I created a query which at first was simply to run a query which asks you for a drivers name, however we have decided that now we want to sort by the employee name as well as by a specified date range. I originaly had it set up to select the driver name with this in the criteria field in the Driver Name column:
[Enter Driver Name]
Then I tried to enter the following in to the criteria field in the date column:
Between [Enter Start Date: (Format MM-DD-YY)] And [Enter End Date: (Format MM-DD-YY]
However when I run the query it asks me for the date about 4 times, and then it goes to a blank report. I am sure I am not doing this properly somehow, anyone care to help out?
I have a query where I ORDER BY ClientId, MatterId and Transdate. The result of the query is correct. All of the transdates are in ASC order within the Matter.
When I run the report for a MatterId the relative transactions are not sorted on transdate
Can there be something in the report that could be effecting the order of the transactions.
I have an active database that is used to evaluate employee call performance. When building the database (my first full attempt) I did not include a way to sort out employees who are no longer active.
I know I don't want to delete them.
1) Add a termination date to the employee tableHow do I set my form to ignore all employees with a term date? (I currently have a drop down box that allows us to choose the associate from the employee table by using the Row Source)...
What if the employee were to return to the position (has only happened about 5 times in 15 years) would sorting termed employees out of reports be as simple as adding in the criteria of the query something like "is Null" under the term date?
2) Add a radial button to the employee table to show "active"Same question about how to ignore employees that have been unclicked?
3) Add a Z-to the last name of the (employee name) this will drop them to the bottom of the list.What happens to the associated records under the "old" employee name?
I have the data below in a query in Access, and I want it to sort by the Week Begin date. I have put a sort on for 'Ascending' but it doesn't work. (Due to the 29th being after the 28th - regardless of month)
Is there any way I can force the sort in this query ? It must be in the same query though, as I could probably do it by using this query in another one then sorting that. However, I don't want to do that for reasons I won't bore you with.
PS - I should mention that I think it is because the WekBegin date is an expression based on an actual date field. Therefore I believe it's treating it as some sort of text field.
I've just started playing with Access 2002 (Office XP) and I@m having a little bit of trouble.
I'm using the Query Wizard to summarise my database giving me average values for each month. When the query is first run it displays in the correct month order: April, May, June, July, August, September. But viewing the query again or when trying to graph the data in a Form, the sorting forces alphabetical order: April, August, July, June, May, September.
How can I get the query/form to return the results in true month order?
Here's the SQL info which the Wizard created:
SELECT DISTINCTROW Format$([Raw Data].[TimeStamp],'mmmm yyyy') AS [TimeStamp By Month], Avg([Raw Data].[Indoor Temperature]) AS [Avg Of Indoor Temperature], Min([Raw Data].[Indoor Temperature]) AS [Min Of Indoor Temperature], Max([Raw Data].[Indoor Temperature]) AS [Max Of Indoor Temperature] FROM [Raw Data] GROUP BY Format$([Raw Data].[TimeStamp],'mmmm yyyy'), Year([Raw Data].[TimeStamp])*12+DatePart('m',[Raw Data].[TimeStamp])-1;
I have a subform that simulates a listbox and I click on the header label to activate the sort. My problem is sorting by date. Below is the sort function and one of the date labels that I need to sort on.
Sort Function:Code: ========================================== Private Function SortOrder(col As String, xorder As String) As Integer Dim strSQL As String Dim sf As Form Set sf = Forms!frmMainEntry!fctlNotifications.Form strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW ProgramID, ProgramDescription, Facility, ResponsibleParty, DueDate, FrequencyOfService, AdvancedNoticeDate " strSQL = strSQL & "FROM qryProgramList " strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY " & col & " " & xorder sf.RecordSource = strSQL sf.Form.Requery End Function ==========================================
On-Click Date:Code: ========================================== Private Sub lblDueDate_Click() Dim response As Integer If Me.txtSortOrder = "DESC" Then response = SortOrder(CDate(DueDate), "asc") Me.txtSortOrder = "asc" Else response = SortOrder(CDate(DueDate), "DESC") Me.txtSortOrder = "DESC" End If End Sub ========================================== I'm not sure if I should convert the date into something that can be sorted or just leave it as a date. I can't get it to work. Help please.
