Sorting Records In A Lookup

Jan 23, 2008

Hi all,

Pretty straight forward question but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere on the net. I have a table with a text field that's values are pulled from another table via the Lookup Wizard. Everything works fine, and I now have a drop-down box that displays all of the fields I have set up with the Lookup Wizard.

But, how do I sort the records that appear in that drop-down? They are not ordered in the same way that the table they are pulled from is, nor do they seem to be ordered based on any one column.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Remove Sorting From Lookup Table?

Aug 16, 2012

I do not want the look up table for my combo box to sort the data so that the drop down will show the data the the order I enter it. The table automatically sorts the data even with the Remove Sort feature. I added another column with numbers and sorted it to put my data in order which works in the table but the drop down still sorts it alphabetically which I assume is because my number column is not the bound column.

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Tables :: Sorting Table Field With Lookup

Aug 12, 2015

I have created a lookup in a field in a table:

select id, bike from tblbikes.
Column count 2
Width 0,3

When I try to sort the table by bike:

I receive the following error: Type mismatch in expression.

Is there some way to sort a field with a lookup.

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Sorting Records

Mar 11, 2005

I'm new to this but I am currently working on a DB for work. We are tracking employees that are trained by using an "X" in a Field to signify that they are in the process of being trained. Once they are trained they will enter the date it was completed. I need a query that will give me the number of "X"s and the number of dates. Currently it only gives me the total for all "X"s and dates. Is it possible to split the fields in a query and further receive the percentage of each including how many employees do not have any "X"s of dates? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I hope that this make sense.

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Sorting Records In A Query

Nov 9, 2005

I am having a problem sorting records in a query. I have about 5, 000 entries in a table and when I build my query based on certain fields, the numbers in certain columns are not in order although I use the sorting feature. ( e.g.) I have 5 columns with numbering data contained in the columns, and I have it set up to sort in ascending order, which it did, but I noticed that the Volume # column sorts the Volume numbers differently (see example below):

V. 1
V. 10
V. 11
V. 12
then it goes back to
V. 2
V. 3
V. 4
V. 5
V. 6
V. 7
V. 8
V. 9

It looks like it sorts anything with a 1 first then the rest later. How do I fix this?


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Sorting Records After The Last Space

Oct 10, 2006

Hello all,

I have a field in a database that has people's full name (e.g. Jane B. Doe). I would like to sort by their last name. Can I build a query that looks at everything after the last space in their name? Thanks in advance.


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Sorting Records By Times

Jan 23, 2008

ok so im not sure how to explain this but ill give it my best shot.

I have an excel sheet that has a list of order info. heres a sample of what it looks like:

70144:37.0Starting order split <34010993;01>gregory_pm34010993
70245:16.0Script complete for <34010993;0106>Rx <24073318>gregory_pm34010993
70103:37.0Starting order split <34010995;01>knox_br34010995
70204:26.0Script complete for <34010995;0101>Rx <24239630>knox_br34010995
70126:49.0Starting order split <34011015;01>flander_ar34011015
70232:09.0Script complete for <34011015;0101>Rx <24008174>flander_ar34011015
70134:01.0Starting order split <34011015;01>flander_ar34011015
70127:08.0Starting order split <34011061;01>flander_ar34011061
70227:26.0Script complete for <34011061;0105>Rx <24240139>flander_ar34011061
70227:55.0Script complete for <34011061;0103>Rx <24240083>flander_ar34011061
70152:00.0Starting order split <34011173;01>parker_tp34011173
70252:46.0Script complete for <34011173;0101>Rx <24071140>parker_tp34011173
70103:35.0Starting order split <34011369;01>sexton_pa34011369
70204:00.0Script complete for <34011369;0101>Rx <24240569>sexton_pa34011369
70149:02.0Starting order split <34011668;01>knox_br34011668
70250:59.0Script complete for <34011668;0104>Rx <21441348>knox_br34011668
70134:20.0Starting order split <34011764;01>hicks_jo34011764
70234:44.0Script complete for <34011764;0102>Rx <22787965>hicks_jo34011764
70235:06.0Script complete for <34011764;0101>Rx <22787933>hicks_jo34011764
70236:11.0Script complete for <34011764;0103>Rx <22788283>hicks_jo34011764
70156:45.0Starting order split <34011855;01>knox_br34011855
______^this line is the time

ok so here is my problem. I need two records, one for the start of the order(the earilest time) and one for the closing of the order(the latest time). I also need the time inbetween the two.


