Sorry, Noob Needing Help..

Nov 19, 2006

Hope nobody minds but I don't really know Access and I have a table that needs sorting pretty desperately.

I have a table with 5 columns that I need to filter out so just the remaing records are left over. (

The column 'fax' is the column with the records in it and the following columns need the record removing if the box is ticked.

TimFPS, OurFPS, OnFPS, NeedsToBeFPS, however the column 'NumberWeHave' I'm not too sure about so I'll ignore it for now (I may need to take them out later)

Sorry to be a complete noob and if anyone can help it will be muchos appreciated.

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Needing Advice

Aug 5, 2005

Hi Im currently building an Access aplication and Im looking for some advice.

What Id like to do is use a list box which has a list of items in it, once an item is selected and a button clicked for this information to be sent into a text box to then be stored by the database. Each new item should be added to the end of the list.

I was wondering if its actually possible and how you would go about doing it.

Thanks for your help.

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Newbie Needing Help

Apr 6, 2006

Ok guys, im going to be flat out honest, Im new to this whole database thing. I've been doing a lot of studying and Decided that I am going to try my hands at a real simple and straight foward database. It seemed fairly simple but i guess not so im asking for help. I think my problem lies in understanding how the keys work, and what exactly they do for the database itself. And two the relationships, im not really sure of, i understand how to set them, but again i dont know what they do for the database in the end. Ok so heres what i got:

The object of this DB was to collect, store, retrieve, edit and display data for a fictious Print center that deals with Black & White copies and Color Copies.

3 tables:


these tables contain:

Company Table:
CompanyID Set to AutoNumber *SET AND PRIMARY KEY*
CompanyName Set to Text
Address Set to text
City Set to text
State Set to text with 2 Character limit for input
ZipCode Set to text with 5 characrtr input
Description Set to Memo
Webaddress Set to hyperlink

Customer Table:
CustomerAccountNumber Set to autonumber *SET AND PRIMARY KEY*
CompanyName Set to Text
JobNumber Set to number
FirstName set to text
LastName Set to text
PhoneNumber Set to text with mask set
FaxNumber Set to Text with mask set
Email adddress Set to text

Job Table:
Jobnumber Set to autonumber *SET AND PRIMARY KEY*
Jobname set to text
Jobtype Set to text
JobDescription Set to memo
DueDate Set to Date and time

Ok now hers the relationships I set up:

Company Table: CompanyID ------> Customer table:CompanyName

Customertable:JobNumber ------> JobTable:JobNumber

I tried and thought this would keep things simple but for some reason when i go to create my querys, i get this thing telling me that i have other data from another tabel and cant be edited, i figured out that i had to put the job in first to get a job number and when i go to enter the customers information i have to manually enter the job number in. (Kinda Sucks) I entered some sample data, and tried to make a form, I used the autoform and created a general form but when I flip to the last record in the DataBase it wont let me enter any new information, I thought i was suppose to do that, so i went to the table properties and set the table to Data Enrty Only, and i still couldnt enter new data.

:confused: Ok so theres my problem, I made a boat with duct tape and now im wondering why im sinking to the bottom. Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED and if possible a broken down real world explanation on how the keys and relationships work, and what they actually do for the database. I also probably didnt set up the data in the fields correctly, I was trying to normalize everything but im not sure.

Thanks guys! Im really greatful for any help you can offer! ~[MikE]~ :)

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Newbie Needing Help

Aug 19, 2004

Hi all,
I need to develop a relational database to
track new construction -builders, subdivisions and
employees and additional info about each subdivision.
I want to be able to set it up so that the end user can
click on a drop down list of builders and then have
another drop down list of subdivisions to choose from
when updating or doing data entry.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
As basic parameters I have around 80 builders with
up to 150 subdivisions. I would also like to be able to use
this in other areas besides mine.

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Hello! Needing Help With Comboboxes And List, Please!!

Dec 12, 2006

Hi! Let me explain my little problem:confused::
I have in a form two comboxes an a listbox. On the first combobox you can introduce the TAG, on the second one a machine. I need that the listbox show the values of the first and second combobox separated by a comma.