help w/sorting two columns one with date checked out, other with date due back. some are overdue and there is not a date entered yet. need to sort by the longest overdue first and leave out those that have already been returned
I am having some trouble sorting my date and times. I have them both working great individually with RunCommand Sort Ascending after Update. The problem is, the dates will get jumbled up after the time is sorted. Is there a way to connect the two fields where the dates will always stay in order? I have attached a pic of this DB if it helps any. Thanks so much for any help.
i have a date field where about 80% of the data is entered in the format dd/mm/yyyy but the rest may be year only since the exact date is not known. Therefore, it does not have an input mask or a format set. Is it still possible to sort on that field? (As i write this i realise it is probably a dumb question but always worth a shot!)
I have what is probably a simple question. I want to sort my date field in a query by the most recent date. When I use ascending or descending it looks at the Month/day/year to sort it. I need it to look at year/day/month.
This table contains a large group of employees, and every employee has a Name, Salary and Supervisor. Some of these employees are also Supervisors, and hence they are in the table once as an employee but also have their name multipe times under the SUPERVISOR_NAME field. But not all employees are Supervisors. So if "Joe" is a Supervisor a section of the table would look something like:
Alan $12,000 Joe Sue $14,000 Joe Rob $19,000 Joe
"Joe" would also have his own record in the table somewhere else and have a Supervisor of his own.
Joe $22,000 Fred Rex $48,000 Fred Sam $12,000 Sue
The top-level person in the table has themself listed as their Supervisor. There are a large number of employees who are not Supervisors, and I need to do some data manipulation on these employees (and be able to check whether or not any employee is a Supervisor or not). So these "subordinate-only" employees have a record for their Name, Salary and Supervisor, but nowhere else in the table are they listed as anyone else's Supervisor.
I would like to set up a query that, in English, says: Show me all of the names of the employees who are NOT supervisors. Or (maybe using parameters), is this particular employee a Supervisor?
I have a cross tab query for which I want to display the dayes in mmm-yy format. I am grappling with the problem that this is essentially a string, so gets sorted alphanumerically.
Having read around related forums I have tried basing the XTab on a select query, which is sorted by the conventialal date, but also has another field that gives a date using Format([DateAdded],"mmm-yy").
Trouble is, Access only lets me bring across 1 column heading, so I must sort on the column I display, and this doesn't solve the problem.
The coulmn headings are not be fixed (i.e. "Jan";"Feb" etc) as the months are financial year months (April - March).
I can get this too work by using yyyy/mm, but my board of directors are not happy with this format.
Any ideas. I would be open to re-querying my Xtab from another query of from a report if that worked.
I have a field on a table that is a DateTime format and it needs to be that way. I am trying to query that table for all the dates to use in a combobox but I only wat the date not the time. The problem is when I format the field to just date I can't sort it anymore as a date and I can't group them. I still get multiple lines in my combobox because there multiple times for the same day. what is the proper way in a query to extract just the date from a field and still sort it as date ie 1/12/2015 is greater than 12/15/2014?
I have a subform which tracks all the notes our personnel have entered in a specific project (which is the main form).
The issue is that I want the most current note to show in the subform when the project is "opened up". The underlying query for the subform has the [DATE] field sorted on "Descending".
I want to run a query that will show a single line per employee, and different columns for each of the cost centers the employee was in. If the employee was in 3 different cost centers, the query would have 4 columns (1 for the employee, 1 for the first cost center, 1 for the second cost center, 3 for third cost center).
I saw another thread to linked to a concatenate example by Allen Browne, but that places multiple values in a single cell. I want different columns per cost center.
Hi all. I've created a database which contains information about stores. I want to have the forms automaticly sorted by the department number. I've tried to sort the table by department, but when I try to add a department, the sorting doesn't seem to affect the form at all.
