Something Like Data/Text To Columns

Jun 14, 2006

Hi everyone,

I am in desperate need of help. I have a huge table in Access that is too big for Excel. I need to do something like Data/Text to Columns in Excel, but in Access. For example 1/2/3 needs to be divided seperately in their own columns. Any way to do this? Thanks in advance for the help!

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Tables :: Various Columns Of Data Mixture Of Text And Numbers

Feb 4, 2015

I have various columns of data, a mixture of text and numbers, which all have data in them, and a few columns that have numbers or text. When I copy'n'paste-append into the Access table, the text in the sparsely populated columns doesn't copy across but the numbers do.

It works if I import the spreadsheet from scratch (don't want to do that however, that data comes from somewhere else and would require modification to suit), or if I sort the data so that the text is at the top of the column, it works. Don't really want to do that either as there are 5 columns that this applies to and performing a 5 level sort shouldn't be necessary IMO. It seems that the paste is analysing the data and deeming that it should paste as a number even though the column contains text. There are only 120 rows of data, not a lot! I've tried redefining the field as Long Text (currently Short Text) but it doesn't make any difference.

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'Text To Columns' Like Function

Oct 19, 2005


I'm new to Access and was wondering if there is a function that can split/divide the contents of one field into seperate fields like you can do in Excel via the 'text to columns' function. I have people's names (surname christianname in one field in a table and want to have a query that splits them up by the space between the names and put one in one filed and the other in a seperate field).

Hoping someone can help me..



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Text To Columns In Access

Jan 11, 2007

Hello all,
I have a datasheet with a list of names stored in a cell, separated by semi-colons. I want to separate that list into separate columns. In Excel, I would use Data/Text to Columns. Is there some sort of Query something that would do that for me in Access?
Please advise!

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Text To Columns In Access

Mar 15, 2007

Hi Guys,

I was wondering you you could do a text to columns in access like you could in excel? For example, if my field has this:


Is there a way i can split it up by the "-" and have 4 columns or fields, broken out from the main field:

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4

As always, thaks in advance.


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Text To Columns In Access

Nov 7, 2007

Hi guys,

Wondering if this can be done in access. In excel, if I have the following data on a filed:


I can use the text to column feature and break it into 4 fields with the hyphen as the break. SO the 4 fields in excel would be:

Field1: AAAA
Field2: BBBB
Field3: CCCC
Field4: DDDD

Can access do this? I know I can combine fields, but can it break down a field?

Thanks in advance all,

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Forms :: Make A Button To Search Range Of Columns In Data Table With Data Type Yes / No

Apr 15, 2013

what I want to do is make a button to search range of columns in data table with data type Yes/no and display the results if the value is yes

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Wrap Text In The Header Columns

Oct 15, 2007

I'm new to MS Access and this forum. This may be a silly question but I cannot find answer anywhere: can I wrap text in the header columns of a table in Datasheet view as shown in the attachment?

BTW, I cannot make the column width wider because I want to display as many columns as possible.

Any help would be great appreciated. Thanks.

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Separating Numbers & Text Into 2 Columns

Dec 29, 2005


I have a quick question. I have a field that has information that looks like the below. I need it to be in 2 separate columns, but there is no space between the numbers and text otherwise I would know how to do this in excel. Anyone know how to do this is excel or access?


It should be separated as....


Any and all help would be appreciated!!! Thanks!

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General :: Clearing Text In Specified Columns

Oct 31, 2013

I am creating a database that keeps track of everyone who is currently "In" at work. I am giving a set number of people "administrative" access to the backend where they can view the status of everyone. The plan is to have them export each daily report into an Excel document. Every morning when the administrator comes in, he/she will need to click a button that clears everyones status so they can start over. The employees names and payscale stays the same and does not clear.

I am all about automation! If there is a way where the specified fields automatically clear, say after midnight.

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Queries :: Delimited Text To 10 Separate Columns?

Sep 8, 2014

I'm trying to build a query that can parse Delimited text to columns, for example I have the following:


I would like to convert the above in 10 seperate columnns within a query?

