Sorting A Subform With Ascending Values

Nov 23, 2006

Hi All hope some one can help with this.

I have a sub for which is set to sort by ascending order for a given field which happens to be a text field with vales set something like abc1.1,abc1.2 ect. The problem is, is that when you get to abc1.10, and more these are then sorted as so

How can I stop this and sort it:

Thanks for any help with this

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Sorting A Field In Certain Way Which Is Neither Ascending Nor Descending

Jan 25, 2015

I have this form for data entry. I want to sort a field in a certain way which is neither ascending nor descending. The items in this field should be ordered as say, C, A, D, B. What I want is a custom order. How can we do it?

The field I am referring to is not on this form, but in the underlying table.

I am thinking of a VB code to achieve this purpose, where I can define the order. But not sure how to do it.

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How To Use One Button For Sorting In Ascending And Descending

Feb 28, 2013

I would like to do sorting by using one Button like (Toggle Button).In the first click the below code is work good for Descending but in the second click the code doesn't work for Ascending!!


Private Sub TabItemName_Label_Click()
If [TabItemName_Label] = -1 Then
Me.OrderBy = TabItemName & " DESC"
Me.OrderByOn = True


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Sorting On Alfanumerical Values

Jan 4, 2006

I have a database with a code field which contains alfanumerical values like:
IB1, IB2, IB3...IB180, and so on.
When I sort the usual way A-->Z, I obtain:
IB1, IB10, IB100, IB101...IB109, IB11, IB110, IB111

How can I sort nicely to obtain IB1, IB2, IB3...

To complicate things, there are alfanumerical values with a different number of letters before the figures: like F1, F2... and SER1, SER2 and so on.

Is there any plugin to nicely sort those codes?

thanks in advance


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Generating Year Values And Sorting

Jan 25, 2005

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Please bear with me. I'm new to using access and plodding along little by little and I had little luck finding relavent past posts. I have a table with the column headings and a couple of records listed below. Each of those records has a subdatasheet pertaining to data for the commands. For every command, my dept does a survey or inspection every so many years. How often we do these surveys depends on the HAZ CAT. If the command has a HAZ CAT of I, they have a survey done every year. (HAZ CAT= II, every 2 years; HAZ CAT = III, every 4 years). On a form, I want to be able to generate the next serveral survey years (let's say for the next 10 years) based on the command's most recent survey year and its HAZ CAT. So for each command, there should be a listing of all its survey years. Then I want to be able to sort by year so I'll know what commands will need to be surveyed each year. I'll eventually have a form which will be my control panel. On the control panel will be command buttons labeled with years for the next 10 years. The button should open up a form with the records for the respective command information.

[CommandID] [Command] [HAZ CAT] [Last Recent Survey]
1 AIMD I 2004
16 DODDS III 2002

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Forms :: Sorting Missing Null Values?

Jun 19, 2013

Im trying to sort a form on a date. it only has dates put in once a confirmed date is known so when i sort all the blanks come to the top is there a way of sorting excluding null values

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Modules & VBA :: Sorting TextBox Values In Numerical Order

Sep 20, 2014

I've got a rapidly expanding database that I designed to do my quotes for work and now I'm trying to expand it to add up the invoice amounts when the jobs come to fruition. I've got 99% of it working well but as I'm not the only one entering data I'm trying to make it as foolproof as possible and here is my problem.

I have a multi-line textbox that receives 'vehicles' in an abbreviated format and I need to get them in order based on a sort column number in the appropriate table. This i can do but the code I have found removes the duplicates which I don't want as I can can two identical vehicles on the same job.


Vehicle Sort Order
UNT/FL 500
FL4/45 400
E7/F5 600
UNT/FL 500

I want as

FL4/45 400
UNT/FL 500
UNT/FL 500
E7/F5 600

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Sorting Table / Query - Ordering Numeric Values

Dec 30, 2013

I currently have records that end with a letter and 2 numbers. For example, A1, A2, ... , A10, A11. When I try to sort my table/query by these values, A10 & A11 come before A2. It seems that it is sorting by the first digit shown. Is there any way to fix this quickly within table/query properties so that this can be displayed in proper numeric order?

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Sorting A Subform

Nov 18, 2005

I need to order a sub form (which is a continuous form) by a Date field in decending order (so that the latest date appears at the top).

When I open the subform on its own the sort works fine by just sorting using the OrderBy property but when it is opened as a subform it doesn’t sort in the same way.