Lets say I have department 1,2,3,6,7,8 in the form, and I add department 4, it will be the last post in the form. I want it to be the fourth, and so on..
I'd apreciate some help with this :) Thanks
Here's the database (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12934&stc=1&d=1142018915&PHPSESSID=f730b7f11f6983965698faeacbe5a1ee)
I have a job database where I sort jobs by upcoming, inactive, closed and active. Each has a corresponding number 1-4 respectively. The main table I update the jobs in is the JOB TABLE. I print a weekly report for our weekly meeting but I only want the active jobs in the report. My question is: how do I perform a sort function in the query, so I will have only the active jobs in the database table show in the query? Thanks in advance! If more info is needed I wil post additonal.
I'd like to sort in my query - used to populate a combo box - first by name, and then by ID. Is there a way to force Access to sort in a particular order? It seems like it starts sorting with the first field that's to be sorted, but I want it to start with field 2 and then sort by field 1.
I am fairly new at relying heavily on Access for my programming. Problem: I have a telephone database with call detail for every call. I only want specific records, which I am pulling by selecting sort (in query design mode) for that particular field. I need to sort like you would in Excel (Column A first, Column B second, and etc). Can someone help direct me in the right path as to how I need to run a mulitple sort? Your help is much appreciated.
I have a Duplicates Query that extract the following information from my Table
Name Surname DOB Joined
The query then extracts info such as...
Bill Smith 25:12:70 1999 Bill Smith 25:12:70 2005
Most of the time the 'Joined' field has the same year. But I need to find the ones where the year differs but the rest of the information is exactly the same. Because there is 15000 odd records to check, I thought that there would be a quicker way to check.
Could someone please assist me with this query if it is possible?
I have a crosstab query where my column headings are the names of the months based on invoice dates. what i currently have: Month: MonthName(Month([AnnualIncome]![InvoiceDate])) so this spits out April May and June in the column headings. The problem is that it is sorting it alphabetically, not by the numerical value - so my column headings are coming out as april, june, then may. (I assume once I have july that will come in between april and june.)
I am having a problem sorting records in a query. I have about 5, 000 entries in a table and when I build my query based on certain fields, the numbers in certain columns are not in order although I use the sorting feature. ( e.g.) I have 5 columns with numbering data contained in the columns, and I have it set up to sort in ascending order, which it did, but I noticed that the Volume # column sorts the Volume numbers differently (see example below):
V. 1 V. 10 V. 11 V. 12 then it goes back to V. 2 V. 3 V. 4 V. 5 V. 6 V. 7 V. 8 V. 9
It looks like it sorts anything with a 1 first then the rest later. How do I fix this?
How to sort a subset in a query. I have three fields BatchID,Month and Year. The BatchID can have multiple months and years. I would like to order the final sort so as the Batchs appeared in the order of the highest date combination with in each Batch.
The following is the SQL of my first Query which establish's the lowest and highest date in each batch.
Code: SELECT tblRevOnlySelYear.BatchID, tblRevOnlySelYear.OperatorID, Max([Year] & IIf(Len([Month])=1,0 & [Month],[Month])) AS Expr1FROM tblRevOnlySelYear GROUP BY tblRevOnlySelYear.BatchID, tblRevOnlySelYear.OperatorID HAVING (((tblRevOnlySelYear.OperatorID)=1)) ORDER BY Max([Year] & IIf(Len([Month])=1,0 & [Month],[Month]));
The next SQL is the second query which results in the Batchs in the correct order by year but the months are not correct.
Code: SELECT tblRevOnlySelYear.BatchID, tblRevOnlySelYear.OperatorID, tblRevOnlySelYear.Month, tblRevOnlySelYear.Year, qryRevTest4_1.[1stDate], qryRevTest4_1.LastDateFROM qryRevTest4 AS qryRevTest4_1 INNER JOIN tblRevOnlySelYear ON qryRevTest4_1.BatchID = tblRevOnlySelYear.BatchID WHERE (((tblRevOnlySelYear.OperatorID)=1)) ORDER BY qryRevTest4_1.LastDate;