Complements, and Terminations.

Each of these tables has a date that the Complaint, Complement, and Termination notice was received.

Every Fiscal Quarter, a report is pulled that looks back over the 4 preceding quarters to determine if a 5% threshold has been crossed by any of the vendor-groups in regards to the amount of Complaints they received.

The equation used for that is : (complaints/vendors_in_group)*100

It is imperative that the information has the current fiscal year and fiscal month (which I am tracking with functions from MS website), and I need to be able to store the information attached to the fiscal year and month.So when a user goes to the form and inputs the desired Fiscal Year and Fiscal Month, the database can display the 4 previous quarters of information...split into Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4.

What I would like to have happen is to be able to have one table where the information is stored, quarterly, so that it can be retrieved for the report.

1. Is it possible to have one line, per VendorID, that has the total number of Complements, Complaints, and Terminations, as well as the threshold percent stored in a table? Right now, I am getting LOTS of duplicates and blank lines when I try to put them all together. It has the right data, but takes about 10 rows per VendorID.

2. It is very important that the total number of Vendors in a group be captured on that quarterly report, so maintaining that number, in the same table, is essential and must be tied to the VendorID.

3. I have looked at Union Queries and Crosstabs, but I just dont know enough about them to make it work.

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Queries :: Totals In Queries - Count Similar Items

Jan 14, 2014

Using Access 2010. Have been using a simple query to count similar items. All of a sudden I cannot get the sum of the count. I don't know if I have done something wrong or my program won't work correctly.

The DB is attached. The only query shown is an example of what I want to total, but I cannot get any total.

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Queries :: Combine Two Queries Result Of Second Query In Another Column

Mar 15, 2014

i I have two queries.. What i'm hoping is to combine the result into one query but not in one column only but instead the result of the second query should be beside the first query.. The result of the second query should be added as a new column.

First Query

SELECT tbl_uSers.UserName, Count(tbl_rEceived_eMail.EntryID) AS eMailReceived
FROM tbl_rEceived_eMail INNER JOIN tbl_uSers ON tbl_rEceived_eMail.UseriD = tbl_uSers.UseriD
GROUP BY tbl_uSers.UserName;

Second Query

SELECT tbl_uSers.UserName, Count(tbl_rEceived_eMail.EntryID) AS eMailProcessed
FROM tbl_rEceived_eMail INNER JOIN tbl_uSers ON tbl_rEceived_eMail.UseriD = tbl_uSers.UseriD
GROUP BY tbl_uSers.UserName, tbl_rEceived_eMail.ProcessedYN
HAVING (((tbl_rEceived_eMail.ProcessedYN)="Y"));

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Queries :: Creating A List Based On Multiple Queries

Jun 23, 2015

I have 3 select queries which Im trying to output to a combo - Ive tried a UNION query but I get an error

ODBC-- call failed ODBC Driver SQLBase.....

Firstly is do the results need to match within a union query? I mean they have no relationship what so ever Im just trying to populate this combo with the same results.

Secondly is there a better way to do it? 2 of the select queries query a linked SQL table and the third is a local table. All of the select queries work on their own.

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Queries :: Access Multiple Queries Run With Date Parameter

Jun 19, 2015

I have 5 queries that I am running. The first query has the date range parameters set in the field area that I need to run and each additional create table query is based off the results of the previous query.

1. Which is better to use to run all of the queries in one simple step? A macro or a form? I am exporting the final table to excel so that I can make some additional adjustments off of it.

2. How would I setup the date range parameters for the first query if I were to use a macro without going into the query itself and updating the date field? I tried setting up a macro to run the queries by using the OpenQuery action for each of the 5 queries, but I cannot figure out how to do the date range.

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Queries :: Report Or Macro To Run Multiple Queries Using Same Parameters?

Aug 9, 2013

So I run cash flow for a business, and we export data from Oracle and insert it into an access database. I have to run about 25 queries, entering in the same parameters for each. We number each week of the year. So for say the first week in January, I would run the first query and it asks: Beginning Week, I enter in 1, then another paramter value asks me the ending week. I have to enter in these parameters for each of the 25 or so queries, and it becomes quite irritating. Each query has a number of columns, but I am only interested in obtaining the sum of one of the columns, titled Distribution amount. So I am looking for something that will run each of my specified queries, then spit out the total of the distribution column for each in a table like.

Query 1: Total Distribution
Query 2: Total Distribution

Is there anything that would allow me to do this, with entering in the week parameter once, say week 1 start, week 1 end. and it use those same parameters for each query?

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Queries :: Quotations Database - Queries Showing Too Many Records

Jun 25, 2015

I have a database that is used to create Quotations. After all of the information is entered the queries that hold the calculations must be run. I have lots of calculated that rely on other calculated fields. When I need to Sum all of the calculated fields in one field I must create a new query. I currently have a QuotationID, PartID, and MetalID all linked together. The first of the calculations are done per Metal, and these are working fine. I run into a problem when the calculations need to be done by part. My Queries are creating a record for every Metal and this is throwing all of my numbers off.

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