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Sorting Records In Access DB

Apr 6, 2005

I have an ASP file that retrieves records from an Access database and displays them in the browser. The problem is that the records come out unsorted. I need to sort them by entry date. I have a field in the table called "EntryDate" that is in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Can I sort by this field? If so, what would the SQL statement be? Thank you.

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Sorting Records In A Report

Jul 30, 2005

Is there a way to Sort records in a report by a Report total? I have a report that is created by a crosstab query that sums orders by Billing Client but the query also has a billing client qroup which can contain many Billing Clients. Since the report total (Counts) are by Billing Client I do not have the actually totals per client group in the query to sort by. I know how to do this in Crystal Reports by the report would needs to mulpiple workstation, which have the crystal reports engine but not the actually designer (In other works I don't know the code to print a crystal report from Access with only the crystal reports engine on the workstation).

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Sorting Of Records In Text Box In Form

Dec 7, 2004

I have a text box called tboWorkstream on a form. I can scroll through the records using the navigation bar at the bottom. However, I want the records to be sorted by the Workstream Column, not the Workstream ID column (which is the primary key.)

Is there a way to do this?

I know you can list the way you want in a combo, but not sure how you do this in a bound textbox.



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Forms :: Sorting Records In A Form (subform)

Jan 7, 2015

How to sort entered records in a subform by combo box. Notice combo box has integer value not text. I want to bo sroted by text visibled ASC. The code must be in Command control SORT (See pict enclosed)

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Forms :: Sorting Records In A Combo With Code?

Apr 25, 2014

Can you have a saved (unsorted) query as a row source for a combo and then add some code to enable the combo to sort the list?

Reason is, I want three combos to use the same query for finding records in different ways, but need the query to be saved, not a query built by the query builder that access takes you into from the row source on the combo data tab?

I only need the data listed in each of the combos to be sorted by one column in each of the combos.

Have seen something about bubble sorting, but not sure if this is OTT or even could be applied to this?

FYI, this is not a cascading situation.

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Queries :: Sorting - Show Records From This Week Only

Apr 23, 2013

I'm doing a query and I want it to show records from this week only.

Is there a formula I can use in criteria?

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Sorting A Table, Apply The Sorting To A Form

Mar 10, 2006

Hi all.
I've created a database which contains information about stores. I want to have the forms automaticly sorted by the department number.
I've tried to sort the table by department, but when I try to add a department, the sorting doesn't seem to affect the form at all.

Lets say I have department 1,2,3,6,7,8 in the form, and I add department 4, it will be the last post in the form. I want it to be the fourth, and so on..

I'd apreciate some help with this :) Thanks

Here's the database (

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I Need Query To Lookup Records For This Year Only.

Sep 18, 2005

SELECT Loans.CustomerID, Loans.LoanID, Loans.LoanAmount, Loans.StartDate, Loans.EndDate, Loans.LoanLender
FROM Loans
WHERE (((Loans.StartDate)>DateAdd("d",-32,Date() And ((Loans.EndDate)>DateAdd("y",-1,Date())))));

I want my query to do a monthy lookup of bussiness where a loan is either opened or closed in the last 32 days. This works except its pulling up records from all previous years. I tried to filter the year as shown above, of course its not working. So what do i have to do? Thanks for any help in advanced.


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Cmb Residual Lookup Info When Switching Records

Apr 30, 2008

Understand the basics of using a cascading combo box as follows:

Table criteria for stblDiscipline set to [forms]![frmPersonContact].cmbDiscipline

and SQL statement for

When I switch to another record the cmbSubDiscipline displays the correct value from the table but, the selection values are left from the last Requery. Unfortunately, the combo box will also let the user select one of the incorrect values. Tried to add a _Current statement without success.