The first combobox= TAG
The second= machine
listbox=TAG machine value together without using the table

If you can help me I will appreciate your information:D

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New Access User Needing Direction

Aug 24, 2005

I am a novice user trying to set up a db for small business and am needing a little direction. Most of the company's sales come from the contracted work for remodeling homes; however a small amount of sales are over the counter sales within their showroom.
How do I set up the db to track the following: customer info, contract sales amount & date & payments & balance due, labor costs by employee and sub contractor, materials costs, and net profit from contracted amount vs deductions of costs?
Payments made are directly related to contracted sale and not labor or material costs; with the exception of the over the counter sales. My boss currently tracks the above info in an spreedsheet ... please advise. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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First Time Access User Needing Help

Jan 18, 2008

I am a teacher using Access 2007 for the first time.
I have downloaded and created a Student Info database which contains details of nationality, guardian's contact info, etc.
I also have an Attendance Excel Sheet which calculates daily / monthly attendance in its most basic form.
How do I link the cells that show the current attendance of each student to the Access db? Can I link it so that it appears on the db forms / tables / individual student page?
Please advise.
I'd appreciate the coming to me in painfully simple steps.
I teach English and Humanities and am not well versed in computer language ... although I enjoy its challenges and use a lot of it for teaching and administratie purposes.
Thanking you in advance,

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Problem With Needing Duplicating Record Dates

Jul 31, 2005

I am setting up a database with 'open' and 'close' dates of an event for each record/ID. I want to be able to sort/query my results into the next event (i.e. open or close) as it will be happening so that I can plan for each event, but I am not sure how to go about doing this. I have tried various queries but because the information is linked to one ID it does not want to duplicate the information in the record. I can set up separate queries for the 'open' and 'close' dates but I can't seem to be able to tie it together
=>I have 2 queries, but I really need it to be at least in one report in date order each record appearing twice ...once at the open date, once at the closing date.
:) thank u

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Query Needing Like And A Place For User To Input

Apr 14, 2008

Okay my access skills are low at best and I'm trying to build a database for work so hopefully this isn't to stupid of a question.

I'm trying to creat a query that will allow the user to type in a work type and have it generate the all records containing that work type. The way the data is in there to get it to generate just a specific work type without the input I have to use Like "*newacct*" for example. Is there any way to do this since there are more then one work types for some records?

Thank you

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Needing Help With List Boxes - Access 2000

Nov 27, 2007

Hi, I am trying to create a button that upon click it moves the slelected item in list box one to list box 2 but i am not sure how to go about it, cany anyone help?


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College Student Needing Help With Lookup Combo Boxes

Mar 9, 2006

Hello people,

I'm not a programmer, I am infact a 17 year old College Student from the United Kingdom - Studying ICT!

For my major project I have to design, build and test a camera loans system for my photography department. Except, I am having problems with Combo box lookups. It's been over 6 months since I learnt this, and it's all a blank. Something as simple as this is simply not working...

e.g. in the Studentloans table, I wish to enter the Student ID number from the student ID card inside the combo box, and hit enter so that it brings up the relevant specific loans of that student.
I enter the id, hit enter and the student name, class etc does not change. Why? The same goes for my Camera Maintenance Table, Camera + Maintenance tables are combined to a CAMERAMAINTENANCE TABLE - Therefore I wish to enter the Camera ID number so that if i hit enter, it brings up the relevant service histories of that specific camera...

The relationships are all ok, the fields for Student ID are lookup, etc.

I don't understand. It's driving me insane. I need help with this, I'm struggling so much.

Help much appreciated.

Thanks - Neil.

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Please Help A Noob

Jun 7, 2005

Hey everyone,

I currently have an Excel Spreadsheet w/ 20 columns and 800+ rows. The columns are such things as Product, Product Code, Description, etc. It has clearly grown to big for an Excel file so I created an Access table from the spreadsheet called All.