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Sorting In A Subform

Feb 8, 2006

Hi All... please read on and see if you can help

GOAL: To sort my subform data in descending order;

I have a subform off a large query... the query has other forms off it...

so on the subform I have used the Order By property...

qryDeliveries.EntDate DESC

:) sure enough when the subform is opened the continuous data is sorted in descending order by date....

:( BUT.. When I add this subform to my unbound main form it doesn't sort the subforms data? I didn't want to sort on the query because it runs other forms???

Please advise


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Subform Not Sorting

Sep 24, 2006

I have a form that lists contact information for people, and also has a subform that shows their participation in different events that my group puts on.

The subform, when viewed by itself, sorts the data based on one of the combo boxes just fine, since I have the subform based on a query that is sorted correctly.

But when I view the main form, which includes the subform on it, the data on the subform is not sorting at all.

Any idea why it would sort properly when viewed directly, but not when viewed as part of the main form?

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Subform Sorting?

Oct 29, 2006

I have subform which displays correctly off a table but is there a way besides making it off a query to filter just one criteria? Such as Y instead of N? Or do I have to go through it and use a query for the source? Which is the best?

The box im using is Y/N

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Reports :: Sorting And Formatting A Report Based Off Of Values And User Input?

Jul 1, 2013

I'm trying to make a report that a untrained user can use to review the relevant data from the database I'm creating. All of the work I've done so far has been directly in the tables . Here's a quick outline of my general data organization:


Needs_Work (check box)


Basically, I want the user to select a department to view using a combo box or option group (which I'm not sure of how to do in a report). Then, I want to view the employees within that department sorted first by whether or not the Needs_Work check box is selected, and then by how many of their competencies are unchecked.

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Sorting Of Query In Subform Doesn't Happen

Nov 6, 2006


I have a query for a subform which is displayed in datasheet mode (see attachment). I've created a form based on a query and used it as a subform.
The "casenumbers" per clients are displayed from 1 and upwards, I would like to have them sorted Descending. So in the query I sorted them that way. When I run the query they are displayed in descending order. When I open the subform based on that query however it is not. I can sort descending anyway by clicking the column on which I want to sort and do it that way, but that becomes bothersome and it doesn't need to be that way.

Record source is ok:
SELECT KlantNAW.ClientNumber, CaseInfoTable.Casenumber, CaseInfoTable.DateInitialCall, CaseInfoTable.DateCaseCreation, CaseInfoTable.CaseAccepted, CaseInfoTable.[1stAppointmentDate], CaseInfoTable.DateCaseClosed, CaseInfoTable.About1 FROM KlantNAW INNER JOIN CaseInfoTable ON KlantNAW.ClientNumber=CaseInfoTable.ClientNumber;

Order by:
Casenumber DESC

I thought, well, lets create a new form based on the query to see if that changes anything, maybe I've changed something I shouldn't have.

But nope, same result.

How can make the form sort descending in datasheet mode?

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Forms :: Sorting Records In A Form (subform)

Jan 7, 2015

How to sort entered records in a subform by combo box. Notice combo box has integer value not text. I want to bo sroted by text visibled ASC. The code must be in Command control SORT (See pict enclosed)

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Forms :: Sorting (DATE) Field In A Subform?

Feb 21, 2014

I have a subform which tracks all the notes our personnel have entered in a specific project (which is the main form).

The issue is that I want the most current note to show in the subform when the project is "opened up". The underlying query for the subform has the [DATE] field sorted on "Descending".

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Forms :: Sorting Multiple Fields On A Continuous Subform

Feb 10, 2015

I'm trying to use the following code to programmatically sort four fields on the continous subform:

Me.SPlanChange_03_OFFSET.Form.OrderByOn = True

It appears that the code works partially - the values in the "AOBJ" field are as they be and so are the values in "AVAILABLE" field. The values in the "ORG" and "AGFND" fields will not sort.

Is what I'm trying to do even possible?

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Sum Specific Values On Subform And Place Result On Another Subform

Jan 10, 2015

The forms in the code are subforms on a TabControl on a main form.

I have this code which needs to add together only the areas [Area] of records with a FloorNumber field value of 1 or 2 or 3 or 4.

At the moment the code works for one entry of 1 in the form frmRoomDetails. I'm guessing i need For Next or something like that but i don't know and also unsure of how to code it.