Is this possible? I know you can import delimited text to columns but that is not what i'm after for other reasons.

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Tables :: Combining Two Text Columns Into One In A Table?

Aug 16, 2013

My Approach database contains records relating to nearly 800 sites in London. There are radically different amounts of data held about each site. The database contains a lot of different tables, each containing a different class of information. Not all the sites listed in the database have information in all of the tables.

The unique thing that holds it all together is the unique site reference number. Unfortunately this is split into two separate columns in the Approach database, "Reference" and "Suffix". Not all sites have a suffix. (The purpose of the suffix is to identify sub-sites which are subordinate to the main site reference, but need to have their own individual records.) Because many sites have no suffix, most of the fields in the second column are blank.

In order to link all the tables together in access I need a Primary Key which is unique to each site. In this case the reference/suffix number is the obvious (only) candidate. There is no problem using two different columns to create a primary key. The problem I face is that it doesn't like the fact many of the fields in the second column are blank.

My solution to this is to combine the two columns into one. That would give every site a unique reference, and none of the fields in the combined column would be blank. Can I work out how to do it? All I want is a new column that displays the reference and suffix (if any) in a single field, no spaces.

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Queries :: Splitting Text Field Into Columns

Feb 15, 2014

Is there a function or query that I can split a field into different columns?

For example, I have First Name, Last Name, Address.

But I want to split the address field into Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4 as the initial Address field has a lot of characters with commas e.g. 11 London Road, Liketown, Likeshire, London.

So, I want to be Address1: 11 London Road, Address2: Liketown, Address3: Likeshire, Address4: London.

I thought that I can export the field using a simple query and then re-import it with using the text field into columns option, but it is time consuming.

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Cannot Get Columns To Add Up - Query Display It As Text String

Apr 28, 2014

For whatever reason when I try to add up two columns in a query instead of adding up the two numbers it displays it as a text string. So if one column has a 5 and the other is a 2 I am looking for the calculated column to reflect 7, currently it is showing 5,2.

I have added up items in the past so I am unsure what the problem is

should be [rev bid amount 1]+[rev bid amount 2].

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Adding Values In Separate Columns Dependent On Text In Another Column?

May 16, 2013

I'm trying to make a database to track inventory or several items. Basically, I have four tables:

1) RawMaterialList - includes a list of all raw materials.
2) PartList - includes a list of all finished product using said raw materials.
3) RawMaterialRecieving - contains details from each packing slip of incoming raw materials.
4) ShipmentRecord - contains details of daily shipments.

Each of these tables is fed by a form of the same name. I should note at this point that I basically taught myself how to use Access and I imagine I'm in the dark about quite a few things it can do. I've made several databases over the last few years, but I'm stumped at this point.

Here's my problem. In the form RawMaterialReceiving, I have several fields aside from basic information:

1) Item - a list of of raw materials from table RawMaterialList
2) Description - also dependent on info entered into table RawMaterialList
3) Quantity

But, I have 12 of these instances.

Item1, Item2...Item12;
Description1, Description2...Description12;
Quantity1, Quantity2...Quantity12.

My problem is I want to add up the quantities of each raw material and I'm not sure how to go about that. Lets say on May 13, I received 15pcs of Part A and 20pcs of Part B. I enter this information as Item1 and Item2 respectively. On May 14, I received 30pcs of Part B. I enter this information under Item1. Now I want to add up all of Part B (50 pcs). But Part B has one value listed in the field Quantity1 and one value listed in the field Quantity2.


1st Entry:
May 13
Item1 = PartA Description1 = PartA's description Quantity1 = 15
Item2 = PartB Description2 = PartB's description Quantity2 = 20

2nd Entry:
May 14
Item1 = PartB Description1 = PartB's description Quantity1 = 30

How do I get it to add up Part B to get 50pcs?