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Forms :: Populating Records From A Choice In Lookup

Jun 14, 2013

When adding a new project to the DB (through forms, not tables) when we get to the Client Company, I have a look up menu for previous clients (many of which will be reused) and when I click on the company, I would like the information to auto populate the client company info (address, city, state, phone, etc.) form. The whole point of the look up is to not have to re-enter information for the same company over and over. However, if there is a new client company I will be able to fill that info in myself to be added to the table.

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Forms :: Deleting ComboBox Lookup Options But Keep Old Records

May 14, 2014

I have a ComboBox which looks up the records in a query. The query contains the names of current employees. The table upon which the query is based lists Employees and their start date and finish date. The Query is based on finish date being Null (ie they're still working here).

In the main form which details tasks, I would like the ComboBox to just list current employees (which it does as it's based on the query) but when an employee leaves, their name is deleted from all previous records.

Is there a way to keep the ComboBox options limited to current staff, while also keeping the names of previous employees in the form?

I checked the table which the form is based on and it still has the values, so I'd like to show in the form too as that's what people will be working on.

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Queries :: Lookup Records From Table - Adding A Value To A Query

Feb 12, 2014

I have a query which looks up records from a table, now what I would like to do is append the word All Projects to this query - is it possible, and if so how?

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Update Query To Increment Value In Lookup Field On All Records?

Sep 1, 2012

Is it possible to run an update query to increment the value in a lookup field on all records, if the values are not numerical?

For example if the look up field contains Unit A, Unit B etc? can a query be executed so that anything with Unit A will be set to Unit B, and Unit B records will be set to Unit C?

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Record Lookup In Form Flashes One Or More Records Before Displaying The One Selected

Dec 3, 2014

I have a form (Student Details) that has an unbound lookup box using a query to select a student. The lookup has the hidden Student ID autonumber key field plus Class Number, Last Name, First Name, Status, sorted by Class Number (descending), Last Name, First Name.

The form record source is a similar but unsorted query.

There are nearly 1000 student records. The form has pages (tabs). The lookup box is in the form header. There are dozens of fields in the 1st Page (General) including an picture (attachment, not hyperlink) field holding a photo of the student, the other 6 pages have less.

When you select a student via the look up, at least one sometimes more students "flash" before it displays the one you want, which seems to display twice before it stops.

I deleted the picture field to see what difference that made, because it seemed to do the most flashing, and indeed, without that field you go right to the record. I looked at the Student table indexes and it seems that field type is not index-able, which is understandable.

Is there any way to improve this with still leaving the photos as attachments? Some thoughts:

It improves if it is displayed first as an Icon or Paper Clip, and probably would if a hyperlink field, but we like to have the picture displayed and not have to open the link to see it nor worry about the location changing invalidating a link. It seems that if the record was displayed with the picture field only filled after all the other fields were filled it would make for a better impression.

Can an On Load form event VBA or Macro be written that either hold the picture back until the rest of the fields are displayed or if an icon or changed to a hyperlink to open. Would it work if the pictures were attached to a separate joined table?

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Queries :: Multiple Table Database - Lookup For Some Fields And Display Records

Mar 23, 2015

My colleague has a multiple table database and uses lookups for some fields. The simple query was to extract 3 fields and display all records from those fields. The result of the query was that the selected fields were listed first followed by all other fields which are usually not displayed.

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LookUp Tables For Dynamic Set Of Attributes: Set A Pointer Or Use A Generic LookUp?

Jul 24, 2007

I'm wrestling with the issues; in other threads, it became apparent that because I could not know ahead of time what I will need to know about a given entity, I will use a table to enumerate attributes that is applicable for a given entity.

However, the stumper is that what if an attribute should conform to a set list of values? Since they are dynamic, I would have problem predicting what I will need to be able to lookup, and am even don't know whether I will need a one-many lookup or many-many lookup.