Goal - have employees open a form and select a product from a dropdown box and then place check marks next to the info they would like to see for the product they chose.

I created a seperate table called Product, and a query for table All, and a report for the query. I created a form w/ a combo box that lists table Product and has a submit button. I added a criteria in the query under the column product that looks at this combobox. When you run the form, select a product, and click submit it opens a report that shows the results of the query for that product.

The part I cannot get is the check boxes that determine what columns are show in the report. I added a checkbox to my form and then went to my query and unchecked show and added a criteria to look at the checkbox in my form. All that did was erase the column from the query permanently.

I'm sure I'm going about this is the wrong way, but this is my first hack at Access and I'm trying to learn as I go.

thanks for any suggestions,

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Help For A Noob!

Jan 29, 2006

a a aa a a a a a aa a a a

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Noob Needs Help

May 27, 2007

I'm a complete newbie to MS Access, and I'm working on my 2nd database.

Just a small and probably retarded issue: I have a table which includes a field, which contains four numbers. In a query I want my users to be able to enter a number, like 6, and the three numbers after that will have to be wildcards.

Example: The field has these entries:

When the user enters "8", it should show the first two records. When the user enters "6", it should show the third record.

How can I accomplish this?

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Noob Needs Help

Dec 1, 2007

Hi Guys

i have created a table and am trying to run a qry that counts specific data, i have been searching but cannot find the answer. I have a standard qry that has the criteria of "staff name" and dates between ## And ##. Now when that information is returned, how do i get a count figure for the results. So for example if there were 15 entries for september it would say september = 15 (ish). I have been told to assign a recordset but no other information was forth coming. Can anybody help with code or qrys for creating a recordset.

Please remember the noob status when it comes to access - lol

Cheers Guys


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Help A Noob

Feb 1, 2006

I have taken over the Access DB from Hell.....

Recently our system crashed and so I fixed compacted and repaired, and all seemed to be good to go. However, next day a bunch of random fields that our reps were once able to add information to are no longer able to add info to. They seemed to be locked out, however, I go into the various forms that were set up and enable is set to Yes, and Locked = No.

Any ideas?

This also effected a Check box field of 4 also.

Thnx for any help

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Noob Question

Apr 10, 2007

I have this program that adds information to a ms database file in a very odd manner.i cant change the way the information comes in but is there a way to move it into the correct location in a new table. information is put in as a group of 19 records.

whats happening is this:
these are the colums
primary key,group id,info,info,info,group order,info,info,info

i need to information from 4 of the colums into a new table so i have 19 colums and 1 record.

is this even possible.

Frustrated net admin

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Must Be Simple But I Am A Noob

Nov 8, 2005

I am trying to make a query in which I want to get the data from the following:

i put in order ID number like this:


and I successfully get the data from order id in data sheet view

but I want to get data from 214,220 and 200 at the same time how should i enter in the design view criteria field?

I tried =(214,220,200) but it did not work

thanks in advance

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Noob Question.

Apr 5, 2006

Hello im new to this and i been working since yesterday on a database. Basically I have 1 table that holds names and numbers asociated with and also the current state. that would be "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE" and after a week or so (actually after i run a report) should change to "ACTIVE Z" and "INACTIVE X".

Now I have all the querrys and tables and forms and all. but what i want to do is to automate something im doing manually.

I run a querry that shows me only the records that have the state "ACTIVE" and i need to change them to "ACTIVE Z". Now what i am doing is, after running the querry i select all and go Control H and replace "ACTIVE" for "ACTIVE Z".

Is there any way to automate this.

cus i tryecd to do a macro that 1st open the querry and then executes the replace command but that just opens the replace pop up. I still have to tipe "ACTIVE" and "ACTIVE Z" in the fields to replace it.

Is there any way to automate this??

I would apreciate the help


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Noob In Dire Need Of Help

Dec 10, 2007

As the title suggests i am brand new to Access (about 2 days). I am trying to create a query that will group the fields according to their names and then add the income for all orders for each individual customer. After that i simply have to sort them. I want to sum the total income per customer and put them into descending order.