Private Sub FloorNumber_AfterUpdate()
If [Forms]![frmSiteDetails]![frmRoomDetails].[Form]![FloorNumber] = 1 Then
[Forms]![frmSiteDetails]![frmFloorsDetails].[Form]![Text8].Value = [Forms]![frmSiteDetails]![frmRoomDetails].[Form]![Area]
End If
End Sub

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Sorting Values Into Groups Or "buckets"

Sep 15, 2005

I have a large data set with values ranging from 1-25,000. I would like to be able to calculate how many entries there are in each increment of 10 (1-10, 10-20, etc.), then perform the same query for each increment of 100.
Any ideas?

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Modules & VBA :: Passing All Values From Subform To Another Subform

May 26, 2015

I know how to use openargs to pass values between forms but im not sure how to go about passing all the values from one subform to another.

To be specific I have an order form (frmCustomerOrders) that has fields like CustomerName, EmployeeName, OrderDate and so forth, the subform (frmCustomerOrdersSubform) contains information on the Products the customer is ordering which usually has multiple records with fields like ProductName, PartNumber, Quantity and ItemNumber. I want to pass the values from the CustomerOrdersSubform form to another subform (TransferSubform) My initial thought was to use something like the openform command through openargs but im not sure if that will work or if there is another method I should use.

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Sorting A Table, Apply The Sorting To A Form

Mar 10, 2006

Hi all.
I've created a database which contains information about stores. I want to have the forms automaticly sorted by the department number.
I've tried to sort the table by department, but when I try to add a department, the sorting doesn't seem to affect the form at all.

Lets say I have department 1,2,3,6,7,8 in the form, and I add department 4, it will be the last post in the form. I want it to be the fourth, and so on..

I'd apreciate some help with this :) Thanks

Here's the database (

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Sort Not Working (Ascending)

Feb 24, 2005

Goodday All

I am having a bit of a problem with one of my tables. I am using VBA code to add data to one of my tables, my problem is that even when I manually sort the table, it still gives me problem.

For example, I have a table that stores mobile numbers by year and month. I manually sort it by year- Ascending, but it still gives me this jumbled up table. I even tried writing a query to pull out the data and set the Sort by ascending and yet still it gives me this. What am I doing wrong?

MobileNo YearMonthRental Fees

Thanx for all the help

Kind Regards

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Sort Query Ascending

Aug 15, 2006

I have query that uses the following forumla "Team HCP2: ([Member Frt HCP]+[Member Back HCP]+[Guest Frt HCP]+[Guest Back HCP])/2" to calculate team handicaps. The formula performs as I need it to but when I try to check the sort box to sort "Ascending" it asks for a parameter.

All I want to do is run the query and have the results of the calculation field sort the column of results in a ascending order. All non calculated fields in the query are sortable by using the sort by ascending feature in the design mode.

Best regards,


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Jumping Of Autonumber In A Non Ascending Order

Jan 5, 2005


I have a simple invoice database with a primary key in the main table (with autonumber as invoice no.) and a subform with the item details which is without a primary key with the data type as numbers. In addition, I had the tables linked as one to many relationship. What happen is that when I am entering the data, the number jumps . For eg: It was suppose to be 7123 but the next entry was 7150. Pls kindly advice.

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Ascending E Descending Order Of A Table.

Jan 4, 2006

Happy new year everyone.

I have a table in which the data input comes from a dropdown list selected in a form combo box as:

contract signed
PIN issued
PDD issued
validation finished
Host country approval
EB approved
CER's issued.

I am designing a report in which I want to display the above list in Ascending or Descending order but as shown rather than alphabetically.
What I mean is no matter how the information is on the table the report showd display it in Ascending as contract signed, PIN issued, etc and in Descending as CER's issued, EB approved, Host country approval , etc.

Any ideas?

Thank you


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Access 2000 Ascending Sort

Nov 3, 2006


I have a database of about 2300 entries and new ones are continually being added. However they are not always in numberical sequence, (eg. 604, 605, 606 etc.) sometimes they will be new revisions on an old number, (eg. 345R3, 604R1 etc)

I have noticed that in Access 2000, when you attempt to sort the numbers in to a numerical sequence, they dont always do it, they will go by the first number (eg. 1, 10, 100, 101 etc) How can i get it to go into a correct sequence (eg. 1, 1R1, 2, 3, 4 etc)??????

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