I thought that generic lookup table with a table listing "classes" of lookup would allow me to have one big generic lookup table while using "classes" to act like virtual tables so I can then set the query to appropriate "class" to return just right set of values.

But as I thought about it, I ran into some issues which is pulling me toward the crazy idea that I should have freestanding tables, and use a field in tblAttribute to give me the table's name so I'd know which free-standing table it points to, and have the necessary key to lookup the values within that table.

Even though my gut instincts tell me that I shouldn't be going against the conventions of database design (who the frick goes around creating free-standing lookups?!?), I'm simply not sure how I can use a generic lookup table to hold all information.

For example, suppose I was given a list of values that has its own categories. Since the former design allows only for two level (lookup and lookupclass), where am I to insert that extra level?

Furthermore, I found myself needing a set of virtual keys to reference a certain "class" of lookups for report purposes. That means I need an extra field in my lookup table than I originally anticipates. What if I find myself needing one more field that just won't fit the generic lookup table?

So does anyone have suggestions on how we would create a placeholder for a lookup table that will be made just in time?

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Filtering Lookup Value Based On Other Lookup Values

Jul 27, 2015

I have three large source tables imported into my database. I have created queries to retrieve relevant values from fields in each source table which feeds into my form. Each field on my form that is connected to the relevant query is a lookup field. For example, one field called "Supplier_Name" another called "Supplier_Code" and a third called "Route_Number".

Needless to say each of my lookup fields are very long. I am trying to filter my search based upon the selection from the previous Lookup field. How I can filter a lookup field's value based upon the previous lookup field selection? Each Supplier has a code and assign route(s) and I have already established these relationships.

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Lookup Fields Using Lookup Wizard

Mar 2, 2005


I wonder if anybody can help me.

I have a table called ITEM, within ITEM I have three fields ITEM NUMBER (Key Field), Item, Cost,

I have another table called INVOICE ITEMS, Within INVOICE ITEMS I have six Fields, INVOICE NUMBER, ITEM NUMBER, ITEM, UNIT COST, Amount, Total Amount.

I want to use Lookup wizard to complete the fields ITEM NUMBER, ITEM, UNIT COST from the ITEM table.

Is this possible?


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Tables :: Lookup Field Using Another Multi Value Lookup Field As Data Source

Nov 23, 2012

how to do a particular thing in Access 2010 (I don't even know if it is possible).

I have a table named PRODUCTS:
ID_PRODUCT (primary key, autonumber long integer)
ALLOWED_OPTIONS (multi value text lookup field: "Option 1";"Option 2";...;"Option 9")

So I can store, for each different product, none, one, or more options to let the customers choose from.

I have a table named ORDERS:
ID_ORDER (primary key, autonumber long integer)
FK_CUSTOMER (foreign key, linked to the primary key of a CUSTOMERS table; represents the customer that places the order.)
FK_PRODUCT (foreign key, linked to PRODUCTS.ID_PRODUCT; represents the product that the customer has choosen)
CHOOSEN_OPTION (lookup text field; the customer must choose ONE option among those allowed for the product he has ordered)

The problem is that I would like the CHOOSEN_OPTION field to show as a combobox, listing the values stored into PRODUCTS.ALLOWED_OPTIONS, so that when a customer buys a product, he can choose only among the options allowed by that particular product.How can I manage a multi value field to populate a combobox, in which every item stays on its line? If I use, as a query to populate the combobox:


I obtain an empty combobox.If I refer to the last field as [ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT], Access asks me to type a value for "[ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT]", treating it as an unknown parameter.I think that the problem is that when the combobox expands, the record is not committed yet, so FK_PRODUCT is unknown (NULL?). But this happens even if I commit the record typing something in FK_PRODUCT and then I re-enter the record and I expand the CHOOSEN_OPTION combobox, that is still empy although FK_PRODUCT exists, now.Is there a particular syntax to refer to a field in a record not committed yet (something like "THIS." or "ME.")?

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