Some Record Not Showing On Query.something Wrong?

Oct 27, 2007

I have make relational table on query, but some record not sohowing on query, although i have the record on table.

for example, i can't see the record with code :

is the anything wrong?


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Subform Showing Wrong Records

Sep 12, 2005

I have a form "Training", with a combo box that holds employee names and a subform with all of their training records linked by "EmployeeID". Quite often lately, when the user selects their name from the combo and the code below runs, someone else's records appear in the subform. There doesn't seem to be any kind of pattern, ie. the previous employee on the list or the next, etc.

Private Sub Combo6_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.

Dim Rs As Object

Set Rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
Rs.FindFirst "[EmployeeID] = " & str(Me![Combo6])
Me.Bookmark = Rs.Bookmark

'Forms!Employees![Combined Subform].SetFocus

End Sub

I have the db split with both the FE and BE on the server and a batch file that runs from a link on our intranet. The table that holds all of the data is at 3,195 records and the db is just under 4MB. I compact/repair regularly.

There are 66 users - usually 3-4 concurrently.

Is it time to think about moving the BE to SQL or Oracle?

Thanks for any help you could offer.


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Data Showing In Wrong Font

Sep 21, 2006

Hi all,

I have a couple of subforms on one particular PC where the data is showing in some strange font, WingDings or something like that. On my PC the data shows correctly.

Please see screenshot here:

I tried changing the Font Name for all the controls in the subform to common fonts Arial, Times etc but it still shows as WingDings.

I also tried changing the default font under Edit > Options to common fonts with no change. In the Options I tried changing font options on the Datasheet and Tables/Queries tab.


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Reports :: Showing All Detail Records If One Record In Query Meets Criteria

Mar 5, 2013

I am trying to create a report which basically includes the following:

Company, Wages, Contribution.

Each company reports wages for each employee every month. Then they also contribute to a general fund based on a percentage of the wages. For instance:


...and so on.

Each employee is required to contribute, in this example, 1% of gross wages to the general fund.

On occasion, the company does not pay in the required 1% of gross, say, for CompanyA EmployeeA, they only paid in $35.

Here is what I need to do. If any contribution amount for any employee is incorrect, I want to display all the records for that company, not just the incorrect ones. The report is grouped by Company, and may contain dozens of companies.

I am already passing a number of criteria to the report using a filter, including the date range and other fields which are informational.

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Modules & VBA :: Delete Of A Record From A List Of Records In A Subform Deletes Wrong Record

Jun 28, 2013

When we browse through records in a subform we store the records in the database.When we want to delete a records for example the third record from the five records always the first records will be deleted. How can we delete the records where the cursor is at? When we are at the third record and press the delete button the third record from the list in the subform should be deleted.


Option Compare Database
Dim FocusBln As Boolean
Private Sub Identificeer()
Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].Visible = True
Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].SetFocus
If Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].Text = "" Then


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DB Keeps Pulling Wrong Record

May 17, 2005

I am having problems with my database pulling the wrong record. It is supposed to pull the last record entered and e-mail it to selected people. Sometimes it does this correctly and sometimes it does not. The "powers that be" (my boss) is complaining about the DB not pulling the right record. It seems to be doing it more often than not now. I have tried a repair and compact, but that doesn't do anything. I am not sure why it is doing this. Here is the code that I have in my record source of my report.

SELECT TOP 1 Booking.* FROM Booking ORDER BY [Booking].[BookingID] DESC;

Can anyone help me?????


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Forms :: Double Click Event - Form Showing 1st Record Instead Of Selected Record

May 8, 2014

I am new to access and I recently encountered a double click issue

My form loads perfectly on double click event but it shows the first record instead of selected record.

My search is based on a PersonID but each PersonID has different WorkID that I wish to display on double click but it always shows the first WorkID instead of my selected record

I have tried changing the filters in the form properties but it still doesn't work for me.

Here's my code:

Private Sub SearchResults_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "WorkForm", , , "[PersonID]=" & Me.[Searchresults], , acNormal
End Sub

[Searchresults] draws information from my Query

Query information:

PersonID... WorkID... Type......Location
1234..........1............Paint .....Address A
1234..........2............Electric...Address B
1234..........3............Floor..... Address C

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Combo Box To Find Record - Wrong Value!

Mar 20, 2006


I have a form and I have added a combo box to quickly find records. I used the wizard to set this up as I did not know the code. Anyway this works, but it displays the wrong value - it displays the ID number and not the text value from the table.

The record source is a table not a query.

What am I doing wrong here, I have tried changing the control source and it doesn't work.

Any suggestions?

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Form Opens To Wrong Record

Sep 21, 2006

I have a form based on a query. The query sorts records by ID number. When I open the form, it opens to a record that is not the lowest ID number. It's the same record each time that it opens to, but it's not the correct record There is no filter or sort order on the form, and it seems like starting with record 2 it is sorting correctly. any ideas? thanks.