Here's a small sample of the list to get the idea:

Customer NameIncome per Order
Sanchez, Cindy$1,326.00
Lizzack, Mark$1,326.00
Patel, Mitesh$1,092.00
Sanchez, Cindy$1,000.00
Patel, Maria$780.00
Mui, Sylvia$780.00
Patel, Mitesh$500.00

And what I'd like the results to be:

Customer NameIncome per Order
Sanchez, Cindy$2,326.00
Patel, Mitesh$1,592.00
Lizzack, Mark$1,326.00
Patel, Maria$780.00
Mui, Sylvia$780.00

Thanks immensely for any help you can offer. I realize there is probably a very simple solution to my question, but after 5 hours of searching the help button, and various online forums, I'm at my wits end.

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Noob Question!

Jan 5, 2006

Hi. I just started using databases and I am at a loss with some of the definitions. I could do with some help as these are part of my school work! Thanks.:D

What is the role of a 'form' hold data provide a 'form' format for reports provide a tool which sorts the data and prepares it for export provide a user-friendly data input 'front-end', which can additionally validate user input..

Thanks for any help....much appreciated:cool:


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Access Noob Question

Oct 30, 2007

Hey all,

I'm an access noob, but decently experienced with Filemaker. I learned quickly that they are two very different animals with such a differing vocabulary, I may be in over my head with even the simplest concepts.

My problem: I am creating a quicky book order database for some professors. I have a value list (drop down menu) that references another table's column of professor names, but would like to create another value list dependent on the professor's name that would list the classes he/she teaches.

Table 1
Columns: Professor, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, etc

Form 1
a) Professor field drop-down menu/value list populated by values in the table 1's professor column
b) (need) A drop-down list that displays which classes the selected professor teaches.

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Noob With Iif Statement In Access

Aug 29, 2007

Noob alert.

What I am trying to do is write either a 'yes' or 'no' to one of my access tables based on the criteria of a linked table. When I build my query, I input the following into the field:

Expr1: IIf(([5WellInformation]![LowPH]<5.5) Or ([5WellInformation]![HighPH]>10) Or ([5WellInformation]![Temperature]>75) Or ... , "Yes", "No")

My query type is 'Append Query'

The problem I am encountering is that I require 39 different criteria to come up with either a Yes or No. If anyone of those 39 criteria fail, than a Yes is written.

When I place the entire expression into the query, half of it is cut off because the expression is too long.

Any Ideas? Am I doing this right... or is there a different way I should approach this.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

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Noob Need Search Guidance

Dec 11, 2007

Hey everyone,
I'm new to access, I have been using Excel for quite a while and I am familiar with VB and macros.

I have never been much of a book learner, mostly hands on, which means a lot of reverse engineering to figure out why/how things work.

I have a scenario, and found a DB that had some functionality that I liked and I had reverse engineered it to do a lot of what I want.

Where I need some guidance:

1. on my opening form (Clients) I would like to be able to type in Client Number and have it return the correct info.

2. in my Who Has It is there a way to do data validation (or dropdown box) I mean I only want them to be able to enter valid names not crazy stuff like MickeyMouse.

Thanks a bunch!

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Database Connection - Noob Question

Jul 26, 2005


I apologize first of all if this question is bounced up and down through out the forum all the time, and if there's already a topic on this, then it'd be perfect for me. But im not having any luck.

I do not know how to upload my database in a way that it will work when i try to use a page through microsoft frontpage to display results from it.

What are the accurate steps into creating a database connection? Thanks a bunch

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Noob Question Sorry. Forum Sizes!

May 30, 2006

How can i make all my forums fill my screen? so dont have to recreate them? so they are not just tiny boxes. as originaly designed? I looked in hope that there maybe have been something in the startup drop drop down, but i was't so luck. also tried to select whole forum and group and name the whole thing bigger by dragging the resize command. but this just messed the whole forums up so i did't save changes.

Thanks im sure this is a really stupid question.


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