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General :: Obtain Totals From Two Columns In List Box Into Text Boxes On Main Form

Oct 27, 2012

I am trying to obtain totals from two columns in the list box into text boxes on the main form, but my third argument is not working as expected.The source of one of the tex boxes is:


I want to sum only amounts of the records that equal or belong to a selected programme (ProgrammeID) in the bigger list box above.

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Modules & VBA :: Attempting To Import Tab Delimited Text File With 274 Columns Into 2 Access Tables

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to import a text file with 273 fields into two tables. I've been able to do this with the code I found on an old thread and I'm now trying to accomplish everything with one step. The file I'm importing is tab delimited text file. With this current code I'm only able to populate the first record in the table and then I get error message. (Run-time error '3265') (Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the reqested name or ordinal).


Public Sub ImportTextFile()
' to use the ADODB.Recordset, be sure you have a reference set to ADO
Dim rst As ADODb.Recordset
Dim rst2 As ADODb.Recordset
Dim strFile As String
Dim strInput As String
Dim varSplit As Variant
Dim intCount As Integer


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Mapping Of Data From Various Columns

Jun 1, 2006

I have an employee with an NI Code of A

NI Contribution thresholds are in the format:

A1a A1b A1c A1d

1000 100 10.00 50.00

However there are many NI Codes and many columns of thresholds for each Code. I am trying to write a query to say:

If NI Code = x then give me values from columns x1a x1b x1c x1d etc

Can anyone help?


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Select Data Of Some Columns Of Same Row

Oct 21, 2012

I'm developing a small Access 2007 database. I am looking for a dropdown list for one of the columns that would automatically reflect the contents of the previous 4 columns of the same row.

Sample table mentioned below. Column 6 (Winner) should be a dropdown reflecting the nominations1,2,3

Nomination 1
Nomination 2
Nomination 3
Nomination 4

CV Raman
I M Vijayan

Azim Premji
Bhaichung Bhutia
Jagdish Chandra Bose
Bhupen Hazarika

Sam Pitroda
Kapil Dev
KP Singh

Sachin Tendulkar
Asha Bhosale
Anil Ambani
Anil Kakodkar

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Data From 1 Column To 2 Columns

Jun 30, 2015

Currently I am having a table in which the data is in 1 column, but this needs to be in 2 columns. How to do? I have:

VendorCode VendorName Quality MaxClaim
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1001 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1200 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1300 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1400 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1500 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1600 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1700 FSC Controlled Wood

But what I want to have is:

VendorCode VendorName Quality MaxClaim MaxClaim
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1001 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1200 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1300 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1400 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1500 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1600 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1700 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix 90%

I looked everywhere, but the crosstab function is not the one, as that function will put all other data in separate columns, whilst I only want to have 2 column MaxClaim.

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Take Data From Rows And Move Into Columns.

Mar 11, 2007

Hi, I have data from a form on my website in a text file, that corresponds to each visitor's input, each 13 lines in the form belongs to one visitor, as shown (twice) at the end of this message.

What I would like to do is have each visitors inputs translated to ONE row, with 13 columns/fields each. It could be appended to the same table or preferably generated in a new one. Note, there are no blank fields, some won't have data after their title, i.e. addy_line_2: is often blank, but at the very least, addy_line_2: or another field name is always there.

It would ROCK if I could also automatically take the name of each field out, i.e. each name is continuous characters up to the : (colon) ...

Thanks in advance, my Access knowledge is obviously limited, I'm sure this is fairly simple!

The fields:

Phone: 213-555-1212
Submit: Continue
addy_line_1: 1000 Melrose Place
city: Los Angeles
state: CA
Submit: Continue

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you !!

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Format Existing Columns Of Data

Sep 18, 2007

I have an old table that has many, many records. One of the columns lists the Date of Birth. Here's my problem:

Users have entered data into this column as "71462" This representing July 14, 1962. Is there a way to automatically format all data in this column so that it is more palatable - e.g. 07/14/1962?

Changing the column Data Type to "Short Date" in Design View would delete all existing data in that column, so this is not an option.

Thanks for your help.