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Forms :: Picking Up Wrong Record

Dec 6, 2013

I have a table called "Cities" which has only two fields; City & Province.I have connected it in a relationship with another table as "Include ALL records from 'Cities' and only those records from 'tblInstallations' where the joined fields are equal."I have put an "AfterUpdate" event which works and everything.

It is working fine and updates the province correctly.The problem is that is putting another city from same province in the "City" field even though I picked up different name.

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Value From Listbox Is Wrong When I Want To Choose A Record In A Subform. Need Help

Feb 14, 2008

I'm new to MS Access but I'm trying to do subcontractors database for my company. I've got a menu form with to listboxes on it. First listbox is a subcontractor name if I choose the name the second list box will show me the names of the emplyess attached to this subcontractor. Second form is subcontractor details with emplyees subform. If I will dblclick subcontractor listbox it takes me to record with subcontractor but I can't figuret out how to do that if I dblclick the employee listbox it will take me to appropriet subcontractor detail and to wright employee details. PLEASE HELP ME. I'm strugling with this. Thanks

I've made it to set focus to subform, but if I will choose a subcontractor from the first listbox and dblclick on lstEmployee it is choose wrong record of the employee. Have somebody have an idea what I'm doing wrong

I don't know how to attach the file,can sombody tell me how.

Code of this listbox:

Private Sub lstEmployee_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "Subcontractors", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, Forms!Menu!lstSubcontractor
Forms!Subcontractors!tblEmployeesubform.Form.Emplo yeeID.SetFocus
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, Forms!Menu.Form!lstEmployee
End Sub

I think last line makes me those troubles but I don't have an idea what is wrong.

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Wrong Record Selected From Macro Of Open Form Button

May 1, 2012

I have a parent form showing some of the contents of a single record in a parent table. This form contains a button that opens a specific subform (using an IF statement based on the contents of another field in the parent table/form. There are actually any of 8 child forms/tables that could be selected and the related record is in only one of them. The relation between the tables is based on the PK of the parent table and the related FK in the child table. and the data is correct in all tables.

My problem is that when I run this button on the parent form/table it returns the appropriate form/table, but displays the first record rather than the related record. In the past (using this same process) I have been successful in getting to the right record by fiddling with the where statement (sometimes putting in a equal sign or taking it out fixes the problem). However, no matter what I do to the Where statement nothing works. I have not yet placed the final else condition for where the form selection field (VMValIdentType] is empty yet as there is no point at this time.

Here are the button macro contents:

If [VMValIdentType] = "Software"
Form Name: tmpVMValSW
View: Form
Filter Name:


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Showing Last Record

Sep 6, 2004

hi all,

i have question about showing last record in a form. i have 2 table, ra and repair tables. each ra_id is consists of many repair. each repair have time and date stamped. I want to show in tabular view all of the ra records including the last update of each repair per ra_id in a form. When I select some fields in ra + time in repair table, the form showing only records that has repairs ONLY, but not all records. And also display time BUT not the last update, instead showing ALL repairs. can any one help, if i want to show all records plus time but ONLY the last update on the repair. I don't know much vba, so please tell me what to do in macro or expression builder????

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Second Form Showing Same Record As First?

Mar 22, 2005


I have a main form that displays records with a couple of sub forms and it also has a button to open another form which is based on the same table main table but different sub forms.

All I am trying to do is open the second main form by clicking the command button and to automatically display the same main record as shown on the first form before clicking the button.

Sounds simple but I can't find how to do it.

Any ideas appreciated........Stuart

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Any Way Of Not Showing The Blank Record?

Oct 20, 2004

I've got a text box, populated by a query.
(it looks like a list because it's tabular view)

you can always see the empty record... any way you can stop it showing?

or failing that, I have a dblclick event on all the textboxes. But It doesn't work with the blank record..

this is quite frustrating.. any help please?

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Showing First And Last Record In A Group

Aug 30, 2005

I have a database in Access 2000 that contains multiple entries for each individual - in this case they are 'visits'. I wish to create a query that shows the first and last visit only on any particular day for each individual.

Can anyone help me?

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Forms :: Showing More Than One Record

Dec 26, 2013

After setting the source of a from to a table, a form shows a blank record and allows you to input one row of record at a time.But is it possible to have the form show a specific number of blank records, say 6, on each page of the form?I want the user to enter 6 new different records on just 1 page of the form without using the navigation buttons to move between records.

I need to design a database system for students to choose their modules.Each student needs to choose exactly 6 modules and I want the student to input all their 6 choices on 1 page of form, instead of using the navigation buttons to switch to a blank record to input each module.

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What Is Wrong With This Query?

Jan 15, 2007

SELECT s.weekth, s.contracttype, sum(case when s.[contract status]='advance complete' then price end)/sum([purchaing price])

from submissionandpd as s


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What Wrong With This Query

Jan 22, 2007

t2 is a subset of t1, I want t1-t2.
but following code does not seem to work.

select *
from t2

How to fix this problem? Thanks.

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What Is Wrong With This Query?

Mar 14, 2007

SELECT Orders.DelAdd1 AS Street, Orders.DelAdd2 AS [Street 2], Orders.DelTown AS Town, Orders.DelCounty AS County, Orders.DelPostcode AS Postcode, Sandwich.SandwichName AS Sandwich, sum(Orderline.Quantity) AS Quantity
FROM Orders, Orderline, Sandwich
WHERE Orderline.Sandwichno=Orders.SandwichNo and Orders.DeliveryDate=[Please enter Today's Date]
GROUP BY Orders.DelPostcode;

It says I've not specified street as an aggregate function, but I don't want to!

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What Wrong With My Query

May 15, 2007

Hi Guys,

what could be the probelm with my query? Here:
SELECT tblPartnerProfile.PartnerType AS [Org Type], tblPartnerProfile.PartnerName, tblPartnerProfile.PartnerLoc1, tblPartnerProfile.PartnerStatus AS Status, Count(PartnerType) AS TotalType,
FROM tblPartnerProfile
WHERE PartnerLoc1 = 1 OR PartnerLoc1 = 2
I would like to have it give a count of how many [Org Type] 1 and 2 for Loc1 1 and Loc2 2.

Thanks in advance,


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What Is Wrong With This Query

Jul 24, 2007

I have a Query that I wrote as follows:

SELECT [TableA].[FieldA], [TableA].[FieldB], TableB.FieldC
FROM [TableA],TableB
RIGHT JOIN [TableA] ON [TableA].[FieldB] = TableB.[FieldD]
GROUP BY [TableA].[FieldA], [TableA].[FieldB], TableB.FieldC;

What happened was that TableA has Fields A and B, and Table B has a field C and D. Tables B and D have the same content (Not necessary unique) and I would like to see a mapping from Field A -> Field C by joining on Field B and D.

However, when I ran it, I got an "invalid arguement" error.

Could anyone help? Thanks a lot!


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Subforms Not Showing If Record Blank

Sep 23, 2005

Have a strange problem. I've created a form with multiple subforms and if there is a record for the subform to display everything looks fine. However, if there is no record for the subform it does not show anything on the screen or if printed.

I would like for the fields on the subforms to show no matter what but I can't figure out why it doing this. I've checked the display parameters and everything is set right.

How do I make the forms show no matter if there is data to display?

Any help is greatly appreciated -


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Change Record Showing In Form

Dec 14, 2005


I have another question about ACCESS forms. With VBA, I want to change the record showing when I open a form.
I see there is a member "CurrentRecord" so I tried in the class module

Me.CurrentRecord = 2

I compiles but gives runtime error that is write-protected and cannot be changed. In the ACCESS help I read you could do it but HOW?

What should I do ( I am using ACCESS 97 ) ?!

Thanks in advance


PS : Is it true that VBA in newer versions of ACCESS has more features/functions etc?

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Open Form Showing New Record Only

Mar 28, 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible to open a form so that it shows the new record fields only? I want to create a form that only allows the user to enter data and not view any of the records in the table the form is linked to.



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#Deleted Showing Up After Deleting Record

Sep 5, 2006


I've searched and searched but I cannot find a solution to my problem.

I have a combobox with a list of manufacturers. When you select one, the URL of their website shows up in a text box below.

I have a 'remove' button on the form and when you click it, it removes the manufacturer from the database. This works fine, but '#deleted' gets displayed in the text box. I've tried Me.Refresh, Me.Recalc, and requerying both the form and the field (I'm using Me.requery on the combo box, and it works fine there). I've also tried assigning the text box a blank value, but this doesn't work either.

I have the control source of the text box set to the URL field of the table that serves as the source of the form.

Here is my code:

Dim ManufacturerList As Control
Set ManufacturerList = Forms!frm_EditManufacturerList!cbo_Manufacturers

Dim URLBox As Control
Set URLBox = Forms!frm_EditManufacturerList!URL

Dim networkequipmentdb As DAO.Database
Dim RemoveManufacturer As DAO.Recordset

Set networkequipmentdb = CurrentDb
Set RemoveManufacturer = networkequipmentdb.OpenRecordset("ManufacturerSites")

RemoveManufacturer("Manufacturer").Value = ManufacturerList
RemoveManufacturer("DownloadPage").Value = URLBox

Me.cbo_Manufacturers = Me.cbo_Manufacturers.ItemData(0)

Me.cbo_Manufacturers.Value = ""
Me.URL = ""

Any help would be appreciated.


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