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Merging Data From Columns Into Rows

Jan 19, 2006

Hi everyone,

I can't get my head around this so I'm looking for some help if possible please, there are two questions, the first is:

When in the query, I want the criteria for the date selection to be a question, ie. "[Week Start Date?]" but I want the actual criteria selection to be from the start date plus 5 days, the only way I've done that so far is to do ">=[From?] and <=[To?]", which uses two questions and I don't seem to be able to do ">=[Week Start Date?] and <=[Week Start Date?]+5" which seems basically correct, but I expect I'm writing it incorrectly (basic access knowledge I'm afraid :( )

The second question (after I've got the 5 day date criteria sorted) is that the query produces a table that shows basically the following:

Name Store Date Visited
Tom Bury 18/01/06
Tom Bury 19/01/06
Tom Diss 20/01/06
Dick Thetford 18/01/06
Harry Diss 20/01/06

The query is based on a part week period with the starting date ALWAYS a Monday, so no more than Mon-Sat will appear, I want to put the information into a table or query, so the result ends up as:

Name Store Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tom Bury 18/01/06 19/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Tom Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Dick Thetford 18/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Harry Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'

*Where the blanks are simply left empty, rather than putting in the word 'blank'

Essentially converting the "[From?]" (as stated earlier) or "[Week Start Date?]" to Monday, that date + 1 to Tuesday, etc, BUT putting multiple dates relating to name and store criteria onto one record :eek:

Beyond me I'm afraid, any pointers would be seriously appreciated, I expect I'm approaching the problem from the wrong angle.


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Merging Data Columns Into Rows

Jan 19, 2006

Hi everyone,

I can't get my head around this so I'm looking for some help if possible please, there are two questions, the first is:

When in the query, I want the criteria for the date selection to be a question, ie. "[Week Start Date?]" but I want the actual criteria selection to be from the start date plus 5 days, the only way I've done that so far is to do ">=[From?] and <=[To?]", which uses two questions and I don't seem to be able to do ">=[Week Start Date?] and <=[Week Start Date?]+5" which seems basically correct, but I expect I'm writing it incorrectly (basic access knowledge I'm afraid :( )

The second question (after I've got the 5 day date criteria sorted) is that the query produces a table that shows basically the following:

Name Store Date Visited
Tom Bury 18/01/06
Tom Bury 19/01/06
Tom Diss 20/01/06
Dick Thetford 18/01/06
Harry Diss 20/01/06

The query is based on a part week period with the starting date ALWAYS a Monday, so no more than Mon-Sat will appear, I want to put the information into a table or query, so the result ends up as:

Name Store Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tom Bury 18/01/06 19/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Tom Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Dick Thetford 18/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Harry Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'

*Where the blanks are simply left empty, rather than putting in the word 'blank'

Essentially converting the "[From?]" (as stated earlier) or "[Week Start Date?]" to Monday, that date + 1 to Tuesday, etc, BUT putting multiple dates relating to name and store criteria onto one record :eek:

Beyond me I'm afraid, any pointers would be seriously appreciated, I expect I'm approaching the problem from the wrong angle.


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Expand Data Columns In Report?

Jan 13, 2005

I have a report with a column of data. It contains a variable amount of data according to the demand of the user (criteria entered in a parameter query). The problem I have is that the data is short string of 3 letters but there are generaly lots of entries so the report runs over several pages. I would like to be able to creat columns side by side. A bit like with the "Can grow" option" but that a new column appears...

I am not sure I am clear...

Many thanx for your help

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Changing Data From Columns To Rows

Jun 30, 2006

Hi all,

I have a query which runs off a table. I have the following Fields as columns in query: WeekID, A, B, C, D, E

For each week, the letters correlate points given. So for week 1, "A" could have 1 point, "B" could have 3 points, etc.

I want to run a Query that will show A, B, C, D, E as rows like the following:

Letter_Week 1_____Week 2_____Week 3

I can't run a crosstab because it will only crosstab values within all of A, B, etc.

Any idea guys? Thanks in advance, as always.


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